2005-04-13, 13:44
New Blood
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MT-2 Metal Zone Pedal problem!!
hi there...i have a Metal Zone pedal..is really good but i have one big damn problem...  the pedal gimme A LOT OF FEEDBACK!!.  .actually i dont if it is feedback....is more like a "Buzz sound"...specially when im not playing my guitar...i have to mute the guitar but still you can hear that damn sound...i tried a lot of amps with my pedal and is always the same problem...the only amp i remember that i dont have that problem was...5150 i guess...but the rest is a really pain in the ass...  i thought maybe was the amp..but i saw some post on internet of people that have the same problem with the metal zone pedal.....is like a "Buzz Sound"...i thought to get rid of my pedal..but i know is a good pedal..so i dont know if somebody have the same problem but have some advice can tell me please so i can fix it...or maybe some settings for the "knobs pedal"...i play black metal...i have a "Spider 2 2x12"...and i have the problem with that amp too..i used my pedal on the "clean channel of the amp"....idont know what to do...thanks...
'The Darkside Of The Miirror Always Threw Our Malice Back"

2005-04-13, 14:17
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I think the distortion coming out of the spider II 2x12" is better than the metal zone. But if you wanna use the metal zone without the buzz maybe you could try a noise supressor.
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2005-04-13, 14:34
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1. check cable
2. check earthing
3. get the circuitry checked
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2005-04-13, 14:45
New Blood
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i did that...and the weird thing that i saw some coments about the same problem that i have with my pedal on internet...so i dont know if there is some problem that the pedal have or maybe the seetings that im using...but im pretty sure that more peolpe have the same problem that i have
'The Darkside Of The Miirror Always Threw Our Malice Back"

2005-04-13, 14:47
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Stop playing Black Metal.

2005-04-13, 16:00
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Originally Posted by obrien20
Stop playing Black Metal.
that's gonna help him -_-
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2005-04-13, 16:09
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Originally Posted by Six_Feet_Under_420
I think the distortion coming out of the spider II 2x12" is better than the metal zone.
Exactly. Try using the distortion your amplifier already has.

2005-04-13, 17:43
Supreme Metalhead
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It's worse when you're not playing or specifically when you are not touching the guitar strings? If your guitar's bridge is not grounded you will have that problem for sure. Any high gain distortion like the Metal Zone will be noisy regardless and you need a noise gate on your setup to get rid of that.

2005-04-13, 18:02
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Originally Posted by Dommiel
.actually i dont if it is feedback
It could be your guitar; what are you playing? If it's a cheap piece of shite, the electronics are likely to be poor and susceptible to all kinds of noise, electromagnetic and acoustic. Also, if you have shoddy cables, they can generate noise just by moving them
When running high gain, you should always try an minimise as much noise as possible between your guitar and your amp/pedal, since any unwanted signal will also be boosted. Use good electronics (PUs, knobs, wiring etc), good cables, put a noise supressor before your overdrive and make sure your equipment is earthed properly; doing this should keep unwanted noise to a minimum.

2005-04-13, 18:20
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do u use a humbucker or a singlecoil??
cuz humbuckers give less noise.
but its true what (sumone up there) said, a mtzone is noise, i use 1 to and i havwe the same think, so i just turn it of when im not playing.
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-04-13, 19:30
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If you're playing your guitar, and theres a tv, or a CRT monitor thats on too, switch that off, they produce so much electrical noise its unreal, and flourescent lights too. Rolling the tone off on your guitar tends too help, but obviously you'll sacrifice tone then 

2005-04-13, 22:19
New Blood
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Posts: 16
Originally Posted by Kylito
It's worse when you're not playing or specifically when you are not touching the guitar strings? If your guitar's bridge is not grounded you will have that problem for sure. Any high gain distortion like the Metal Zone will be noisy regardless and you need a noise gate on your setup to get rid of that.
when i dont touch the strings or i mute the strings...you cna hear that damn "buzz" feedback sound...i dont think that is my guitar cause I SAW MORE MESSAGES of people that have the same problem with the metal zone pedal on internet...
 how can i know if my guitar is grounded??.. ihave 2 guitars a ibanez rg series( my first guitar  and a bc rich "beast" nj series...(cool look)... 
'The Darkside Of The Miirror Always Threw Our Malice Back"
Last edited by Dommiel : 2005-04-13 at 22:22.

2005-04-13, 22:48
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Dommiel
when i dont touch the strings or i mute the strings...you cna hear that damn "buzz" feedback sound...i dont think that is my guitar cause I SAW MORE MESSAGES of people that have the same problem with the metal zone pedal on internet...
 how can i know if my guitar is grounded??.. ihave 2 guitars a ibanez rg series( my first guitar  and a bc rich "beast" nj series...(cool look)... 
If the noise is the same when muting the strings as not touching them, then you're guitar is probably OK. Especially if both guitars are the same. Just so you know, there should be a wire underneath your bridge or connected to something metal in the bridge system that is then connected to the ground side of your output jack. It is common for people to mess with their guitar and forget or not know enough to put this wire back under the bridge to ensure ground contact and then your strings will act like a big noise antenna.
As stated already, any solid state mega fuzz/distortion product will buzz to some degree due to the large amount of gain and also because of shot noise and requires a noise gate to squelch the noise. This is another reason that tube amp distortion is superior.
If it is really noisy with both guitars then you might be overdriving or mismatching the input of your amp.

