2004-11-06, 19:08
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I'm so fucking pissed off right now,  , i just had my amp shipped to my house from my brothers in London through this company called securicor. They've gone and lost my amp and suprisingly enough cant fucking trace it  because its been through 4 other companies, ghl, nat ops and some other bastard company and they didnt follow the right procedures. I m so fucking angry  , my poor little amp is probly lying in some warehouse or being sold by some thief on ebay.  I aint got a clue what to do, I think i m gonna put in a insurance claim
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-11-06, 19:10
Pirate Lawd
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Sorry to hear that dude. I hope you find it or get some money for it.

2004-11-06, 19:13
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what kinda amp was it?
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2004-11-06, 20:59
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marshall valvestate 8100 and a 1960a cab
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-11-06, 21:05
Pirate Lawd
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2004-11-06, 21:22
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"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-11-06, 21:53
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was the package insured?
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-11-06, 23:13
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i feel really bad if you didn't insure it.... otherwise you should be fine.
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2004-11-07, 04:13
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ALWAYS fuckin insure you're shit man!
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2004-11-07, 04:26
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Man. Goodluck. Sorry.
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2004-11-07, 08:07
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dude, that sucks, the chuck tone has been lost, but i hope it reobtained.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-07, 14:08
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cheers dudes, yea the amp is insured off my insurance and theirs but its prob gonna take ages to claim. I m just about to send in the claim form. Hopefully i ll get money for it or , even better, it might arrive  , but fingers crossed. If not it looks like i ll be in the market for another amp again which kinda sucks cos i really liked that amp
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-11-07, 17:05
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do you think you could get another?
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-07, 18:30
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yea if you really liked it then just find another one
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2004-11-07, 18:49
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or an even better one! 

2004-11-07, 18:51
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yeah, like a savage... or powerball, but those are expensive.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-07, 18:53
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everything is expensive... but in the US, you can get used marshalls for cheap, like a nice jcm 900.

2004-11-07, 18:58
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Mordor lives in england.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-07, 19:17
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then they're even more cheaper 

2004-11-07, 19:21
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oh, well fuck my arse. Isnt mesa the cheapest here in california?
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-07, 19:29
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Mesa's are overpriced everywhere in the world 

2004-11-07, 20:02
The Stings of Conscience
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yea they are. so are Gibsons.

2004-11-07, 20:10
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Originally Posted by Def
Mesa's are overpriced everywhere in the world 
i only find that true in some cases... the quad, vtwin rack pre, strategy, 2/95, as well a couple others go for pretty good prices... and i find them to be just as good if not better than alot of the overpriced stuff.
but the rectos and triaxis are a mega ripoff imo... but then again it's smart business on mesa's part because they're are the most popular amps they sell.... the stilletos(just released like a couple weeks ago) go for recto-ish prices... i'm still not sure if i'm sold on them, i'd rather play a recto with el34's... this dude i know that works at guitar center has #27.
they certainly arent the meanest sounding amps mesa makes... i'll need to do alot more test driving on them before i can make a clear opinion.
a quad could kick the shit out of a triaxis, even in the range of sounds it pulls off, not to mention it's like half of the price.
but if i were in europe i wouldnt even think of playing a mesa... it's funny how so many europeans want recto's over all the good stuff they have overthere, yet here in america, people get sick of the mesa shit and we want some european amp.
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2004-11-07, 20:12
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Originally Posted by Andrew1331
yea they are. so are Gibsons.
depends on the gibby... the difference in sound and quality between a $1,500 les paul and a $4,000 isnt worth the extra $2,500 imo.
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2004-11-07, 20:33
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i dont like gibsons, they just dont click with me.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-07, 21:16
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i only find that true in some cases... the quad, vtwin rack pre, strategy, 2/95, as well a couple others go for pretty good prices... and i find them to be just as good if not better than alot of the overpriced stuff.
but the rectos and triaxis are a mega ripoff imo... but then again it's smart business on mesa's part because they're are the most popular amps they sell.... the stilletos(just released like a couple weeks ago) go for recto-ish prices... i'm still not sure if i'm sold on them, i'd rather play a recto with el34's... this dude i know that works at guitar center has #27.
they certainly arent the meanest sounding amps mesa makes... i'll need to do alot more test driving on them before i can make a clear opinion.
a quad could kick the shit out of a triaxis, even in the range of sounds it pulls off, not to mention it's like half of the price.
but if i were in europe i wouldnt even think of playing a mesa... it's funny how so many europeans want recto's over all the good stuff they have overthere, yet here in america, people get sick of the mesa shit and we want some european amp.
Yeah, the Quad rocks. It's not really high gain though but it sounds great. superb cleans.
Everything with 'Mesa' on it is extremely expensive here, it's silly. Those Strategy poweramps sound better to me then the newer mesa poweramps (not a mesa poweramp fan, but those strategy's are kickass.)
that new stilleto is going to be all the rage, like the recto. Don't know what to think of it, haven't played one yet... Recto's are more of a hype here, most people that buy recto's don't know jackshit about tone. It's mainly the nu-metal and 'rock' kids. Same goes for Marshall though but that's just because of the 'Marshall' thing, its the same all over the world I think 'Imagines siberian kid yelling MARSHALL OWNS EVERYTHING ARAAAAH!!!'
The Recto's aint bad though, but like other mesa's, its not my type of amp. but I love the old Mark series combos for their cleans... damn powerfull too for small combos.

