2005-03-07, 14:44
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Which 4x12" Cabinet?
i'm going to buy a new amp and chose a ENGL Powerball as a top but i don't know which cabinet to take
was thinking about Recto std., but its quite expensive...
new price for the recto is bout 1200 €, which is bout 1560 US$
ENGL has got 3 cabinets, the std with celestion Vintage 60 speakers for bout 780US$, the vintage model with celestion V30 speakers for 1170 US$ and a new XXL series, a little larger for bout 1450 US $
i'm going to buy the stuff used so it will be cheaper, but i put in the new prices to compare the cabinets better
can anyone help me which one to choose? i want a cabinet with fat bottom end sound

2005-03-07, 14:47
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Marshall 1960A cab.
Simple, affordable, and great tone.

2005-03-07, 20:16
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good luck finding a used engl.... and even then they have insane resale value.
for the cab... the marshall 1960a seems to be the standard.. it looks sharp and impressive, sounds great, and it's built tough. not to pricey either, especially used.
out of the engl's, i couldnt tell you, it's hard to get them all in the same room(or city for that matter) and compare. i'm sure any of them would be good enough, i personally don't think engl has made one shitty product ever.
the mesa cab is $1,500 usd? you'd be a fool... you could buy a used one from the states for $500 usd and ship it to your self for less than the other $1,000.
not that mesa cabs are anything to special anyways, they're great, but if i was in your situation where an engl v30 cab costs less than a mesa v30 cab... no brainer.
anyways, out of any of the cabs listed so far, teamed up with a powerball, you should have no problem getting a crushingly tight and brutal bottom end.
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2005-03-07, 20:25
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sweet i hope to get a powerball this summer also
and im thinking i might get an avatar cab if i have enough money

2005-03-07, 20:59
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I'm using my powerball and my savage with a marshall 4x12 1960B
it's pretty good. but a cab with v30's sounds better IMO.
I've played the Recto and Engl v60/v30 and xxl cabs. the Recto is most mid-punchy of the bunch, it just sounds like a mesa cab should, it's not too low-end focussed.
the V60 cab is more low ended but has less definition in the midrange area, the Engl v30 does have more midrange and is pretty similair to the mesa recto cab. it's still a bit different sounding, even if they have the same damn speakers, try for yourself, they definetly sound different.
the XXL cab is a gimmick IMO. it's bigger and a bitch to carry around. I didn't notice much improvement in comparisson to a engl v30 cab. I wouldn't get one. you might love it though, just give it a shot.
which is what you should do. try it out with a lot of cabs and see which one you like best.
if you're near germany, try musik productiv in Ibbenburen, they have about 20 cabs you can select with their console so you can match your amp and cab without having to mess around. they've got most Engl's over there too.

2005-03-08, 07:01
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does somebody know if its a problem to ship used amps from the usa to germany?
and it would be nice if you could tell me some pages to search for used amps in the usa
seems like everbody wants to use the v30 speakers, are they much better than the v60 or others?
is there a big difference between the mesa std and the mesa trd box?
hate looking for new amps on us-pages, most of them are cheaper than 2-3 years old amps in germany...

2005-03-08, 10:18
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I just did a price check and a Powerball from Thomann in Germany is cheaper than a Marshall TSL100 here in Sweden. What a rip off...
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2005-03-08, 14:16
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since were talking bout cabs anyway i have a little question (probaly a stupid 1 to but hell) i have a 2x12 marshall cab, but whats the difference between a 2x and a 4x cab?
louder? or just better spreading of the sound or sumtin??

< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-03-08, 14:53
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Originally Posted by k13m
since were talking bout cabs anyway i have a little question (probaly a stupid 1 to but hell) i have a 2x12 marshall cab, but whats the difference between a 2x and a 4x cab?
louder? or just better spreading of the sound or sumtin??

the difference between a 2x12 and a 4x12 cab... the 2x12 has only two speakers, the 4x12 has 4.
it's all about how much surface area you have. and how much air you're moving. twice the speakers will move more air and project more evenly.
i find in comparison between the marshall 2x12(1936?) and the 4x12(1960), the 2x12 is tighter sounding in the bass, the 4x12 sounds thicker and more "airy" and full.
Originally Posted by Wicked
does somebody know if its a problem to ship used amps from the usa to germany?
and it would be nice if you could tell me some pages to search for used amps in the usa
seems like everbody wants to use the v30 speakers, are they much better than the v60 or others?
is there a big difference between the mesa std and the mesa trd box?
hate looking for new amps on us-pages, most of them are cheaper than 2-3 years old amps in germany...
well, u.s. to germany... a cab, the only problem would be it costs alot to ship something that big, especially over seas... but if we're talking about something electronical that needs to to be plugged into a wall.. you're going to have voltage issues.
well, v30's are probably the most popularly considered "best speakers"... but i find that there are alot of speakers that are just as good if not better then them. like greenbacks, g12t-75's, g12h-30's, ect... it all just depends on the sounds you want.
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2005-03-08, 22:44
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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thanx for the explanation
i did notice that i have an awesome tight sound from my 2x12.

< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-03-09, 05:19
Master Killer
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shipping used amps is a problem. USA has 120v or something. Europe has 220v. so it needs another power converter and bla bla. plus shipping will be rediculously expensive.
cabinets.. shipping those is even more rediculously expensive plus its hard to get something outta the US. Derek B. from rocksolid is the only one able to import engl cabs because of US law (terrorism and shit)
Plus, count on a LOT of taxes if you want to fly a cab over from the USA.
basically. forget it. it's not worth the effort and it'll turn out more expensive. try ebay.de, you might get lucky. I bought two of my Engl amps on there.

2005-03-09, 05:32
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 99
thanks for the help
i think i'll try to get engl v30 or some cheap mesa cabs...
um... i was thinking bout buying a fullstack, is it worth the 2nd cab?

2005-03-09, 12:39
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Fullstack is pretty useless...
I have a 120w tube head with a 4x12" cab, and at the volume of 4 I'm getting a headache after 5 minutes. Extremely loud it is.
Btw someone I know sells a 4x12 Hughes&Kettner cab, two V30s and two V100s in it. 300€. Nice cab for the money.

2005-03-09, 15:15
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Originally Posted by Exodus666
Fullstack is pretty useless...
In my personal opinion, the only reason one would need a second speaker cabinet is to have it loaded with at least one 15 inch speaker ( or just speakers of different sizes -- suit to your tastes ), to give your sound an extra dimension. Other than that, you just have 80 more pounds added to the overall weight of your completed rig.

2005-03-09, 16:14
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Posts: 99
my guitar teacher (and he really plays long and good) said that a 2nd cab is useful just because the 2nd is higher than the 1st and you have a much better sound
if you use one cab you have to stand at least 2-3m apart your amp to hear the real sound

2005-03-09, 17:21
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I agree. playing with a fullstack does make your sound spread much better. if its worth the money or if you need it... thats another question.

2005-03-09, 22:00
New Blood
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I've just bought a Powerball too, but have since read a few reviews on the internet claiming that the amp doesn't cut through when you play it in a live situation, and that it has to be turned up very very loud just to be heard...
Haven't had the chance to verify this myself yet.
Anyone here agree with those reviews?

2005-03-09, 22:09
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their all idiots who scoop their mids.
Ask DEf, he's played many gig's with his Powerball. Im sure it cuts through just fine.
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2005-03-09, 23:26
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fullstacks are fun..... but if you're mic'd it's more of an image thing.
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2005-03-10, 23:51
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Let's say you have a Marshall JCM800 head, and you're thinking about running it through the Marshall 1960 cabinets. I know there's like a couple of different types, but are each of those cabinets that different from each other (I'm asking sound and tone wise)?

2005-03-11, 04:27
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
Let's say you have a Marshall JCM800 head, and you're thinking about running it through the Marshall 1960 cabinets. I know there's like a couple of different types, but are each of those cabinets that different from each other (I'm asking sound and tone wise)?
well, straight cabs sound different from slant ones... and then there are the different kinds each with different speakers. some have greenbacks, some have vintage 30's, the standard ones have g12t-75's... but it's all in the same 1960 cab.
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2005-03-11, 04:45
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by Wicked
um... i was thinking bout buying a fullstack, is it worth the 2nd cab?
worth it? probably not. it WILL, however, be fucking fun to have, and it will make you feel like a badass...

2005-03-11, 06:17
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
well, straight cabs sound different from slant ones... and then there are the different kinds each with different speakers. some have greenbacks, some have vintage 30's, the standard ones have g12t-75's... but it's all in the same 1960 cab.
Yeah, I know it has diff. speakers and stuff, but to an inexperienced guitarist (by the way this isn't me), does it really matter which 1960 you get, like does the tone make that much of a diff., let alone if he gets a JCM800?

2005-03-11, 08:04
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
Yeah, I know it has diff. speakers and stuff, but to an inexperienced guitarist (by the way this isn't me), does it really matter which 1960 you get, like does the tone make that much of a diff., let alone if he gets a JCM800?
meh... they're all good... except the avt and mg cabs... a beginer wont know the difference...
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