2005-02-01, 17:17
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I am going to try one of these second handed amps, but if someonme of you have it, which is the setting do you use? death metalish setting i mean. Because I want ton try it with a good setting and I,m sonething like  setting the amps. I know it has a middle focused and opened , but i donīt know what these are.
Would you explain something or put your settings???(I wonīt stole them, its to have an idea)

2005-02-01, 17:38
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Originally Posted by BEHEMOTH
Would you explain something or put your settings???(I wonīt stole them, its to have an idea)
*Potential scenario at a local bar gig*
The band is halfway into their set, and a member of the audience pounces onstage to confront the band's guitarist.
"YOU STOLE MY AMP SETTINGS, MOTHERFUCKA!!!!@111" *gives guitarist right hook to the jaw, violence ensues, everyone in the bar starts breaking chairs and liquor bottles over the other's head, like a wild west movie scene *
The police are called, and the bar has been left in shambles from the vicious onslaught that night
*Bartender cleaning blood off the floor* Boy, I tell ya, these guitar playas and they stupid knob settins ... they neva loin ...

2005-02-01, 18:09
Master Killer
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Here's mine:
4th channel (High-gain distortion)
(from 1 to 10!)
Gain : 8
Bass : 8
Midopen : 6
Midfocused : 5
Treble : 7
Presence : 7/8
Bright switch : on
Depth Boost : 8
Lead Bottom switch : on
1st Clean channel:
Gain : 5
Bass : 7
Mid : 4
Treble clean : 7
Treble crunch : 0
Presence : 6
Bright Switch : on
Enjoy. these settings are heavy as a motherfucker. though a powerball sounds really different depending on what cabinet you use it with. this is for use with a passive guitar and a marshall 1960B cab.
An Engl v60 cab will sound a LOT darker, its also a more heavy cab alltogether. the v30 cabs sound different to the v60's aswell. any cab will make it sound different but these settings seem to work great on both the engl and marshall cabs. I played through an Ampeg cab last weekend and it fucking owned my marshall 1960 cab!
if you want a more trashy sound, don't put in much mid-focussed and more mid-open, mine's set pretty neutral because I want a tighter sound instead of an over-focussed sound or really open sound!
so where did you find one used? and how much are they charging?

2005-02-01, 22:39
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Originally Posted by Def
Here's mine:
4th channel (High-gain distortion)
(from 1 to 10!)
Gain : 8
Bass : 8
Midopen : 6
Midfocused : 5
Treble : 7
Presence : 7/8
Bright switch : on
Depth Boost : 8
Lead Bottom switch : on
from an engl powerball???? that sounds like it would instantly set a newborn on fire... 
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2005-02-01, 23:02
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is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-02-01, 23:29
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depends if you like kids? 

2005-02-01, 23:29
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Originally Posted by arvina
is that a good thing or a bad thing?
probably a good thing... more of a brutal thing.
i mean, on the highest gain channel of an amp like the powerball he has his gain at 8 and stuff? yikes, that has got to give you the squirts. 
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2005-02-01, 23:36
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lets just say it gives the guy with the ritchie blackmore signature a boner
brutal is where it's at if you play a powerball, these settings are not as brutal as it can get but thats overdoing it, I like heavy tone but I don't like 'way' bassy tone with less defined mids and highs, you know?
and well, it has a lot of useable gain, I like to use it, I love how it rips on stage with these settings! (and fuck, those ampeg cabs rule, they're RARE here though...)

2005-02-01, 23:45
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the richie can get plenty brutal for my tastes, but when i saw that you turn your powerball's gain up to 8, wow...
what ampeg cab is it and what kind of speakers does it have?
my friend is selling one for only like $150. totally decent cab imo.
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2005-02-01, 23:50
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yup, the blackmore can get pretty brutal but gain wise it can't really compare to the powerball, seems like the savage is around the same area though (maybe even a tad more but it tends to get more buzzy where the powerball can actually use it in tone)
I don't know what cab it was, I borrowed it from a band from Hungary last friday, since I didn't bring my own and I heard I could use their backline, or at least part of it.
I do have a pic of it but only the front, it sounded pretty similar to a bogner v30 cab where I played my powerball on too but I can't find any info on those ampeg cabs. it's no use though, you can't buy them over here used and/or new, they're super-rare.
for 150 that must be a steal, I don't know if the one I played had v30's in it or something else but it sure did kick ass. I'de definetly check that cab out, it suprised me since I only knew Ampeg of their single guitar top and all their bass gear...

