2005-01-12, 03:14
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behringer v-tone
ok. i know these suck ass or whatever but i am in a very troubleing dilema, i am at the point were i hate guitar amps, i realy hate them, well all i can afford right now is this behringer ultrastack halfstack, does anyone have opinions on them, i am pretty sure they will be mostly bad opinions, but i realy need a LOUD AMP veryfast, under 500$ i tried getting a badass head only but most of the ones i found dont work very well with my cab, and i am just gonna get a new cab cuz mine pisses me off, well this behringer is realy all i can afford, and i am most likeley going to get it, but i just wanted some more opinions of it. i dont know what else to do, i know for a fact that i wont be totaly dissapointed if i get it becouse, its better than mine,(maybe) but i am just sick of amps and bass players, somebody give me some advice please.
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-01-12, 03:29
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peavey ms412 cab... = $150-$250 used...
crate blue voodoo(50, 60 or 120) =$200-$400 used.
sovtek mig(30, 50, 60, or 100) =$200-$400 used.
crate g1600 xl or gx130c =$100-$250 used.
fender rocpro 1000 = $100-$200
just a few i could think of right now... you seem pretty desparate to be considering behringer...
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2005-01-12, 04:24
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that is probally the worst stack you can get,solid state peice of crap.they dont sound good,the sound like a cheap practise amp.but do you need a stack?why not just get a decent combo?,buy used if you want it will be alot cheaper too,like xdx suggested.if you want a modelling amp,go with a line 6 spider II,its in your price range and its alot better than the vtone... http://www.guitarnuts.com/amps/myths.php ..i think DEAD posted this site a while ago anyway look at that and see if you need to get a stack,or get a decent combo,and dont be afraid to buy used

2005-01-12, 05:43
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ok, well you guys helped a bit, and yea i was getting pretty desperate, pawn shops rip me off, and online cost too much becouse of shipping, i need something more than 100watts, i already have a crate halfstack but it is a peice of shit, if i am goona buy a new head i will most likely buy a new cabinet, cuz my cabinet is kind of gay too, i have had this halfstack for a while now and it has been nothing but problems, and i have looked for used ones, but they are all peices of shit too, some decent but OVERPRiCED, the reason i dont wanna get a combo is becouse, i have had too many of them, and i want a decent stack, i am sick of combos, and i am sick of crappy amps that arent loud enough, my band plays death metal and my drummer is realy loud, i need something that will be loud and clear, and a combo will probably be loud enogh, but it wont seem as loud becouse there is only 2 speakers, instead of four, more speakers doesnt mean louder but it does mean, more sound coverage, more speakers means more air being moved, witch would make my drummers ears bleed witch i want to do, becouse he is very loud, even when he doesnt hit as hard, its not me i swear its just my amp, i dont know how you found all those prices for those amps, i have never seen anything that cheap, especialy around were i live,i think i have the worst luck with amps ever!! i need to find some decent stores or something, but everything sux if you dont have more than 500$ i am going to keep looking around. thanx for all the help though 
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-01-12, 05:53
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ok dude if you already got that crate stack,it will be better than the vtone.the vtone wont even as loud and clear as you want.if you already got some combos just get an extension cab.even better buy used and you can get a top cab.OR sell all your old stuff(sounds like you got alot)and get something decent.at least saty away from the vtone.

2005-01-12, 06:44
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Posts: 166
yea i realy want to sell some of my stuff, but i actualy have tried, the first time i tried selling on ebay, and it didnt reach the reserve. and the second time there werent any bids, but i did lower the price abit, and i am just not able to get very much for my stuff out here, no one wants my crap, its not even realy crap, its just everyone here gets their rich parents to buy them brand new stuff from the store and no one wants used stuff, but i will definitly look for more used stuff, i am bound to find something in this world, that i can afford. any recomendations as far as brands? i mean i know whats out there that i like that i now is realy good, but i cant afford it, i need something decent and affordable, i wouldnt even know were to begin as far as USED amps i dont know much about older amps, except, marshall jcm800 witch is what i used to record my bands demo, it was nice, tube amp, but if i find a nice head i like, its going to be too powerful for my cabinet, then i have to get another cab, witch i will have spent all my money on the head.  i hate amps  sorry for being all whiney, i have just been looking for a proper amp for too long.
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-01-12, 07:54
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dude the used market is different depending on where your living,some places are easier to get stuff.go and look at a few music shops and classifieds and whatever.Its the only way you will find stuff.but man theres no point worrying guitars ment to be fun,and i rekon looking at amps is pretty fun too.

