2005-01-11, 12:13
Master Killer
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Official Underrated guitars/gear thread
So I just played an Ibanez copy (70's) of the Gibson SG.
well. I allready played one of their LP copies and was impressed. Ibanez made pretty badass copies those days.
Hence, why they got sued by Gibson, haha! But the amazing part is, this SG was like 350 bucks and in excellent shape. Fuck. slap some other pickups in the and I'de be a beast.
I'm not buying it though, I have another guitar on its way and I don't have the extra cash right now, but I'de be a kickass project.
tada: http://www.gitaarmarkt.nl/index.php...etails&id=35106
and another one, with case for 350. http://www.gitaarmarkt.nl/index.php...etails&id=34878
That's just one example of underrated gear, there's loads of it out there that's not well known or just neglected. for instance, Cort basses in general, Vox ss practise amps (pathfinders, haha), ampeg amps, old marshall ss heads, sunn amps, valley art guitars, fuck, theres loads.
It might be a cool idea to make a sort of thread about this shit so everyone can post their 'surprise' gear in it. with some info and a pic ofcourse!
also, collectors stuff can be posted here. I just saw a JEM multicolor on sale too. they will be worth shitloads since they're limited and all unique. still fucking expensive for a posh RG if you ask me.

2005-01-11, 12:16
The Mountie From Hell
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THATS fuckin' old school!
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-01-11, 15:10
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yeh, ibanez lawsuits are awesome... the early ones were so so, but they got good quick and gibson was pissed because they were making in some cases identical guitars and selling them for much less money(i don't know if them beingfrom japan had anything to do with it, but lawsuits were cheap).
tech 21... nobody knows about them, yet they make the best s.s. stuff around these days. i'm still contemplating buying a psa-1 because it smoked my jmp-1, and all the other preamps in the rack at the store including a mesa triaxis, voodoo lab preamp, and a rocktron gainiac(no suprise, but still)...
such an amazing preamp, it's kinda like a modelling preamp, well that's what most call it because it's so good at copying tones... but in fact it's %100 analog s.s. circutry, no digital modeling at all, it's it's own preamp... does fenderish cleans to hella grindy fuzz... very interesting eq'ing too.
the trademark 300 head is also fucking fantastic, 300w(alot of s.s. amps are being made like this these days simpy for headroom because s.s. breakup is garbage) and a ton of sounds are available.
reasonable prices too.
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2005-01-11, 15:14
Master Killer
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tech 21, yeah, heard about it. never went well over here though so they're pretty rare. not that I'de every buy something SS soon, but still, I'de be sure to check them when I see them in real life.
when did they start making those 300 heads? it's funny to see how all bigger manufacturers start making higher wattage SS amps these days (a lá mode four) it seems like the trend or something.
300w ss power seems usable. but after playing the bv300h, I'm confident, 300w of pure tube power is just too friggin much. (oh, and you'll be paying your ass off when you need to change tubes, haha!)

2005-01-11, 20:12
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Those Ibanez seem to be hit or miss, my friend has an old LP copy and its NIIICE, but ive played others that were just horrible with sloppy neck joints.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-11, 20:13
Master Killer
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might be the age too, I mean, they're fucking old. I've played vintage gibons that sucked too. just more worn out then your mom BLS...
but yeah, it's probably a matter of how the previous owner played it, some people buy guitars and hang them on the wall for 20 years and sell em. I know a guy with one of those anniversary JEM's. it's just on his fucking wall with the plastic still on the pickguard. that shit pisses me off. hehe.

