2004-11-24, 04:31
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MESA Stilleto
Has anyone tried this amp, the new MESA Stilleto, it's the newest from MESA, is it good for death metal???

2004-11-24, 09:34
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it suposed to be, 9 tubes, its a monster!

2004-11-24, 10:59
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Holy shit! Anyone got links or pics?

2004-11-24, 11:16
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2004-11-24, 13:03
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it's not nearly recto brutal.... my buddy has one, in fact, he has #27 because he custom ordered it before it even hit stores(he works at guitarcenter).
don't get me wrong, it's an awesome amp... but it depends on what you want... to me it's like a marshall that requires alot of tweaking...
which isnt like a marshall at all.
9 tubes doesnt have anything to do with it being a monster.... 4 poweramp tubes and 5 preamp tubes... hell that's what a 5150 has... my peavey classic 50/50 has 12 tubes  and it's just a poweramp.
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2004-11-24, 13:22
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How much does one of these run new?
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-24, 14:24
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
it's not nearly recto brutal.... my buddy has one, in fact, he has #27 because he custom ordered it before it even hit stores(he works at guitarcenter).
don't get me wrong, it's an awesome amp... but it depends on what you want... to me it's like a marshall that requires alot of tweaking...
which isnt like a marshall at all.
9 tubes doesnt have anything to do with it being a monster.... 4 poweramp tubes and 5 preamp tubes... hell that's what a 5150 has... my peavey classic 50/50 has 12 tubes  and it's just a poweramp.
well, good for learning! 

2004-11-24, 15:16
Master Killer
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haha, its a marshall? then I won't bother trying it  I liked the single and dual rectos but they're insanely priced here plus there's better stuff around.
I had a crapload of tubes in my pre/poweramp setup, I had like 16 in my rack, it doesn't matter much really. Some amps sound great with like 5 tubes (4x ax7 and 2xkt88, for example..)

2004-11-24, 17:46
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Originally Posted by Def
haha, its a marshall? then I won't bother trying it  I liked the single and dual rectos but they're insanely priced here plus there's better stuff around.
i should explain....
it had more of that british crunch sound with more midrange(alot to do with el34's) than the scoopy recto muff sound... but anybody who has owned a mesa knows how they require loads of tweaking to get good tones.
marshall imo is like the opposite... you can pretty much plug in and play... just knock the knobs at random and you'll get good tones...
if i had to compare it to anything tonally i'd say a mix of a mesa f series and a marshall jcm 2000. but it's something new from mesa and it's still good.
but as far as shear brutality the recto wastes it imo.
they go about $1,500.
the trident(150w version) has yet to be released.
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2004-11-24, 20:51
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Ahright, I heard they had the normal version at music productiv, so I'll play one in december to find out.
the mesa F's are still pretty good for lead tones, but they're not high-gain monsters, I wouldn't call the jcm2000's high gain monsters either but they don't sound bad.
I'll give them a try and see how much I like them, but I have the suspicion that I'de prefer the recto. I'm the brutality guy 

2004-11-24, 21:23
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Originally Posted by Def
Ahright, I heard they had the normal version at music productiv, so I'll play one in december to find out.
the mesa F's are still pretty good for lead tones, but they're not high-gain monsters, I wouldn't call the jcm2000's high gain monsters either but they don't sound bad.
I'll give them a try and see how much I like them, but I have the suspicion that I'de prefer the recto. I'm the brutality guy 
the f series and jcm 2000 can get brutal high gain... just not as easily as the recto...
i personally like the recto more....
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2004-11-25, 03:50
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holy shit, i just got done playing one at like, gig volume... for a reasonable amount of time... holy shit, that's the quietist high gain amp i've ever played, a/b'd with a triple recto... it's insane, i didn't even need a pedal... and the distortion is so much tighter and focused... the cleans are encredible when you open that amp up.
the recto still has way more balls though...
and since my friend works at guitar center he said he can find a way to get me a new one for $1,000 instead of the store price of $1,600.... holy shit...
so i'm selling off all my rack gear to buy one...
one of those life changing experiences.
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2004-11-25, 08:15
Master Killer
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you call the jcm's and f series brutal?
anyways, thats good news man and you're getting it at a great price too! I don't think the mesa was quiet... my powerball is way more quiet, but its because of the built in noise supressor, that works like a charm.