2005-04-13, 23:08
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I get a fair amount of humming from my amp, but thats probably 90% due to the fact that my guitar is about 2 feet from my computer monitor when I'm playing.
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2005-04-14, 13:15
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
keep other electronic devices off if you can
check the wiring
if all else fails, just turn the pedal off when you're not playing 
also, you could get a noise suppressor.

2005-04-19, 01:43
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 290
The problem most probably is your guitar strings not the amp. A lot of people complained about these problems when their strings get worn out and rusty especially whan you use distortion. Or maybe there is something wrong with your guitar. Be sure to change your whole set of strings once a month. Some people even ruined there guitar completely by keeping there string on their guitar for so long that when it rusted it went to the bridge thus wrecking the sound of their guitar. Try changing your strings, and after every use clean them. If you are not going to use the guitar for a long period of time wipe the strings with a little bit of oil.

2005-04-19, 04:38
Supreme Metalhead
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Doesn't the spider II have a noise gate on it already? I thought i remember reading something like that on the line6 website. Plus imo i'd say the spider II distortion is better than the metalzone.

2005-04-19, 06:44
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Problems List -
1. You own a Metalzone
2. Dont use a Metalzone
3.Rinse and Repeat

2005-04-19, 09:08
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Originally Posted by Schizoid
The problem most probably is your guitar strings not the amp. A lot of people complained about these problems when their strings get worn out and rusty especially whan you use distortion. Or maybe there is something wrong with your guitar. Be sure to change your whole set of strings once a month. Some people even ruined there guitar completely by keeping there string on their guitar for so long that when it rusted it went to the bridge thus wrecking the sound of their guitar. Try changing your strings, and after every use clean them. If you are not going to use the guitar for a long period of time wipe the strings with a little bit of oil.
Old strings has absolutely nothing to do with signal noise and earthing problems

2005-04-19, 11:16
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 290
I'm not there physically seeing what his problem is. I had a buzzing problem and I thought it was due to some electromagnetic interference with all my equipment with close proximity. Than later I thought it was the grounding problem, but my house is already grounded, than the last thing I thought was maybe it was that my string were really old. So than I tried switching to a newer and better quality strings (D'addraois) and it took the buzzing from my guitar completely.

2005-04-21, 04:38
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I own a Metal Zone. It rules. It does, however, create buzzing and feedback. This, however, varies depending on my settings. At my current settings, I got my guitar sounding really badass, pumping out a shitload of gain. I get a lot of feedback and shit at really high volumes, but at regular volumes, it's okay. Just fuck with your settings, is all it is. You have two knobs for mids, and they have that little outer rim around them you can turn too. Just fuck around with them, and it should take care of your problem pretty easy. BTW, my noise problem is just regular feedback shit that you get from a lot of distortion when you're not playing. When I turn the Volume knob all the way down, this is taken care of.
It is perfectly normal to get buzzing and shit when using distortion, even if your guitar volume is turned all the way down. However, if you're getting screaming feedback in this situation, than I don't know what the problem is, but there certainly is one.

2005-04-24, 00:37
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i have an ibanez RG, and i run it through a digitech deathmetal. it buzzes like a bitch, and there is no way to get rid of it. the only time i got close to silencing the buzz is when i used a guitar with active pickups... in a room with no lights or power outlets. If you want to kill it in between songs in a gig... just turn off your volume knob.
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2005-04-24, 05:09
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Originally Posted by the_bleeding
i have an ibanez RG, and i run it through a digitech deathmetal. it buzzes like a bitch, and there is no way to get rid of it. the only time i got close to silencing the buzz is when i used a guitar with active pickups... in a room with no lights or power outlets. If you want to kill it in between songs in a gig... just turn off your volume knob.
two choices:
1. the "band aid" fix... a noise suppressor
2. ditch the peice of shit and buy something of quality.
or both would be ideal...
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2005-04-25, 14:38
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Originally Posted by Schizoid
So than I tried switching to a newer and better quality strings (D'addraois) and it took the buzzing from my guitar completely.
OHHH, so, that was the problem... 

2005-04-26, 02:44
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by obrien20
OHHH, so, that was the problem... 
(He's probably got a loose ground wire at the bridge and inadvertently fixed the problem while changing his strings and getting  )

2005-04-26, 19:25
New Blood
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Go to www.bossus.com and download the pdf for the MT-2 which may or may not help you find the sound you want out of it anyway. Cause like most said, it may be your gain. It could also be your cable quality. Whether your rig is grounded or not won't make any difference if you have cables with bad insulation. And check your electronics, too. Like mixers or whetever else you're using. I've had my MT-2 for almost a decade and only just recently replaced it with the GT-6, but that bastard kept pounding like it was the first day.
Do I have a problem with alcohol? No, I have a problem without it.
Originally Posted by shimbolla
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