2004-10-24, 16:05
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Bogner amps?
A couple of weeks ago I saw Deicide. And one of the bands there (I think it was Cattle Decapitation) was using bogner amps. Ive never heard of them. Could anyone tell me anything about them?
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2004-10-24, 17:37
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They rock.
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2004-10-24, 18:50
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Good amps but i read somewhere that they are $$

2004-10-24, 19:44
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Originally Posted by SixfeetUnder420
A couple of weeks ago I saw Deicide. And one of the bands there (I think it was Cattle Decapitation) was using bogner amps. Ive never heard of them. Could anyone tell me anything about them?
yeah josh from cattle uses bogner amps.they are all right amps they are really cheap .you can get a cab for like $277.oo. they have a good sound and tone.

2004-10-24, 19:46
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Wow... this threads is just filled with false information.
"All right amps" ???
"Really cheap"

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2004-10-24, 20:19
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I really hope you were joking wookie slaughter. The uberschall which is what i assume cattle decap guy uses, because its the only "metal" amp bogner makes, is around 2500-3000$. Vile also uses them, and i wouldnt be surprised if leng tche did to. Its a fucking insane THICK tone with alot of balls and crunch, but be willing to shell out some serious bank.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-24, 21:10
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when i read what wookieslaughter wrote, i was shocked, alright?? cheap??? this guuy is dumb, i asked josh and he told me that he payed 2500 for his uberschall head, and 899 a piece for his cabinets. pretty expensicve, but he told me they r worth it. really good stuff. CATTLE DECAPITATION RULES!!!!!

2004-10-24, 21:47
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Originally Posted by wookieslaughter
yeah josh from cattle uses bogner amps.they are all right amps they are really cheap .you can get a cab for like $277.oo. they have a good sound and tone.
if you werent joking you deserve to be shot.
they arent cheap, don't get your hopes up... they're very expensive, but some of the best amps ever built no matter how you look at it. build quality is impeccable, the material used are top notch... alot of hand building and even some maybe even all point to point wiring(if i'm not mistaken.). the sounds are amazing(for whatever the specific amp is designed for)...
when you have a bogner you have a bogner for life, not only will one NEVER break down or fail you, but they have lifetime warranty that cannot be beat, you can throw it out of your car on the freeway and(if it breaks  ) the warranty is there.
the resale on them isnt much less than the new price, a new uberschall(probably the heaviest sounding head ever built btw) goes for about $2,500 u.s.d.
a used one will probably at least be like $2,000.
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2004-10-24, 21:56
Master Killer
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Correct. they're great amps, though they're more for rock then metal IMO, they're not as high-gainy if I'de like them to be, but they DO have great tone. and they're pretty versatile in their range. Over here they're populair with hardrock/rock bands. But I've seen some metal bands use them too, anyhow, they got tone.

2004-10-24, 22:12
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2004-10-24, 22:15
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yeah, great amps, i just wish reinhold would make one that had even more gain than the uberschall.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-24, 23:17
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Originally Posted by Def
Correct. they're great amps, though they're more for rock then metal IMO, they're not as high-gainy if I'de like them to be, but they DO have great tone. and they're pretty versatile in their range. Over here they're populair with hardrock/rock bands. But I've seen some metal bands use them too, anyhow, they got tone.
you must have never played an uberschall... that thing is probably the meanest fucking thing ever... maybe other high end botique-ish amps like
the framus cobra, h&k triamp, vht pittbull, engl savage, rivera knucklehead, and diezel herbert can compare in overall brutal high gain tone..
but imo it rein supreme for the insane brutal tones..
it also has a good clean channel and does great lower gain stuff, but it's niche is in the high gain area.
most bogner stuff is built to do very marshallish sounds, but wth better build quality and more features, plus the whole origional world of bogner tone.
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2004-10-24, 23:28
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I played one last thursday... next time I'm at MP, I'll take pics. It's by far not the meanest thing I ever played, hell a VHT Pitbull, Diezel VH4 and Engl Savage all sounded meaner to me and I compared them ALL to the Bogner that same day, through the same cab and guitar. they didn't have a bogner amp there though, I don't know if that made some difference.
ofcourse a Rivera doesn't sound as mean, netiher does a Soldano or Triamp, they're just way different amps with a different purpose. a knucklehead and triamp are more about tone then brutal-factor.
As far as the marshall tone, I didn't really recognize it, except the nosey tone in the distortion, it didn't cut as agressively as the other amps mentioned above IMO!
played all those amps through a marshall 1960 cab, mesa half-open back cab and an orange cab. with an ESP custom Viper loaded with emg 81/85 set.
Bogner really doesn't cut it for me, but thats an opinion, I just didn't like them much, this was the first uberschall I played, I used a Shiva combo before and I fellt the same about that.

