2005-03-28, 19:25
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two 2x12" or one 4x12"?
I want to run two amps at the same time (switching the inputs), but which would be better, run 2 2x12"s in mono, or a 4x12" in stereo? Any advice for cab choice too?

2005-03-28, 19:30
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I don't know much about that. But with the cab question I can help maybe. I personally like mesa boogie cabs. But their quite expensive. The 1960 modell marshall cab sounds good too.
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2005-03-28, 19:32
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a 4x12, better bass repsonse. what amps are you gonna run?
I've got a 1960b and it allready has a slightly better bass repsonse then the A version, though they're not so special they're pretty decent cabs.
if you've got enough to spend, get a cab with v30's in it.

2005-03-28, 19:47
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Well, im gonna have my Line6 POD going into a poweramp (not sure what yet), and a Laney VH100R (when i have enough money in a couple of weeks). The 1960's seem to be a fairly popular choice, so i guess i'll go for one of them, what kinda prices should i be looking at for them?

2005-03-28, 19:50
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I have no idea for how much they go in the UK man, over here I got one used for like 400 euro's. they 900 new here, but they're expensive over here in comparisson to the UK.

2005-03-28, 20:00
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sqol, I got my 1960b for around £230 off ebay. So you should be looking around the £170-£250 mark.
As an added bonus, I found it had GT-65's, which go for around £50 quid each apparently!

2005-03-28, 20:37
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there is something you can't beat from having to separate cabs...
two 2x12's will sound tighter in bass response and lower midrange. provided it's closed back.
have you considered a w/d/w rig?
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2005-03-28, 20:54
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tighter in bass response?? hell you won't have more deep end thats for sure, two 2x12 brunetti cabs with v30's sounded way thinner to me then a mesa v30 4x12 cab. both the same speakers so that told me a lot.
maybe the bass response will be tighter but in exchange you're losing a lot of low end, so it's no use, at all. I would definetly try out for yourself, a 4x12 just sounds way deeper, if you want the way in between, get a mesa half-open back cab with v30's and black shadows.
on another note, 2x12 cabs will cost you more then a single 4x12 (all used)

2005-03-28, 20:59
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
there is something you can't beat from having to separate cabs...
two 2x12's will sound tighter in bass response and lower midrange. provided it's closed back.
have you considered a w/d/w rig?
whats a w/d/w rig? (sorry if thats a majorly stupid question :P)

2005-03-28, 21:03
Pirate Lawd
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You could just get a 12x4 cab that is divided into to compartments. I can't remember who makes them, but it can be used in stereo or mono.

2005-03-28, 22:17
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do marshall make any cabs with vintage 30's in them?
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2005-03-28, 23:28
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Originally Posted by Mordor
do marshall make any cabs with vintage 30's in them?
yes... the mode four cabs come in two different models. a vintage 30 model and the 400w model with g12k-100's
they also have the 1960tv.
Originally Posted by sqol
whats a w/d/w rig? (sorry if thats a majorly stupid question :P)
you need at least 3 speakers(most w/d/w rigs have a 4x12 in the middle and then two 1x12's).
one speaker or speaker enclosure needs to be all dry signal. no fx or anything just the amp's sound.
one has to have a 100% mix of the left side(in stereo) fx mix.
the other has to have a 100% mix of the right side fx mix in stereo.
you could do it with two 2x12's(actually making it a w/d rig). have one just for your dry signal in mono and then the other has the left and right all "wet"(100% fx mix) signal in stereo.
so you'd go
guitar---> splitter====>
side A(wet side)---> pod===
-----left side--->left side of stereo poweramp--> left side of stereo cab.
----right side----> right side of stereo poweramp--> right side of stereo cab
side B(dry signal)---->laney vh100r---> mono input on other 2x12.
it seems complicated. but it sounds HUGE. very clear and lush.
Originally Posted by Def
tighter in bass response?? hell you won't have more deep end thats for sure, two 2x12 brunetti cabs with v30's sounded way thinner to me then a mesa v30 4x12 cab. both the same speakers so that told me a lot.
maybe the bass response will be tighter but in exchange you're losing a lot of low end, so it's no use, at all. I would definetly try out for yourself, a 4x12 just sounds way deeper, if you want the way in between, get a mesa half-open back cab with v30's and black shadows.
on another note, 2x12 cabs will cost you more then a single 4x12 (all used)
 i really, completely disagree...
comparing a pair 1936 marshall 2x12 to a 1960a 4x12. the dual 2x12 rig was way tighter and more low end.
same with dual orange 2x12's to one orange 4x12.
you just get the more isolated sound in stereo.
if you want really deep buy some ported cabs. like genz benz.
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
You could just get a 12x4 cab that is divided into to compartments. I can't remember who makes them, but it can be used in stereo or mono.
wow that's alot of fours.