2004-11-25, 15:06
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2004-11-25, 15:10
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uhm....thats whats the rtts for
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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2004-11-25, 15:19
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Originally Posted by Def
you call the jcm's and f series brutal? 
not exactly... the jcm 800 isnt brutal at all... the jcm 900 gets close(heavy enough for me when dimed, but i'm not playing fuzzed out death metal shit).. the jcm 2000's can get brutal, but they still need to be pushed hard...
same with the f series... it's very recto-ish on the lead channel, but not quite as brutal... but it's not like i ever use the modern voicing on the recto anyways. the vintage voicing pushed really hard is where i'm comfortable.
i'm the kinda guy that would rather take a medium gain preamp with great tone and push it to it's max and depend alot on powertube distortion and speaker breakup.
but the stilleto imo can get pretty fucking heavy... i'm so glad i was able to play one cranked... the tone is so much tighter and clearer than the recto... and the amp sounds warmer too.
then clean channel suprised the hell out of me, there arent many el34 amps that have beautiful cleans imo(well, the triamp comes to mind).
as for being quite.... holy shit. it was insane, no noise gate needed, it was that quite, even with the gain and volume dimed there was hardly any operation noise... recto's on the other hand are insanely noisey in comparison.
i was shocked when he told me the price he could get me one for... he has #27 because he ordered it back in march, with a recto cab, both with custom tolex(red & black with roses all over, looks sweet).
he paid like $2,000 for the head and cab with custom tolexing.
i was like "damn, how much could you get just a head with no custom stuff?" he told me about $1,000.
that's probably a better deal than you could get even on a used one for the next year or so.... mainly because they're so new they havent even hit the used market yet.
i'm still keeping a 2 space rack for a power condishioner n' a couple other odds n' ends(noise suppressor pedal in the back, half space wireless unit, half space rack tuner, cables...)
but i have all my other rack ger for sale, so somebody should buy some of my stuff.
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2004-11-25, 15:39
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what rack gear are you selling?
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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2004-11-25, 19:14
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marshall jmp-1 preamp
peavey classic 50/50 poweramp
bbe 462 sonic maximizer
ibanez msp 1000
digitech valve fx
rolls midibuddy(controller)
and a grundorf 8 space carpeted rack case.
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2004-11-25, 20:01
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Hey xdislexicx, so the stilleto is that good??? I remember your guitarrist was selling his 5150 to buy a recto, is he still buying the recto, or has he changed for the stilleto??? Also what do you recommend me, i like big monster heavy distortion, what should i get, the stilleto or the recto?
And if it is the recto, which one is better, the Triple Solo Head, or the Dual Solo Head???