2004-10-25, 00:33
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wish i could get a pittbull, so tight, closed and dry. love that tone.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-25, 03:39
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Originally Posted by Def
I played one last thursday... next time I'm at MP, I'll take pics. It's by far not the meanest thing I ever played, hell a VHT Pitbull, Diezel VH4 and Engl Savage all sounded meaner to me and I compared them ALL to the Bogner that same day, through the same cab and guitar. they didn't have a bogner amp there though, I don't know if that made some difference.
ofcourse a Rivera doesn't sound as mean, netiher does a Soldano or Triamp, they're just way different amps with a different purpose. a knucklehead and triamp are more about tone then brutal-factor.
As far as the marshall tone, I didn't really recognize it, except the nosey tone in the distortion, it didn't cut as agressively as the other amps mentioned above IMO!
played all those amps through a marshall 1960 cab, mesa half-open back cab and an orange cab. with an ESP custom Viper loaded with emg 81/85 set.
Bogner really doesn't cut it for me, but thats an opinion, I just didn't like them much, this was the first uberschall I played, I used a Shiva combo before and I fellt the same about that.
lah lah lah lah! i can't hear you! lah lah lah lah!
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2004-10-25, 03:56
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Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-25, 09:51
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
lah lah lah lah! i can't hear you! lah lah lah lah!
that's because you're half deaf...
next time open up your ears while playing one 

2004-10-25, 21:15
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They cost a lot. They must be good! 
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2004-10-25, 22:09
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*eeeeeeeh* -buzzer sound-
not all expensive amps sound great, I can't stand Orange tops, they're like rock'n'roll amps or something, their cabs are nice though but I can't fucking stand their tops. Maybe if you like british sounding amps like marshalls but meh. Expensive as fuck though.
Diezel VH4's where a nice surprise though... costs losts but are great.

