2004-12-12, 18:33
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Marshall or peavey
I've been looking around for head amps and I've been looking at the Marshall JCM series and the Peavey 5150s. I have tried the JCM 900, the 2000 DSL and TSL, but I haven't tried the 5150 yet. Which is a "better" amp. The sound I'm tryin to get is like a Children of Bodom, Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer. I hear that the dist. is good on the 5150, but the clean sucks. While I think that the dist. on the JCM are a bit weak.

2004-12-12, 18:48
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
I hear that the dist. is good on the 5150, but the clean sucks. While I think that the dist. on the JCM are a bit weak.
Exactly. The 5150 is better, and a XXX would be even better.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
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2004-12-12, 18:50
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
The sound I'm tryin to get is like a Children of Bodom, Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer.
not sure bout bodom, but i think the rest use marshall so, go marshall
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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2004-12-12, 18:52
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I haven't tried the JCM900 but i have tried the 800 and the distortion was not weak. Although i had that JCM800 pretty damn loud 

2004-12-12, 18:53
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like a jcm800 should be, cranked.

2004-12-12, 18:53
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Oh shit I didnt even think of that, those three do use Marshall. I was just thinking more gain. I saw Bodom a few months ago, and I forgot what Alexi used. His tone for low stuff was awful though.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-12-12, 18:56
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Alexi used a 5150 on something wild, Megadeth used Crate Blue Voodoo's on a few albums (Marty Era) Slayer uses JCM 800's
now heres and idea..
go play the 5150 
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-12-12, 19:19
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I think Mustaine's tone on Rude Awakening is the fucking best, theres like no clutter at all.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
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2004-12-12, 19:22
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get 5150 cant go wrong with that. or get a mesa dual rect. cant go wrong with that too. personally i dont like marshall. you can find like 5 or more amp manufactures that produce better sound for alot less... im not knocking marshall but these days ur paying more for the name. look in to getting a mesa, best tube amps in my opion.

2004-12-12, 19:51
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
His tone for low stuff was awful though.
I think he's mainly using Lee Jackson Perfect Connection, Peavey power amp and Marshall cabs. And ESP RRs with a EMG-HZ H4 (which is probably why his sound is not that good  ) He has lots of different amps, though (for example Tech21 TM-300).
He uses a good 'ole JCM 800 for backup. He says it's reliable as hell...
Originally Posted by BLS
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2004-12-12, 20:00
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Yeah, I know it was stupid how I put Bodom with all the other thrash bands, I guess the Marshall would be better suited for those thrash bands. And yeah, when I saw Bodom play about 2 months ago, Alexi was using a 5150. I guess I am looking for an amp that is also versatile, meaning it has a nice clean, then I can go to a heavy rhythm, then powerful leads.

2004-12-12, 21:21
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Bodom uses a smorgasbord of fucking amps on their new cds, engls, peaveys... fuck, hes used powerballs live too. Ill suggest engl if you have the cash for it, best tone in the land for metal.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-12-12, 22:03
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
I guess I am looking for an amp that is also versatile, meaning it has a nice clean, then I can go to a heavy rhythm, then powerful leads.
my tsl-100 give me a really good clean
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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2004-12-12, 22:10
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demon has a point, the dsl/tsl's are pretty nice for their money too.