2005-02-02, 02:23
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
the richie can get plenty brutal for my tastes, but when i saw that you turn your powerball's gain up to 8, wow...
what ampeg cab is it and what kind of speakers does it have?
my friend is selling one for only like $150. totally decent cab imo.
what kind of speakers are in it? im interested.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-02-02, 04:53
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Originally Posted by arvina
what kind of speakers are in it? im interested.
that's the thing, i don't know.... one of my friends came up to me and asked if it was a good cab because so so was selling it for $150, i was like, "not sure of the specs, but what do your ears tell you?" he's going to give it a good whirl.
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2005-02-03, 05:08
Crusher of Skulls
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I think I'm going to go over sea's just to get an Engl god dammit
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2005-02-03, 14:45
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Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-02-04, 16:31
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Originally Posted by Def
Here's mine:
4th channel (High-gain distortion)
(from 1 to 10!)
Gain : 8
Bass : 8
Midopen : 6
Midfocused : 5
Treble : 7
Presence : 7/8
Bright switch : on
Depth Boost : 8
Lead Bottom switch : on
1st Clean channel:
Gain : 5
Bass : 7
Mid : 4
Treble clean : 7
Treble crunch : 0
Presence : 6
Bright Switch : on
Enjoy. these settings are heavy as a motherfucker. ............................
so where did you find one used? and how much are they charging?
Heheheh that setting are the good ones for the Powerball, i think. but i donīt know if its my problem or I need an euros amp. Hehehehe.
I "donīt" like the powerball, nor the jcm2000 dsl 100. I need more Brutality. I donīt know what to say.
I donīt know which the price was, because is a friend and he didnīt say anything about it because I tried and didnīt like it too much, so i didnīt ask for it.
My brother liked it a lot and he has bought a NEW engl powerball, this morning. So Iīll try it more.
I donīt know anything about amps except i donīt like anyone. I need a custom signature one(hehhehehheh).
But how knows Iīm a crazy bastard speking about music. I donīt like Death and donīt like MorbĄd angel=
Now whe are here, which isthe secret to sound like Dying fetus (not technically,only the gear)
ThANk you man, especially DEF Con II.

2005-02-04, 16:45
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I forgot to tell you that my brother paid 1500 for a new ENGL powerball.
and i know one here (in europe) who wants to sell a second handed one for 1400
Crazy people.

2005-02-04, 18:42
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john from fetus uses an ampeg vh 140c head
you can get one of those for a 1/4 of the price of a powerball

2005-02-04, 19:40
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did he say that the powerball wasnt brutal enough????
try a framus cobra, vht pittbull, bogner uberschall, deizel herbert or vh4....
but something must be wrong with you or the amp if the powerball isnt brutal enough...
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2005-02-04, 22:18
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no shit..
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2005-02-25, 15:31
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
did he say that the powerball wasnt brutal enough????
try a framus cobra, vht pittbull, bogner uberschall, deizel herbert or vh4....
but something must be wrong with you or the amp if the powerball isnt brutal enough...
the Cobra isn't more brutal then the Powerball IMO. I don't think the Uberschall is either, but it does have (even) more effective gain which is usable. it just sounds way different though. definetly one of the best amps around, more versatile too but damn expensive
the Pitbull and Diezel Herbert both are the most insane amps I've ever played. not that I would ever be able to afford one in the near future, those are both KILLER and definetly in a class above the Powerball and regular Savage series. they're prolly in the SE head range, hehe.