2004-10-25, 22:20
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Originally Posted by Def
that's because you're half deaf...
next time open up your ears while playing one 
Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
They cost a lot. They must be good! 
obviously you've never played a krank....
friends don't let friends play krank....
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-10-25, 22:27
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2004-10-26, 02:14
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The dude cattle Decapitation has like one of teh best rigs I've ever seen, and one of the best live tones I've ever heard, right up there with Dying Fetus and thier solid state Ampegs, hehe. I've chatted with him a few times and he runs his signal through a Bogner Uberschell and an Engl Powerball. One signal comes out through a Bogner 4x12 on the right side of the stage and the other through another Bogner 4x12 on the left side of the stage. His heads are in some huge custom rack that has 2 Rocktron Super C HUSH or whatever they are called (the exact name slips me) and a power conditioner. He also has a pedal board with wah, volume and some other stuff I coulnt see. But if you see them live don't let his playing fool you, he cheats so much. His arpeggios are pathetic he bars like 4 strings and flips his neck pickup switch on everytime he does one and then turns his back to the crowd half the time he does them because of how fucking stupid they are.\
The dude form Macabre also used Bogner and has an amazing live tone. They seem to have a very awesome live tone quality unlike Rectos.
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2004-10-26, 02:29
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yeah, cattle decap never really clicked with me. Alot better bands with less mechanical sounding drummers.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-26, 02:42
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Theyre ok. Nothing to special to me though
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2004-10-26, 02:45
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youd say they suck if you heard human jerky... one of the crappiest grind albums ive heard in a while.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-26, 03:10
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well, the revolution has beautiful cleans, i must give props there, if you want one simple uberclean sound, fender eat your heart out... but that's all it can do well, and it claims to be a high gain amp.
the distortion is horrid... seriously, i could get better distortion from a fucking off brand 8" s.s. combo... no matter how much i tweaked it the distortion sucked.
but it's common knowledge in the botique geargeek world that there is some faulty shit in the preamp design...
sure they look cool... but they sound like garbage.
they also have the cockiest attitudes and shadiest sale techniques...
they got banned from harmony central because their employees would post dozens of perfect reviews.... so if you look on there you wont find a single krank review because they took them completely off.
when they first came out they claimed that they would "put mesa out of business."....
give me ANY mesa product over a krank any day...
they got rid of their refund and 30 garauntee policies because of so many dissapointed customers.
i think they should just start over...
they even had an employee over on ww.guitargeek.com trying to spam shit on them.
they pay all these shitty bands like slipknot to say they play them... if i were an amp company i'd get a band that actually has good tone first.
but seriousl, if you ever get the chance, play one... you'll notice right away the buzzy, shrill, thin, weak sauce they call the krank channel...
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2004-10-26, 03:23
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for sure dude... the revolution and the chadwick blow fat ass. I dont give a fuck, theyre lying cheating sons of bitches... I wish abortions were mandatory sometimes, yes, that sounded stupid, but whatever.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-26, 07:24
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Originally Posted by DEAD
The dude cattle Decapitation has like one of teh best rigs I've ever seen, and one of the best live tones I've ever heard, right up there with Dying Fetus and thier solid state Ampegs, hehe. I've chatted with him a few times and he runs his signal through a Bogner Uberschell and an Engl Powerball. One signal comes out through a Bogner 4x12 on the right side of the stage and the other through another Bogner 4x12 on the left side of the stage. His heads are in some huge custom rack that has 2 Rocktron Super C HUSH or whatever they are called (the exact name slips me) and a power conditioner. He also has a pedal board with wah, volume and some other stuff I coulnt see. But if you see them live don't let his playing fool you, he cheats so much. His arpeggios are pathetic he bars like 4 strings and flips his neck pickup switch on everytime he does one and then turns his back to the crowd half the time he does them because of how fucking stupid they are.\
The dude form Macabre also used Bogner and has an amazing live tone. They seem to have a very awesome live tone quality unlike Rectos.
he prolly uses the powerball for distortion  :
Anyways, yeah uberschall's are better then recto's alltogether, but I'de still prefer a Diezel VH4 or VHT Pitbull over them. Shame they're out of my price range, but I might be able to upgrade from a engl savage to an engl special edition sometime next year.

2004-10-26, 12:39
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Originally Posted by Def
he prolly uses the powerball for distortion  :
dude, the uberschall owns the powerball.....
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2004-10-26, 15:30
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get that banana out of your ear man 

2004-10-26, 17:07
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Originally Posted by Def
get that banana out of your ear man 
talk to the hand!
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2004-10-26, 17:10
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booyeah! all the honey's makin' money!!! throw ya hands up at me!!!
all the lady's truely horney, throw your hands up at meeeee!!!

2004-10-26, 17:48
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He uses BOTH for distortion.
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2004-10-26, 17:52
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Sweet. that's one kickass setup though. I've played a powerball and a savage through Bogner cabs, they're pretty good, deeper then engl cabs. (though those bogner cabs look hidious)
I've got a marshall cab under my engl savage, but I'm thinking of getting a mesa or engl v30 cab. the mesa cabs have neat tone but they're overpriced IMO, just like most things that say mesa. 1400 euro for a cab is a lot, a marshall 1960 is like 8-900 here new.

2004-10-27, 12:26
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I just picked up an Uberschall last week. I use to own one when they 1st came out and I'm glad I got another. Overall the Amp is sort of dark sounding and I just wish it had a bit more bite and a bit more saturation/compression.It's a killer amp though and will make a great compliment when I start experimenting around mixing my Engl's with the Uberschall. Heres a sloppy clip I did with the Uber last night.

