2005-01-22, 13:07
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Need Amp advice
i've got an Ibanez RG2570 and i want to buy a bigger amp.
i have about 1900€ to spend.
i wanted to try the xxx head but it was broken so they said i should try the jsx instead because the sound should be almost the same
i really liked the sound of the jsx
i need some 'death metal sound', so do you have an advice what i should buy?
heard that the 5150 II should be good but never tried it.
(i want to buy a stacked amp)

2005-01-22, 13:46
Master Killer
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first. nice choice on the rg! I still love my old RG, its so fucking smooth!
amps... mmm. its difficult because a lot of amps can do metal sounds really well. do you want extreme high-gains or more mid/low-gainy stuff?
ofcourse the XXX was broken. fuck, all peaveys seem to be broken all the time, just ask around on here
the JSX sounds way better then the XXX in my opinion, it has a more tonal feel compared to the XXX(and 5150) not that those are bad amps, but the JSX just seems like the best thing Peavey has come up with lately. But the build in noise gate is shit..
Anyways, you should try the 5150I and II.. they can definetly do death metal.
so you're only considering peavey? because with that kinda budget, you might be in the market for a used mesa recto or something even better... if you don't have any problems with buying used that is. I've bought all my amps used, first my rackgear, then my Engl Savage and lately my Engl Powerball, if you buy quality used gear there's nothing to fear 

2005-01-22, 18:43
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Originally Posted by Wicked
i wanted to try the xxx head but it was broken so they said i should try the jsx instead because the sound should be almost the same
i really liked the sound of the jsx
Broken?? Peavey's are built tough.. what the hell did they do to it?
Anyways your two weeks late, musiciansfriend was selling JSX's for $800 and all the 5150's (combo and 5150II) were on clearance for $750 new
The JSX didnt seem to have the "grind" that the 5150 has, but it did still have quite alot of gain.
And def... theirs no way he can afford a mesa if he's looking for used peavey stuff.
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2005-01-22, 18:54
Master Killer
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he has 1900 to spend... that will do! I don't think he's looking for 'used' peavey stuff either, since the JSX is hardly around NEW, so it's even more less around used
Peavey's build tough? what a joke.

2005-01-22, 19:01
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Theirs plenty of used JSX's now.. exspecially since that blowout at $800
And plenty of touring bands use Peavey's with NO issues, the only problems the 5150's seem to get are the blown screen grid resistors.. which is always the owners fault.
Whether you choose to believe than a non botique amp that dosent cost $1000+ is reliable or not is your problem though.
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-01-22, 19:11
Master Killer
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but with 1900 you can easily buy one new, right?
when did I say non-boutique amps are not reliable?? I have a laney ss practise combo that never let me down  hell it doesn't matter how much an amp costs so don't get all hissy pissy.
I just noticed, about 2/3 peavey guys here had their amps messed and I hear a lot of complaints about peaveys tube amps in general, whilst I never hear complaints about other brands. Same goes for Marshall though, I've seen them break down on stage even, though they should be reliable. ofcourse its mostly the owners fault if an amp breaks down, but I don't think peaveys are build that well at all.
their rack gear is solid, though the wiring is a fucking joke. I've had a 50/50 poweramp, heavy as hell and pretty loud. though the wiring is a mess inside the poweramp and the ventilator is fucking annoying. it only broke down once, when one of the interal wiring was smoked. I rerouted the wiring in the poweramp and never had any problems. maybe just a case of bad luck though.

2005-01-22, 19:25
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"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-01-22, 19:47
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what kind of death metal are you looking to play (name some bands please)
if its stuff like arch enemy and in flames definatly go for an XXX or a 5150 but those amps just wouldnt cut it for alot of brutal death metal stuff

2005-01-22, 19:48
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Sure they can, the 5150 easier than the XXX though.
"Believe the word
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2005-01-22, 21:20
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i think the jsx and 5150's are better than the xxx's....
Originally Posted by Def
I just noticed, about 2/3 peavey guys here had their amps messed and I hear a lot of complaints about peaveys tube amps in general, whilst I never hear complaints about other brands. Same goes for Marshall though, I've seen them break down on stage even, though they should be reliable. ofcourse its mostly the owners fault if an amp breaks down, but I don't think peaveys are build that well at all.
their rack gear is solid, though the wiring is a fucking joke. I've had a 50/50 poweramp, heavy as hell and pretty loud. though the wiring is a mess inside the poweramp and the ventilator is fucking annoying. it only broke down once, when one of the interal wiring was smoked. I rerouted the wiring in the poweramp and never had any problems. maybe just a case of bad luck though.
those were broken/blown speakers in 5150 combos.... not serious internal problems...
any and every amp maker has let one or more bad apple escape and hit the stores...
my peavey gear is insanely tough... never had any problems with em'.
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2005-01-22, 21:22
Master Killer
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well, I call broken speakers a serious problem. but maybe the combo's are less good, don't know. I just recall a friend of mine who allways had trouble with his 5150, it was one of the first versions though, they probably improved over the years..
you got a 50/50 poweramp too, right? if you ever open it, check the wire harnesses (sp?) and see if they're not close enough to the capcitator or the tubes.