2004-11-26, 00:16
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Originally Posted by Azargoth
Hey xdislexicx, so the stilleto is that good??? I remember your guitarrist was selling his 5150 to buy a recto, is he still buying the recto, or has he changed for the stilleto??? Also what do you recommend me, i like big monster heavy distortion, what should i get, the stilleto or the recto?
And if it is the recto, which one is better, the Triple Solo Head, or the Dual Solo Head???
well he claims he's going to get rid of the 5150 soon and get a new head, i think i've talked him into getting amore boutique-ish head than a recto... but who knows, especially with his current lack of funds... he really wants a framus cobra.
right now the 5150 is fine. but eventually he wants to upgrade.
he hasnt really played much on a stilleto... even then i don't want him having the same rig as me...
the recto has more balls... you'd be able to hear that in a heartbeat if you compared it to a stilleto... it also has more gain(though i don't really need the stilleto's gain past like 6). but overall tone, i prefer the stilleto... the stilleto also has much better cleans and the recto is noisey as fuck... where as the stilleto is one of the quietist high gain amps i've ever played.
one thing that sold me on it is the price... such a nice amp, new, straight from mesa for $1,000.... wow... you wont even be able to find a used one that cheap for a long time....
as far as what's better between a triple or dual recto... the preamp circutry is the same... the only real difference is the poweramp section, the triple recto has 150w and the dual has 100w....
150w isnt very much louder than 100w, but it will give you a noticable boost in headroom. the dual would be easier to drive hard... i guess you need to think how much a little extra volume/headroom is worth to you...
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2004-11-26, 00:56
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
marshall jmp-1 preamp
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-26, 02:21
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im goin to gc tommorow.ill tell you my opinion of it if they have one.......if any one cares!.....just kidding
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2004-11-26, 02:26
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Originally Posted by arvina
im goin to gc tommorow.ill tell you my opinion of it if they have one.......if any one cares!.....just kidding
ask them to let you play it loud... as you might consider dropping cash on it if you like it,even if you don't, they'll let you dime that fucker if they think theres any chance in hell you might buy it..
gc employees get paid shitty wages, the real money is in commision. if they sell you that $1,600 head then their paycheck will look alot nicer.
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2004-11-26, 02:28
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thats what i always do, i went in one time and asked to play the gibson wylde bullseye and the guy was like were not supposed to let anyone play it. so i was like well im gonna get it if i cant play it first...needless to say i didnt even have 1/3 of the money to get it haha but i got to jam on it 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2004-11-26, 02:47
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2004-11-26, 03:59
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
thats what i always do, i went in one time and asked to play the gibson wylde bullseye and the guy was like were not supposed to let anyone play it. so i was like well im gonna get it if i cant play it first...needless to say i didnt even have 1/3 of the money to get it haha but i got to jam on it 
yep, they just don't want some retarded little fuck going in there and getting greasy finger prints on and gunking up the fretboards of a $3,000 guitar... the same way they don't want some 12 year old kid that can't play guitar trying to jam on a mesa halfstack at full volume. it's not worth it to them... but they wont mind somebody who is seriously interested, because when you get like $6 and hour + commission, you need to sell shit fast. and most people arent going to buy something unless they get to play it for awhile first.
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2004-11-27, 17:50
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sounded great.i cranked it pretty hard but not real hard.enough to sounds good.i think i like it more than the recto's.the clean is impressive and the distortion is more, midful(if thats a word).real nice.i wish it had reverb though...
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2004-11-27, 18:19
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Originally Posted by arvina
sounded great.i cranked it pretty hard but not real hard.enough to sounds good.i think i like it more than the recto's.the clean is impressive and the distortion is more, midful(if thats a word).real nice.i wish it had reverb though...
buy a pedal....
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2004-11-27, 19:08
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Originally Posted by arvina
sounded great.i cranked it pretty hard but not real hard.enough to sounds good.i think i like it more than the recto's.the clean is impressive and the distortion is more, midful(if thats a word).real nice.i wish it had reverb though...


2004-11-27, 22:37
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
buy a pedal....
how about i buy the head first
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2004-11-28, 07:00
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Originally Posted by arvina
how about i buy the head first
go for it, i just don't see why kids complain about heads not having reverb... that's why god invented pedals and rack units...
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2004-11-28, 10:27
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
thats what i always do, i went in one time and asked to play the gibson wylde bullseye and the guy was like were not supposed to let anyone play it. so i was like well im gonna get it if i cant play it first...needless to say i didnt even have 1/3 of the money to get it haha but i got to jam on it 
haha, there's allways fuckers like that at some stores. Most of the time they think young people won't be able to drop the cash needed.
wrong.. in most cases.

2004-11-28, 14:05
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well, its right in my case.i would be willing to drop that kind of cash if i had it,
but id need a car first, because i want one?...
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!
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