2004-10-27, 15:49
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Originally Posted by Spinesplitter
I just picked up an Uberschall last week. I use to own one when they 1st came out and I'm glad I got another. Overall the Amp is sort of dark sounding and I just wish it had a bit more bite and a bit more saturation/compression.It's a killer amp though and will make a great compliment when I start experimenting around mixing my Engl's with the Uberschall. Heres a sloppy clip I did with the Uber last night.
what cab and guitar were you using?
have you experimented with some lower gain settings for a plexi like sound?
i like the dynamic/open/uncompressed sound of the uberschall,... but some might not....it's not to buzzy or shrill either... great for chords imo.. but for lead tone that needs more sustain i think it could be better.
i agree, they are extremely dark sounding... it's a bogner, so it's a taste thing.
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2004-10-27, 16:25
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It is a taste thing, like Derek said, it needs more bite, and that's why I love Engl's so much, anyways, Derek, you're the guy that sells Engl in the states right?
How much do the Engl v30 and v60's cabs go for over there?
I live close to Germany so I had no problems getting Engl stuff or service if I ever would need it, I've bought my second Engl a while ago, I've got a guitar on its way at the start of next year, but I'm allready planning ahead to buy another Engl. I don't know what it's gonna be though, I've got a Savage now, it rocks my socks!
Nice recording by the way, it does sound pretty dark, would be great for most kinds of metal I figure, the Uberschall I played sounded dark too but it seemed to lack something compared to the Engl Savage/Powerball's I played at that place too (Musik Productiv)

2004-10-27, 17:38
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
what cab and guitar were you using?
have you experimented with some lower gain settings for a plexi like sound?
i like the dynamic/open/uncompressed sound of the uberschall,... but some might not....it's not to buzzy or shrill either... great for chords imo.. but for lead tone that needs more sustain i think it could be better.
i agree, they are extremely dark sounding... it's a bogner, so it's a taste thing.
On this I used my Uber Kab with a Sennheiser MD421 on the G12T75 and an SM57 on the V30. I used a PRS Custom 24/solid Indian Rosewod neck loaded with an Emg 81/85 (I know that's a combo you love  )
The Uberschall has no Plexi type tones in it IMO and I really havent experimented around with it that much at all with lower gain setting's but I will eventually. I just got the amp on Friday.

2004-10-27, 17:50
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Originally Posted by Def
It is a taste thing, like Derek said, it needs more bite, and that's why I love Engl's so much, anyways, Derek, you're the guy that sells Engl in the states right?
How much do the Engl v30 and v60's cabs go for over there?
I live close to Germany so I had no problems getting Engl stuff or service if I ever would need it, I've bought my second Engl a while ago, I've got a guitar on its way at the start of next year, but I'm allready planning ahead to buy another Engl. I don't know what it's gonna be though, I've got a Savage now, it rocks my socks!
Nice recording by the way, it does sound pretty dark, would be great for most kinds of metal I figure, the Uberschall I played sounded dark too but it seemed to lack something compared to the Engl Savage/Powerball's I played at that place too (Musik Productiv)
Yes that's me and sometime next year I will be the exclusive distributor for Engl in the USA  You can check out all the pricing's for Engl gear on my site at www.rocksolidamps.com . For the past year and a half we(USA) have not been able to get any Cab's or Combo's in the U.S because of restriction's on magnetic's in air shipment's that took place after the war broke out. However I just ordered a 20' container that will be landing in early Dec and I'll will be the only dealer in the country that has them.
I'm totally with you regarding Engl's being my personal favorite amp's as well. IMO they just flat out rule for the tones I like and I have owned almost every killer metal amp out there.It's awesome selling a product that I believe in 100% and the Engl word here in the USA keep's getting stronger and stronger everyday. I just hooked Erik Rutan with a Powerball a few month's ago and he can't stop raving about it either. It will be all over the new Hate Eternal and from the rough samples I have heard so far it's going to be a great album. Thanks for cheking out the clip.

