2005-01-09, 18:10
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Marshall AVT 50H
I had the chance to play one at a band practice yesterday, and ive heard you guys say this amp was pretty weak sounding. I spent about 2 minutes setting it up and it sounded good enough to cut through, and clear enough, and while the Voicing wasnt as mean as im used to, it didnt sound nearly as bad as it was blown up to be. I probably wont buy one, because the 8100 is better, but i thought this one sounded pretty close.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-01-09, 18:24
Master Killer
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and the point of this thread is?

2005-01-09, 18:31
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kind of a semi review i suppose, close it if you dont think its relevant.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-01-09, 18:35
Master Killer
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well, I don't really see the point, I don't think its a review either, but I'll leave it open for discussion.
I don't like the avt's in general, they're allmost just as worse as mg's. the old marshall ss stuff wasn't too bad, same goes for their hybrids with ss preamp/tube poweramps. artist series and shit. but I still prefer the good old jcm 800. *on high volumes that is.

2005-01-09, 18:36
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I've played some of the avt series amps and i thought they were crap. They just lacked their own kind of sound and didnt do it for me. I know someone who has one of the avt 100 heads and it keeps breaking down. I used to have a 8100 and that pissed all over the avt 100
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2005-01-09, 19:04
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Well of course a JCM is going to shit all over an AVT any day, but i spent a little time eqing it and i got a kinda early death tone, like on leprosy. I mean, theyd be near the bottom of my list if i was buying an amp, but i just dont think theyre the bottom of the barrel like some here do, well, i guess that place is reserved for the mg series.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-01-09, 20:07
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I have a Marshall AVT 50 combo that I use almost strictly as a practice amp ... and for that, it performs very well. But I snagged mine for 300$ new over E-bay. My decision is justified, I believe, because of how little I paid for it, the thing is undoubtedly not worth retail ( or Musician's Friend ) price.
Last edited by John Holland : 2005-01-09 at 20:10.

2005-01-09, 20:19
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yeah, i wouldnt pay what this guy paid for this half stack, but it nonetheless performed well enough to rehearse with.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-01-09, 23:00
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yeah, out of all the AVT's I've tried, I thought this was the best, simple and loud for 50W too. I tried the AVT150H and I thought that sounded like complete shit.

2005-01-10, 22:05
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i got an avt275 for 280 from a pawn shop.i think i can get 500 for it on ebay.hence profit.i c them go for at least that much .
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
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Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-01-11, 02:27
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Yes ... why bother with a 500$ AVT when you can get a 5150 head for 500$ over E-bay ...

2005-01-11, 02:43
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Because good tone is probably one of the most subjective things in the music world. I dont dig the 5150's tone too much man, id take an SS rack setup before a 5150.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-01-11, 05:07
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I wouldnt pay $5 for this amp... Everytime I goto Guitar Center or Sam Ash their lack of REAL amps results in me having to play on this pos.. I think both those stores OWE me $ for making me play them.
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2005-01-11, 18:00
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
I dont dig the 5150's tone too much man, id take an SS rack setup before a 5150.
yea i dont dig it that much either, but i'd rather have it then a ss rack setup. Each to his own i suppose
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
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2005-01-11, 18:18
Crusher of Skulls
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I have an AVT 50. I doesn't really have balls...but it does get pretty damn loud. My pod-xt sounds pretty good through the effects loop though.
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2005-01-11, 18:33
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Originally Posted by Mordor
yea i dont dig it that much either, but i'd rather have it then a ss rack setup. Each to his own i suppose
meh. stock 5150's are so-so.
I'm happy with what I got.

2005-01-11, 19:26
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Originally Posted by Def
meh. stock 5150's are so-so.
I'm happy with what I got.

2005-01-11, 19:31
Master Killer
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hehehheheheh  screw those avts 

2005-01-11, 20:04
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Hey man, what brand is that road case? Ive been looking into buying one (Head Case w/ 6 Space Rack) but I want a quality one not some flimsy pos.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-01-11, 20:11
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It's not made by a brand, it's made by some guy who makes flightcases by hand here, I got it with the powerball. but it's not normal 'top' size... it has extra room on the top (you can see the hinges there, its the opening for the top compartiment) its neat for strings, footswitches and beer. haha.
you can get your own flightcases made for cheap, I guess. a german guy makes anything you want for 100 euros. http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...3773502013&rd=1
I think mine possibly came from the same guy.
Edit: it has a 2he panel too on the front, one for a tuner now, other's empty.

