2004-10-31, 01:21
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how bout this half stack???
i decided to hold off on the bogner and go for the cheapest possible price i could find. i found this one and read all 90 or so reviews and i am convinced, i want it. can u guys tell me wut u think, im on a really tight budget so i think this would suit me best.
thx guys

2004-10-31, 01:45
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haha, y is that man? i am on a TIGHT BUDGET, do u have any other suggestions?

2004-10-31, 02:15
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If you have a tight budget then buy USED gear.

2004-10-31, 02:29
Crusher of Skulls
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don't get stuck buying some shitty amp because a magazine says its great.
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-31, 03:41
Pirate Lawd
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For the love of all that is Holy and Unholy! DON'T EVER GET THAT AMP!
You will just enforce the ideal that it's OK to keep making shity amps.
I would rather play unpluged than use that amp. If you ever play one you will know what I'm talking about too.

2004-10-31, 04:48
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2004-10-31, 08:44
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Originally Posted by Cattlefan#1
i decided to hold off on the bogner and go for the cheapest possible price i could find. i found this one and read all 90 or so reviews and i am convinced, i want it. can u guys tell me wut u think, im on a really tight budget so i think this would suit me best.
thx guys
if you're on a tight budget why did you even consider the bogner?
this is bullshit, a marshall mg sounds like crap no matter what you do with it, comparing that to a bogner is a day / night difference.

2004-10-31, 12:13
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you definatly dont want that amp

2004-10-31, 21:05
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well thx for the advice, umm, i was gonna save for a long time and get a bogner, but right now I NEED A HALF STACK!!! i saw a b52 half stack for 599.99 so i am considering that one, tell me wut u guys think.

2004-10-31, 21:11
Wasted Custom User title
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Oh. My. God. DO NOT GET THAT B-52!
Used. www.ebay.com
Peavey 5150 possibly. A crate blue voodoo. USED!
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2004-10-31, 21:26
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2004-10-31, 23:32
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how bout this one?
i dont mind the camo, just want to know if this is a good one. but i have heard that randall makes good stuff. so wut do u guys think about this one? i hate to be picky, but if i can avoid it, i dont want to buy anything used, unless it has been only used for a month or so, then its cool, from wut i have seen from the links one of u put down, they look pretty beat up, but u guys know more than i do, so i'll do my best to take all ur advice. thx again guys

2004-10-31, 23:36
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2004-10-31, 23:48
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2004-11-01, 06:15
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The Randall is ok, theyve got pretty good SS stuff. Although I must say, BUY USED! Check all the links the guys have given you. You will be much better of with a Blue Voodoo or the Carvin xdx posted.
If youre lucky you can get them for cheap, and all the other stuff they posted are nice as well.
EDIT: If you get them it should be cheap...
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-11-01, 08:58
Senior Metalhead
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I was also thinking of buying thatRandall RH200G2 Half-Stack, can someone give feedback on it.

2004-11-01, 13:02
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Just thought I'd say something about buying used...
I looked for 2 minutes for that Crate GT1200H head and cab package Cattlefan linked to. Found one on eBay currently at $250 or so. Compared to the $500 musiciansfriend wants, well, it's cheap.
And it might be a good idea to mention that all my gear was bought used, except for my strings and 2 cables.
I mean, if you want to pay twice as much as you'd need to, just to make sure you're going to be the big loser if you want to sell it later, fine. But seriously, isn't it smarter to buy cheap and not lose so much money if you sell it?
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2004-11-01, 13:53
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Originally Posted by G_urr_A
Just thought I'd say something about buying used...
I looked for 2 minutes for that Crate GT1200H head and cab package Cattlefan linked to. Found one on eBay currently at $250 or so. Compared to the $500 musiciansfriend wants, well, it's cheap.
And it might be a good idea to mention that all my gear was bought used, except for my strings and 2 cables.
I mean, if you want to pay twice as much as you'd need to, just to make sure you're going to be the big loser if you want to sell it later, fine. But seriously, isn't it smarter to buy cheap and not lose so much money if you sell it?
totally, i buy sell and trade gear so often, even really good gear, i just always change my mind... it's part of being a rack geek. i'm constantly thinking of upgrades and changes that can be made...
i'd shoot myself if i paid $1,000 for my jmp-1 new... because the average used selling price is a little less than half that... i couldnt justify losing $600 bucks or something....
but with shitty gear like that gt1200 head, you know you're eventually going to want to sell it. so why not help your wallet now?
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2004-11-02, 03:34
Senior Metalhead
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Yea, i need a new amp that will have a nice palm mute sound.

2004-11-02, 22:53
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thx a lot guys, but i am really wanting to buy that randall, someone is buying it for me and money isnt quite an issue, sorta, he's giving me 600, so i am kinda convinced about wut amp i wanna get. thx for all the advice tho, i dont know if i'll get that randall for sure, so i'll relook at those links u guys gave me

2004-11-03, 00:01
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600 dollars!!!!you can do better.that can get you a cheap randall half-stack.cab and head.