2004-10-27, 20:26
Master Killer
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That's great to hear man!! Over here (europe that is  ) Engl was pretty much unknown till about 2 years ago when some metalbands (Caliban, Heaven Shall Burn etc.) started using them, those bands impressed me with their tone on their albums and even live.
a while ago I bought an Engl preamp for a rack setup and half a year ago I bought a Savage! Damn that thing rules!
Now I'm thinking about getting a Powerball or a Savage Special Edition, but I think I'm going to go for the powerball because it has different charecteristics (sp?) then the Savage, and well, I allready have a Savage!
I can post sounds clips of it too, I see you have a load on your website, that's some good stuff! our other guitarist is getting a used Engl Richie Blackmore this week, so we'll have a killer live tone!
Now I only want to get rid of this marshall cabinet I have, compared to Engl and Mesa cabs it just sounds dull and kinda muddy. Engl cabs sound neat, especially the v30's. the Mesa cabs are neat too but they're pretty expensive over here because they're not a european product.
Engl's are priced really good in Germany, over here in Holland they're expensive but it's just a two hour drive for me till the biggest Engl supplier I've ever seen, Ofcourse the prices are a little lower there, but I think you've got really great prices anyways, if you look at the costs you have and all.
Plus you're doing America a favor for selling Americans such great amps
I like the Framus Dragon too but since I found out about Engl, I never wanted to buy another amp again! I've tried Diezel's, Mesa's, Soldano's, Orange's, you name it, but Engl just has 'my' tone, it rules! I think we can drink to that!!!

2004-10-27, 20:33
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Originally Posted by Spinesplitter
On this I used my Uber Kab with a Sennheiser MD421 on the G12T75 and an SM57 on the V30. I used a PRS Custom 24/solid Indian Rosewod neck loaded with an Emg 81/85 (I know that's a combo you love  )
bls is the emg hater around here, i like them just fine...
Originally Posted by Spinesplitter
The Uberschall has no Plexi type tones in it IMO and I really havent experimented around with it that much at all with lower gain setting's but I will eventually. I just got the amp on Friday.
if you havent really experimented with it at lower gain settings then how can you base the opinion it has no plexi-ish tones?
i used to think it was a one trick pony for awhile... if i could only remember the setting i was using.... it was a while ago, they've sold it since then. but it had a cool plexi sound to it i swear...
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2004-10-27, 21:31
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whats up derek, is A4ndrew from the harmony central forums. When did you pick up an Uber? Are you gonna start dealing bogner now?
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-27, 22:39
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
whats up derek, is A4ndrew from the harmony central forums. When did you pick up an Uber? Are you gonna start dealing bogner now?
I just got it this past Friday but no I won't be a Bogner anytime in the near future cause they are not taking on new dealers right now but I would love to be if the opportunity ever arose.VHT will hopefully happen in 2005 they make some great stuff and I played them for about 4 years but I still prefer the Bogner's in particular the XTC Classic and Uberschall.

2004-10-27, 22:43
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
bls is the emg hater around here, i like them just fine...
if you havent really experimented with it at lower gain settings then how can you base the opinion it has no plexi-ish tones?
i used to think it was a one trick pony for awhile... if i could only remember the setting i was using.... it was a while ago, they've sold it since then. but it had a cool plexi sound to it i swear...
I believe you but overall it's just to dark sounding to remind me of a Plexi. There are some Marshall like qualities but it really has a unique voicing to it.