2005-01-22, 22:04
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They just introduced a JSX 212 combo,i want to check one out but i probally wont see one for ages.

2005-01-22, 23:59
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"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-23, 08:44
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That Valve King shit looks cool, sweepable between A/B class and all.
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2005-01-23, 09:22
Master Killer
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is it just me or is the valveking some kinda mesa roadking idea? (as in with the options and stuff) it looks pretty neat though!

2005-01-23, 10:57
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1900 euros are about 2450 us dollars
in germany a new jsx costs around 1850$
but i need a 412 box and the box for the jsx costs additional 1050$ so i cant afford that.
didnt really think about buying used stuff
i would try amps from other brands if you tell me which to try :>
like bands like amon amarth, but i don't need the exact sound
just a high-gain sound with lots of lows
thanks for replys

2005-01-23, 11:02
Master Killer
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so where are you in europe man?
peavey stuff is overpriced in europe, if you didn't notice that yet. those american bastards get it for cheap
for that ammount of cash you can get a great amp new, or used, doesn't matter, your budget allows you to buy an amazing amp which ever way you look at it!
If you're in Germany or close to it, I'de definetly give the Bogner Uberschall and Bogner Extacy a shot, the Framus Dragon and Framus Cobra and the Engl Savage and Powerball.
I've got a Engl Savage and a Engl Powerball myself and I love them!! lots of low and and insane ammounts of gain. ofcourse, the problem is finding these amps to try them out.... you can listen to Engl and Framus amps here: http://www.rocksolidamps.com/sounds.php

2005-01-23, 14:29
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Posts: 99
i think the bogner amps would be too expensive
tried the powerball, but i liked the jsx more
didnt try framus but i think i don't like them much
i'm from germany..
did you try the xxx yourself?
the guy in the musicstore told me that the sound would me more fat than the sound of the jsx, but cant really believe it

2005-01-23, 14:57
Master Killer
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Did you went to musicstore Koeln? I tried the XXX too, I liked the JSX way more. its more versatile too, I even prefer the 5150 above the XXX.
well, you're in germany so you have a lot of choices! musik productiv has a lot of great amps too, If you don't like the powerball, you probably won't like the framus's either, they're around the same tonal range, in more then one way. but it wouldn't hurt trying I guess  anyways, I think you can do better then peavey with your budget, but if you like their tone, go for peavey!
Bogners are really expensive new, but they are around used over here. ofcourse you'de need to find out if you like them first...
also, did you try the H&K Triamp and the Koch Powertone? they're pretty good amps too, the Triamp can get pretty heavy, I didn't expect it from such a versatile amp.

2005-01-23, 15:49
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Originally Posted by BLS
Sure they can, the 5150 easier than the XXX though.
i dont think youd see bands like Decrepit birth using a 5150

2005-01-23, 15:58
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Posts: 99
i live near bonn so i always go to the musicstore koeln if i need something
they dont have amps like bogner or soldano in the musicstore
do you know where i can easily get used amps?
i searched in ebay but didnt find the amps i was searching for

2005-01-23, 16:07
Master Killer
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I don't know about getting used amps in Germany. I've bought some amps from Ebay.de but you have to be lucky and patient (there are great amps there every now and then)
and ofcourse, you need to know what you're looking for. Another amp I fucking forgot, the Soldano SLO 100. though I have no idea how much those cost in germany, they're really hard to find used
Rivera makes neat stuff too, like the Knucklehead and the M series, then again I don't think they sell a lot of Rivera in Germany. It's hard to find the right amps I guess, but they did have a Diezel VH4 at Musik Productiv (Ibbenburen, near Osnabruck)

2005-01-23, 19:15
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how much do bogners run for in europe?
next to the H&K triamp, the bogner xtc is probably one of my favorite "master of all trades" style amp.... it can really cover a ton of ground, but it's not a huge several channel amp.
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2005-01-23, 19:25
Join Date: Mar 2002
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Try Beyer's Musik in Bochum. www.beyers-music.de
I don't know whether they've got used amps. They've got some more other amps in their shop than on their site. As i remember correct there were Soldanos, too.
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