2004-11-16, 17:22
New Blood
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Posts: 8
well i want to produce a sound like unearth/fear my thoughts/as we fight and so on does.
there are some suggestions like: peavey 5150/XXX , ENGL some variantes
i don't need a high end equipment i just want to play at home and some little gigs with that amp, are there any sound examples of peavey 5150/XXX. i have already got some sound files of the ENGL series
best regards jue

2004-11-16, 17:42
Master Killer
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depends on what you have to spend and where you live.
See all high end german made amps are expensive abroard, I live in Holland and bought a Savage in germany and a Powerball in holland, over here they are around used...
Fear My Thoughts played a mesa triple recto and an engl savage when I saw them, Caliban and Heaven Shall Burn (you prolly know them too) all play Engl powerballs. Unearth seems to play Framus Cobra's these days.
Peavey's are not match for Engl or Framus amps but they're in a different price range too, peaveys are kickass for their money (the 5150's) but they're not really high-end tube amps in comparisson. I think you are looking for a metalcore distortion, the distortion on Engl's will give you exactly what you want, and a bit more!
But eh, if you want to play at home and small shows only, you might be better off getting a good combo instead of a cheaper stack.

2004-11-16, 20:00
New Blood
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Posts: 8
well i know these bands  but on the fear my thoguhts page stands that they use the peavey 5150 too. i dont know it really cause i have not seen them yet live  .
i range between the ENGL amp's.
are there any compromise for these TOPamps like you said any combo modes. would be very nice if you give me some suggestion.
what about the thunder or screamer combos?
(i dont know so much about E-guitar amps cause at least i am a bass player  )

2004-11-16, 20:01
New Blood
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or any compromises to the savage, cause this sound is awesome

2004-11-16, 20:15
Master Killer
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the savage doesn't have a small brother. well only the 60w savage which is really rare. where do you live? (if you're in germany you might be able to find one for a good price)
the Thunder/Screamer combo's are neat, just as the older Engl combos (jive's etc.) you can get those older combo's used if you're lucky. again, if you're in germany, try ebay.de I bought my savage off there.
The small thunder/screamers sound like the bigger Engls, they're pretty simple amps but they do have hard-hitting distortion and nice warm cleans. Ofcourse, they range from about 900 euro's for the simplest thunder... so thats why used is a nice alternative, and Engl are quality amps, I've bought two used and never had problems.
I saw fear my thoughts live twice, never saw a 5150 on stage but they might use it for recording and such. they're still kickass amps, don't get me wrong, but the bands you describe have a very typical distortion, which I was after too!

2004-11-16, 20:21
New Blood
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Posts: 8
i am from austria / vienna
i will search by ebay for a used one
thx for your help
btw i guess i didnt get you right...you were after too? what? 
anyway thx mate

2004-11-16, 20:41
Master Killer
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after the same sort of metalcore distortion, only then even heavier if possible
Ebay.de is the place to go man, if you're lucky you can find a neat amp just over the border.. by the way do you know Maroon and Aclys too? My band will be doing a tour in germany next february/march, I don't think we'll be close to south germany though.
the newest Fear My Thoughts cd is ace (the great collapse) and they're really impressive live!!!

2004-11-16, 20:55
New Blood
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i know that bands and i already have the great collapse cd since it has been released 
i guess we dont drive with the car to that show for these bands 