2005-02-25, 19:21
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someday i will own an Engl Se 570 pre amp
before i move off this island i hope

2005-02-25, 19:23
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Originally Posted by Def
the Cobra isn't more brutal then the Powerball IMO. I don't think the Uberschall is either, but it does have (even) more effective gain which is usable. it just sounds way different though. definetly one of the best amps around, more versatile too but damn expensive
i never said they were more brutal.. i just told him some of the other to notch high gain amps. to look into. they're easily just as brutal...
but seriously, i can't honestly think of any reason a powerball wouldnt be brutal enough for anyone. unless something was wrong with it... no style of music exists that requires more "brutality" than what an amp like that offers. unless you want a really muddy mess that you can even hear the guitar through.
Originally Posted by Def
the Pitbull and Diezel Herbert both are the most insane amps I've ever played. not that I would ever be able to afford one in the near future, those are both KILLER and definetly in a class above the Powerball and regular Savage series. they're prolly in the SE head range, hehe.
well, i assume you're talking about the pittbull ultra lead, not the classic. i don't find it that amazing in flexibility... it's great, especially in the high gain distortion department. but the savage and powerball are more flexible imo and pretty equal in "brutality" and build quality.
the deizel stuff is amazing.. but i wouldnt say it's in a league above the engl and savage... pretty equal actually... just more expensive.
it's like comparing a $1,000 gibson les paul to a $1,500 one.. it's 150% the cost, but are you really getting 150% the guitar? hell no....
it just depends on how much it's worth to you to have a deizel herbert sound over the powerball sound... to me, not worth it. to much money for not enough results(if any).
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2005-02-25, 22:10
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I don't think the Cobra is just as brutal, it's more brutal then a Dragon, sure. but it doesn't have the Engl sound. Ofcourse, thats just fine, it just depends on what you're looking for!
the pitbull I played was damn great. it's not too versatile, I agree, its more of a ballsy-all-out-war amp, I really like their tone though. I've never seen a classic over here, VHT is pretty rare. they're built like tanks from what I've seen!
Diezel stuff is indeed all damn amazing. I agree, about the 'just more expensive' part. it's true. a mesa dual recto is way more expensive then a powerball over here, though if I compare the price/quality ratio, I'de rather get one powerball then two rectos! a Diezel Herbert is like 3500 here. which is like two savage 120's!
a engl se head (not the savage se, the true se head) is just as much as the herbert but its godlike. I probably won't ever buy a top above 2000 bucks, just because I'de be afraid to take it on the road every other week. for me the powerball is allways a joy to lift out of the flightcase and power on. it's an eye catcher and the sound allways surprises everyone  actually, it still keeps surprising me every time I crank it up above halfway 

