2004-11-08, 19:34
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Yeah, im actually gonna get a new head soon.
Help me
im hoping for funds of 750 candain dollars
I need a new head
looking for a suffocation/dying fetus tone (think Pierced from suffo, and Destroy the oppostion and stop at nothing for fetus)
im planning on ebaying it, so that means ill need to get it shipped up north here and i dont want to wait awhile
I was thinking Ampeg Vh 140c but they are hard to find
i was thinking Roland Jc 120 with my brutal as hell(brutal=good) distortion pedal but they are kind of costy sometimes
any other suggestions?
anyways i really dont know what im gonna do here....

2004-11-08, 19:51
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They have some JCM 900's for $350 and up on E-Bay.

2004-11-08, 19:57
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well i might as well quit death metal if i buy that unless i use my distortion pedal with it

2004-11-08, 21:22
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crate bv120h... it can pull of those buzzy dying fetus tones easily if you turn up the gain and presence enough... if that's your tone, but i like it for other types of high gain stuff that doesnt include buzzy slop.
maybe a 5150? pretty similar in price, maybe a little more... but the bv has way better cleans and the 5150 wont buzz/fuzz out as much.
the jcm 900 can do brutal with a light boost or o.d. pedal. i'm playing one right now, i just dime it and it sounds plenty brutal.... without a pedal. but having some kind of boost or superhot pickups will push it even more.
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2004-11-08, 21:26
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
maybe a 5150? pretty similar in price, maybe a little more... but the bv has way better cleans and the 5150 wont buzz/fuzz out as much.
id say the 5150 II but thats just me 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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2004-11-08, 21:31
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i tried a Bv 120 and it didnt satisfy my need for brutality
XDX go listen to the pierced from within album from suffocation to get an idea what kind of tone i want
maybe a 5150, but some how i dont think they will give me what im looking for plus they are a Queercore amp

2004-11-08, 21:44
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
id say the 5150 II but thats just me 
meh, i like the 5150 II better than the 5150 but not for brutality... it just has a brighter tone and separate eq's for the crunch/clean channel and the lead channel.
Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
i tried a Bv 120 and it didnt satisfy my need for brutality
well, i think it's fine, but if you say otherwise i wont mention it.
Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
XDX go listen to the pierced from within album from suffocation to get an idea what kind of tone i want
i totally think a 5150 could pull out similar tones... for fuzzier sounds you may want an external eq'ing device...
Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
maybe a 5150, but some how i dont think they will give me what im looking for plus they are a Queercore amp
recto's are big in the "nu metal" world... yet still do wonderful for death metal and other forms of rock/metal.
the 5150's have a popularity in the hxc scene because they do a good simple heavy sound... good heavy sound for a good heavy band... it's that simple.
i think def was saying something in another thread about dying fetus using a 5150....
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2004-11-08, 21:45
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
meh, i like the 5150 II better than the 5150 but not for brutality... it just has a brighter tone and separate eq's for the crunch/clean channel and the lead channel.
thats why i like em better too 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
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2004-11-09, 00:06
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yeah im gonna get a behringer para EQ
so you listened to that suffo stuff eh?
awesome guitar tone
so you seriously think 5150s can do that eh?

2004-11-09, 00:42
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I'm apparently a retard, but I would say a stock 5150 could not do Suffocation tone well at all.
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2004-11-09, 00:47
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yeah when i saw nueraxis i think i got a pretty good idea of what thier tone is like... pretty warm and cuddly, but also abit buzzy too
my demands are Extreme Brutality, Clairity and volume
another tone is love is ITDS by nile

2004-11-09, 00:59
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They use some marshall amp and Invaders.
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2004-11-09, 01:41
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Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
maybe a 5150, but some how i dont think they will give me what im looking for plus they are a Queercore amp
hey now. ill have none of that young man

2004-11-09, 04:40
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i think the bv can do those tones better than the 5150, but hey...
if you really love nile's tone... proco rat of some kind(there are several versions and i'm not sure which ones nile uses) as a boost into a medium gain marshallish amp like a jcm 800 or 900. if you wanna get real cheap you could get a sovtek mig series head, pretty much jcm 800 clones. but a couple hundred bones cheaper. good amps imo.
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2004-11-09, 22:19
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Suffocation tone is easy to achieve..
set Bass to 10
Get an amp with buzzy distortion and little to no clarity
and your done!
Personally i think their tone sucks... really bad but the only cds i have by them are Effigy Of The Forgotten and Pierced from Within
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-11-10, 00:42
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Effigy tone kind of sucks
PFW tone is Fawking brutal and awesome though