2004-11-07, 21:36
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the quad can do high gain stuff... so can the mark series stuff... you just need to eq right... a recto you'd maybe need to turn the gain up half way, while a quad or mark series you'd probably have to dime the gain to get similar results.. powertube saturation and speaker breakup help too.
i like the older mesa poweramps better than the newer ones, though i still think all mesa poweramps are awesome... i'm going after the 2/95 soon. one reason i think it sounds better than the 2:90 is that it uses 2 el34's per side in class A and 2 6l6's per side in class A/B, while the 2:90 has all 6l6's.
i'm sure there's more to it thatn that.. but i think the only poweramp i like more than the 2/95 is the vht 2/90/2, but the vht would cost twice as much. eff that.
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2004-11-07, 21:37
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the simul 2:90 is a good poweramp, but i agree with XDX on the super high wattage SS poweramps. So clean and sterile sounding, i really like em. Im probably gonna use a Carvin DCM1015 for my rack setup unless i fall on some more cash.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-07, 21:41
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
i dont like gibsons, they just dont click with me.
every guitar has a different sound... a fender strat or tele isnt exactly going to be the best guitar for metal... the same way a jackson soloist or ibanez rg wont be the best blues n' jazz guitar.
gibsons have that gibson sound. and that gibson feel. and that gibson look. and that gibson price tag. ect.
it suits some genres better than others.
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2004-11-07, 21:46
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
the quad can do high gain stuff... so can the mark series stuff... you just need to eq right... a recto you'd maybe need to turn the gain up half way, while a quad or mark series you'd probably have to dime the gain to get similar results.. powertube saturation and speaker breakup help too.
i like the older mesa poweramps better than the newer ones, though i still think all mesa poweramps are awesome... i'm going after the 2/95 soon. one reason i think it sounds better than the 2:90 is that it uses 2 el34's per side in class A and 2 6l6's per side in class A/B, while the 2:90 has all 6l6's.
i'm sure there's more to it thatn that.. but i think the only poweramp i like more than the 2/95 is the vht 2/90/2, but the vht would cost twice as much. eff that.
you call that high gain? if you played it you wouldn't say that man, haha, you can't get that much gain from a quad IMO, a recto has way more.
You can tweak the eq all you want, won't get you more gain. It doesn't even have a presence knob, it does have those pull/push knobs though and a good eq
powertube saturnation helps for what? you won't get more 'gain' from powertube breakup, it'll sound sweeter but that doesn't have any link with the preamp gain. I think the quad is just a joke in the high gain area, compared to what I'm used too. maybe changing tubes to sovtek lps's will help in one of those. the one I played had EH tubes.
VHT shit is good, I figure their 2/90's must be good too, I've played one of their poweramps but it wasn't the 2/90.

2004-11-07, 21:46
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
the simul 2:90 is a good poweramp, but i agree with XDX on the super high wattage SS poweramps. So clean and sterile sounding, i really like em. Im probably gonna use a Carvin DCM1015 for my rack setup unless i fall on some more cash.
yeh, at first i started using my cs800 as a PA poweramp to drive a pair of subs... but then i sold my old mosvalve 50/50 tube poweramp... i started using the cs800 because i had nothing else.... now, i can't decide if i like it better than my peavey classic 50/50.... it's got so much headroom and power to it, super sterile and does not color my sound at all.... while the 50/50 i like for pretty much the opposite reason's. just the right amount of power for me to dime for super saturation and tube color.
so i'm selling the 50/50 and going back to the cs800 untill i get the 2/95.
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2004-11-07, 21:48
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
i dont like gibsons, they just dont click with me.
me neither, too heavy, neck is way too thick, I've got huge hands but the neck just isn't for me.
they do have killer tone and sustain and they rock with EMG's.

2004-11-07, 22:27
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They sound better with a JB in the bridge and a Jazz in the neck
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2004-11-07, 22:29
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hahaha, classic!