2005-02-25, 22:22
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IMO the Framus Cobra has the best clean Ive played on a high gain amp.. I was definetly surprised.. hell I wouldnt be surprised If someone bought the Cobra JUST for the clean channel.
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-02-26, 04:23
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Originally Posted by Def
I don't think the Cobra is just as brutal, it's more brutal then a Dragon, sure. but it doesn't have the Engl sound. Ofcourse, thats just fine, it just depends on what you're looking for!
i'd say it's just as brutal... but the framus definately has more of a hotrodded marshall sound to it than the crushing modern engl tone. when you get into amps like that though it really depends on the guitarist.
Originally Posted by Def
the pitbull I played was damn great. it's not too versatile, I agree, its more of a ballsy-all-out-war amp, I really like their tone though. I've never seen a classic over here, VHT is pretty rare. they're built like tanks from what I've seen!
the classic is alot more tame and versitile than the ultralead. also alot cheaper.
the ultra lead is probably one of the tightest high gain wonders of an amp ever though. i really like the onboard 5 band graphic eq. adds alot to the kinda of distortions you can pull out of it.
Originally Posted by Def
Diezel stuff is indeed all damn amazing. I agree, about the 'just more expensive' part. it's true. a mesa dual recto is way more expensive then a powerball over here, though if I compare the price/quality ratio, I'de rather get one powerball then two rectos! a Diezel Herbert is like 3500 here. which is like two savage 120's!
you guys get fucked on mesa though.. here a dual recto is like $1,600... which is still a shitload, and i don't blame you for picking the powerball over the recto.
deizel is insanely expensive everywhere you go though. beautiful amps. totally processed in sound(in a good way).
Originally Posted by Def
a engl se head (not the savage se, the true se head) is just as much as the herbert but its godlike. I probably won't ever buy a top above 2000 bucks, just because I'de be afraid to take it on the road every other week. for me the powerball is allways a joy to lift out of the flightcase and power on. it's an eye catcher and the sound allways surprises everyone  actually, it still keeps surprising me every time I crank it up above halfway 
those se's make me drool.. it's sad that i'd never allow myself to own one.
Originally Posted by BLS
IMO the Framus Cobra has the best clean Ive played on a high gain amp.. I was definetly surprised.. hell I wouldnt be surprised If someone bought the Cobra JUST for the clean channel.
play a triamp... damn nice cleans. damn nice everything.
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2005-02-26, 14:15
Master Killer
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BLS, you played the powerball and savage's too? try those cleans  or the sovereign, if you like something else.
the Triamp has damn good cleans. I totally agree. but allmost everything HK makes has good cleans. even their ss practise combo's have great cleans (not the shitty ss warp series etc.)
the Triamp is not really for me, not yet. I don't need the versatility of it and I'de rather stick with something more ballsy now. Though who knows in the future. they're pretty cheap here. (like Koch Powertones are! they're dutch!)
a Mesa Recto is like 1600 there? fuck. a powerball is around the same here, mesa rectumfires are all way above 2000 here!
For that kinda money I could get a savage SE or a used soldano slo100.
the Engl SE head (not the savage SE) is sick... definetly one of the best amps I've ever played, if not 'the' best. why won't you allow yourself to own one? haha.
I guess its just a matter of what the amp's worth to you. right now, I don't think the Diezel and VHT stuff is worth their money, from my perspective. the Bogner is out of the question for me, I don't like its tone much. but I can understand why other people would love it. same goes for loads of other amps I don't like and other people adore.
like people ranting on and on about their tsl100 stack. they look shocked when I tell them I'de rather have an old, busted up jcm800 with a ts9 in front of it at full volume.

2005-02-26, 15:16
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TSLs are muddy. At least the one they have at my store. No wait that was a DSL...
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2005-02-26, 17:15
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Originally Posted by Def
BLS, you played the powerball and savage's too? try those cleans  or the sovereign, if you like something else.
it's suprising how many top notch boutique amps have great cleans though... the savage and powerball are about the $2,000 range here, 1,850 for the powerball ane like 2,100 ir simething for the savage. and for that kind of money, better have more than just a good lead channel. maybe a cup holder or dvd player or something....
Originally Posted by Def
the Triamp has damn good cleans. I totally agree. but allmost everything HK makes has good cleans. even their ss practise combo's have great cleans (not the shitty ss warp series etc.)
the Triamp is not really for me, not yet. I don't need the versatility of it and I'de rather stick with something more ballsy now. Though who knows in the future. they're pretty cheap here. (like Koch Powertones are! they're dutch!)
i love the triamp because imo, it's the best amp ever... i've never played another amp i liked more. so many amps are just versitile, but without quality, you know? jack of all trades, master of none... the triamp is not one of those amps. it's got three 2 channel preamps, each one is dedicated to a specific range of tones. like switching between a fender, vox, marshall, mesa, orange, ect... all in one amp.
alot of people just can't put it to full use. some people buy it for just good cleans and the realize they could get by with a fender bassman, some buy it for good medium gain british tones and then realize a sovtek mig or marshall jcm can cover their needs, ect.
but i need something that will handle me no matter what i'm doing.
Originally Posted by Def
a Mesa Recto is like 1600 there? fuck. a powerball is around the same here, mesa rectumfires are all way above 2000 here!
For that kinda money I could get a savage SE or a used soldano slo100.
yeh, i can get a rectumfrier for "cost" though because i have alot of hookups..  a brand new dual recto for $950 out the door. not to shabby considering i see them sell for more than that used.
i think anyone over there would be retarded to pick a mesa recto over and engl.. unless they really must have the recto sound, and they have the money to waste.
Originally Posted by Def
the Engl SE head (not the savage SE) is sick... definetly one of the best amps I've ever played, if not 'the' best. why won't you allow yourself to own one? haha.
because, the triamp is "the best" imo.. and it's also much cheaper.
but it would be fun to a/b them... to bad engl is so rare, i'd never get an se and a triamp in the same room. hell, same city for that matter.
Originally Posted by Def
I guess its just a matter of what the amp's worth to you. right now, I don't think the Diezel and VHT stuff is worth their money, from my perspective. the Bogner is out of the question for me, I don't like its tone much. but I can understand why other people would love it. same goes for loads of other amps I don't like and other people adore.
i think most bogner,vht, and deizel stuff, though amazing, not worth the extra dough over alot of the more kick ass botique-ish stuff for alot cheaper.
Originally Posted by Def
like people ranting on and on about their tsl100 stack. they look shocked when I tell them I'de rather have an old, busted up jcm800 with a ts9 in front of it at full volume.
the jcm 2000's rock imo... but personally, the jcm 900 sl-x is where it's at. way more gain and much cooler and "tigher" tone. though you lose on versitilty.
cranked jcm 800's just have mojo, amazing tone, just short of that extra kick of gain...
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2005-02-26, 18:33
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Originally Posted by Def
BLS, you played the powerball
Yeh, great clean.. but the Cobra's is still a tad better imo.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-02-26, 18:41
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Originally Posted by BLS
Yeh, great clean.. but the Cobra's is still a tad better imo.
shame the lead channels are weeaker though
they're pretty similair amps in specs but definetly not in tone. the powerball has a bit more tone shaping options, it's not difficult to dail in a good tone but it takes some time to find the 'damn near perfect' tone. like on most mesa's it seems.