2005-01-12, 23:32
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Originally Posted by GUITARFETUS
and i want a decent stack, i am sick of combos, and i am sick of crappy amps that arent loud enough, my band plays death metal and my drummer is realy loud, i need something that will be loud and clear, and a combo will probably be loud enogh, but it wont seem as loud becouse there is only 2 speakers, instead of four, more speakers doesnt mean louder but it does mean, more sound coverage, more speakers means more air being moved
or something... it will spread the sound more evenly and project better, as well as making it actually a bit louder. as a basic rule of thumb. i know what youre trying to say.
but still, alot of people underestimate combos... something like say, a 5150 2x12 combo(which can also be had for about $500 off ebay or something) is loud as hell, 60w tube pushing 2 12" speakers dimed,  that's really freaking loud, and if you wanted more you could just put it on top of your 4x12 cab and use the external speaker jack, which i beleive makes it run 30w to the combo's speakers and 30w to the cab... then you'd have a 2x30w 6x12 rig... and if that isnt loud enough then chances are you're playing somewhere that can run you through the P.A. because an acoustic drumset(which is normally what the levels are based off of) just can't give that much competition in the volume department no matter how hard he hits(i play with some loud fucking drummers so i know).
so even if you just bought a nice tube 2x12 combo, then used it with your 4x12, that'd be good.
or... go to www.avatarspeakers.com and buy some nice speakers and just replace the ones in your cab.
i just got four eminence swamp thangs from avatar for $250 shipped. and those arent even the cheapest speakers, i don't think dave(avatar) sells any crappy low end celestion or eminences, just the good ones, so i'd bet you could pick the cheapest ones he's got, and it'd still be a huge improvement over the stock crate ones.
then take the money left over, sell your head and other junk you have lying around, add it up and buy a nice head or combo to use with the cab.
Originally Posted by GUITARFETUS
pawn shops rip me off, and online cost too much becouse of shipping
what? how do pawn shops rip you off? they seem to be the cheapest compared to music stores for used gear...
and shipping? i'm sorry, but it's not that much... maybe for a cab it'd be like $50 or something, but that's not to bad at all..
Originally Posted by GUITARFETUS
yea i realy want to sell some of my stuff, but i actualy have tried, the first time i tried selling on ebay, and it didnt reach the reserve. and the second time there werent any bids, but i did lower the price abit,
how cheap and for what?
it's sad, but resale sucks... try for like %40-60 of what the new price is.
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2005-01-13, 09:03
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Oh xdx seems to know his stuff 

2005-01-13, 16:36
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yea, you guys have helped some, anthe reason i get ripped off at pawn shops is becouse they try to sell me things as if they were brand new, and i have to talk them down a bit, but i havnt seen a decent amp at any local pawn shops for a few years, i havnt gone to a swapmeet in a while, but the last time i saw something good at a sawpmeet was maybe 2 years ago, it was a bigass p.a. system brandnew it was awsome and it was only 300$ it was like 500watts two speaker towers with like 2x12's in each, and an 8channel mixer  that back then was out of my pricrange, but if i saw that today, i would get it right away, so you never now, i guess i should look around some more, also if i told you guys what i need, i think you can help me out a little bit better,
basicaly i want something simple and loud, all i need is a clean channel, i have distortion units so i dont need another channel, i need something realy loud, and clean sounding, something more than 100watts would be nice, thats all i think i need pretty much, i dont use effects so, thats is unneccessary.
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-01-13, 18:28
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you could try the Roland jc120 combo, thats got really nice cleans and goes well with pedals. You can find them fairly cheap second hand 
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2005-01-13, 18:38
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 166
thanx i will check it out
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-01-13, 21:39
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i'd reather have a 2 channel amp with killer distortion and an ok clean than an amp with an amazing clean and be stuck using horrible little tone suckers for my distortion.
but if you're sure that's what you want, i suggest a tube fender, or a roland jc... pretty much the best clean amps imo...
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2005-01-13, 23:59
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Hell yes jc's have a top clean channel,nice reverb too IMO.But xdx is right pedals can be a bitch!