2004-12-12, 22:23
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Yeah, marshalls arent bad amps... but if your not looking for marshall tone, then dont get em, because thats all they do. Anyway, i finally found out what gorgasm use guys...
Marshall 8100 Valvestate
I was so dissapointed... They cant be using the Mt-2 for dist.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-12-13, 01:27
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Originally Posted by AcousticMike
get 5150 cant go wrong with that. or get a mesa dual rect. cant go wrong with that too. personally i dont like marshall. you can find like 5 or more amp manufactures that produce better sound for alot less... im not knocking marshall but these days ur paying more for the name. look in to getting a mesa, best tube amps in my opion.
roflmao... that was just retarded, yes you can go wrong with a 5150 and a dual recto...
and you say marshall is overpriced, then you suggest a mesa(which is in fact even more overpriced)... yeh...
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2004-12-13, 02:02
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Yeah... Mesas arent overpriced if you buy used though.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-12-13, 02:07
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yeh they are, their resale value is farily good, meaning the amp is still expensive.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-12-13, 02:16
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Originally Posted by BLS
yeh they are, their resale value is farily good, meaning the amp is still expensive.
depends on the amp...
my old vtwin preamp was resonably priced at $300-ish used... it was amazing..
the mark series are the fucking shit... as is the f series and recto's... most of their newerrack shit is way up there though, like the poweramp and the triaxis... yikes that shit's out of control.
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2004-12-13, 02:26
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how does the F-series sound? Im already getting a Vh140c, but ive heard some good shit about these amps.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-12-13, 03:08
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
how does the F-series sound? Im already getting a Vh140c, but ive heard some good shit about these amps.
mark series style cleans with a more recto-ish crunch(less gain than an actual recto, but still capable of getting brutal if you push it hard enough)
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2004-12-13, 10:16
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
Yeah... Mesas arent overpriced if you buy used though.
they sure as hell are.
just look at what they ask for them used, its rediculous.
ofcourse, that goes for everything 'good' if you see a rivera, engl, soldano, diezel or something change hands, its allways still expensive.
IMO, Mesa is not worth the money but I'de still love to get a mesa mark combo someday, or maybe one of those F30's!

2004-12-13, 11:49
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
Marshall 8100 Valvestate
I was so dissapointed... They cant be using the Mt-2 for dist.
Well, tough. I tried a used Valvestate 8100 a while ago at the store, and it sure as hell didn't have enough gain for metal. Otherwise a nice amp though, but I was looking for an amp with already a good distortion so I wouldn't need any pedalshit.
Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
Ill suggest engl if you have the cash for it, best tone in the land for metal.
Definately. Powerball is absolutely perfect IMO. Best amp ever, methinks.
But I thought this thread was about Marshall vs. Peavey, cause geartalk is full of these threads!
The engl is pricey, but no way near Mesa-kind-of overprice.
Originally Posted by BLS
God Bless America 

2004-12-13, 12:18
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it's a hard call, my marshall is built like a tank and has some great tones, unfortuneately the distortion on it is worthless for the style of music i now play. for what we do (in flames, nevermore, fear factory) probably best to go with a peavey or the mesa, and i need to try a powerball. i found myself using elaborate pedal setups to deal with the shitty amp distortion
I'm Proud not to be PC
Liberals, the other terrorists
Originally Posted by Righteous_Death
Black Sabbath are so good, so I wouldnt say anything to disrespect them.
Cunt face.
Rest in Peace Dime, thank you for changing my world on vulgar display of power, thank you for being my next step after sabbath, and thank you for inspiring me to pick up that guitar and learn some heavy fucking metal \m/ your memory will live on forever 

2004-12-13, 14:22
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Originally Posted by Def
they sure as hell are.
just look at what they ask for them used, its rediculous.
ofcourse, that goes for everything 'good' if you see a rivera, engl, soldano, diezel or something change hands, its allways still expensive.
IMO, Mesa is not worth the money but I'de still love to get a mesa mark combo someday, or maybe one of those F30's!
for you poor fucks it's especially ridiculous...
around here:
single recto is like $1,300(new) or $700-$1,000 used
a dual is $1,500(new) or $800-$1,100 used, and a triple is $1,700(new) or $1,000-$1,300 used.
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2004-12-13, 14:35
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A single recto here were I live is more than 3000$ new.
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2004-12-13, 14:39
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
for you poor fucks it's especially ridiculous...
around here:
single recto is like $1,300(new) or $700-$1,000 used
a dual is $1,500(new) or $800-$1,100 used, and a triple is $1,700(new) or $1,000-$1,300 used.
yeah, the difference is crazy, triple recto's are 2200-2500 here new and go for 1600-1800 used!!!
thats just one example, its even worse with the combo's it seems. (though, I wouldn't mind owning one, I know a guy who has one, its great for at home man, just great!)

