2005-01-20, 23:03
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: The West.
Posts: 4,433
Originally Posted by MorbidGuitar
I bought a Boss 4 track digital recorder off a guy in town here for $75 (worth $800 new). I am more used to using a larger studio type setup so i thought this was going to be a breeze, and i even own an analog cassette 4 track which is pretty basic.
Anyways, after buring out 12 AA batteries in 5 hours and staring at a 1cmx5cm orange screen all day, i am ready to throw it in the garbage. It takes so long to scroll through parts of the song... add effects....... fill the memory card up when your barely half done the song......... great stuff.
Anyone else here have wonderful experiences with similar small crappy recorders? Anyone want to trade me for a more useful peice of equipment?
which one is it?
those things arent supposed to be top notch and they certainly don't have many features....
does it have a slot for memory expansion? can it be powered with a wallwart instead of batteries?
$75 eh? got any pics?
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