2005-01-31, 05:11
New Blood
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5150 gain and feedback
I recently bought a 5150 and when i am playing it and i stop it feeds sooo much. Is there anyway i can stop this from happening? Also its supposed to have too much gain, but i dont fell it does. Could this be my guitar pickups or wat etc..??

2005-01-31, 05:13
The Stings of Conscience
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cant help on the gain, you're just an idiot i guess, but for the noise, buy a noise gate. simple.

2005-01-31, 05:14
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Rule #1 NEVER put the gain past 7.. you dont need that much gain. And you say it dosent have enough  ... you have problems.
But yes 5150's cna be noisy. The ISP Noise Decimator fixes that really good.
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-01-31, 05:28
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Yeah that mofo's got gain oozing from every pore. I agree that it's a good idea not to turn the gain past 7. The higher the gain is, the more feedback you'll get.
However, I DO have the same problem with unmanageable feedback, even at reasonable gain settings, when I play at high enough volumes to jam with a drummer. (That's pregain = 6-7, postgain = 4-7 for my 5150 combo). It's starting to get on my nerves mucho, and I've had the fucker repaired already.... it didn't fix the feedback, and the amp tech said that 5150s "just do that". Ah yes, an amp that's built to make playing with a drummer impossible. Right.
Anyhow, I don't know what the solution is... maybe some 5150s are just built shitty like that. Fuck, it's a cheap enough amp that I could believe shoddy QC. BTW Hard_Core is your 5150 a combo or a head? BLS, does the Noise Decimator reduce feedback, or just hiss?
EDIT: Oh yeah, and I've changed out the preamp and poweramp tubes, so its not a microphonic or bad tube.
Tears are the fuel of affluence.
Last edited by CarnalAltar : 2005-01-31 at 05:31.

2005-01-31, 05:35
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by CarnalAltar
Ah yes, an amp that's built to make playing with a drummer impossible. Right.
thats what they make noise gates for, dumbass. you think you know more than a tech? you're a twat.

2005-01-31, 05:37
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Get a noise gate nigga... I can still play with my 5150 and the noise is manageable.. but the ISP Noise Decimator.. well it DECIMATES all the noise. Any hiss, buzz, feedback its all gone.
And are you using any effects?? Like an BBE Sonic Maximizer?
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-31, 06:16
New Blood
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Nah im not using any effects though im thinking about buying a BBE sonic maximizer because i hear it really cleans up the sound alot. Would emg 81's make a big difference in the amount of gain i would need to use?

2005-01-31, 06:17
New Blood
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oops i forgot to tell you, its a 5150 signature head through a marshall 1960a

2005-01-31, 14:30
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boss ns-2
mxr smartgate
isp decimator
rocktron hush's
similar noise gate/suppressor/reducer units
^will fix your noise problem^
also check the tubes, open up the back slot where the preamp tubes are, and gently tap them with an eraser(while the amp is on) if you can hear it, you have a microphonic preamp tube problem. it's a rare thing to happen, but when it does, it fucks your shit up.
i'm not dogging the 5150's, they are retardedly good amps, especially for the prices they can be had for. but like ALL high gain heads, they get noisey.
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2005-01-31, 14:31
New Blood
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Originally Posted by HarD_CorE_GuiTArisT
thinking about buying a BBE sonic maximizer because i hear it really cleans up the sound alot.
You heard wrong. Those BBe's are total crapola. Youre better off buying a shitty eq pedal that using a bbe.
Originally Posted by HarD_CorE_GuiTArisT
Would emg 81's make a big difference in the amount of gain i would need to use?
EMG's..love em!
They can take a cleaner type of tube gain to the next level.
But with a 5150, im not sure why youre worried about gain.

2005-01-31, 14:44
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Originally Posted by Rapture
thats what they make noise gates for, dumbass. you think you know more than a tech? you're a twat.
Normally, I'm a pretty humble guy, esp around techs. But c'mon.... an amp that needs a noise gate to be turned up to 4? If that's par for the course, or even common in the amp world, then I will wear the dumbass cap. Seems to me like that kind of shit should not happen, and I've had numerous people hear the amp and say "Now that's fucked up." Also, I'm not a stupid mother fucker who stands right next to the amp and complains about feedback. 15 ft away from the amp, facing away from all other amps, holding my hands over the strings so they don't vibrate, and still the feedback comes screeching through. I'll take the advice and get the noise gate though. Thanks.
EDIT: See other threads for everybody's opinion of the BBE.
Tears are the fuel of affluence.
Last edited by CarnalAltar : 2005-01-31 at 14:48.

