2004-12-30, 07:25
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: metaltabs.com
Posts: 17
Weird question regarding EMG pickups
Just wondering if anybody can give me any information. I bought a Jackson DKMG about 2 years ago, and now I finally was able to buy some real EMGs to replace the stocked EMG-HZ pickups. Those hz pickups that the guitar came with took a 9 volt battery, so I do not understand why I keep reading around that hzs are passive, I thought by definition an active pickup is one that takes a battery. My question is, however, can I just simply snap the new EMGs I bought into the guitar and not have to rewire the whole system and do all that soldering? What makes me suspicious is that the clips that are in the guitar are a little bigger than the clips that came with the new EMGs. They clip into the new EMGs, but a couple pin holes are left. The clips however fit perfectly into the hzs leaving no pin holes behind. Does anybody know anything regarding this? I don't know a whole lot about gear, so this might be a stupid question.