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2005-03-29, 01:48
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My personal choice would be to run 2 2x12's in mono (bridged) then just save up for subs and another power amp, then run those. If your running through one mixer your gonna need a crossover. With what you have Id just bridge the 2x12s. An if your worried about the bass just get an eq.
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2005-03-29, 06:33
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
My personal choice would be to run 2 2x12's in mono (bridged) then just save up for subs and another power amp, then run those. If your running through one mixer your gonna need a crossover. With what you have Id just bridge the 2x12s. An if your worried about the bass just get an eq.
whoa whoa.. we're talking about guitar rigs here right, not a PA.. 
no need for subs, mixers, crossovers, ect..
if you can't get an insane amount of low end from dual 2x12's or a 4x12... something is wrong.
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2005-03-29, 07:31
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
they also have the 1960tv.
The 1960TV is filled with greenbacks, if I recall correctly. It is the 1960AV/BV that's got V30's.

2005-03-29, 09:17
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If you're switching between them, I would go with the 4x12.
-One piece of gear to move around
-You could set up a recording microphone to get them both equally
-You would have use of the full cabinet when you wanted it
-Cheaper for same quality
If you want to run both amps simultaneously for a stereo image then separate cabs, but even then I would personally get the 4x12 and save up for a second 4x12 later.

2005-03-29, 10:06
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
 i really, completely disagree...
comparing a pair 1936 marshall 2x12 to a 1960a 4x12. the dual 2x12 rig was way tighter and more low end.
same with dual orange 2x12's to one orange 4x12.
you just get the more isolated sound in stereo.
if you want really deep buy some ported cabs. like genz benz.
fine, disagree, but clean out your ears man, they're full of shit!
I suggest the guy should check out the difference himself and find out I'm right
it's not about isolated sound in stereo, it's pure reflection space and more speaker surface in a bigger space, I've compared 2x12's to 4x12's and there's no denying that if you heard it!
two speakers each in two cabs do NOT give the same bassresponce as a 4x12, maybe tighter depending on the rest of the config but definetly NOT more.
a mesa 4x12 slant allready sounds way deeper then their half-open back cabs, IMO, though the sound of the half open back ones is superior, I like the projected mid-range.
Orange cabs all sound way more bassy but I don't like them for modern hi-gain amps, same goes for Genz Benz, plus they look awfull.
If I'de get to pick any 4x12 cab it would probably be a Rivera or a VHT cab. those where the ones that sounded best to me, better then Bogner, Framus, Genz Benz, Engl, Marshall, 5150 cabs, you name it. shame they're extremely hard to find over here 

2005-03-29, 11:05
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i think im gonna go with xdx's idea of the wet/dry system, gonna get meself a marshall 1936, then get another when i've got enough money, i'll get another one, and a 1960b, and have the full w/d/w setup
cheers chaps!:P

