2004-11-17, 04:00
The Mountie From Hell
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Ibanez RG's
This might be a good idea for a sticky if it doesn't end up in stupid fighting.
So ya... We recomend RG's alot, yet what models are better then others?
I've heard that the new RG's are something to avoid, and 2002 is the highest year of production that is "good".
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-11-17, 04:06
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I havent seen any drop in Quality Control over at Hoshino.. so i dont know where you got the 2002 info..
RG's are probably the best geetar for your dinero.
Anything Japanese made is of high quality.. i belive the 5XX+ models are made in Japan. If it has a TRS Tremolo on it... STAY AWAY!!!
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2004-11-17, 04:10
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i love my early 90's rg570.... period.
my pgm30 is very rg like as well... it's a 2001. i don't dig the neck(it's thicker and wider) as much as the 570...
def has an rg750 i beleive, a dude with a local studio has the exact same one, very similar to my 570, not sure the year, but it's pretty old and in much nicer condish than my 570.
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2004-11-17, 06:18
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2004-11-17, 10:30
New Blood
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Glad someone started this thread! As I was just looking at my RG570. It has two humbuckers and a single coil. V8, V7 and a S1. What are some of the new hot pickups to replace them with for a Lamb of God, Deicide sound?
BTW, I always get alot of compliments on the quality of my Ibanez, even if it is a Japanese made instrument.


2004-11-17, 10:49
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my ibanez rg550 kicks arse. its quite an old one. and because of that ive had a lot of people offer me enough money to buy a new one.
my ibanez rg1620 is pretty good aswell, but ive had problems with them both but then, i treat them badly.
overall. havent played any other models, but would recommend these.
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2004-11-17, 15:10
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Originally Posted by Mesphito2002
Glad someone started this thread! As I was just looking at my RG570. It has two humbuckers and a single coil. V8, V7 and a S1. What are some of the new hot pickups to replace them with for a Lamb of God, Deicide sound?
BTW, I always get alot of compliments on the quality of my Ibanez, even if it is a Japanese made instrument.

it is a very nice guitar... even stock.. i'm still searching for a bridge pu that sounds better in it than the dimarzio tonezone. the duncan jb was damn good, but i still liked the sound of the tz. now i'm considering a duncan distortion, which i was skeptical about at first, but my ears are telling me it might just make the cut.
i'm also considering some bareknuckle pu's, as i almost fogot about them until someone here brought em' up. it just might be a little harder to get one at a good price.
japanese made guitars are just as high of quality imo as american made guitars.....
it's the mexican an korean guitars that normally show bad build quality.
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2004-11-17, 16:49
New Blood
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xdislexicx, So what are you using currently for pu's on your RG? Bridge, neck and middle? I am looking for heavy tone and something nice for soaring solos, ala Shadows Fall.

2004-11-17, 17:23
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i love my early 90's rg570.... period.
my pgm30 is very rg like as well... it's a 2001. i don't dig the neck(it's thicker and wider) as much as the 570...
def has an rg750 i beleive, a dude with a local studio has the exact same one, very similar to my 570, not sure the year, but it's pretty old and in much nicer condish than my 570.
correct, I have an Rg750 from the early days,
it's on this pic http://metaltabs.com/forum/attachme...tachmentid=3793
the pu's are dimarzio's made for ibanez, the label doesn't say dimarzio but ibz/ something. they're ghostbuild dimarzio's basically. They sound exactly the same too, the only difference is the logo and the story that they where meant for rg's but they're just stock so thats b/s.
great wizzard I neck, nice binding around the frets and headstock, awesome EDGE I floyd trem that never goes out of tune and it even comes with kickass pickups, good guitar for a decent price. Mine about 15/16 years old or something so it has some dings and bruizes but it still plays like a charm.

2004-11-18, 01:48
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yep that's it... very smooth guitar and similar to my rg570... the older wizard necks are sooo nice, the newer ones are too, but i love my rg570's neck.
it's one guitar i hope i never have to part with.
it's funny because i walked into the studio(it's in a dudes basement, but still got some way nice shit) and i see it... instantly i say, "def's guitar..." i looked at the back of the head stock, rg750. and it's the exact same color and everything. neato.
Originally Posted by Def
the pu's are dimarzio's made for ibanez, the label doesn't say dimarzio but ibz/ something. they're ghostbuild dimarzio's basically. They sound exactly the same too, the only difference is the logo and the story that they where meant for rg's but they're just stock so thats b/s.
i wonder if my rg570's pu's are like that... the stock pu's actually sounded great...
Originally Posted by Def
great wizzard I neck, nice binding around the frets and headstock, awesome EDGE I floyd trem that never goes out of tune and it even comes with kickass pickups, good guitar for a decent price. Mine about 15/16 years old or something so it has some dings and bruizes but it still plays like a charm.
i agree totally about the feel of it... very much like my 570(it's probably at least 10 yrs old), except my 570 has some mods done, like a sanded down neck, disabled trem(even though it's trem smokes my pgm30's), plus a couple small things here and there.
great guitars though.
Originally Posted by Mesphito2002
xdislexicx, So what are you using currently for pu's on your RG? Bridge, neck and middle? I am looking for heavy tone and something nice for soaring solos, ala Shadows Fall.
well currently i'm just using the stock neck and middle pu's, i used to have a multibucker there(neck), but decided i didn't really like it much better, plus i needed the money and the stock shit doesnt sound half bad at all.
in the bridge i have the tone zone. i tried to have a jb in the bridge for a week just to compare... and the jb totally rocked, but i put the tz back in and it just sounded better to me. so i kept it, now i've been jamming my friends epiphone lp elite that has a duncan distortion in it and i'm definately digging it. i might try to a/b one in my guitar... because an rg and a les paul are completely different guitars tonally.
i've always kept the stock middle pu... it sounds fine and i rarely use it anyways.
but you say you want a shodows fall tone? emg's baby...
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2004-11-18, 01:56
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our guitar centers, all three of them, have an extremely limmited ibanez selection.theres a cool local shop that doesnt even sell ibanez products,theres also the guitar emporium...nevermind.i've never played an rg.
...............................................  yes, your pity is welcome

