2004-10-31, 01:53
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Philadelphia
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Ampeg GUITAR heads
I've looked around the internet and havnt been able to find anything. John from Dying fetus and both Sparky and Mike from Misery index all use an Ampeg guitar head, I love the tone on Destroy the Opposition as well as on Retaliate, not to mention that both thier live sounds are amazing. Any info would be appreciated.
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2004-10-31, 01:59
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as far as i know they dont make em, you sure theyre not just using bass heads?
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2004-10-31, 01:00
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Did you check Harmony-Central??
Ask in their forums, im sure someone their knows something.
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I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-31, 01:05
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2004-10-31, 04:38
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bingo, ampeg vh140....
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-10-31, 08:45
Master Killer
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they do make guitar heads, but IMO they should have stuck to making bass gear.
I've seen those ampeg heads go for pretty cheap here though. but I'm not really fond of them, but to each his own, if you like them, you can get them for a pretty good price used.

2004-11-01, 00:20
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Philadelphia
Posts: 1,399
Yeah the VH140 is what I've been looking for. Thanks for your help. Despte my saving up for rackgear, I can probably drop $200 on a head I really like. I just need to keep an eye on ebay.
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Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2004-11-01, 23:05
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Concord, CA
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prepare to spend more like 450-500. I tried to get one for like a year and failed every time so i just gave up.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-03, 15:11
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: PEI, Canada
Posts: 1,103
Yeah i saw Misery Index last night
and i was talking to sparky about his head, it was the Ampeg Vh 140c, and he told me that there was a crate head with the exact same circetry(sp) has the Vh 140c, it was the one that xdx just made that thread about, so it is just as Innards expected! they do have the same circetry

2004-11-03, 17:49
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Concord, CA
Posts: 1,665
yup, they do, its the crate GX series i believe.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-01-12, 19:14
New Blood
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 6
Crate GX-130c can suck my cable -- NOT a VH-140c.
The Crate GX-130c is similar to the Ampeg VH-140c, but they are NOT identical. The Crate is based on the Ampeg design, but has a number of cheaper components and cut-corners. They aren't as rugged as the old Ampegs, they're missing some of the cool features of the old Ampegs, and they don't have the same tone or power or look as the old Ampegs. Most importantly, you look like a fucking art school student toting around a sensibly priced piece of Crate junk.
“I blew a Crate GX-130c(head) like 2 times. Never could get the thing to sound right , so I sold it.”
How many times have you heard of someone blowing a VH-140c?? I saw one heat up and billow SMOKE once. When it cooled down, we fixed two toasted connections, and was back on its feet.
The old Ampegs are still around, but people keep them because they perform the same as they did 15 years ago. The "same" Crates are dying off. Yes, you can find plenty of GX-130c's advertised for around $100. You know why? Because nobody fucking wants to be seen hanging out with them.
When you drag a chrome-cornered 15 year-old Ampeg tank into a club, you can toss it onto the pile without having to worry about it breaking a fucking nail or hurting its feelings. You could run 2 channels in from another pre-amp, or out from the VH-140c’s pre-amp, you could run an XLR balanced line out straight to a console. With 4-ohm speakers, the VH-140c pumped 200 watts of raging monster meat down your throat, back out your ass, and down your throat again. The GX seems OK at first, but you know it’s eventually going to say the wrong thing and embarrass you in front of everyone.
Old Ampegs are like Converse Hi-Tops – instantly recognizable and fucking cool. Little GX's are the store-brand sneakers with Velcro and racing stripes and flashing things and they say right on the side that they’re just as good. It doesn’t even matter how fucking exactly the same the circuitry is, Ampeg VH-140c = piece of history & kicks ass. Crate GX-130c=monkey paste & moves its lips when it reads. A VH-140c is guaranteed to get you laid at least twice a week. A GX-130c is guaranteed to make you feel uncomfortable about yourself, continuously. A VH-140c can be used as a battering ram, a truck stand, and a crowd control device. A GX-130c can be used as a cat scratching post or as a keepsake box for all your used adult diapers and back issues of TV Guide.

2005-01-12, 19:27
New Blood
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 6
Ampeg VH-140c for sale. A REAL 1991 Ampeg VH-140c
Oh, did I mention that I have a newly reconditioned Ampeg VH-140c FOR SALE???? Huh. When I was busy kicking the GX-130c in the teeth, I must have forgotten to mention it.
Later this evening I'll put up a detailed post aaaaalll about it. Then all you volume junkies can fight it out over who gets it. I'm spending a lot of time putting it in tip-top shape, and I'm not going to get into a hagglefest over the price. I want $350.00 for it, or slightly less and one make-out session from your girlfriend and/or sister. I'm in Boston, MA, and if you aren't, you're in the wrong damned place. UPS is prolly about $50, which is the only reason I'm not asking $400.
Like I said, details & photos to be posted later on, along with more idiotic, confused rambling and finger puppets named Bruce.