2004-11-07, 22:32
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-11-07, 22:44
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haha, always slamming the emgs bls... yet your screen name is name after an avid emg user. meh, whatever, i was never one to overanalyze.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-07, 23:39
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Originally Posted by Def
you call that high gain? if you played it you wouldn't say that man, haha, you can't get that much gain from a quad IMO, a recto has way more.
You can tweak the eq all you want, won't get you more gain. It doesn't even have a presence knob, it does have those pull/push knobs though and a good eq
powertube saturnation helps for what? you won't get more 'gain' from powertube breakup, it'll sound sweeter but that doesn't have any link with the preamp gain. I think the quad is just a joke in the high gain area, compared to what I'm used too. maybe changing tubes to sovtek lps's will help in one of those. the one I played had EH tubes.
i don't know what one you played.... the quad has plenty of gain for me... more gain doesnt always mean better tone... same goes for the mark series... hell listen to lamb of god, one of them has an old school boogie head...
powertube saturation is a form of distortion and overdrive coming from clipping powertubes, speaker breakup is another form of distortion/overdrive from the cone moving out of control... (of all people around here, you should know that  ). it does help in the gain department.
for example, i'm playing through a medium gain amp right now, a jcm 900... at low volumes the sound is pretty far from heavy, but when you have it dimed the speakers start to distort and the poweramp is way overdriven. it sounds really thick and heavy all of a sudden. the notes just leap from under your fingers.
i'd rather push a medium gain "tone" channel hard than play a super fuzzed out uber gain channel soft. when i play recto's... i play the vintage mode, and it's plenty heavy, you just need to drive it harder and turn the gain knob up. but the overall sound is better imo.
sure the quad wont do fuzz like your savage, but it'll still do metal with no problems.
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2004-11-07, 23:45
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yeah, i dont really dig fuzzy tones either... peice of shit crate has that tone, hate it to death.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-08, 04:52
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
haha, always slamming the emgs bls... yet your screen name is name after an avid emg user. meh, whatever, i was never one to overanalyze.
Yeh.. just makes me look smarter. Just cause Zakk and his Grandma use EMG's dosent mean I do. 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-11-08, 10:17
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i don't know what one you played.... the quad has plenty of gain for me... more gain doesnt always mean better tone... same goes for the mark series... hell listen to lamb of god, one of them has an old school boogie head...
powertube saturation is a form of distortion and overdrive coming from clipping powertubes, speaker breakup is another form of distortion/overdrive from the cone moving out of control... (of all people around here, you should know that  ). it does help in the gain department.
for example, i'm playing through a medium gain amp right now, a jcm 900... at low volumes the sound is pretty far from heavy, but when you have it dimed the speakers start to distort and the poweramp is way overdriven. it sounds really thick and heavy all of a sudden. the notes just leap from under your fingers.
i'd rather push a medium gain "tone" channel hard than play a super fuzzed out uber gain channel soft. when i play recto's... i play the vintage mode, and it's plenty heavy, you just need to drive it harder and turn the gain knob up. but the overall sound is better imo.
sure the quad wont do fuzz like your savage, but it'll still do metal with no problems.
speaker breakup won't help in the gain department, it has nothing to do with your overall gain man. It changes your tone, but it doesn't suddenly increase your gain. I know what powertube saturnation is man, it sounds sweeter but then again doesn't increase your gain much (or not enough IMO), it moreso changes the overall tone into a more 'rounder' sound. like you described yourself, it's not that what i'm looking for. no confusing overal tone with usable gain.
It won't fuzz like my savage because my savage doesn't fuzz
solid state amps fuzz, tube amps roar, if you have a good one....
it's a mean tone beast in a small package. It just stays tight, ofcourse it depends how you tweak the presence/gain setting, but it has a LOT of usable gain. Not as much as my new powerball though
on another note, anyone ever tried a Rivera M60 or Soldano SL60? same idea as my savage, great tone in a 60w package so you can overdrive the hell out of it, ideal amps IMO.
the Quad I played was equipped with (rubbish) mesa tubes, I bet it could do a lot better... could overdrive the poweramp on that though (a 2:90) but I guess I just like a different sound, as in more gainy and punchy. without sounding like ass. the recto can do that, a soldano slo 100 can do that, some engls can do it and old jcm800's cranked up can do it too. Basically, the sound that I want, I can only get from a handfull of amps, I wasn't too high on solid state before but now I'm confident that I'll never buy an ss amp ever again.

