2004-11-11, 14:27
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Aug 2003
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
that didnt make sence to me dis, even though he changed his mind id still like to know more about whatever the hell you said so explaine some more
so you need to split the guitar signal so it can run into two different amp setups...
with an a/b/y switch box you can do that.
one setup would have been the mp-1+poweramp+cab the other would've been the blue voodoo and a cab.
the other thing i was saying is he could use the mp-1 in front the bv, like it's a distortion pedal, but it would probably have shitty results.
or... he could run the preamp into the fx loop return on the bv.
Originally Posted by guitar_demon
oh and anyone else think dislexic should be a fucking gear mod?!?!
please don't start that again... im flattered n' all, but i don't think they need me, nor want me, to have mod skills...
that one dimmu queer started a fucking thread about it somewhere, what a kiss ass.
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