2005-01-14, 05:50
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...farewell to the flesh...

2005-01-14, 06:30
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man, don't be a sucker... i'm giving you the best advise there is when it comes to gear... BUY USED!
think about it, $400 for that head brand new... for $400 you could get a WWAAAYY BETTER head off the used market. hell, you could get a used 5150 for a lil under $500. it would wipe it's ass with that xxl in both volume and tone.
i'm serious kid...
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2005-01-14, 06:51
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Originally Posted by GUITARFETUS
ofcourse he is going to tell you it will work great with your amp if it means you will buy it,dont listen to what they say,all they care about(usually  )is making a sale.

2005-01-14, 17:04
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Originally Posted by *insert name here*
ofcourse he is going to tell you it will work great with your amp if it means you will buy it,dont listen to what they say,all they care about(usually  )is making a sale.
i have alot of friends that work art places like guitarcenters and musicians friend... they size you up... if you got a small, yet significant hunk of money on you and you don't know much about gear. you're perfect.
they get paid off of commission... great and expensive amps like mesa and marshall and stuff, sell themselves pretty well on their own. but cheapo half decent or even shitty amps are impossible to move unless the kid has no idea what's going on. so they'll load you full of shit every chance they get...
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2005-01-14, 19:55
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Posts: 166
yea, i see were you guys are going with all of this used gear stuff, but i never see it anywere! and if i do see something badass used its always usualy way too expensive, and like pawn shops always charge as much as they can for something becouse they now they can get it, i have found some pretty decent stuff down in san diego, but you just have to be carefull were becouse they seem to charge more the closer you get to the beach, but i know of some shops down there that have realy good priced amps and guitars, and there is one store "guitar trader" those guys are realy cool, i dont live in san diego, but i am definitly going to check out the shops down there, next time im down there, witch will most likely be this week, im not too sure what i should look for, but i know im going to try and find a nice head that will work with my cabinet, becouse all i can afford is a decent amp, well thanx everybody, im glad i didnt go with that damn behringer!
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-01-14, 20:25
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i don't know where you're getting this pawn shop theory... they're not idiots. it's called a blue book. it tells you the value of the used gear.
anyways... try www.musicgoround.com www.instrumentexchange.com www.ebay.com www.harmonycentral.com (under the gear classifieds)
shipping isnt that much dude... unless it's from another country or something.
even something huge and heavy like a cab or combo will only be like $50-ish to ship.
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2005-01-14, 20:53
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Pawn shops do lie but not that bad. They won't super overprice something, but they will lie about how much it is new. Some fat idot had a Hamer slammer for like $250 and told me they cost $850 new. Yeah, Korean guitars rule. Soultion, don't buy off a pawn shop unless you what your buying and don't listen to what they say about new prices.
"This will work well wth you cab" hahaha wow. A god cab is a good cab, and a good amp is a good amp, obviously for certain styles, but when you get into shitty gear like that there are no magical matches, a shit amp will just sound like shit through an amazing cab. And an awesome head will have lots of tone taken away from it running thrugh a shit cab.
I found the best thing to say is "Ok, I'm not buying anything for your store no matter what, so give me your honest opinion..." you need to chat to with them as a fellow musician instead of talking with them as a sales person. That may be hard when your guilble youngin' but PRETEND you know what youre talking about...
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2005-01-14, 21:02
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Posts: 166
yea, the whole thing with "that head would go good with your cab" what i meant was the ohm impedance, and watt handling, witch i should have mentioned earlier, my cab isnt that great it is a crate i dont know what kind it is, but it is kind of old, but in good shape, not cosmeticaly(damn puppies) but it works nicely, the thing i dont like about it is not that great of a cabinet, it is huge as hell though, its bigger than most cabinets that my friends have and stuff, it is realy big! 4x12 and it is an 8ohm cabinet, no switch or nothing just straight up 8ohm, and it says 140watts max, witch is why i cant get any higher than that, but i wanted something to go with this cabinet, and that peavy amp i found goes pretty well with it becouse it is 120watts rms @ 8 ohm, so thats why i thought it would be good, but now that you guys now what im working with maybe you can help me out as far as amp heads.
