2005-04-06, 18:14
Senior Metalhead
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Transtube, Valvetronix: better than standard SS?
Anybody using a Peavey Transtube or Vox Valvetronix? Do they give better sound than a standard solid state? (not expecting true tube sound, obviously)

2005-04-06, 18:30
Senior Metalhead
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My Supreme (Old school style, not the new gay ones) by Peavey is reasonably good tone for a Solid State, its damn reliable, built like a fucking Panzer Tank.
- you suck and your stupid
- Rise of Elitism: Yes the bands you like are gay
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
it was too hifi for me...
it's like a hot chick that is horrible in bed.

2005-04-06, 19:40
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there aint many panzers left lol 
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2005-04-06, 23:06
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I appreciate your nostalgia.. but neither of those posts help me =\

2005-04-07, 10:51
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Why don't you try them out ?
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+

2005-04-07, 14:12
Senior Metalhead
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because i am still a beginner.. maybe an advanced beginner, but a beginner nonetheless, and my playing gets about 10 times worse when i feel like anyone is watching/listening. so going in and trying them out is kind of out of the question. maybe i need to have a few beers first, then head over to guitar center heh  (i can't believe i just used that lame icon..)

2005-04-07, 18:31
Senior Metalhead
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Ok let me put it this way...
A Peavey Supreme Trans Tube head is 200 dollars used... you being a beginner would be making a good investment in a Peavey Supreme head and Peavey 412ms cab
thats 400 between them...
My review of Valvetronix: They are ok but id go with an old school Peavey trans tube before the valvetronix because Vox is not really Metal or anything and if you try playing Death metal with it... Well id laugh in your face, but i have never heard the exact Vox you want so, in my synapsis of Vox's if i am wrong then so be it...
ALSO try them out, dont pay attention to what people say, no one is going to say you suck to your face unless you really suck... which i am sure is not the case
- you suck and your stupid
- Rise of Elitism: Yes the bands you like are gay
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
it was too hifi for me...
it's like a hot chick that is horrible in bed.

2005-04-07, 21:42
Senior Metalhead
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thanks for the info, Myrmidon.. i can't go head & cab because portability is a must. if it weren't, i would absolutely drop the extra money on components. you are not the first to say that vox is no good for metal, and so i am pretty much convinced by now that the vox is out. unless the people at guitar center can hypnotize me, it's gonna be the cube.
i am still slightly considering the Peavey transtube 110 since it has 40w, but the general opinion is that nothing beats the cube in the price/power range.

2005-04-08, 10:45
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Make certain that you try out a Tech 21 practice amplifier.

2005-04-08, 18:53
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transtube, i know, is Peaveys SS amps that are voiced/have preamps to sound like tubes. Like crates Flexwave 5 preamp. Peavey just put the word Tube in there so guitar noobies would look at it and think they're getting a tube amp 
This is my signature.

2005-04-10, 03:20
Senior Metalhead
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maybe so, but i think anyone who does even a half-ass bit of research on all of these different models of so-called hybrid amps will find out that they are SS, with maybe one tube in the pre-amp. people with tube amps get all bent out of shape and distracted by the face that the transtube and valvetronix and other amps like them are trying to use the word tube (or valve, for the brits). all i wanted to know was if they had any advantage at all to a run-of-the-mill SS.
anyway, i said fuck it and went with what i originally wanted.. the Cube 30.. and i love it. the question is, what the hell am i gonna do with my pedals now? i suppose i can keep them for creating an ultra-distorted sound, but those stack emulations on the cube sound so damn good. thanks for everyone's insight.
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