2004-11-08, 13:04
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Originally Posted by Def
speaker breakup won't help in the gain department, it has nothing to do with your overall gain man. It changes your tone, but it doesn't suddenly increase your gain. I know what powertube saturnation is man, it sounds sweeter but then again doesn't increase your gain much (or not enough IMO), it moreso changes the overall tone into a more 'rounder' sound. like you described yourself, it's not that what i'm looking for. no confusing overal tone with usable gain.
i guess it depends on what you're looking for, but it does help... part of good heavy tone is stressed speakers imo. powertube gain wont sound or work the same way as preamp gain, but it does add an amount of grit to your sound, try cranking a clean channel of a tube amp with every knob to ten, you'll here it start to grit up and overdrive. the same thing will happen to your already distorted tone on the lead channel.
Originally Posted by Def
It won't fuzz like my savage because my savage doesn't fuzz
solid state amps fuzz, tube amps roar, if you have a good one....
it's a mean tone beast in a small package. It just stays tight, ofcourse it depends how you tweak the presence/gain setting, but it has a LOT of usable gain. Not as much as my new powerball though 
i guess you definition of fuzzy distortion is different than mine... plenty of tube amps can fuzz.
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2004-11-08, 13:16
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I can MAKE it fuzz, yes, by throwing the gain up to the max and putting on a shitload of presence. under that its just usable gain, but there is ofcourse, a barrier where it just breaks up big time.
If I want fuzz I use the crunch channel with a bit of gain boost, sounds pretty cool too if you like to play classic rock every now and then.

2004-11-08, 21:07
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
do you think you could get another?
yea i could prob get another one with a little bit of searchin but this time i think i m gonna go all out and splash the cash on a good tube amp. I m thinking about a laney gh100ti used by iommi. I ve played it and its pretty fucking brutal and is fucking cheap ass here in england. I found out i could get that head and the cab it matches with for £600/700 NEW. Thats fucking cheap for england. I'd prob have left over cash to get another marhall v8100  ,
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-11-08, 21:11
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i havnt played any laneys (which i really should cause theres actually a dealer like 3 towns over) but if i were to get one i think i would go with the vh100r
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2004-11-09, 19:25
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whys that?
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-11-09, 20:17
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the tommy iommi one rules if youre into really simple stuff. Its like the soldano avenger, one channel, overdrive.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-09, 21:06
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Originally Posted by Mordor
whys that?
sounds like it would be a killer amp...and peter from opeth uses em
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2004-11-10, 18:09
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hows the distortion on it? i might try that out dependin on how it is
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-11-10, 18:11
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
the tommy iommi one rules if youre into really simple stuff. Its like the soldano avenger, one channel, overdrive.
yea, i really liked it, simple but good and v good distortion. I dont really have that much need for a clean channel as i can just use my gt6.
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-11-10, 19:53
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Originally Posted by Mordor
hows the distortion on it? i might try that out dependin on how it is
i dont know, never played it... but try it out anway then and tell me how it is 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-11-10, 21:39
Supreme Metalhead
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I've seen Peter from Opeth quoted saying something to the meaning of "The amps dist is good, I could use it live, but I'm too lazy to reprogram my GT-6" on the official Opeth forums. So I guess the dist is good enough, at least. I'd definately try the amp if I had the money to consider buying it.
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2004-11-10, 21:46
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it's not bad for its money. you don't see em around a lot though, Laney's seem to break down a lot, or its just my enviroment, a friend of mine had one of their tube tops, allways had trouble. I had a laney linebacker and it broke down too, loose input jacks, crap wiring, soldering, you name it.
I heard they've shaped up though when after the hardcore max series came out, I've got one of those combos in my bedroom, it doesn't sound too good but it didn't break down yet.

2004-11-11, 20:47
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Originally Posted by Def
it's not bad for its money. you don't see em around a lot though, Laney's seem to break down a lot, .
probly explains why their fairly cheap, their cheaper than Crate amps in england
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-11-11, 22:09
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hmmm, the GH100 over here is like 800, and you can get a used 5150 for cheaper than that, and ive never heard of one of those breaking down.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-13, 22:04
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Mordor/England
Posts: 1,363
well i looked around and found that i can get a NEW gh100ti for £399 thats somet like $700, which is fucking dirt cheap for a kickass amp
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-11-13, 22:07
Join Date: Oct 2002
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so you gonna get it then?
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-11-14, 12:45
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Mordor/England
Posts: 1,363
well i m gonna see how long it takes to get the money for my amp off the insurance people, and then i ll prob buy it. I ve got my heart set on that amp now, but then again, if i see a second hand engl savage around 
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-11-14, 12:53
Master Killer
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good luck finding one  ebay.de has some every now and then...

2004-11-14, 17:36
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 1
Sucks ick man. Hope you get it back.

2004-11-19, 01:31
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: brazoria,texas(south of houston)
Posts: 1,077
theres some kinda engl amp on ebay now.i think its called "straight"? i dunno

2004-11-19, 01:48
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Concord, CA
Posts: 1,665
affirmative. I never played/seen one though, until that one anyway.
Originally Posted by Transient
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