2005-03-02, 12:13
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 4
Layered Guitar Effect
Hi guys
This is my first post at the forum, but i've read many many threads already.
OK, here it is. I have a Peavey 5150 with an old Sovtek 4x12" cab (Yes i have a Sovtek MIG100H head too). I have no other effects than a BOSS GE-7 in the effects loop (Nope, im not a mid-scooper).
I play thrash/death metal, with my BC Rich Ironbird w/EMG 81 bridge humbucker. We already did some recordings in a pro. studio, with layered guitar tracks, and the effect is awesome. Can i get this "Layered Guitar Effect" somehow with some kind of effect pedal or anything else, when i play with my rig? Im a pretty straight guy, concerning effects n' stuff.. Less is more. 