2004-12-13, 20:00
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Chuck used an 8100 man, straight in live... so i think it would sound good for metal.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-12-13, 20:11
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he didnt have any kind of rack gear on that bad boy??
i know he at least had a chorus for his leads
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2004-12-13, 20:26
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nope, he ran directly in even on cds, and used studio stuff after recording it.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-12-13, 22:03
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Originally Posted by Def
yeah, the difference is crazy, triple recto's are 2200-2500 here new and go for 1600-1800 used!!!
thats just one example, its even worse with the combo's it seems. (though, I wouldn't mind owning one, I know a guy who has one, its great for at home man, just great!)
don't get me wrong mesa's are fucking awesome amps... top notch shit, but i'd much rather have a fancy botique amp like a powerball or a cobra for those prices.
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2004-12-13, 22:07
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I agree, recto's are more like 'wannahaves' here, its not like they really match up against the boutique amps (IMO) but people still want them purely because of the fact its a Mesa recto.
pretty friggin weird really but whatever makes them happy eh?
I mean, like you said a powerball or a cobra are both better amps in my opinion and over here they're affordable compared to mesa stuff. I've tried everything in this price range and I must say I wasnt too impressed with the rectifier. But ofcourse, its difficult to justify its price tag over here.

2004-12-13, 22:14
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[QUOTE=Laareppi]Well, tough. I tried a used Valvestate 8100 a while ago at the store, and it sure as hell didn't have enough gain for metal. Otherwise a nice amp though, but I was looking for an amp with already a good distortion so I wouldn't need any pedalshit.QUOTE]
Hey dude wat guitar did u use with the amp? wat type of pickups?, i used to have a v8100 and i found that the amp had plenty of gain, maybe ure pickups werent high enough output
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2004-12-13, 22:24
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Originally Posted by Def
I agree, recto's are more like 'wannahaves' here, its not like they really match up against the boutique amps (IMO) but people still want them purely because of the fact its a Mesa recto.
pretty friggin weird really but whatever makes them happy eh?
I mean, like you said a powerball or a cobra are both better amps in my opinion and over here they're affordable compared to mesa stuff. I've tried everything in this price range and I must say I wasnt too impressed with the rectifier. But ofcourse, its difficult to justify its price tag over here.
i think recto's are awesome amps... but definately not the best mesa has to offer... tone wise i liked my v-twin just as much if not more than a recto... even when it was teamed up with a s.s. poweramp.
the most "brutal" mesa i've played suprisingly was a mark series... mark III simulclass head, bluestripe(more aggressive preamp gain) with all the upgrades and hand selected jj's through a marshall 4x12 with greenbacks.. yummy... i can't beleive i missed out on it.
but for prices, powerballs and cobras are only like $1800-1900 here new... which is still a ton of money to through down, but not much more than mesa shit.
american made shit is still insanely expensive in america... bogner and vht(i think) are made here and they're even more expensive than engl & framus stuff.
where the fuck is deizel made? those fuckers are so expensive.
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2004-12-13, 22:28
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ermmm, Switserland! so that would explain! Everything from Switserland is expensive, fuck man, ever went to dinner in Switserland? you'de fucking kick the waiter in the ass before paying, it's a complete joke.
they're pretty expensive here too but they're rare and handbuild and shit. the guy where I bought the powerball off had a Diezel VH4 and a Herbert. Oh and he had an engl special edition too. the fuck. I should have taken my cam  Engl's are still handbuild too, are Mesa's still completely handbuild these days?
Mark series combo's all have tone, they're not all that agressive stock, expecially not the older ones, but they do have great tone, cleans are sparkly and bright. I know a guy who has one of those ancient Mark combo's, I think a 'I' and it must be worth a lot, he plays a Gibson S1 through it. Fucker can play too. (even though he's not into metal and such)

2004-12-13, 23:12
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Originally Posted by cxmachine
it's a hard call, my marshall is built like a tank and has some great tones, unfortuneately the distortion on it is worthless for the style of music i now play. for what we do (in flames, nevermore, fear factory) probably best to go with a peavey or the mesa, and i need to try a powerball. i found myself using elaborate pedal setups to deal with the shitty amp distortion
My Marshall (tsl60) has a shed load of gain, not as much as my mates 5150 II. its brutal low down, but mines a hell of clearer and better for leads...

