2005-03-01, 16:48
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Sweden
Posts: 2,550
Yes you match the ohms.
Say you have a 100 Watt amp that can put out its full capacity in 4 ohm. If you connect a speaker with 8 ohm the 4 ohm jack you can still crank yer amp but it wont be as loud, its a subtle difference though. Same if you connect a 16 ohm speaker, you can crank it but it wont be as loud. Then on the cabs you can either run a cab in 4/16 ohm mono or 8 ohm stereo depending on what type of cab you have.
If you have an amp which have another configuration which is called connecting in parallell
Right output: Main Speaker , Left Output: Extension speaker
This means that you must have have a speaker in the Main Speaker output to use the Extension speaker output.
You can use the Line Out to connect the amp to a PA System or a mixer for recording when you play.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"