2005-04-15, 11:20
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Fleet, England
Posts: 233
Problem with Marshall AVT275
I've had this amp for several years now, and only since last September have I been gigging with it. Recently, it's started to make a horrible 'pop' sound whenever I switch between OD2 and Clean; the only way I've found to get rid of this is to reduce the gain on that channel substantially, which defeats the object of using that channel in the first place
My first thoughts were that it could be the footswitch (I lost the original one at the end of January and have since acquired a replacement), but the same problem arose when I switched between channels on the amp itself. Could it be that one of the tubes is on it's way out, since I've not replaced them in the whole time I've had the amp?