2004-11-18, 02:20
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Can some of you guys name some decent ibanezs, of the newer models..Or older models.
RGT2020 i heard is good, but expensive.

2004-11-18, 02:26
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I looooove my RG2550ex..

2004-11-18, 06:17
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Originally Posted by younguitarist
I looooove my RG2550ex..
how much you pay for it?

2004-11-18, 06:47
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
yep that's it... very smooth guitar and similar to my rg570... the older wizard necks are sooo nice, the newer ones are too, but i love my rg570's neck.
it's one guitar i hope i never have to part with.
it's funny because i walked into the studio(it's in a dudes basement, but still got some way nice shit) and i see it... instantly i say, "def's guitar..." i looked at the back of the head stock, rg750. and it's the exact same color and everything. neato.
i wonder if my rg570's pu's are like that... the stock pu's actually sounded great...
it's the feeling of a well played-in wizzard I baby
funny to see an rg750 anywhere man, I never saw one like this, I only saw one of the blueish ones, never the red ones.
from which year is your RG570? I can find out about the pickups, I know the ibz/usa C/F series pickups are ghostbuild, I had a list of pickups they represented, the middle pickup on mine's is a blue velvet and that one sounds great. IMO, one of the best pickup configurations I ever had stock on a guitar. it depends on the guitar too, but for ibanez dimarzio's just seem to sound 'right'

2004-11-18, 14:50
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As a Ran is a bit expensive for me right now my next guitar might well be an Ibanez, as i see in this thread they are very good guitars for the price.
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2004-11-18, 15:07
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i got the rg370, not bad but i would advise getting the rg570 over it. my rg has paf pro in the bridge and i disabled the trem

2004-11-18, 16:19
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I've played the higher end RG's and was very unimpressed with the neck, they feel thin and not solid. Not a real great thrash/death metal guitar if you ask me.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
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2004-11-18, 16:39
Master Killer
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I like the older wizzard I's better then the wizzard II's, they're even more sleek but maybe a bit too much for my liking... still the RGT's are pretty neat!

2004-11-18, 16:41
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Yea, the Wizard 2 is the one I tried, not neck thru, and I'm not a fan.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
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2004-11-18, 17:16
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it's a taste thing, my guitarist can't stand the feel of my rg's neck, but then again he's used to playing a gibson sg... with a much thicker and rougher neck, not to mention i have jumbo frets and a huge trem... body size, shape, and weight plays a large role too... i think they're wonderful guitars...
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2004-11-18, 18:59
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I need a bigger neck cause i dont have girly man hands
But for a 7 string the thin neck goes well with the added width.
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2004-11-18, 20:37
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Originally Posted by BLS
I need a bigger neck cause i dont have girly man hands
But for a 7 string the thin neck goes well with the added width.
i dunno dude, my hands arent very little... my guitarist's hands are quite a bit smaller...
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2004-11-18, 21:16
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Originally Posted by Satans Obituary
how much you pay for it?
My uncle bought it used so i dont know how much he paid. I am the third owner of this guitar and it's pretty good. It's 692.49$ in musiciansfriend though. I paid no where near that price so wooohooo! 

2004-11-18, 21:44
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i dunno dude, my hands arent very little... my guitarist's hands are quite a bit smaller...
I get horrible wrist pains if i play a thin neck too long. And to me pain dosent = speed 
"Believe the word
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2004-11-18, 21:50
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Originally Posted by BLS
I get horrible wrist pains if i play a thin neck too long. And to me pain dosent = speed 
sounds like a technique problem... playing guitar with good technique shouldn't be painful...
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2004-11-18, 21:54
Master Killer
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haha, it's just because he's used to a fatter neck, because he has a small cock he holds on to his guitar instead. silly BLS
on a more serious note, I don't like playing necks that are too thin either, the new RG's seem to have that problem, but its probably just a matter of getting used to them. (those RGT's are badass though, nice sustain too, for an RG that is...)

2004-11-18, 22:09
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
sounds like a technique problem... playing guitar with good technique shouldn't be painful...
When i sit down i play guitar in the standard classical stance..
My hands just dont like planks, a nice thick neck feels great to me.
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-11-19, 15:02
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I have big hands  .
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2004-11-21, 09:22
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Im about to buy a ibanez RGT42, 300$ but its missing the trem bar. Is it worth it??..
Last edited by Satans Obituary : 2004-11-23 at 18:21.
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