2004-10-28, 00:41
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cool, VHT stuff is great.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-28, 05:27
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
obviously you've never played a krank....
friends don't let friends play krank....
Originally Posted by barrramupdido
In a V&D.com exclusive we can reveal that DIME is now endorsed by KRANK AMPLIFIERS and DEAN GUITARS.
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
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2004-10-28, 15:15
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haha, i wonder how much they're paying him....
i'd probably play krank if they gave me fat checks and free gear.... that's why god created "MODDING". because i would need some serious adjustments..
though i seriously think the warhead has a better distortion channel then a krank.
he just runs through a big rack full of shit and pretty much slaves the warhead as a poweramp anyways.
it says something about parker guitars in there... i hope he doesnt make them suck... they're my favorite.
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2004-10-28, 21:49
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He never used the Warhead, he used two old randal solid state heads.. the blakc ones with the white logo. Dunno what model.
And it mentions Parker because Washburn owns them, so if he was to make them suck somehow than it would already be done.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-28, 22:31
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pretty much my point about the warhead... doesnt matter how badly it sucks... he'll just use other shit while the warhead sits on a stack looking good.
i never knew washburm owned parker... especially since parker(just about anything they make imo) is much nicer than washburn stuff.
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2004-10-28, 23:31
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he uses either a Century 100 or a Rg100, and some eq for more gain, But thats all i know.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-29, 01:33
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
he uses either a Century 100 or a Rg100, and some eq for more gain, But thats all i know.
not even dime actually knows what he plays through anymore... his tech does it all for him... dime just plays.
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2004-10-29, 01:35
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oh, i meant back in the vulgar display days.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-29, 16:24
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by Spinesplitter
I just got it this past Friday but no I won't be a Bogner anytime in the near future cause they are not taking on new dealers right now but I would love to be if the opportunity ever arose.VHT will hopefully happen in 2005 they make some great stuff and I played them for about 4 years but I still prefer the Bogner's in particular the XTC Classic and Uberschall.
I still prefer Engl
and so does our other guitarist, since today!
Sweet shit, now both got killer tone  you're making america a better place Derek!

2004-10-29, 17:22
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that's nice.... two ibanez axes with two engl's..... aww... how cute.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-10-29, 17:28
Master Killer
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Well, one's gonna be a Ran soon, I told the other dude about the Ran guitars too, so who knows
the Savage sounds more agressive then the Blackmore, the Savage has more sound shaping options too, which is probably the reason it was so expensive back in the day.. I tried the V60 cab too, but, I don't know, the Marshall cab sounds better to me. The V30 cabs however are a different world, I like those better then the marshalls. I'm having doubts between Engl and Mesa for the cabinet...
here's it with the V30, Engl Savage + V60 cab
oh.. and ofcourse we're cute
you gonna get some pics of your rig anyday man?

2004-10-29, 18:56
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Originally Posted by Def
you gonna get some pics of your rig anyday man?
maybe when it isnt a complete frankeinstein mess...
i'm using my buddy's jcm 900 alot lately because i'm selling my jmp-1, classic 50/50, my super C, and my msp 1000(somebody on here has dibs on it but i lost the pm so if you're the guy and you're wondering why i havent replied you should pm me. again, sorry.).... i don't even have an fx unit right now  ...
it's ghetto as shit.
but i'm getting a sansamp psa-1  , which is the most amazing peice of s.s. gear ever created and i dare say one of the best midi preamps i've ever played.
for the poweramp i'm going to bust out the ever dependable cs800 i love so much(i just keep comming back to her). until i can afford a mesa 2:95, or 3:95 or strategy if i can hunt them down for a good price.
since i don't want to go bigger than my 8 space rack and i'm getting a huge poweramp(the 2:95 it 4 spaces)... i'm ditching the msp 1000 and super C, and to take over their jobs i'm getting a isp decimator pedal, mxr dynacomp and some graphic eq pedal(i'm not sure how happy i am about the ge-7).
they're all just going to be left on and velcro'd in the back of the rack to save space for the big ass poweramp.
then i just have to decide if i want the rocktron xpression or replifex...
so it will look like:
top to bottom in an 8 space grundorf carpeted rack.
furman power condishioner with lights(eventually one with tuners)
bbe 462 sonic maximizer
rocktron _____ fx unit
tech 21 sansamp psa-1
mesa 2:95(or similar)
with three pedals in the back.
i could give a discription of how i'd hook it all together, but i don't want to bore or confuse any simple head guys that can't handle it
the dude who's jcm i'm using came in the room for the first time and was like "what the fuck? is that R2D2?"... 
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-10-29, 19:11
Master Killer
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those mesa simul 2:95's are pretty darn huge and heavy, but if it doesn't leave your practise room much, it's no problem I guess.
the Xpression is pretty good, I can vouch for that! but, did you try the Prophesy? it's also pretty good, the amp simulation sounds ok. It's no tube thing but if you want a LOT of options, it might be something to check out.
those Mesa recto recording preamps look like fun too, but I haven't seen them around yet. Or if you want a great midi preamp, the best one I've played was the engl 580, but it's really expensive. It would look great with one of those chrome carvin poweramps though 