2005-02-26, 18:50
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i think anyone over there would be retarded to pick a mesa recto over and engl.. unless they really must have the recto sound, and they have the money to waste.
because, the triamp is "the best" imo.. and it's also much cheaper.
but it would be fun to a/b them... to bad engl is so rare, i'd never get an se and a triamp in the same room. hell, same city for that matter.
the jcm 2000's rock imo... but personally, the jcm 900 sl-x is where it's at. way more gain and much cooler and "tigher" tone. though you lose on versitilty.
cranked jcm 800's just have mojo, amazing tone, just short of that extra kick of gain...
I agree on the triamp, its not like one of those line 6 crap things that tries to do everything and does everything for like 50%....
most people here buy a recto instead of a powerball. though the powerball is making a name for itself over here, more stores are starting to stock them and stuff, just because the few stores that did sell them, sold them really well. Remember though, the recto is pretty 'hyped' over here. loads of kids are getting gibson les pauls/sg's and a recto, tune in drop d and play nothing but powerchords. Must be the same over there man. I hate it though, I fucking hate it. I can't stand people that get all their gear from their mommy, it allways reminds me of how much I had to work to get my gear
JCM2000's. I just can't get into them. I tried it many times, a friend of mine has a TSL and it just bores the crap out of me. like most marshall stuff. the jcm900 sl-x is definetly the best sounding jcm900 out there, I played one in a store once, isn't it the slash signature or something? (I'de be fucked if I remember..)
the JCM800 is the fucking shizznizzle if you ask me. it's cheap, it's loud and its bad as a motherfucker. If you like that kinda distortion, its definetly the amp to go for. the jcm800 zakk wylde thing rocks too, though I didn't think it sounded that much different to justify the price tag. it's still just a silly jcm800. with cool looks.
it just struck me, I saw a triamp MKI go for 900 euro's on the german ebay, that's a great deal... I wouldn't recommend buying from other continents though unless you got it all worked out.
oh and the powerball doesn't come with a cupholder or dvd player, it comes with a red pimpin' light that attracts chicks to it like flies.
you won't hear me complaining 

2005-02-26, 18:50
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
TSLs are muddy. At least the one they have at my store. No wait that was a DSL...
doesn't matter much, they're both pretty shitty imo.
nice to have 'one of those' threads around again, haha.