2004-11-16, 20:59
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one thing i find neat is engl's fireball... 60w tube(pretty fucking loud)... and it's about the same price range as stuff like marshalls,peavey's, and mesa's...
only $1,200.
the thunder and screamer are awesome too(50w-ers) and even cheaper.
they're so uncommon around here(the u.s.) in the used market. some botique places have them, but i'd probably shit my pant's if i walked into a local shop and it had a used engl top.
i guess it's cool if you own one because the resale is almost that of a new one, that's how rare they are.
then again that's only good if you're looking to sell one.
i think the 5150 is an awesome amp, pretty versitile in tone... BUT... you pretty much are only allowed one good tone at a time. because of the shared eq, and the fact the "Clean channel" is actually a "crunch channel". you can tweak em' to get really sweet cleans, but that usually means your distortion will be compromised greatly.
my guitarist has one and it's fucking awesome on the lead channel, then he uses the crunch as a crunch(i like almost better than the lead channel but it has a bit less gain), and when he wants it to be clean he rolls back the volume on his guitar.
the 5150 II is what i like better, very similar except i find the 5150 is much more flexible. separate eq's between the crunch and solo channels.. plus the overall sound is brighter, which appeals to me. some claim it has less gain than the 5150, but i think it has more than enough.
he's going to sell it for a triple recto, for many reason's.... he likes the tone better, and the flexibility slaughters the 5150 hands down.
i'm trying to talk him out of a triple recto and try to get him to buy a nicer used botique-ish amp... because a used triple recto will easily run him $1,000 u.s.d. and he could do better for that price imo.
i like the triple x alot.. the distortion is much buzzier/fuzzy than the 5150 and the cleans are much better... but i'd still take a 5150 or 5150 II over it "tonewise".
you could also check out the crate blue voodoo... very underrated amps imo... i'm trying to hunt down a bv50 short chasis head so i can rackmount it and use it with another poweramp like my 50/50(for a 3x50w tri stereo shoegaze rig).
i find them to have a very unique sound, pretty flexible too. extremely cheap.
how do you feel about marshall tone?
have you thought about rack gear?
what's your estimated pricerange?
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2004-11-16, 21:11
Master Killer
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he's not buying your jmp-1
forget about crate blue voodoo's too. they're not common around here, definetly not the lower wattage models and compared to other amps they're even expensive here, so its the opposite world around here.
I crapped my pants when you said you could get a triple recto for around 1000 there. they go for around 1700-2000 (usd) here USED. (VHT's and most Marshalls are insanely expensive here too)
If you're in the market for a fireball, try to find a savage 60. It's a way better amp, more tone shaping options, fuse monitoring on rear panel, recording xlr outs with volume knob, better looks and an even more agressive distortion! (there are Savage 60's on Ebay.de every now and then)
there's a Straight 50 on it for 380 euro's 'buy now' price. I wish I had the money because that's going to be a collectors item one day. those where one of the early Engl tops which where only build in small numbers (also by hand like all other engls)
great deal if you're closeby. theres a fireball on ebay.de too and some other stuff. Ofcourse its important to know what you have to spend, but if you had the choice between a new Engl Thunder 50 and... a Straight 50 top + some used 4x12 cab. I'de know what I'de pick!

2004-11-16, 21:18
New Blood
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Posts: 8
thx for your big comment,
hm prize...the fact that i wont buy an amp for big shows its a bit limited 
i dont need an amp with over than 100 watt...
i played with an peavey 5150 combo in a music store, and i didnt get the sound like i wish to get  (the reason would be that i am a bass player who wants to switch  )
what do you think about that 5150 combo with 60w
but these ENGLs are awesome too
i dont know it really yet

2004-11-16, 21:29
New Blood
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some used 4x12 cab. <- what do you mean with that?

2004-11-16, 21:44
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2004-11-16, 21:49
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4x12 meen a cabinent (the bottom part of a half stack) with 4, 12 inch speakers
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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2004-11-16, 22:28
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XDX.. please stop saying "Some" claim the 5150II has less gain that the 5150. It does, but the 5150 already has tons of gain so i doubt anyone would notice, thats also one of the reasons it has a better clean.
What most metalcore bands seem to be doing is boosting the "Rythm" channel with a Mazon (?? not sure if this is it.. hopefully someone knows for sure) pedal... such as KSE, ATR, UNEARTH.. you get the point.
A 5150 would be a prime choice for metalcore if your on a budget
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2004-11-16, 22:35
Master Killer
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agreed, if you can't afford boutique amps or you can't get one for cheap, the 5150 isn't a bad choice at all.