2005-01-11, 20:37
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I collect guitars!
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-11, 21:05
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power conditioners... i don't think many people understand how important they are and how useful they can be.
Originally Posted by Def
tech 21, yeah, heard about it. never went well over here though so they're pretty rare. not that I'de every buy something SS soon, but still, I'de be sure to check them when I see them in real life.
when did they start making those 300 heads? it's funny to see how all bigger manufacturers start making higher wattage SS amps these days (a lá mode four) it seems like the trend or something.
300w ss power seems usable. but after playing the bv300h, I'm confident, 300w of pure tube power is just too friggin much. (oh, and you'll be paying your ass off when you need to change tubes, haha!)
they're awesome... randall can't even compete for the title of best solid state, which is why i wonder why they're so big in the s.s. world. tech 21 can slay alot of tube amps.
the bv300 is pretty much the only 300w tube head made i think, sure you have the mesa stradegy and colosiums and stuff, but, 300w tube is kinda pointless. you can barely even tell it's tube because it's so cold and sterile.
i like the 300-ish watt s.s. heads though... i despise s.s. breakup, and 300w makes it hard as fuck to distort.
the more wattage the better for me when it comes to solid state. hell, i use my cs800(2x400w s.s.) and it's awesome, no breakup at all, just a good constant sound. teamed up with a psa-1 it'll rule the world. 
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2005-01-11, 21:10
Master Killer
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I agree, you can't have enough SS watts. since they're puny and tiny sounding amps anyways
Randall G2 series aren't bad IMO, for practise shit. but I wouldn't really like them live, once they go loud the tone fades quicker then the volume goes up.
Power conditioners, yeah, if you have a rack they're usefull. I never used one though but we have a reliable power grid, lol. Nah, I guess they're nice to have a around if you have a rack with shitloads of expensive gear. However, my powerball has a noise supressor, tube monitoring system and its own protection system. the savage only has fuse monitoring.

2005-01-11, 21:26
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it's not just rack gear... they can be useful to all audio equipment, even heads and combos.. noise filtering, surge and spike protection, actual conditioning and cleansing of power, monitoring voltage, if they have lights then that's a plus, some have tuners and shit on them, i have a pic holder on mine, plus the conveinience of having everything in a rig(especially rack gear) all to one powersupply and taking up one space on the wall.
if you have a powerconditioner your sound will be more consistant from place to place(the way the powersource affects the way your amp sounds can be pretty noticable).
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2005-01-11, 21:29
Master Killer
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well, I've got a tuner, pick holder, beer holder and one powersupply (splitter) all in my flightcase
but yeah, it might be a good idea to pick one up someday. I'de want one with lights on it though, I've got a rack space left in my head's flightcase and the tuner is allready in the dark on stage and there's no light in the case itself, so that kinda sucks. how much do those things usually go for? 100 bucks?

2005-01-11, 21:39
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Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-01-11, 21:42
Master Killer
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what the hell. thats fucking expensive! haha. I don't know, you don't see those things around here AT ALL. but we don't have crap with our power grid, ever. I've seen well known metalbands here gig without too, I don't know but why the hell do they seem more populair in the US? you guys have a weird power grid or something? (120, right?)

2005-01-11, 21:50
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Originally Posted by Def
what the hell. thats fucking expensive! haha. I don't know, you don't see those things around here AT ALL. but we don't have crap with our power grid, ever. I've seen well known metalbands here gig without too, I don't know but why the hell do they seem more populair in the US? you guys have a weird power grid or something? (120, right?)
some places just have shitty power... most places are fine, but sometimes...
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2005-01-11, 22:03
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Originally Posted by Def
Power conditioners, yeah, if you have a rack they're usefull. I never used one though but we have a reliable power grid, lol. Nah, I guess they're nice to have a around if you have a rack with shitloads of expensive gear. However, my powerball has a noise supressor, tube monitoring system and its own protection system. the savage only has fuse monitoring.
You Powerball is expensive gear.. I run my 5150 and all my rack shit through my power conditioner at ALL times.. The power conditioner protects my gear from sudden power spikes, and while the my amp and rack shit all have fuses as well the power conditioner will take all the damage.. then i just flip the fuse switch and its back to good.. no need to take the chance with that shit affecting my amp. If I do this with my 5150, I dont see why you shouldnt do it with your Powerball. Hell, I got my RackRider (I LOVE THAT NAME EHEHE) for $30.. I dont need no stinkin' light.
Originally Posted by Def
what the hell. thats fucking expensive! haha. I don't know, you don't see those things around here AT ALL. but we don't have crap with our power grid, ever. I've seen well known metalbands here gig without too, I don't know but why the hell do they seem more populair in the US? you guys have a weird power grid or something? (120, right?)
120.. 114 something like that.. but just cause you have 240 or whatever dosent mean you should trust the electricity to behave and not cut in line 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-11, 22:10
Master Killer
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electricity never behaves weird here, lol. and most stages have their own power shit, but it might be something to look into.
now if only I knew where they sell those things 

2005-01-12, 01:33
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