2005-02-26, 19:12
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Thank god for the Peavey Rockmaster/ Musicman RD-100 Setup  . Thats what I use.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-02-27, 05:53
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Originally Posted by Def
I agree on the triamp, its not like one of those line 6 crap things that tries to do everything and does everything for like 50%....
exactly, it's the real deal.
Originally Posted by Def
most people here buy a recto instead of a powerball. though the powerball is making a name for itself over here, more stores are starting to stock them and stuff, just because the few stores that did sell them, sold them really well. Remember though, the recto is pretty 'hyped' over here. loads of kids are getting gibson les pauls/sg's and a recto, tune in drop d and play nothing but powerchords. Must be the same over there man. I hate it though, I fucking hate it. I can't stand people that get all their gear from their mommy, it allways reminds me of how much I had to work to get my gear
it's sad, us americans mostly would trade in rectos for engls n' stuff any day of the week.. while you guys pick the mesa's over the engls'.
i think alot has to do with cost. so many people think if something is more expensive it's simply better.
Originally Posted by Def
JCM2000's. I just can't get into them. I tried it many times, a friend of mine has a TSL and it just bores the crap out of me. like most marshall stuff. the jcm900 sl-x is definetly the best sounding jcm900 out there, I played one in a store once, isn't it the slash signature or something? (I'de be fucked if I remember..)
i still really like the jcm 2000's... they're probably the best thing marshall has done recently. the mode four is good imo, but not good enough.
i know the sl stands for super lead, i don't remember what the x stands for. basically what's different from the sl-x's(2100 and 2500) and the dual reverbs(4100 and 4500). the sl-x adds an extra preamp tube with it's own gain knob. and it doesnt have reverb.
so you get more gain and versitility, but you lose reverb.. which imo is more than a fair trade.
i just love the way on a jcm 900 if you turn the mids to zero, it doesnt "Scoop". the way the knobs arent very responsive to the eq'ing makes them kinda neat sounding. you can just knock them around at random and get interesting tones..
i just rememeber barrowing a jcm 900 4100, and i fell in love.. i dimed every knob on it(except reverb) and it was perfect. but then my bro in clifton started using a jcm 900 sl-x, i was like "whaa?". i really like it's distortion much more than his dual recto.
Originally Posted by Def
the JCM800 is the fucking shizznizzle if you ask me. it's cheap, it's loud and its bad as a motherfucker. If you like that kinda distortion, its definetly the amp to go for. the jcm800 zakk wylde thing rocks too, though I didn't think it sounded that much different to justify the price tag. it's still just a silly jcm800. with cool looks.
most people boost the jcm 800's though. because the amp itself sounds good and has a great "tone" to it, but for high gain it just lacks sometimes.
Originally Posted by Def
it just struck me, I saw a triamp MKI go for 900 euro's on the german ebay, that's a great deal... I wouldn't recommend buying from other continents though unless you got it all worked out.
i got offered the deal of a lifetime, an mkII triamp with the midi module installed. for 1,100.. i asked if i could trade him my jmp-1 and $750. he said ok.. so i was stoked. then came address time. turns out he's in indonesia and wants a western union money order.
fuck that. anytime indonesia AND western union are involved, you're dealing with a scam.
not to mention he didn't have any pictures.
Originally Posted by Def
oh and the powerball doesn't come with a cupholder or dvd player, it comes with a red pimpin' light that attracts chicks to it like flies.
you won't hear me complaining 
no cup holder? it must suck 
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2005-02-27, 08:42
Master Killer
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high-gain on a jcm800? thats asking the impossible man, they're not 'modern' high-gain sounding.
the triamp deal sounds great but indonesia, man thats where scams are made, ever wondered why ebay auctions sometimes have 'absolutely NO indonesian bidders!' written in them?
I don't remember what the sl-x thing was, I vaguely remember it's someone's signature amp, I though it was slash's but I could be way off.

