2005-04-04, 17:41
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what should I get?
jejejeje one more of these threads.
ok, so, I just got rich. I've got about $2500 us dollars.
I don't want to spend all of it thoug, I'de like to spend not much more than $1500 because things that cost $1000 in the us cost about $1.607 here
So, a new amp? new pickups? pedals?
An engl or some other not well known brand is pretty much not an option because I can't buy that here and I'de rather not import an amp 'cause thats pretty expensive and if I'de order it from the us I'd need something to
change something I don't know jackshit about.
I think amp brands that it would be the esiest for me to get would be something from marshall, peavey, crate, orange, line 6, fender, vox or behringer.
I'm probably gonna go test as many as I can next weekend or sometime soon but I'de like to know you're opinions anyway.
I've got duncan designed pickups in my guitar... I was thinking about ordering some new ones of music123 after I've tried some out soon. Without having tested it I think I'd like Seymore Duncan Jazz/JB set or somthing like that.
But that brings me to another question, will passive pickups sound good in a Jackson RX10D 'cause it's not exacly some quialty wood or something?
Will some pedals like a Boss DS1 and Boss Super Overdrive make me happy?
But like I say I am gonna go and test as much as I can as soon as I can. I might even end up getting nothing at all and just save the money untill I get even more money 
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2005-04-04, 19:04
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If you want a nice half stack, then you can get a crate half stack pretty cheap, and have it sound pretty good.
the RX10D is alder, I believe, and thats a decent tone wood. I like it. Passives sound decent in them. I wouldnt worry about that.
you could probably get a custom Ran!
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2005-04-04, 19:06
Master Killer
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get a good guitar.
maybe even invest in a gibson les paul custom 

2005-04-04, 20:37
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how good do your cleans need to be?
if they don't need to be all that.. i say look into marshall or peavey. or an orange rockerverb if you can find and afford one.
crate has the blue voodoos which are pretty nice. and line 6 has the hd147 and vetta's as their good amps. behringer just sucks for guitar equipment..
with vox and fender... not exactly made for metal.
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2005-04-04, 21:54
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ohh yea I forgot to say I'm looking for kind of a dimebag/randy rhoads-ish tone, kind of thras metal/hard rock tone.
I'de like the cleans to be usable but don't have to be anything special thoug.
what marshalls are some good ones? I've heard that the AVT siries is total shit? what about the mt's?
EDIT: ohh yea and I don't think I need a new guitar just jet. I like the one I currently have 
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell
Last edited by ManOwaR : 2005-04-04 at 22:06.

2005-04-04, 23:29
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Randy/Dimebag, those are two very different tones. Randy used set-neck and thru-neck guitars w/ seymours in his Jackson and Dimarzio's in his polka dot. I think he used like a Marshall '59 Plexi head or something. Stuff on Randy's equip is somewhat explained here.

2005-04-05, 05:55
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Originally Posted by ManOwaR
ohh yea I forgot to say I'm looking for kind of a dimebag/randy rhoads-ish tone, kind of thras metal/hard rock tone.
I'de like the cleans to be usable but don't have to be anything special thoug.
what marshalls are some good ones? I've heard that the AVT siries is total shit? what about the mt's?
i've found all tube marshalls i like, and all s.s. or valve ones i don't like.... except the mode four, i admit i do like that amp... but not as much as a ton of other amps in the same price range(or cheaper).
i would suggest the 5150's/6505's, good high gain tone, nice price tag, but the cleans arent exactly fenderish if you know what i mean. but they're usable.
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2005-04-05, 14:01
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Posts: 79
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i've found all tube marshalls i like, and all s.s. or valve ones i don't like.... except the mode four, i admit i do like that amp... but not as much as a ton of other amps in the same price range(or cheaper).
"Valve ones"? What do you mean? "Valve" is just the British term for tube. The commercial term "Valvestate" they've been using for their hybrid amps is a mixture of "valve" and "solid-state".

2005-04-05, 14:51
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Originally Posted by void
"Valve ones"? What do you mean? "Valve" is just the British term for tube. The commercial term "Valvestate" they've been using for their hybrid amps is a mixture of "valve" and "solid-state".
like my old jmp-1 was a "valve" preamp, it had two preamp tubes... but the signal wasn't completely "tube" driven. and in the marshall hyybrid amps... only a "valve" preamp, even though it's not a true tube signal either. and then the power section is solid state.
i guess i should have said hybrid, as to not confuse anyone.
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2005-04-05, 15:11
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 79
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
like my old jmp-1 was a "valve" preamp, it had two preamp tubes... but the signal wasn't completely "tube" driven. and in the marshall hyybrid amps... only a "valve" preamp, even though it's not a true tube signal either. and then the power section is solid state.
i guess i should have said hybrid, as to not confuse anyone.
Marketing solid-state amps with the term "tube" (or valve for that matter) all over the place is just an old marketing trick. Many amp manufacturers do it (Peavey Transtube series, Roland TubeLogic technology, Vox Valvetronix, Marshall Valvestate, etc). The point is, "valve" is just the British term for "tube" and has nothing to do with the hype. If you visit the Marshall website you will notice that they refer to all JCM's as valve amps. Same goes for VOX (for their AC30's).

2005-04-05, 18:49
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anyone tried the Trace Elliot Super Tamp Head 80w head? there is a guy selling it used with a 4x12" cab. Is it any good and what would that go for along used with the cab?
I also just emailed the store that has sells peavey about how much the 5150's/6505's costs here
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2005-04-05, 18:54
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by void
Marketing solid-state amps with the term "tube" (or valve for that matter) all over the place is just an old marketing trick. Many amp manufacturers do it (Peavey Transtube series, Roland TubeLogic technology, Vox Valvetronix, Marshall Valvestate, etc). The point is, "valve" is just the British term for "tube" and has nothing to do with the hype. If you visit the Marshall website you will notice that they refer to all JCM's as valve amps. Same goes for VOX (for their AC30's).
So? Corporations get rich over confused amp buyers.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-04-05, 19:13
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 79
So nothing. I was only trying to correct a misconception of the usage/meaning of the term "valve" which some American mebers of this forum seem to have.

