2004-12-04, 21:19
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Problem with 5150 combo
I was playing the otehr day with my drummer, and suddenly my amp just cut out. It didnt turn off, just lost all sound except for very very very small amount or thin buzzyness when I play, barely audible. I've had the amp for almost a year with stock tubes. I assumed I needed new tubes, if not I was planning to get some anyway. So I got JJs and put them in, same problem. I looked on the Peavey fourms real quick and someone said thay had the same type of problem with the head version and if you hit it, it goes away, so having nothing to loose, I smacked my amp a couple of times, and bam, it blows the fuse. I replace the fuse, problem still exists. The only thing I could think of, is a bad solder joint, I don't think dirty inputs would cause such a problem.
On another note, I've been playing this thing just about everyday with the volume at about 5, and recently it was been exposed to cold, sitting out in my garage where me and my drummer play.
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Last edited by DEAD : 2004-12-04 at 21:21.

2004-12-04, 21:24
Wasted Custom User title
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The wire going to the speakers came loose is my guess.
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2004-12-04, 21:24
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damn there seems to be a 5150 epidemic here...
the cold is probably not a good thing for it, but i dont think it would have killed the amp
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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2004-12-04, 21:27
Master Killer
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hey, whats with all 5150 combo's dying all of a sudden? (see transient's thread)
sounds like died out tubes, did you replace the powertubes or the preamp tubes or both? maybe theres a filter cap broken or the power transformer or something because of cold/moist. I wouldn't recommend fucking around with it too much on yourself, even if you take out the power cord, the power condensers have current on them for weeks. so watch out! even when just changing tubes.

2004-12-04, 21:30
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Yes, I changed both power and preamp tubes.
The cold/moist thing makes sense, i knwo all about tube amps and how dangerous they are so dont worry.
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2004-12-04, 21:37
Wasted Custom User title
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Yeah okay then, I think its just the wire going to the speakers mustve come loose due to a poor solder or something. I'm not a big amp guy though.
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2004-12-04, 21:38
Master Killer
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allright, we don't want your ass electrocuted or something
I put my top back in my flightcase everytime I use it at practise (in a big attic above a backery, but its not really well isolated) putting a cloth or something like that over it might even help enough.
I guess you should get it to an amp tech or something, you could get scematics and shit and start messing around yourself but that would A. take you a lot of time B. probably won't solve the problem anyway. (amp techs know what too look for) if its an older amp it can have dried out caps and all sorts of that shit too. (thats a typical american-made tube amp problem, mesa's have it too, so an amp tech told me once)
good luck.

2004-12-04, 21:52
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Do you use your effects loop?
If not plug a jack in and out of that a few times... the effects loops seems to cause some problems when it collects alot of dust.
E-mail JerryP www.FJAmods.com he is the god of 5150's
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2004-12-04, 22:00
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well i unplugged my speakers, and the barely audible thin buzzy tone of my playing is comming from the amp itself and not the speakers. So I'm thinking its not a problem with my amp but a problem with my speakers. Which is awesome because I can deal with resoldering the speakers.
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2004-12-04, 22:01
Master Killer
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so have you tried the speakers with a different top?

2004-12-04, 22:32
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try using the ext speaker out into a different cab, if it works then the problem is in the speakers... it sounds like so far you might be having the same difficulties as transient.
and just a couple other things to make sure of:
1.every tube is good(sound like you did it already)
2.every fuse is good(sounds like you did it already)
3. all connections are good(wires from head part to speakers especially)
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2004-12-05, 13:24
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dude! weird!

2004-12-05, 19:45
Master Killer
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must be the time of the year heh, all 5150's seem to die. better start saving up if you own one 

2004-12-05, 20:20
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Its my speakers, I ran the line out into another amp and it works. I think I'm just going to buy a 4x12 and saw the top off my combo and have a 5150 60 watt head.
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2004-12-05, 20:34
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wow its my speakers too
thats really odd

2004-12-05, 20:36
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Originally Posted by DEAD
Its my speakers, I ran the line out into another amp and it works. I think I'm just going to buy a 4x12 and saw the top off my combo and have a 5150 60 watt head.
Kinda like this http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...me=STRK:MEWA:IT ??
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-12-05, 20:40
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Yes, only I don't plan on spending the time to make it look that nice.
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2004-12-05, 20:54
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neato... that'd be hella cool...
i hope my guitarist's 5150 doesnt just get up and break down... though it's a head and you suckers bought the combos. 
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2004-12-05, 21:26
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I doubt it will XDX..
5150's are built to last.. but apparently not the combos 
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-12-05, 21:32
Master Killer
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have you turned on your 5150 today? 