2004-11-17, 03:56
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Originally Posted by BLS
XDX.. please stop saying "Some" claim the 5150II has less gain that the 5150.
why? some people do claim that it has less gain... i didn't know if it was factual or not.... regardless they still do brutal at the drop of a hat.
i like to think before i talk...
Originally Posted by Def
he's not buying your jmp-1 
that's funny, i never recall bringing that up in this thread.
Originally Posted by Def
forget about crate blue voodoo's too. they're not common around here, definetly not the lower wattage models and compared to other amps they're even expensive here, so its the opposite world around here.
damn, you poor bastards don't even get crate shit for cheap.
Originally Posted by Def
I crapped my pants when you said you could get a triple recto for around 1000 there. they go for around 1700-2000 (usd) here USED. (VHT's and most Marshalls are insanely expensive here too)
omg, a new triple recto around here is about $1,600-$1,700 u.s.d. and anywhere from $800-$1,200 used depending on the condish.
with prices like that i laugh at anybody who would buy one in europe.. especially with the prices and deals you guys get on shit like engl & h&k which imo is so much better.
don't get me wrong, the rectos are truely awesome amps.... just not a whopping $1,700-$2,000 for a used one kinda awesome. hell, for $2,000 i could buy a new engl savage or powerball, even a framus cobra....
vht's are expensive everywhere... marshall has alright prices around here, the mg's and avt crap isnt really worth looking at imo and the mode four is just isnt awesome enough to justify the price tag..... but the jcm's and other all tube marshall tops definately go for reasonable prices.
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2004-11-17, 03:58
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
why? some people do claim that it has less gain... i didn't know if it was factual or not.... regardless they still do brutal at the drop of a hat.
i like to think before i talk...
Okie Dokie.
But it is factual, it definetly shouldnt be a decideing factor between the two though.. since i doubt anyone will notice. Just a ncie thing to know.
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-11-17, 04:04
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Originally Posted by BLS
Okie Dokie.
But it is factual, it definetly shouldnt be a decideing factor between the two though.. since i doubt anyone will notice. Just a ncie thing to know.
we never turn my guitarist's pre gain on his 5150 past 6... i don't recall ever really needing more than that on a 5150 II either.. must be a really subtle difference.
but to me it's the overall tone of the amps that set's them apart more than an amount of gain... the II seems much brighter methinks. not to mention the separate eq adds to the tone shaping(not that he really switches channels alot anyways, mostly lead).
plenty of gain though, my guitarist's 5150's gain on like 4-5 is like my buddy's jcm 900's gain dimed.
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2004-11-17, 04:08
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"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-11-17, 17:08
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 8
well, i have already played with an 5150 I and II, but i didnt get the sound i like to have.
you said that i will get the sound with an 5150 + a mazon?! pedal?
can you give me some genereally AMP settings to get these sounds?

2004-11-17, 17:15
Master Killer
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maybe you can find an engl tube toner to use as a pedal
settings I use for distortion are are followed:
4th channel (High-gain distortion)
Gain : 7
Bass : 9
Midopen : 6
Midfocused : 6
Treble : 7
Presence : 8
Bright switch : on
Depth Boost : 8
Lead Bottom switch : on
that's a bright, punchy, dark and still super agressive distortion. But a 5150 doesn't have the same control knobs so it would sound 'way' different. BLS is the guy to talk to about 5150's.

2004-11-18, 01:28
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those setting are mud on my guitarist's 5150.... to much shrill-ness in the highs imo, alot has to do with the treble and presence being so high.... the lows being at 9 is too much flab imo. 6 is a nice comfortable place imo for the mids, though i don't really like them to much past 5 on it(it adds to the shrillness).
there arent any "switches" on the 5150's lead channel.
but then again, a 5150 and an engl anything will always have two totally different sounds.
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2004-11-18, 06:36
Master Killer
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exactly, those settings won't sound good on a marshall either... a 5150 needs eq tweaking, the engl has a load of options but its allmost impossible to get it to sound shitty, even with everything at 12'o clock it sounds great.
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