2004-12-22, 13:41
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Review of my new Crate GX 130c head.
ok this head actually came to my fathers university.
So whent there to pick it up, holy tits was it heavy, nothing could of made dragging along campus fun, by the time i got to my vechile my arms were sore as hell.
So when i got home i began to unpack it.
HOLY TITS! is this head ever big, its waaaaaay bigger then id ever imagened, hell its even longer then my cab.
so i took this fucker out to my garage and plugged it in and the review starts here.
this amp comes with 2 65 watt pre amps, although i only have one little input on my cab im pretty sure im only using one right now.
it also has stereo chorus, which is pretty much useless seeing how it sucks and all but hey who would buy this head for its chorus.
it also has reverb but then again so does a gym.
well besides the effects it has a Rhythm channel which is basically your clean and a Lead channel which is your Gain channel
Distortion is chunky has hell on riffs, gotta love it, at first though it kind of lacked in brutallity, but my BBE sonic maximizer fixed that right up.
heres where this head dissapointes abit....
The lead tone is abit harsh. Not near as good as the lead tone i was getting out of my line 6. hopefully i can find some way to smooth this problem out.
also its abit noisey when its turned it has a wicked painful hiss.
This thing seems to be a tank......
Overall rating:8
excellent purchase
only a few disapointments
that being the lead tone it has, and all the noise you get, but i am kind of spoiled because my line 6 would never do that because it had a noise gate on it.
i kind of wish it had better eqing, but im about to get a MSP 1000 which should solve that

2004-12-22, 19:36
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ok now i realized that i was too hard on the lead tone in that review
its not THAT rough, just id like it to be a little smoother

2004-12-22, 22:40
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That is good that you finally got it, and that you are happy with it overall.
Mine is almost whisper quiet, even with the volume on 10, with my Jackson RR-4 with Emg 81/85's. I have a gate in my Digitech RP-7 but the damn Crate is so quiet I don't have to use it.
I am running the RP-7 in the effects loop solely for it's EQ (everything else is off, or on "bypass"). I don't know why, but the RP-7's EQ has made every amp I have run it through sound 1,000 times better. It almost seems to add fullness, even with everything set flat. It might just be something else in the RP-7 that is doing this, I really don't know. Don't really care, either, because the Crate sounds fucking insane with my current settings on the EQ, and that is all that matters.
Can't help you with the lead tone. In my 17 years of playing guitar I have never played a lead, and probably never will.

2004-12-22, 22:49
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Originally Posted by AR15
Can't help you with the lead tone. In my 17 years of playing guitar I have never played a lead, and probably never will.
Damn, what gives?
And cool. I had been looking around for this amp. I bet its good, But I'd really want to try it out first before I bought it.
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2004-12-22, 23:21
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
Damn, what gives?
I have never liked listening to leads, so I never wanted to play them.
I love heavy rhythms, that is what made me want to play guitar.
I can remember listening to Maiden when I was younger and actually getting pissed whenever they would solo, I was like "get back to the song already!" lol
I find that in most cases, a player's lead tends to detract from the song, not add to it. I'm sure that I am in the minority there, but they just don't do anything for me.
I guess I was just born to play rhythm.

2004-12-22, 23:57
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Originally Posted by AR15
I have never liked listening to leads, so I never wanted to play them.
I love heavy rhythms, that is what made me want to play guitar.
I can remember listening to Maiden when I was younger and actually getting pissed whenever they would solo, I was like "get back to the song already!" lol
I find that in most cases, a player's lead tends to detract from the song, not add to it. I'm sure that I am in the minority there, but they just don't do anything for me.
I guess I was just born to play rhythm.
haha, I think just the opposite.
I'm like "yes a solo!" then the solos over and i'm like "get back to the solos already!"
Listen to some Cacophony, then tell me leads suck.
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2004-12-23, 02:40
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yeah im "yes,a solo!" guy too
this amp is fucking sweet, a little louder would be nice though.
now i just need a better cab........

2004-12-23, 02:57
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Can you tell that Jack Owen used one of these?
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2004-12-23, 03:05
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uh yes this amp definatly screams cannibal corpse
i cant tell for sure if he used this one, but i have seen one in some videos that look like this head

2004-12-23, 03:30
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Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
yeah im "yes,a solo!" guy too
this amp is fucking sweet, a little louder would be nice though.
now i just need a better cab........
try running her in stereo... it's set up for 2x65w, so i don't know if it's bridgable... if not then you're only running 65w s.s. mono into your cab... and if your cab is only a mono cab, a simply Y cable would fix the issue.
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2004-12-23, 13:11
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yeah i only have 1 little input on my cab...
so right now theres only one little speaker cable coming out the crate
whats this Y cable you speak of?