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-01-14, 22:00
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Originally Posted by GUITARFETUS
yea, the whole thing with "that head would go good with your cab" what i meant was the ohm impedance, and watt handling, witch i should have mentioned earlier, my cab isnt that great it is a crate i dont know what kind it is, but it is kind of old, but in good shape, not cosmeticaly(damn puppies) but it works nicely, the thing i dont like about it is not that great of a cabinet, it is huge as hell though, its bigger than most cabinets that my friends have and stuff, it is realy big! 4x12 and it is an 8ohm cabinet, no switch or nothing just straight up 8ohm, and it says 140watts max, witch is why i cant get any higher than that, but i wanted something to go with this cabinet, and that peavy amp i found goes pretty well with it becouse it is 120watts rms @ 8 ohm, so thats why i thought it would be good, but now that you guys now what im working with maybe you can help me out as far as amp heads.
does your cab look kinda like this one but with no orange around the speakers and a rectangular crate logo?
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2005-01-14, 22:12
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Posts: 166
yea, actualy, but its not that old looking but it looks like thats it, ha ha, thats funny. im pretty sure thats it  i also took off the rectangular crate logo. i like it better with out it.
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-01-15, 04:30
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it's actually a really nice cab.... i swapped out the speakers to my liking though.
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2005-01-15, 04:58
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Posts: 166
oh thats awsome so you have it? thats awsome, well, yea, i figured it was a decent cab, just my head is very lame, so the cab isnt as bad as i thought huh?
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-01-15, 05:44
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Originally Posted by GUITARFETUS
oh thats awsome so you have it?
yes i have it... they came stock with celestion g12l-35's i think(these things were made like back when i was born)... but i bought mine with g12-65's a couple years ago, sold it, and just bought it back...
i now have eminence swamp thangs in it. and it sounds freaking amazing.. kinda like an oversized marshall 1960 cab, but front loaded instead(i preffer). and the swamp thangs will bring balls and clarity to any head. they're 150w power handling a peice(which is more than your whole cab  ) so they stay clean at all volumes...
so it's a good cab, i can't say to much for those speakers, as i'm not very familiar with them...
Originally Posted by GUITARFETUS
so the cab isnt as bad as i thought huh?
i dunno, what do your ears tell you?
also, what head do you have?
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2005-01-15, 05:51
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my ears tell me its a loud cabinet, but my head is a crate g600 60watt rms
@4ohm and the cab is 8ohm, so it doesnt work properly... if i had another cabinet like it, it would work, but it is pretty loud, just not loud enough, and definitly not clear enough, thats why i want a head that will be loud at 8ohms so i can just run the head through the crate cab.
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-01-15, 05:59
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Originally Posted by GUITARFETUS
my ears tell me its a loud cabinet, but my head is a crate g600 60watt rms
@4ohm and the cab is 8ohm, so it doesnt work properly... if i had another cabinet like it, it would work, but it is pretty loud, just not loud enough, and definitly not clear enough, thats why i want a head that will be loud at 8ohms so i can just run the head through the crate cab.
haha, i used to have a crate g1600 xl, which i think is just like the 160w version of yours... not to bad of a head really, but yours only has a measly 60w s.s., which sucks for volume and especially headroom, other than that i find it(my friend currently owns it) to be a pretty decent head, good distortion and another channel that at least resembles a clean channel  .
the ohmage thing isnt really a huge problem. the g1600 xl said minimum 4 ohms...
as a rule of thumb i say never mismatch by more than one step. 8 ohms is like the magic number imo. because most heads and poweramps are either 4 or 8 ohms minimum or are selectable between 4,8, and 16 ohms.
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2005-01-15, 07:15
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xdx quick question,my girlfriend told me about a marshall in a pawn shop today,it was a combo probally with 1 10'/12' speaker in it,and she told me it said superlead,and it didnt have jcm,dsl,or tsl on it?is there such thing?,it was about just under $200 American,in good condition.she told me it looked old too??can you help me out?