2005-01-12, 19:43
The Stings of Conscience
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A) you're an idiot. dont ask for a more founded response, because i am not prepared to give one. i dont have that kind of brain power to waste on an internet forum.
B) that is spam. read the rules, cunt

2005-01-12, 21:04
New Blood
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 6
Andrew made me cry
A) I know you are, but what am I?
I just spent absurd numbers of hours reconditioning this amp so a friend could sell it and recoup a tiny percentage of what she lost subsudizing her ex-boyfriend's shit band. I busted my ass putting this decent piece of equipment into absolutely perfect condition. The amp won't sell for what I've already put into it in labor, and when it does sell, none of the money winds up at my house.
I found --what happy coindence!-- that a number of people posting here were asking about or actively looking for exactly the same damned amp. People commented that they're nearly impossible to find and very expensive, and that they'd been looked without any luck. In fact, metalheads all over seem to want this amp. I spammed only this place though, as I am subtle beyond all logic.
I haven't even received the last of the parts that'll be going into it, but I figured I'd post here so those who really want one of these could have a heads-up for when it's ready a couple of days from now. Otherwise, I'd have to fight tooth and nail on eBay to get someone to notice it.
But you know what? You're absolutely right. I shouldn't be broadcasting my venal, profit-hungry "spam" all over your little metal clubhouse. I brutally exploited your rockin' oasis in cyberspace for the lowliest of personal gratifications-- the ANTI-PROFIT MOTIVE!!!
I hereby withdraw my perverse attempt to pollute one of you with my awful device, sapping someone of their hard-won currency ...and in exchange for what?! a mere possession! A hollow shell wherein mystic electrons orbit and throw off their heat in the form of very loud, awesome noise! I see that I am no match for your stalwart moral conservatorship and keen insight into my own character-- Nay, into my very SOUL!!!!
This idiot is taking his amp and going home. (And actually, I would have taken pretty much whatever for it, because I'm sick of dealing with it. I was just starting off the bidding all tough.)
B) I looked, but couldn't find the rules you alluded to, nor do I really give a shit either way, you simpering Floridian junk-food dealer. Why don't you go find them and read them over for me, okay pie boy? Keep up the good work! I am repulsed!!! Holler!

2005-01-12, 21:54
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: PEI, Canada
Posts: 1,103
i have an gx 130 c head
but now im kind of wishing i had waited to find an ampeg vh 140c
oh well maybe ill buy one and the custom ran will just have to wait a few months longer

2005-01-12, 22:01
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: PEI, Canada
Posts: 1,103
Originally Posted by neuromonkey
. A VH-140c is guaranteed to get you laid at least twice a week. .
hahahah i know this is a double post but that is funny as fuck

2005-01-12, 22:42
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Concord, CA
Posts: 1,665
Yeah it was. Engl shits on em all though.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-01-12, 23:54
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: PEI, Canada
Posts: 1,103
suffos PFW is my all time favorite tone though
so thick...mmmmmm....and cruncy

2005-01-13, 00:12
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Concord, CA
Posts: 1,665
Necro, do you have any long lost twin brothers?
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-01-13, 00:20
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: PEI, Canada
Posts: 1,103
yeah i think i do
he lives in california somewhere.....
too bad you live like 10 000 miles away from me
we need to start a brutal death band together

2005-01-13, 00:48
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Concord, CA
Posts: 1,665
Haha, yeah, PFW has some great tone, thats why i asked, but i prefer the more mean voicing of engls, although im pretty sure a powerball and Vh140c would kickass together on stage.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-01-13, 01:03
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: brazoria,texas(south of houston)
Posts: 1,077
man i wish the ass hole would come bak.first of all that seamed and im sure was a great deal.and second he may have been an ass hole but he was a smart one and his insults were very though out and witty.oh well.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-01-13, 02:43
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i found the majority of his post to be complete bullshit, just trying to make the ampeg look good so he could sell his...
do you have any idea how many amps are based off of other amps???? fuck, did you know that the early mesa's(mark series', dual caliburs) where really based of of fenders??? think about it, a fucking mesa and a fucking fender, nothing alike in sound.. but similar construction and all... it means nothing.
most bogners and splawns were actually based alot off(if not entirely) of marshalls. i'd probably say anyone with a sense of tone(though it is all in the ear of the player) would tell you the bogner or the splawn is better. but does that mean marshalls are crap?(the cheap mg's and avt crap doesnt count) fuck no, they rock, but they're different amps.
there is a point in gear, no matter the price, there are simply goods amps and bad amps... occasionally you compare a couple amps that are not better or worse than the other, simply different.
the gx130c is a great head, crate or not.... you say you'll feel like an idiot carrying one around? i think i'd be more proud that i can make a crate sound just as good, maybe even better than some dickhead's mesa/marshall tube top.
the amp is only part of the tone equation, the brand name is not part of it at all. and if it bothers you that bad, take off the decale.
besides, ampeg isnt exactly a reputable name in the "guitar" world... no more than crate anyways.
as for all these exaggurations on how tuff it is... you're an idiot if you think it can take much more, if any more, abuse than the gx130c...
i don't care so much about the "spamming"... but you come here talking shit on one amp, saying it's a peice of shit compare to the one you just so happen to be selling. 
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-01-13, 10:09
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Sydney
Posts: 2,761
Ampeg's are top bass amps IMO,look who uses them.Cant comment on their guitar amps but??i havent heard much about them,nothing good anyway.