2005-01-31, 15:00
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Originally Posted by Amongst Us
You heard wrong. Those BBe's are total crapola. Youre better off buying a shitty eq pedal that using a bbe.
i completely disagree.
they take your signal and add alot to it, filling in the gaps in your low and high frequencies...
i'd know, i owned one and used it alot for a long time... it made my highs clearer and less shrill, and at the same time made my lows much tighter and present.
i don't use it anymore because i've scaled down my rack alot, and i figured "MY RIG" was just as good if not better to my ears without it. plus it did add a little noise to the rig.
Originally Posted by Amongst Us
EMG's..love em!
They can take a cleaner type of tube gain to the next level.
not sure what you mean exactly... any high gain pickup is going to add more gain to your sound.
i like emg's because they're hot, but not to hot, they're very quiet and tight in sound... and they ignor alot of the tonal properties of guitars(yes imo that can be a reason to love or hate emg's)...
Originally Posted by Amongst Us
But with a 5150, im not sure why youre worried about gain.
i know, when i played my old guitarist's... never turned the gain past 6.
my bet is this kid is looking for a really muddy scoopy distortion pedal type tone that will cover his mistakes with loads of slugdy gain and no definition.
OR.... he's rocking a guitar like a peavey raptor with single coils
Originally Posted by CarnalAltar
Normally, I'm a pretty humble guy, esp around techs. But c'mon.... an amp that needs a noise gate to be turned up to 4? If that's par for the course, or even common in the amp world, then I will wear the dumbass cap. Seems to me like that kind of shit should not happen, and I've had numerous people hear the amp and say "Now that's fucked up." Also, I'm not a stupid mother fucker who stands right next to the amp and complains about feedback. 15 ft away from the amp, facing away from all other amps, holding my hands over the strings so they don't vibrate, and still the feedback comes screeching through. I'll take the advice and get the noise gate though. Thanks.
get used to it... in the high gain world, when you have alot of gain at high volumes, feedback happens. whether you rock a soldano slo100 or a shitty crate s.s. head with a distortion pedal.
physics i guess.
operation noise however, is completely different. turn your amp on with your normal settings and volume levels, turn the volume on your guitar down... all the hiss and hum is your operation noise/grounding issues/signal degration coming through the speakers. noise gates wont fix that much, well, they help if they're in your fx loop. but it just happens.
also, sheilding your guitar helps A TON....
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2005-01-31, 16:25
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Originally Posted by HarD_CorE_GuiTArisT
I recently bought a 5150 and when i am playing it and i stop it feeds sooo much. Is there anyway i can stop this from happening? Also its supposed to have too much gain, but i dont fell it does. Could this be my guitar pickups or wat etc..??
What the Fuck? It does have too much gain, you must be tone deaf or something.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-01-31, 16:28
New Blood
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i completely disagree.
Suit yourself.
Eq is just plain better IMHO.
Id much rather add phase distortion than try to reshape a sine wave to trick myself.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
not sure what you mean exactly... any high gain pickup is going to add more gain to your sound.
The boy asked about gain dislexic.
With reguards to the question...my answer was crystal clear.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
my bet is this kid is looking for a really muddy scoopy distortion pedal type tone that will cover his mistakes with loads of slugdy gain and no definition.
Id assume the same.
Nice to meet you BTW.


2005-01-31, 19:33
The Stings of Conscience
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2005-01-31, 20:05
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You want to fix teh noise problem when you stop playing? Its called the fucking volume knob on your guitar. I thought it was common sense till i started jamming with people and none of them even thought of that concept. When you stop playing, turn the volume knob all the way down. Problem solved.
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2005-01-31, 21:19
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yeah but if that dont fix it you got a problem.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-01-31, 21:51
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Originally Posted by HarD_CorE_GuiTArisT
Would emg 81's make a big difference in the amount of gain i would need to use?
No, EMG's are actually low gain.. but have the preamp which boost the signal. Emg's are quiet though.
Originally Posted by CarnalAltar
Also, I'm not a stupid mother fucker who stands right next to the amp and complains about feedback. 15 ft away from the amp, facing away from all other amps, holding my hands over the strings so they don't vibrate, and still the feedback comes screeching through. I'll take the advice and get the noise gate though. Thanks.
Seems like your blaming problems on your 5150 that isent the amps fault. Sound like shitty grounding, or a dirty power source even. Mine has NEVER had that much feedback..
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-31, 22:03
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I'm happy my top has a build in noise supressor
I don't think the 5150 has THAT much gain, but if you compare it to a marshall and shit, yeah, it does have a fair ammount of gain. with emg's it should be pretty wicked even...
you got that 9v battery full? hehe.

2005-02-01, 04:05
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Originally Posted by Amongst Us
Suit yourself.
Eq is just plain better IMHO.
Id much rather add phase distortion than try to reshape a sine wave to trick myself.
different tools do different things... when it comes down to it, you wont get the same results from a graphic eq as you would from a sonic maximizer... because they're two totally different units that do two totally different things... which one you, the user, likes more is totally different from ear to ear.
i'm not saying one is better than the other, i've used both alot, sometimes simultaneously, but i just don't think they're "crapola".
personally my goal right now is getting a rig that needs no external eq'ing.
Originally Posted by Amongst Us
Nice to meet you BTW.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-02-01, 04:20
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i hear this ''sonic maximizer'' being said alot on the forums, what exactly is this and what does it do ?? 

2005-02-01, 19:44
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yeah man i know this problem. i have a combo myself...it hisses and whines sooooo much. all i can say is switch it to clean right after each song and keep your guitar volume down

2005-02-01, 21:56
New Blood
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Originally Posted by xDeadHandsRisingx
i hear this ''sonic maximizer'' being said alot on the forums, what exactly is this and what does it do ?? 
Bass and treble frequencies travel at different speeds and therefore reach you ears at different times.
What bbe tries to do is equalize the speed at which both travel so that both frequency ranges hit your ears at the same time.
Therefore creating the illusion of more treble or more bass
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