2005-01-15, 17:58
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Originally Posted by *insert name here*
xdx quick question,my girlfriend told me about a marshall in a pawn shop today,it was a combo probally with 1 10'/12' speaker in it,and she told me it said superlead,and it didnt have jcm,dsl,or tsl on it?is there such thing?,it was about just under $200 American,in good condition.she told me it looked old too??can you help me out?
your girlfriend sounds hot already.
i'm assuming it's just an old superlead... very jmp/plexi-like in tone, but more of a hotrodded sound....
if that's what it is and it works pefectly... for $200 you'd be retarded not to buy it. look em up on ebay.. depending on the year and condition those suckers arent cheap.
it might be a jcm 2000 though, the dsl's say dual super lead and the tsl says triple super lead.
but even then, if it's a jcm 2000 and it works fine, $200 is a steal.
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2005-01-15, 21:55
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Last edited by *insert name here* : 2005-01-15 at 21:57.
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2005-01-15, 21:56
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
your girlfriend sounds hot already.
i'm assuming it's just an old superlead... very jmp/plexi-like in tone, but more of a hotrodded sound....
if that's what it is and it works pefectly... for $200 you'd be retarded not to buy it. look em up on ebay.. depending on the year and condition those suckers arent cheap.
it might be a jcm 2000 though, the dsl's say dual super lead and the tsl says triple super lead.
but even then, if it's a jcm 2000 and it works fine, $200 is a steal.
Thanks man looks like I better get it,Im saving up for a jcm200 tsl head,will the tone be similar?oh well at least ill have a good resale!kickass thanks man.oh and i cant find shit on the net on old superleads.

2005-01-15, 22:55
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Originally Posted by *insert name here*
Thanks man looks like I better get it,Im saving up for a jcm200 tsl head,will the tone be similar?oh well at least ill have a good resale!kickass thanks man.oh and i cant find shit on the net on old superleads.
just go to ebay or something and type in marshall super lead...
the 2000's arent really much like the older marshalls at all... they're more modernly voiced..
but i'd make sure that's really what it is first...
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2005-01-16, 04:02
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 166
so do any of you have any suggestions as far as a head for my crate cab, any used heads i should look out for? i learned alot about amps this past 2weeks, well if you have any suggestions let me know 
...farewell to the flesh...
Last edited by GUITARFETUS : 2005-01-16 at 04:04.

2005-01-16, 07:02
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She took me there today and we tried it with a shitty soloist with rusty pickups,i was totally blown away!Sounds like new(from what i gather).Yeah its an old superlead,100w i think.The Marshall logo is way bigger than what i remember on marshalls,and its kind of faded a bit on the vinyl.i kinda wonder why its so cheap,none the less.oh the guy said its been out the back for a while to make way for a new mg series stack (go figure).Anyways good enough for me im gonna pick it up in the next couple days.Thanks for the info man.

2005-01-16, 18:19
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Originally Posted by GUITARFETUS
so do any of you have any suggestions as far as a head for my crate cab, any used heads i should look out for? i learned alot about amps this past 2weeks, well if you have any suggestions let me know 
umm.. the crate blus voodoos are really cheap, i like em alot...
marshall jcm's(800's 900's,2000's)
5150's are pretty cheap too...
sovtek mig's(30, 50, 60, 100)
but you said something about wantin a good clean channel and not really caring about the amps distortion because you want to use pedals, which although i personally think is kinda dumb, i'll just go with it and suggest one of these
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