2004-12-14, 02:54
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Originally Posted by Def
are Mesa's still completely handbuild these days?
to a degree, alot of it is... enough to say it's handbuilt... but not as handbuilt as deizel i'm sure.
Originally Posted by Def
Mark series combo's all have tone, they're not all that agressive stock, expecially not the older ones, but they do have great tone, cleans are sparkly and bright. I know a guy who has one of those ancient Mark combo's, I think a 'I' and it must be worth a lot, he plays a Gibson S1 through it. Fucker can play too. (even though he's not into metal and such)
depends alot on the mark series.. those mark I's are like %90 clean... but they're so sweet sounding. if it's really a mark I, and he's in europe, he could get an retardedly thick wad of cash for it... even in the u.s. those things are so hard to find.
alot of metallica stuff was recorded on mark II's.
i know one of the dudes from lamb of god has a mark IV.
i guess not all of them are created equal... mark III's are probably my favorite. but even then there are different versions of the mark III's.. the one i played, i shit you not, more brutality than a recto...
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2004-12-14, 03:18
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The recto doesnt seem that brutal to me... The powerBall and firball sound like 10x more brutal to my ears.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-12-14, 03:59
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Originally Posted by poultonjoe
My Marshall (tsl60) has a shed load of gain, not as much as my mates 5150 II. its brutal low down, but mines a hell of clearer and better for leads...
yeah thats my problem, i use my amp distortion for leads, and it's great, but for that botton heavy rhythm chunk (which makes up most of our sound) the marshall just doesn't cut it
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Liberals, the other terrorists
Originally Posted by Righteous_Death
Black Sabbath are so good, so I wouldnt say anything to disrespect them.
Cunt face.
Rest in Peace Dime, thank you for changing my world on vulgar display of power, thank you for being my next step after sabbath, and thank you for inspiring me to pick up that guitar and learn some heavy fucking metal \m/ your memory will live on forever 

2004-12-14, 08:10
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Originally Posted by Mordor
Hey dude wat guitar did u use with the amp? wat type of pickups?, i used to have a v8100 and i found that the amp had plenty of gain, maybe ure pickups werent high enough output
Jackson RR with S-D... (not DD!). It was with some Carvin cab, but there could be something wrong with the amp? After all, it's used and old...
Originally Posted by BLS
God Bless America 

2004-12-14, 12:06
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
to a degree, alot of it is... enough to say it's handbuilt... but not as handbuilt as deizel i'm sure.
depends alot on the mark series.. those mark I's are like %90 clean... but they're so sweet sounding. if it's really a mark I, and he's in europe, he could get an retardedly thick wad of cash for it... even in the u.s. those things are so hard to find.
alot of metallica stuff was recorded on mark II's.
i know one of the dudes from lamb of god has a mark IV.
i guess not all of them are created equal... mark III's are probably my favorite. but even then there are different versions of the mark III's.. the one i played, i shit you not, more brutality than a recto...
makes sense, I really loved the cleans on that mesa combo the guy had, it was a pretty heavy and loud bastard too, the distortion was ok, but with a ts9 it was pretty sweet!
must be worth loads then, the guy never used it anywhere else then in his living room, its a pretty cool thing to have in your living room too, hehe!
I haven't played the III, I think it was the IV I played in a shop once and I just thought it wasn't anything special really. just a tube amp thats loud, the mark I thing just left an impression, you know?

2004-12-14, 18:22
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Originally Posted by Laareppi
Jackson RR with S-D... (not DD!). It was with some Carvin cab, but there could be something wrong with the amp? After all, it's used and old...
Maybe,.... 8100's were fairly reliable though, the only thing which broke down a lot of the time was the reverb. Maybe the tube needed replacing?
I miss my 8100 very very much, i m still haggling with the shipping company who lost my amp, tryin to get some money for it
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
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2004-12-14, 18:49
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Yes, I am pretty sure the tube was fucked up. (It had one tube, right? Like the AVT-series)
Originally Posted by BLS
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2004-12-14, 20:53
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reverb has its own tube? i thought it was springs
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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2004-12-14, 20:54
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Get a XXX. 
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-12-15, 05:16
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
reverb has its own tube? i thought it was springs
the reverb? it has springs, yeah. The amp itself has one tube, ECC83 or something, apparently.
Originally Posted by BLS
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2004-12-15, 19:14
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yea, the amp only had one tube in the pre amp section. The reverb didnt have its own tube but it did fuck up alot of the time on the 8100's. Somet to do with dodgy wiring.
I miss my amp 
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 
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