2005-02-20, 04:28
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Dorchester, MA
Posts: 596
Anyone ever use a Rocktron Pro GAP?
I saw one on ebay for REAL damn cheap (even though there's like 2 days left...) and I've been wanting to go rack for a while....thing is I'm a cheap bastard 'cause I dont have a job, so I'm trying to actually buy a preamp in the $200 range... (yeah, that's fuckin' low but like I said, I'm jobless)
Is it a good start for rack gear?
Right now I'm running a Randall RH100 head through a Marshall MG412A (ewwwww.....), would the Rocktron be a step up? (I'd sell the Randall for a cheap Carvin power amp....and i might sell the cab too and see if i can get enough money for a decent 2x12)
Any advice would be appreciated