2004-11-03, 00:16
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The randall aint bad... but i like the 5150 or XXX better, and they have TUBES!! TUBES!!
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-03, 01:02
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r u talking about the peavey 5150 head? or r u talking about the 5150 cabinet by b 52? so do u think that this would be a good buy? (the randall)

2004-11-03, 01:25
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i really like that randall actually, but i think the peavey XXX or 5150 heads might be a better investment because they can change their tone rather quickly by changing the tubes, and if you still dont like it, you can get em modded.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-03, 03:10
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awesome, but the randall isnt a bad decision right?

2004-11-03, 03:22
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Cattlefan if you end up buying that randall, PM me sometime and tell me about it, im thinking of buying it also..

2004-11-03, 03:39
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not at all, especially if you get an alesis M-eq230 and a BBE sonic maximizer
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-03, 13:43
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Originally Posted by Cattlefan#1
r u talking about the peavey 5150 head? or r u talking about the 5150 cabinet by b 52? so do u think that this would be a good buy? (the randall)
since when has b52 made a cabinet called the 5150??? peavey makes the 5150 amps and cabs.... i think you have something mixed up.
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2004-11-04, 00:27
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whoops, sorry about that, i knew i got something messed up, just never bothered to fix it. i remember seeing at guitar center, a b 52 head and a 5150 cab, i think thats wut messed me up

2004-11-04, 02:49
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okay, but guitar center doesnt cary peavey stuff. 
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2004-11-04, 03:30
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2004-11-04, 09:20
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by Satans Obituary
Are these idiots still trying to sell those "items"?
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-11-04, 12:49
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2004-11-04, 18:49
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that randall seems pretty sweet, i ve played the 100 watt version of that head and it sounds alright for ss. Its also cheap as fuck and looks fairly cool
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2004-11-05, 02:16
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
okay, but guitar center doesnt cary peavey stuff. 
but how do they not sell peavey stuff if i saw it there? anway, i am really wanting to get that randall, and thx again to everyone who gave me advice, it is much appreciated 

2004-11-05, 02:24
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what do yall think of the b-52 st100a head?

2004-11-05, 02:38
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must we answer this again? Just see all of dakens posts, and youll find your answer... unless you are daken, in that case, fuck you, we already answered your damn questions.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-05, 02:50
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by Cattlefan#1
but how do they not sell peavey stuff if i saw it there? anway, i am really wanting to get that randall, and thx again to everyone who gave me advice, it is much appreciated 
Might be a use traded in Peavey stuff.
Randall are about the bet SS amp you can get too. I think I'm going too get the Cyclone. It's SS but damn I liked it. Even that or one of those Randall moduler heads with remove/changable preamps. The tube bias feature on the back of them are fantastic! All amps shoud have it that way so it is easy to adjust the bias.

2004-11-05, 03:01
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Yeah, the modulars were designed by egnater. seems everything he designs rules.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-05, 04:40
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Might be a use traded in Peavey stuff.
that's what i was thinking, because guitar center is not an authorised peavey dealer.
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Randall are about the bet SS amp you can get too.
obviously you havent play tech 21
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Even that or one of those Randall moduler heads with remove/changable preamps. The tube bias feature on the back of them are fantastic! All amps shoud have it that way so it is easy to adjust the bias.
egnator designed stuff is the shit... i'd dare say i like the recto module better than a real recto 
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2004-11-05, 04:51
Pirate Lawd
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If xDx appovers the Randall modular amp then I should perhaps get one. They make a rack version too and I like it better because it's MIDI controlable and you can assign different tubes, Wattages, and FX loops for each different preamp patch. The draw back is the price. Like $2000, but thats not too bad I guess. I just didn't know if anyone else had ever tried one or not.

2004-11-05, 14:07
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i think the actual egnator stuff is better... that's what i was reffering to, the randall stuff is awesome too, i was wondering at first how randall, one of the best s.s. makers could pull off tube stuff sooo well... then after hanging out at some rack geek forums, i learned it was based of the egnator m4. so it made sense...
the randall is still A+ imo... the plexi module makes a great clean...
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2004-11-05, 14:11
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so they have a bias switch? my amp has an automatic bias system, hell I can even throw in different tubes. it has a led warning system too for tube failiures, never had that though.. but it prolly works...
Egnator? they don't have those here, anyone got a link?

2004-11-05, 14:28
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2004-11-05, 14:32
Master Killer
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cool, theres a vox ac30 module
lol the e-rect
HAHA that's a pun, must have been planned.
Looks nice to have all those options in one preamp, but their 'hot' lead doesn't sound so 'hot' to me, haha. the e-recto doesn't come close either. but the vintage models all sound really accurate. (the jtm and the vox's)
they tested it with a strat though, so you can't really judge their high-gain channels on that, I hate strats with a vengeance.

2004-11-05, 20:10
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so true, strats werent really designed with metal in mind though.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-06, 03:40
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i don't like to listen to clips though.. hearing an amp and playing an amp are two different things.
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2004-11-06, 12:48
Master Killer
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sure but you get a general idea of the tones it has. I can tell it does the vintage shit well.

2004-11-06, 18:40
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yeah, you can get a genral idea, but the tone could really change depending on what guitar/pickups youre using.
Originally Posted by Transient
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