2005-02-27, 16:40
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Originally Posted by Def
high-gain on a jcm800? thats asking the impossible man, they're not 'modern' high-gain sounding.
the triamp deal sounds great but indonesia, man thats where scams are made, ever wondered why ebay auctions sometimes have 'absolutely NO indonesian bidders!' written in them?
I don't remember what the sl-x thing was, I vaguely remember it's someone's signature amp, I though it was slash's but I could be way off.
i know, that's why i said the jcm 800 lacks in the gain depatment.
that's exactly what i said, anytime a deal even smells of western union and indonesia... you have a scam on your hands.
i'm not sure, it might be his signature amp, but i don't care.. it's fucking sweet.
i'm looking forward to hear what the marshall 5150's are going to be like. maybe it will redeem marshall, after the mode four and all the other shitty s.s. and hybrid shit. they need to start making new amps that can compete with the new botique wave, especially since they just upped the prices.
a brand new jcm 800 reissue costs more than a soldano avenger... a fucking soldano.
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2005-02-27, 16:56
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Im thinking that this summer i will go all out and get an Engl....
anything else i buy will just be replaced by an engl some day so why not go for one now
oh and is Engl pronouced EN JILL or ANG GILL?
or is it either of those
im sorry all german is greek to me 

2005-02-27, 17:02
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I reckon its ENGELL
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2005-02-27, 18:06
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i'm looking forward to hear what the marshall 5150's are going to be like. maybe it will redeem marshall, after the mode four and all the other shitty s.s. and hybrid shit. they need to start making new amps that can compete with the new botique wave, especially since they just upped the prices.
a brand new jcm 800 reissue costs more than a soldano avenger... a fucking soldano.
Marshall 5150's? lay off the crack man..
Since EVH has made a deal with Charvel (which is own by Fender) he will most likely have a Fender sig amp... thats why they released that cheapass MH amp.. to get the attention of us metalheads.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
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2005-02-27, 22:17
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Originally Posted by BLS
Marshall 5150's? lay off the crack man..
Since EVH has made a deal with Charvel (which is own by Fender) he will most likely have a Fender sig amp... thats why they released that cheapass MH amp.. to get the attention of us metalheads.
well, i've already read quite a bit about marshall making a 5150.
because evh has rights to the name, but peavey has rights to the design(or what they ripped off from soldano.).
and seeing as he's been using marshall mostly anyways, it makes sense.
just saying what i've heard...
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2005-02-27, 22:21
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Well.. according to this their is already a Marshall 5150 http://www.harmony-central.com/Guit...ll/5150-01.html
It has NOTHING to do with EVH though. I dont see Marshall designing a new amp, there is no need for them too.. they have their name and thats all they need... EVH wont help sell many more unit than they already do.
Its heavily rumored that he is working with Crate... which may be possible because Hagar uses his Red Voodoo.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-02-27, 22:36
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Originally Posted by BLS
Well.. according to this their is already a Marshall 5150 http://www.harmony-central.com/Guit...ll/5150-01.html
It has NOTHING to do with EVH though. I dont see Marshall designing a new amp, there is no need for them too.. they have their name and thats all they need... EVH wont help sell many more unit than they already do.
Its heavily rumored that he is working with Crate... which may be possible because Hagar uses his Red Voodoo.
i've read that review too, i think it's bogus... i've never heard of them, even if you research the history of marshall.
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2005-02-27, 23:59
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Yeh, I was thinking that too.
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-02-28, 02:32
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the only thing ive heard is about the crate amp.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-02-28, 04:22
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i'm probably wrong then. fuck, i just read some shit.
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2005-03-04, 16:47
Senior Metalhead
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hey, how much did you guys pay for your powerballs? and were they new or used and footswitches too! just curious.
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2005-03-04, 17:27
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Originally Posted by ihave27frets
hey, how much did you guys pay for your powerballs? and were they new or used and footswitches too! just curious.
rocksolidamps.com has them for like $1,850 new.
i saw an add on harmony central selling one in mint condish for $1,300 the other day. pretty good deal considering engl's insane resale value. i almost bought it, but i'm hunting down an h&k triamp.
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2005-03-04, 18:49
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I'm getting one this summer
i think

2005-03-04, 21:11
Master Killer
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I bought one that had been used for four hours, for 1000 euro's. thats about 11-1200 bucks.
the guy had diezels, bogners, vht's and an engl se. he used the powerball as a backup but got new stuff, so he wanted to sell it. fine
I got an Engl z5 used for 80 euro's from the german Ebay and I sold two of my Z4 switches and a load of my boss pedals to recover some of the costs.
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