2004-12-05, 22:11
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Its just the speakers that suck. The amp has taken a beating.
I'm just getting a 4x12. But I was wondering besides maybe what the enclosures are made out of, is there any difference between say the Carvin Legacy cab with 4 V30s and a Masrshall cab with V30s?
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2004-12-05, 22:15
Master Killer
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not much I reckon, but for some reason all cabs sound different. even a 1960 A cab sounds different to a B cab. I have a B cab and it has more bottom and a slightly different overall tone because of the space in the cab (a base cab has no angle)
if you compare lets say, a peavey 5150 cab to a mesa recto cab, you'de be amazed by the difference. Even cabs with the same speakers don't sound the same, an Engl v30 cab sounds more bottomy then a mesa recto v30 cab which sounds more punchy, the only way to tell which cab you want is to try them. But v30's are fine speakers, I can tell you that.

2004-12-05, 22:16
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Originally Posted by Def
have you turned on your 5150 today? 
Two times
Ive had Jerry P replace the Screen Grid Resistors on mine and do a complete checkup.
He said all is good 
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-12-06, 00:18
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are you going to separate the head part of your combo like that dude did? that'd be tits.
if you wanna buy an awesome new cab... www.avatarspeakers.com
they're like seriously on the same quality and sound level imo as brands like marshall and mesa. they feature similar designs the same woods, same materials,same speakers, ect. the reason they're so much cheaper?
1. they don't deal through a store, you buy it from them, so you get it at a factory price.
i suppose you could compare it to buying a mesa directly from mesa, as opposed to buying a mesa from guitar center...
the store buys a mesa stilleto deuce(per se) from mesa for about $1000, then they have to make a profit, the price you buy it from them is $1,600. these figures are actually correct(give or take a little),my buddy that actually works at guitar center told me...
and the last time i checked, $600 is alot of money for the average joe.
with avatar they skip the store process and just give sweet deals..
2. it simply doesnt say mesa, bogner, marshall, engl, framus, vht, ect... on it.
they even let you pick and mismatch exactly which speakers you want.
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2004-12-06, 01:17
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I disconnected the top from my combo just a little while ago, and it is so much nicer to carry a 40 pound head than a 90 pound combo.
I was actually thinking that if you are into rack gear, after you take the speakers out of the bottom, you could set up the bottom to house rack gear, and than have a 5150 60 watt head with rack gear built in below it, run it all into a cab. Now THAT would be tits, sir.
Oh, I found the problem was one of my speakers was bad, and since thoes speakers are run in a loop, neither of them worked. My suggestion to transiest, get an ohm tester (my dad has one being a mechanic) and test both speakers so you only ahve to replace one.
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2004-12-06, 01:59
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anyone played the different models in the red coat and patriot series by eminence?
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2004-12-06, 04:28
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Originally Posted by arvina
anyone played the different models in the red coat and patriot series by eminence?
supposedly my mother loves me, and she bought me four eminence swamp thangs for christmas, which is unheard of because she never buys me anything, non the less cool shit for christmas... even when i was a kid.
i just got an e-mail from dave at avatar speakers confirming it... so i hope it's for real...
i'll let you know how they go.. i've never heard the damn things.
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2004-12-14, 23:07
New Blood
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all these combos breaking down is getting me worried :[
if mine breaks down ill be pissed 

2004-12-15, 01:01
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I haven't turned on my 5150II in about 3 months. LOL.

2004-12-15, 02:43
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: brazoria,texas(south of houston)
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wow!since you use it so little you should send it to me.ill pay all shipping.it needs a home that needs it... 
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!
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