2005-01-11, 20:15
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hmm I thinking about getting somethign made by http://www.rockhardcases.com/ But their kinda pricey... Theirs alot on ebay but im sure their shit.. I mean I wouldnt exactly trust a $80 case :/
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2005-01-11, 20:21
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I agree. I don't know if mine was cheap or not but it's survived some gigs and it's build like a tank and has a nice protective liner all around, even in the top compartiment. it even has its own 4 way power divider inside (you know, those household things?) which is great if you're a long way from the power outlet. heh.
ATA makes good cases, as far as I know, its the most well known flightcase brand. oh, I had a Gator and SKB too, the Gator was good but I sold it. the SKB started to fall apart but I allready bough it used, it was pretty old.

2005-01-11, 20:36
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2005-01-11, 20:40
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Ahem... compared to what my case looks on the inside, that thing looks like a damn cardboard box! just looks thin and breakable to me. remember if you're going to do a bunch of gigs, you'll be rolling it through the street, off and up stairs and in and out a van. I don't think it'll last.

2005-01-11, 20:41
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2005-01-11, 20:49
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maybe find a used one. you need one with rack compartiment? that just makes it a whole lot more difficult.. but, its nice to keep your options open for later days you know? its easer to change stuff that way, I guess a quality case is a good investment. our other guitarist is looking for one too, I'm damn happy I got one with the powerball.

2005-01-11, 21:17
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hell people gig all the time without cases and it's just fine... even a cheapo case would help...
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2005-01-11, 21:22
Master Killer
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guess so. I've gigged without cases too, my cab has some damn nasty battle scars now  theres a rip in the side tolex about 30 cm long, from the fucking van, something on the bottom plate or something.
I wouldn't want anything to happen with my tube heads either, hell, they're breakable, I can't imagine doing a small tour in germany without cases, something is bound to get damaged... but if you only play shows in your local area or backyard, you'll be fine 

2005-01-11, 21:31
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cabs are pretty tuff, the only thing that'll really happen is rips in tolex and whatever...
head, some tube heads are a bit more fragile.... the only head i have right now is a hybrid fender rocpro, that thing is tough as nails.. other than that everything is kinda rackmounted.
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2005-01-11, 21:37
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which is a good thing. racks are the shit. and cases too. I don't have one for my cab though, but it would make the thing even more big and it'll take up too much space in the van.
I'm thinking about buying one of those mesa half-open cabs, the one with ev's and black shadows in the open top, they have a fucking steel grille and sound badass. I can get one for a decent price, or at least, for over here, a decent price.

2005-01-11, 21:46
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Originally Posted by Def
I'm thinking about buying one of those mesa half-open cabs, the one with ev's and black shadows in the open top, they have a fucking steel grille and sound badass. I can get one for a decent price, or at least, for over here, a decent price.
yeh, my friend has one, the top half is open and the bottom is closed. with a grill on the front... i thought it was just a nice cab that he put a mesa logo on... but it's just old. sounds freaking huge though because it's half open back and it's got vintage 30's(very effecient).
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2005-01-11, 21:52
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exactly, I love v30's. I don't know if I can get it though, the guy is asking around 500 bucks. it's friggin old but its in good state. it does look weird, I agree. but it sounds like a powerhouse

2005-01-11, 21:56
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Originally Posted by Def
maybe find a used one. you need one with rack compartiment? that just makes it a whole lot more difficult.. but, its nice to keep your options open for later days you know? its easer to change stuff that way, I guess a quality case is a good investment. our other guitarist is looking for one too, I'm damn happy I got one with the powerball.
I dont NEED a rack compartiment.. but I mean why not get one then sell my current rack case (SKB Plastic 6 space) Why not just have it all in one case.. the heat from the tubes makes the rack case get hot.. and im afraid it might fall off one day. When you buy a expensive amp like a Powerball I think its idiotic NOT to have a case.. I mean your willing to invest so much money into the amp but not to protect your baby? While 5150's are built like tanks, the tubes arent.. Plus I dont really trust ANYONE except me with my gear.. and if somone else is going to move my stuff Id like that extra comfort of knowing its in a case.
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-01-11, 22:56
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I have an AVT50. I can get the tones out of this amp that I want, so it is totally fine with me (having a X2N helps also). I can get a pretty good thrash tone with it, and a good stoner rock one (almost Dopesmoker'ish, lacking the wall of green amps though). Small and loud also.
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