2005-01-13, 14:19
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Originally Posted by *insert name here*
Ampeg's are top bass amps IMO,look who uses them.Cant comment on their guitar amps but??i havent heard much about them,nothing good anyway.
they do make some of the best bass gear out there imo... but i'm talking about as guitar amps they arent that big of a name...
not to say they don't make good guitar amps, because they do... but i just didn't like how he was over glorifying the vh-140c to be soooo much better than the crate gx130c.
i'd say they're pretty friggen equal. in both tone and build quality. anybody who knows crate, the older s.s. stuff they made in the 80's and early 90's rock. i don't really like to much of the newer stuff they've been putting out except the tube stuff(not because i'm a tube snob either, because i'm not) like the blue voodoos and the v series combos... the older stealth's were nice too.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-01-13, 19:06
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Posts: 1,103
i hate fucking tube snobs

2005-01-13, 21:51
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i just don't like categorizing an entire class of amps with "bad" or "good" most little fuckwads think if it has tubes, it's the bomb... and if it's solid state it sucks... and if it's hybrid its in between.
i can think of some solid state amps that more than compete with really nice tube amps(ala tech 21), and i can think of some shitty ass tube amps that sound horrid even compared to a little 15w crate s.s. practice amp*cough*krank*cough*.
i'd probably say the majority of the amps i like are tube amps, but that's not entirely just because the fact they have tubes in them. it's also the rest of the amp.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-01-13, 22:57
Symbiotic In Theory
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I only thought they made bass amps/heads etc hence the quote on there site 'Ampeg - The power of bass'
'' I'll Smother You With A Fucking Pillow!! ''
Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.

2005-01-13, 23:27
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Sydney
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i just don't like categorizing an entire class of amps with "bad" or "good" most little fuckwads think if it has tubes, it's the bomb... and if it's solid state it sucks... and if it's hybrid its in between.
so fucking true!
Yeah i treat all amps equal,until i tried them myself.i love some fucking tube amps to death,and then i also like some solid state ones.one of my practise(laney hardcore 15w)sucks ass,but my ashton one isnt that bad.but most good amps too me are tube,only becuase i like the tone.if i wanted a different tone solid states would be good for me.but most amp-bashing comes from people that havent even tried the amp and that shits me,and its mostly begginers too.

2005-01-14, 06:47
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Once again, xdislexicx has shown an examplary display of wisdom ... solid state or tube, it must be judged on it's tone.
Personally, I prefer a high quality solid-state. Old Crates or Tech21's as xdx mentioned.

2005-01-14, 07:31
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Sydney
Posts: 2,761
Originally Posted by neuromonkey
A) I know you are, but what am I?
I just spent absurd numbers of hours reconditioning this amp so a friend could sell it and recoup a tiny percentage of what she lost subsudizing her ex-boyfriend's shit band. I busted my ass putting this decent piece of equipment into absolutely perfect condition. The amp won't sell for what I've already put into it in labor, and when it does sell, none of the money winds up at my house.
I found --what happy coindence!-- that a number of people posting here were asking about or actively looking for exactly the same damned amp. People commented that they're nearly impossible to find and very expensive, and that they'd been looked without any luck. In fact, metalheads all over seem to want this amp. I spammed only this place though, as I am subtle beyond all logic.
I haven't even received the last of the parts that'll be going into it, but I figured I'd post here so those who really want one of these could have a heads-up for when it's ready a couple of days from now. Otherwise, I'd have to fight tooth and nail on eBay to get someone to notice it.
But you know what? You're absolutely right. I shouldn't be broadcasting my venal, profit-hungry "spam" all over your LITTLE METAL CLUBHOUSE. I brutally exploited your rockin' oasis in cyberspace for the lowliest of personal gratifications-- the ANTI-PROFIT MOTIVE!!!
I hereby withdraw my perverse attempt to pollute one of you with my awful device, sapping someone of their hard-won currency ...and in exchange for what?! a mere possession! A hollow shell wherein mystic electrons orbit and throw off their heat in the form of very loud, awesome noise! I see that I am no match for your stalwart moral conservatorship and keen insight into my own character-- Nay, into my very SOUL!!!!
This idiot is taking his amp and going home. (And actually, I would have taken pretty much whatever for it, because I'm sick of dealing with it. I was just starting off the bidding all tough.)
B) I looked, but couldn't find the rules you alluded to, nor do I really give a shit either way, you simpering Floridian junk-food dealer. Why don't you go find them and read them over for me, okay pie boy? Keep up the good work! I am repulsed!!! Holler!
hey he's ragging on the little metal clubhouse! 
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