2005-04-30, 14:47
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running a pre-amp with a head
anyone have much experience running a pre-amp with a head? Like bypassing your heads pre-amp section and running a seperate pre-amps line out to your heads effects loop return. Just curious if anyone does this or has done it and how well it worked or sounded.
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2005-04-30, 14:50
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
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2005-04-30, 14:51
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I do this with my Peavey Rockmaster Preamp. I take the preamp out and plug it into my Musicman RD-100's effects return and it sounds great. You wont get as much volume as if you just used the heads preamp but your ears should be bleeding by the time you get to those levels  .
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2005-04-30, 14:53
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I seem to remember xdx saying that you get a combination of the tone of the external preamp, and the tone from the tubes in your head (your Framus Cobra?). I know that a lot of POD users do that, and i will be doing it when i get a head. It should sound good, as long as the preamp is good 

2005-04-30, 15:01
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What preamp do you want to run through your Framus?
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2005-04-30, 15:05
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Originally Posted by BLS
What preamp do you want to run through your Framus?
Im thinking of trying to run a ENGL 580, just curious how well it would work in this situation and how it will sound, the same as running into a poweramp?
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2005-04-30, 15:08
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My only gripe about the Framus is to get the gain I want I use a Maxon OD808, it sounds great but turns into a noisy little bitch, even with my hush through the fx loop.
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2005-04-30, 15:08
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-04-30, 15:56
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you can run run the e580 through the framus. just plug it into the fx loop return and adjust your levels... but if you still wanted to use the preamp of the framus you'd need to buy a switching system.
+1 to bls for the decimator. the only other noise suppressor i've found to rival the decimator is the rocktron guitar silencer(not any sort of "hush") and it's in the same price range and works in a pretty different way..
the hush super C is more of a gate than a noise reducer to me... i used to have one. it worked good for before the preamp gating, but it's worthless against operation noise.
the decimator pro rack G works in a cool way. you can use one side before the preamp, and the other side in your fx loop. but the fx loop one is on the same sensitivity as the pre preamp side.. so when the pre preamp side closes, the fx loop one does too...
the reason this is nice is because most noise gates in fx loops need to be used at extreme settings because all the operation noise keeps the gate open. which can suck tone bad, and totally wrecks clean sounds.
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2005-04-30, 16:32
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That rocktron guitar silencer isen't made anymore is it? Isen't that the one EVH uses?
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-30, 22:20
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
+1 to bls for the decimator.
Could you be more specific, or bother writing a review? Is it also good against pickup buzz? Also, is the pedal the same quality as the rack unit (minus the extra channel of course)?

2005-05-01, 02:28
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Originally Posted by void
Could you be more specific, or bother writing a review? Is it also good against pickup buzz? Also, is the pedal the same quality as the rack unit (minus the extra channel of course)?
i'm not going to write a review, as i do not have one at my disposal to tinker with... besides you can go to their website or harmony central for descriptions.
the pro rack G is a bit different from the pedal.. basically the same circuitry as a pair of the pedals, except one side is line level to be ran into the fx loop
Originally Posted by BLS
That rocktron guitar silencer isen't made anymore is it? Isen't that the one EVH uses?
i don't think the rocktron guitar silencers are a current steady line... and i rarely see them used. but they make the hush's look like toys.
the rgs is way complex though. several knobs rather than 1 or two. giving tons of flexibility.
it's not what evh uses. evh uses a pair of rockman smartgates (one for fx loop and one before the preamp)... it's a halfspace rack unit. it's the unit the mxr smartgate pedal was based off of.
smartgates arent to shabby either.
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2005-05-01, 02:57
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i'm not going to write a review, as i do not have one at my disposal to tinker with... besides you can go to their website or harmony central for descriptions.
I've already read the website description, and for obvious reasons don't trust HC reviews much. I need someone's (preferably a "gear geek's(!)") word who's had enough experience to give an unbiased opinion.
Anyway since you say it's good it must be good. I'll probably consider buying it as soon as I have spare cash.

2005-05-01, 03:00
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Its the best you can get IMO...
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-05-01, 03:07
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if you buy one, i doubt you'll be dissapointed... and if for some reason you're not satisfied. it'll probably have a return policy and or really high resale.
it's subjective as to what "the best" is, but if the decimator isnt totally superior to "X" brand noise gate... it's going to at least be stiff competition.
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2005-05-01, 03:21
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Thanks guys.

2005-05-01, 03:24
Pirate Lawd
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Hells yeah, I would put my life on this thing. ISP is the shit. I'm glad I got one before they jack the price. It is so simple that any retard could use it. I only have to readjust it when I use my 7 string with passive pups as it makes a bit more noise. I have 2 points maked on the pedal to make it fast for me. It fucking rocks at any volume. I will use it forever. It is better than anything I have ever used.

2005-05-01, 03:28
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Yep, for metal is cant be beat, the gates is SO fast its amazing.. opens and closes so quick. It has little to no tone suckage, and dosent cut your notes off.
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"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-05-01, 03:34
Pirate Lawd
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It also seems to know when you don't want it to close the gate either. It is magic dude. Fucking amazing. Jesus must be controling it... or Satan... what ever you believe.
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2005-05-01, 20:59
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while we're on the discussion of noise suppressors... i just came across this little bad boy.. it's a dual channel rack smartgate, it's even footswitchable
it's custom shop though...
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