2005-03-29, 17:10
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Originally Posted by void
The 1960TV is filled with greenbacks, if I recall correctly. It is the 1960AV/BV that's got V30's.
oh yeah, my bad. the AV not TV... i confused them.
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2005-03-29, 18:30
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Originally Posted by Def
fine, disagree, but clean out your ears man, they're full of shit!
I suggest the guy should check out the difference himself and find out I'm right
no way bro... i'm sticking by this.
Originally Posted by Def
it's not about isolated sound in stereo, it's pure reflection space and more speaker surface in a bigger space, I've compared 2x12's to 4x12's and there's no denying that if you heard it!
it is about the isolated sound man. having the left signal on the left and the right signal on the right. and being able to hear they're each coming from a different source.
we're talking about a stereo rig. and from personal experience... the best way to have a HUGE sound in stereo is to have two cabs.
trust me, i'm a rack nerd.
Originally Posted by Def
two speakers each in two cabs do NOT give the same bassresponce as a 4x12, maybe tighter depending on the rest of the config but definetly NOT more.
the thing you have to think about. dual 2x12's and single 4x12's... still four speakers, so you still move the same air. but with a 4x12 you have the big open sound of all four speakers in one box, where as with dual 2x12's, you have half the speakers in a box half that size, but you have it twice.
the most common result i find. you get the airy boom from 4x12's but the tight and thick bass from the 2x12's.
physics i guess, but that's the way it works bra.
Originally Posted by Def
a mesa 4x12 slant allready sounds way deeper then their half-open back cabs, IMO, though the sound of the half open back ones is superior, I like the projected mid-range.
agreed, but that's because their open back cabs.. totally different realms in how the air moves.
check out the old school mesa half open back cabs, the ones with the metal grill. the bottom two speakers are completely closed off while the top two are all open back. those cabs PROJECT.
Originally Posted by Def
Orange cabs all sound way more bassy but I don't like them for modern hi-gain amps, same goes for Genz Benz, plus they look awfull.
i love the way they look. ported cabs are awesome. my two vtm 4x12's are hands down the thickest sounding cabs ever. very tight, but still boomy and they let the speakers breath.
Originally Posted by sqol
i think im gonna go with xdx's idea of the wet/dry system, gonna get meself a marshall 1936, then get another when i've got enough money, i'll get another one, and a 1960b, and have the full w/d/w setup
cheers chaps!:P
that's using your head man... get both dual 2x12's AND a 4x12
here's some pics of good w/d and w/d/w rigs.
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2005-03-29, 19:12
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
no way bro... i'm sticking by this.
the thing you have to think about. dual 2x12's and single 4x12's... still four speakers, so you still move the same air. but with a 4x12 you have the big open sound of all four speakers in one box, where as with dual 2x12's, you have half the speakers in a box half that size, but you have it twice.
the most common result i find. you get the airy boom from 4x12's but the tight and thick bass from the 2x12's.
physics i guess, but that's the way it works bra.
more speaker surface, more resonance room = more bass. less resonance room, half the speaker surface = less bass, even with two of those cabs, it just doesn't sound as deep. it's just half the resonance room x 2.
maybe for a setup with two different amps two cabs will work better, but a 4x12 packs more punch in the low end then 2 2x12's.
and I'm sticking by that, for life 

2005-03-29, 19:56
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Originally Posted by Def
maybe for a setup with two different amps two cabs will work better, but a 4x12 packs more punch in the low end then 2 2x12's.
and I'm sticking by that, for life 
well, i guess this is a classic example of how we all hear things different...
to me "punch" is tight and defined... something i find more in 2x12's... "boomy" is more how i would describe 4x12's.. more of a "sub" low end, that is looser and "fuller" from one sound source.
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2005-03-29, 20:10
Master Killer
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Boomy=more bassy in means more low end sounding.
tight and defined would be more midrange-bass.
its not only an example of how we hear things differently, it's also an example of saying the exact same thing I said a page back. lol. 

2005-03-29, 23:01
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Originally Posted by Def
Boomy=more bassy in means more low end sounding.
tight and defined would be more midrange-bass.
its not only an example of how we hear things differently, it's also an example of saying the exact same thing I said a page back. lol. 
that's an example of how we explain sounds differently.
boomy to me doesnt really mean exactly more "bassy" and low end. and tight and defined isnt exactly what i would describe as midrange-bass.
4x12's are more open in sound and 2x12's are more "closed"... to me that isnt really a big description of "bass" or "low end" at all.
ah forget it. it's the kind of thing you have to experience yourself and not let some internet geeks tell you in a forum.
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2005-03-30, 04:25
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
whoa whoa.. we're talking about guitar rigs here right, not a PA.. 
no need for subs, mixers, crossovers, ect..
if you can't get an insane amount of low end from dual 2x12's or a 4x12... something is wrong.
Sorry dude, Im not a huge guitar rig guy, and I get giddy if I see the words power amp, and any type of cabs. And I dont like to run my lows out of the same cab that Im running my highs, it robs the power.
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2005-03-30, 05:12
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
And I dont like to run my lows out of the same cab that Im running my highs, it robs the power.
ha, okay man... 
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2005-03-30, 16:36
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
ah forget it. it's the kind of thing you have to experience yourself and not let some internet geeks tell you in a forum.
like I said 
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