2004-11-10, 02:06
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Dying fetus has never used 5150s.
Suffocation's tone comes alot from the technique that is used. i.e. Heavily dampened and plam musted arpeggios on the low strings.
Your first post made no sense because Suffocation's tone, the tone on Destroy the opposition and the tone on stop at nothing area all totaly different. I think Stop at Nothing has terrible tone, very thin and buzzy, but that might be because Scott Hall engeneered it. Surprsingly they used a Randall tube head with a tube screamer and it still sounded like ass.
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2004-11-10, 04:05
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Originally Posted by DEAD
Dying fetus has never used 5150s.
that's what i was thinking, but def said he knew... and i don't know.... so i couldnt say either way.
Originally Posted by DEAD
Suffocation's tone comes alot from the technique that is used. i.e. Heavily dampened and plam musted arpeggios on the low strings.
i think suffocation has pretty muddy tone... but that's just me.
Originally Posted by DEAD
Your first post made no sense because Suffocation's tone, the tone on Destroy the opposition and the tone on stop at nothing area all totaly different. I think Stop at Nothing has terrible tone, very thin and buzzy, but that might be because Scott Hall engeneered it. Surprsingly they used a Randall tube head with a tube screamer and it still sounded like ass.
i havent heard a dying fetus cd i actually like the guitar tone alot on... i think on killing on adrenalin they used randalls and peaveys(not 5150's, the other supreme or butcher or something)... but i wouldnt know the facts of their rigs... i just know it's all buzzy... so my first thoughts were if he wanted a buzzy/muddy distortion he could get it from a blue voodoo with dimed presence,lows, and gain....
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2004-11-10, 04:10
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Why would you want a buzzy tone in the first place? lol...its no fun to TRY and sound like someone else...because you never will...and it jusst kinda sucks. Check out a bunch of amps and don't get some crap that'll make your playing sound like shit.
(wow....a whole lotta help that was  )
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
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2004-11-10, 04:36
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Originally Posted by philkilla666
its no fun to TRY and sound like someone else...because you never will...and it jusst kinda sucks.
I dont want the exact same tone of a band, but if I like their tone then I'll probably want to shape my tone around that.
anywho, CONE ZONE TIME! 
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2004-11-10, 18:55
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This is not a discussion about if the tone i like and want is acceptable or not

2004-11-12, 18:17
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I just saw Dying Fetus last night.. and their was NO 5150's..
One played a Randall with greyish snakeskin tolex, and the other a Ampeg..
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-11-12, 20:20
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how was it?
did Gallager(bald singer/guitar) use the ampeg?

2004-11-12, 20:32
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Yeh John was using the Ampeg VH140 and his Hamer Scarab
It was awesome, John ripped it up... how he sings and plays those riffs... crazy.
At first the sound was so harsh.. eww but once the other guitarist and the rest of the band started to play it sounded great! I belive the Randall amp was a tube amo though.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-11-12, 21:12
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i'm stoked, they're fucking coming here with gwar soon!
john longstreth is the drummer on this tour... he's no kevin talley, but man is he good.
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2004-11-12, 21:34
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It was a good time for sure.. GWAR always has an awesome show.
And All That Remains and Dying Fetus kick ass
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-11-12, 21:36
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John uses a Vh140c, and Mike uses a Randall Rgt100. Matt from decrepit birth told me that terrance hobbes uses a Ampeg VL1002, designed by lee jackson. I couldve sworn he used a Vh140c, but he was told this by derek boyer who is in suffocation, so hes probably right.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-12, 21:43
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
John uses a Vh140c, and Mike uses a Randall Rgt100. Matt from decrepit birth told me that terrance hobbes uses a Ampeg VL1002, designed by lee jackson. I couldve sworn he used a Vh140c, but he was told this by derek boyer who is in suffocation, so hes probably right.
Sparky told me terrance uses a VH 140c

2004-11-12, 22:04
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Derek boyer plays in suffocation though.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-12, 22:13
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Good point
either way in a 1991 bootleg of suffo i have you can see the ampeg
except its the mexican whose using it, terrance is probably using it to you just cant see it

2004-11-13, 00:16
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dougs using a crate in that one i believe... lemme check.
Originally Posted by Transient
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