2004-12-23, 17:27
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Its not the amp taht isnt loud enough its because you are pushing only one speaker. Hook it up to a 4x12 and youll see what I mean. Easiest way to get louder is to push more air, and you get more speakers to do that, not a new amp.
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2004-12-23, 18:34
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now you look stupid
i have been hooking it up to 4x12

2004-12-23, 18:45
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Oh i misread, i thought you said only one speaker and not one speaker cable. I don't look stupid, its fucking fact, if you were to hook up a 60 watt head to a full stack it would be louder than if you hooked up that same head, only in a 120 watt version to a single cab.
You bought a crate...
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2004-12-23, 18:58
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this crate blows the shit out of the Bv 120 i tried.........

2004-12-23, 19:33
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I'll say it again, you, paid money for a crate...
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2004-12-23, 20:06
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Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
whats this Y cable you speak of?
it's got two 1/4" male's on one side to come from both outputs of your head, then the other end of the cord only has one 1/4" male end on the other side to go into a mono cab... so basically you'd be making your stereo head into a mono head.
Originally Posted by DEAD
I'll say it again, you, paid money for a crate...
i don't get it... crate makes nice stuff.
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2004-12-23, 22:02
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cool, ill invest in one soon....
and dead i beleive this head had similar circutry(sp) to an Ampeg Vh 140 c which i do beleive were looking for one

2004-12-23, 22:11
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talking to yourself?
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2004-12-23, 22:13
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no im just too lazy to quote stuff

2004-12-24, 00:22
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
it's got two 1/4" male's on one side to come from both outputs of your head, then the other end of the cord only has one 1/4" male end on the other side to go into a mono cab... so basically you'd be making your stereo head into a mono head.
this intrigues me to a degree, but... what is the point? explain! story time!

2004-12-24, 01:54
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Originally Posted by Andrew1331
this intrigues me to a degree, but... what is the point? explain! story time!
ok, he has a stereo head... meaning two 65w poweramps,
but his cab is mono(only one input),
so he can run one side of his head into his cab with a normal speaker cable. pretty much making his head 65w. because that's all he's using.
in order to get that other 65w delivered to his cab he needs to either make his cab stereo/get a stereo cab or use a y cable.
how it works... with a speaker wire there is the red part and the black part(i could give you more scientific names for this, but this is just simple idiot proof terms)... with the Y cable you have the red and black part on one end like a normal cable then each is split so you have two reds and two blacks on the otherside.
thus making the cable look like a "Y" because it spilts the "signal"(in this case it actually joins them because it's backwards).
so with the Y cable he can use both 65w poweramps in his head to push his mono 4x12 cab. giving him more power and thus more "volume"...
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2004-12-24, 02:40
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thus more brutallity
and fucking of sluts

2004-12-24, 19:06
The Stings of Conscience
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ok, im pretty sure my head has two output thingys, so its stereo? so can i do this? its a Peavey Supreme XL, someone help me

2004-12-24, 20:10
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Originally Posted by Andrew1331
ok, im pretty sure my head has two output thingys, so its stereo? so can i do this? its a Peavey Supreme XL, someone help me
i think most heads automatically bridge themselves if you only use one ouput. and if you use two then it spilts it.
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2004-12-24, 20:14
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i take back everything i said about the lead tone today it sounded awesome!
i would now rate the heads sound as 9

2004-12-24, 20:22
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keep tweaking it...
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2004-12-24, 20:35
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it doesnt like drugs......

2004-12-25, 00:50
The Stings of Conscience
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thanks xdx

2004-12-26, 04:32
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Yeah, im getting a vh140c and cab in a few days.... heheh, ill post a review for it soon. man this rules.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-12-26, 13:42
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fuuuuuck yeah!
did you get it off of ebay?

2004-12-26, 16:32
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
Yeah, im getting a vh140c and cab in a few days.... heheh, ill post a review for it soon. man this rules.
how much did it run you?
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2004-12-26, 19:57
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well, i found them both locally. One is 450$ for the head and cab i believe, and the other is 400$ for a almost mint condition head. The guy for 450$ hasnt responded to my email about actually purchasing it and the 400$ guy is just waiting for to respond. A question. Does anyone know if guitat center gives you store credit or money for the shit you sell them?
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-12-26, 20:39
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Store credit, or they take like 10% off and send you a check in the mail 7 years later.
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2004-12-26, 20:46
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7 years? hahah, why cant they just give you a check there and then?
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-12-27, 03:58
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you can get non store credit money from them...
i just about sold my jmp-1 there because my friend works there said i could get like $350-400 for it through them, which is like what i'm selling it for anyways so i was like fuck yeh! then i brought there and everything, he was testing it and everything then he went to go clear it with the boss, came back and told me the boss said $300... so i told his boss to go fuck himself for wasting my time.
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2004-12-27, 04:07
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i just need 200$ for it. Thats half of what i paid for it, but whatever. Ill try to bargain with em.
Originally Posted by Transient
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