2004-11-07, 22:13
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faint buzz/hum??
for a while now when i play through my V to my marshall i get this faint humming noise and i found that if i touch either of my knobs or the switch the hum dies
anyone know why this is and how i can stop it? the ibanez msp1000 im getting has a notch filter so would that take care of it?
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2004-11-07, 22:17
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you didn't have it before? or are you playing at higher volumes now?
most amp/guitar combinations have a hum, when you touch the hardware it dies, thats just because your making 'earth' with your body (don't know how to call it in english.)
if you didn't have it before, it might be something you changed, if you play closer to your amp you get hums, different pickups, crappy wiring/bad ground lead, that sorta stuff.
don't know about the notch filter, I know a sound supressor works great (got one built in the powerball  )

2004-11-07, 22:20
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Originally Posted by def
I know a sound supressor works great (got one built in the powerball)
keep rubbing it in
well to my knowledge a notch filter is the same a noisegat/sound supresser
yea its always been there so... but since i have gotten my x2n i do get a lot more feedback when i walk close by my amp it has such high output 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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2004-11-07, 22:24
Master Killer
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ah. so its completely logical...
well I have a notch filter on my bass amp and I could only use that to get rid of nasty frequencies that made my windows ring heh.
the one on my amp works great though, so if its the same idea, it should work for you too.

2004-11-07, 23:27
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the notch filter is not a noise suppressor....it just allows to to tune in on specific frequencies and cut them out. which might help if you have certain problem causing freq's...
you probably have grounding issues.... you say it started when you got the x2n installed? your guitar is probably not grounded properly. when you touch a metal part you "ground" it... it might be something the dude installing the pickup goofed up on. you can have that fixed.
hum is more of an amp issue, like if your amp is on, but you volume on your guitar is down, the amp has operation noise.... sometimes it's a grounding issue with the amp... or a pedal's powersupply. there will always be a level of operation noise, depending on the quality of the amp it might be higher than others.
feedback and operation noise is just something you have to deal with when you have loads of gain at high volume. a noise suppressor or noise gate will help the feedback.
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2004-11-08, 03:26
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
for a while now when i play through my V to my marshall i get this faint humming noise and i found that if i touch either of my knobs or the switch the hum dies
anyone know why this is and how i can stop it? the ibanez msp1000 im getting has a notch filter so would that take care of it?
get the circuitry checked...could be some earthing problem as well in your room
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2004-11-08, 06:24
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Originally Posted by Def
...thats just because your making 'earth' with your body (don't know how to call it in english.)
'aarde' = ground in english, but I guess earth can be used too 
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Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
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2004-11-08, 18:54
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Something isent grounded in your guitar...
Sounds like their isent a ground going to the bridge.
But if its a strat then just live with it, strats are just noisy..
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2004-11-08, 20:08
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Originally Posted by BLS
But if its a strat then just live with it, strats are just noisy..
i said it was my V anywho thanks guys
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2004-11-08, 21:17
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
the notch filter is not a noise suppressor....it just allows to to tune in on specific frequencies and cut them out. which might help if you have certain problem causing freq's...
Hmm.  , On my guitar, when I play the 7-12 frets on the sixth string, I get this annoying low frequency sounding tone drowning out the actual sound of the guitar. I have no fucking clue whats causing it nor does my luthier. Do you suppose on of these 'notch filters' would help that? And tell me more about his notch filter.
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2004-11-08, 21:31
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
Hmm.  , On my guitar, when I play the 7-12 frets on the sixth string, I get this annoying low frequency sounding tone drowning out the actual sound of the guitar. I have no fucking clue whats causing it nor does my luthier. Do you suppose on of these 'notch filters' would help that? And tell me more about his notch filter.
i don't know if the notch filter would work for that, i think you're just getting overtones...
but say if for example, you had a problem causing freqency of about 6.3k, you can dial in on it and sweep it out.... i never really liked to sweep out to much of one frequency, it just sounded like a hole in my tone.
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2004-11-08, 21:34
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how can you tell what frequency it is?
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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2004-11-08, 21:47
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the higher the number the higher the frequency... it's one of those thing's you'll have to aquire an ear and a feel for.
just piss around with it and see what it can do...
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2004-11-08, 22:50
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i don't know if the notch filter would work for that, i think you're just getting overtones...
Okay, Overtones. What causes them?
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2004-11-09, 04:13
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
Okay, Overtones. What causes them?
i probably wont explain it in the most scientifically accurate way... but ovetones are the combined notes that make up a note, you hit a note, it's many notes at once that make up that sound... so if you hit one string it may make another string vibrate or give off harmics of that note from the overtones resonating...
i don't know exactly what your problem is, but it seems logical to me that you're just getting some kind of overtone harmonic or something when you play a certain note...
but don't listen to me to closely about this, because i don't think i know to much about it.
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2004-11-09, 21:03
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
Hmm.  , On my guitar, when I play the 7-12 frets on the sixth string, I get this annoying low frequency sounding tone drowning out the actual sound of the guitar. .
my buddy got the same thing on his base like 11 fret on the a string...sounded like a trumpet kinda
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
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2004-11-09, 21:29
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
my buddy got the same thing on his base like 11 fret on the a string...sounded like a trumpet kinda
Did he find out what was wrong with it?
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2004-11-09, 21:30
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no  and he ended up seeling it, shame it was a nice bass too
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
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2004-11-09, 23:14
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I will get this fixed even if it costs a lot of money. Its on a nice guitar and it gets real annoying.
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2004-11-10, 04:13
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
I will get this fixed even if it costs a lot of money. Its on a nice guitar and it gets real annoying.
is it like a dead spot or a buzzing? because if it's either of them you can just have your intonation adjusted or a fret sanded down.
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2004-11-10, 04:21
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
is it like a dead spot or a buzzing? because if it's either of them you can just have your intonation adjusted or a fret sanded down.
It aint that simple. I wish it was just buzzing but its not. It could be that slightly, but I think its something different. It almost sounds like (when playing it non amplified) when you play the 6th string on the higher frets. You know, that tinny, ringing sound. But this is at like the 7,8,9,10, and 11 frets. It pretty much stops at the 12 fret and sounds fine up from there. Very fucking weird. I'm gonna have my luthier REALLY look into whats causing this because he's not even really sure. Whatever it is, I'm willing to pay a pretty large amount of money to get this fixed.
Any theories to what is causing this is very much welcome.
When I'm playing it, I'm all like "FUCK YEAH!!!" Then I get to the 7th+ frets and I'm just like Meh  . Ka-THX.
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2004-11-10, 04:48
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CC - Next time im on aim talk to me, i might have a few solutions to your problems.. which seems obvious but most likely will fix the problem.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-11-13, 00:35
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Hmm. Just post them here.
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