2005-04-05, 19:42
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Originally Posted by void
Marketing solid-state amps with the term "tube" (or valve for that matter) all over the place is just an old marketing trick. Many amp manufacturers do it (Peavey Transtube series, Roland TubeLogic technology, Vox Valvetronix, Marshall Valvestate, etc).
oh really, i never knew that.. you're sooo smart.
Originally Posted by void
The point is, "valve" is just the British term for "tube" and has nothing to do with the hype. If you visit the Marshall website you will notice that they refer to all JCM's as valve amps. Same goes for VOX (for their AC30's).
they also reffer to the jmp-1 as a valve preamp.. because it has "tubes/valves" in it. same with the avt's and mode four preamp sections.. they call them "valve". even though it's not a true all "valve" signal.
i'm pretty much saying that mg's and avt's suck.
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2005-04-05, 21:21
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
oh really, i never knew that.. you're sooo smart. 
Is that supposed to be funny? I was pointing out the fact that the same way Marshall uses the term valve-something to sell their solid-state material, American manufacturers may as well do the same thing with the term tube. Not that you don't know about the marketing trick itself.
And by the way, information does not make one "smart".
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
they also reffer to the jmp-1 as a valve preamp.. because it has "tubes/valves" in it. same with the avt's and mode four preamp sections.. they call them "valve". even though it's not a true all "valve" signal.
I admit I don't know much about the jmp-1, but from the little I've heard (correct me if I'm wrong) it does diode clipping. There's a difference between that (a pretty much tube driven unit with a few solid-state parts in the signal path) and putting one 12ax7 in the preamp section of a solide-state amp and selling it as a "half-tube" unit. Therefore, an American company would as well sell jmp-1 as a "tube preamp", so back to the main point: whatever marketing tricks companies use, valve is the British equivalen for tube, so when referring to bastardized SS units please refrain from using the term "valve" in the place of "hybrid" so no-one will be confused.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i'm pretty much saying that mg's and avt's suck.
I agree, they do suck.

2005-04-06, 00:42
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Originally Posted by void
Is that supposed to be funny? I was pointing out the fact that the same way Marshall uses the term valve-something to sell their solid-state material, American manufacturers may as well do the same thing with the term tube. Not that you don't know about the marketing trick itself.
And by the way, information does not make one "smart".
calm it down a little man, don't get defensive. you just barely came on to this board, with know it all attitude and stating obvious information.. i thought it was funny so i was just giving you shit.. no need to take offense or keep up with the "and by the way, _____blah blah, useless statement, blah blah..."
Originally Posted by void
I admit I don't know much about the jmp-1, but from the little I've heard (correct me if I'm wrong) it does diode clipping. There's a difference between that (a pretty much tube driven unit with a few solid-state parts in the signal path) and putting one 12ax7 in the preamp section of a solide-state amp and selling it as a "half-tube" unit. Therefore, an American company would as well sell jmp-1 as a "tube preamp", so back to the main point: whatever marketing tricks companies use, valve is the British equivalen for tube, so when referring to bastardized SS units please refrain from using the term "valve" in the place of "hybrid" so no-one will be confused.
yes the jmp-1 uses diodes for some distortion... one tube as a buffer, and the other for gain.. it's kinda like using a boost pedal in front of a medium/low gain tube preamp. it just adds the extra grit.
regardless of how "true" the jmp-1 is, it sounds really good.
i was just stating in "marshall terms." what is commonly considered "hybrid" and i already stated a few comments back that i should have been more "direct" or rephrased the statement so the easily confused could understand..
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2005-04-06, 01:41
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 79
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
calm it down a little man, don't get defensive. you just barely came on to this board, with know it all attitude and stating obvious information.. i thought it was funny so i was just giving you shit.. no need to take offense or keep up with the "and by the way, _____blah blah, useless statement, blah blah..." 
First, I don't want to fit in the club mentality most internet forums have, so I couldn't care less about anybody's registration date or attitude, I'd rather stick to the facts. Frankly, I've been reading here for quite a while and so far you've been my favourite member here (yeah I know it's paradoxical to what I just said - but whatever). Your posts have been the ones I've digged the most info from here, so I like you and don't feel a bit good about having an argument with you.
Second, that "useless statement" is still an important fact (at least for me) since many people assume having more information memorized make them look smarter (not pointed to you).
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i was just stating in "marshall terms." what is commonly considered "hybrid" and i already stated a few comments back that i should have been more "direct" or rephrased the statement so the easily confused could understand..
And all I was saying was that it wasn't even a Marshall term, that usage of the word valve wasn't even loose, it was totally wrong and even though you're aware of all this, it might confuse newbies. But then you already know that so the case closed.

2005-04-06, 02:47
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2005-04-06, 03:25
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OOh thuch a feisty one we've got here, how cute.

2005-04-06, 09:17
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
OOh thuch a feisty one we've got here, how cute.
Can I keep him mommy? Please? Pretty pretty please?
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-04-10, 12:31
Join Date: Aug 2004
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So, I just went and tried out a lot of guitars and basses and amps and stuff, and I fell in love  with a white Gibson Explorer and a Marshall JCM2000 head and some marshall cab that I don't know... fucking awsome tone  kinda damn expensive thoug...
I didn't get a chance to try a Marshall valvestate 8100 but there is a guy selling it at a pretty good price, is it any good?
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell
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