2004-10-29, 19:20
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Anyone of you played a Marshall 9001 Preamp? I can get one for 200$ and i think thats pretty cheap.
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2004-10-29, 19:36
Master Killer
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it sucks.
I've played it, I wouldn't say 200 bucks is cheap for something like that, play it yourself and find out why.

2004-10-29, 20:26
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Originally Posted by Def
those mesa simul 2:95's are pretty darn huge and heavy, but if it doesn't leave your practise room much, it's no problem I guess.
it will once my band gets out gigging again(lineup changes, writing new material, getting ready to record, ect...)
i know how heavy it is.... but i don't care... probably not much bigger and heavier than the cs800(3 space, and weighs about as much if not more than my guitarist's 5150.)...
i just care that it sounds good. and i know it does.
Originally Posted by Def
the Xpression is pretty good, I can vouch for that! but, did you try the Prophesy? it's also pretty good, the amp simulation sounds ok. It's no tube thing but if you want a LOT of options, it might be something to check out.
i demo'd an intellifex for a while, but it's kinda limiting.... the xpression and replifex have more options... but i need to figure out which is right for me...
i just want a unit for fx... no amp simulations or any of that preamping garbage... i'll be using a separate preamp for my tones, the fx unit is going to be only for fx.
Originally Posted by Def
those Mesa recto recording preamps look like fun too, but I haven't seen them around yet. Or if you want a great midi preamp, the best one I've played was the engl 580, but it's really expensive. It would look great with one of those chrome carvin poweramps though
i already have my heart set on the psa-1... i played it through mesa 2:100 and an orange 4x12, with several different guitars... i a/b'd it next to the triaxis, rocktron gainiac, my rack, and a vooduvalve..
my rack was the only one that was even close to as awsome sounding...
i was like "this is the one". the guy at the store informed me it was completely analog s.s.(which is a plus, because i'm not a huge fan of digital) and not tube... i was like " i don't care, i love it.". the flexibility was fantastic.. it could seriously do everything... strangely enough it did "amp modeling" better than any actual amp modeler i've played... because it wasnt built to model anything.
the recto recording pre is pretty much a preamp section from a recto, but it has other features ment more for recording... for the cost i'd rather just buy a recto head and a direct box.
the e570 and e580 are amazing, but i don't have that kinda cash anyways.
Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
Anyone of you played a Marshall 9001 Preamp? I can get one for 200$ and i think thats pretty cheap.
i don't like them... it's pretty good for a really simple brown sound imo... but other than that it's kinda mediocre... and $200 isnt the best deal you could get on one...
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2004-10-29, 20:36
Master Killer
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Ah, well those 2:95's are way heavier.. just to warn you. if you want loud you could get a peavey 120/120 too  thats just sick though, I wouldn't ever need power like that.
orange cabs are pretty good, but they look rediculous, they're pretty 'dark' sounding compared to engl/mesa cabs, but they do have tone to go with their dark sound.
those Engl preamps are amazing, I know where you're coming from though, I wouldn't be able to afford one at the moment either. I haven't had my hands on the 580 yet, but the 570 is really great, the 580 should be even better. They're still way to expensive though. and theres no way you can find one used allready. I'm thinking about selling my rack and getting a Engl special edition or a powerball, though those special editions, man they rule, they've got six channels and they've got midi and all that crap, shame they cost more then my car  So it's probably going to be a powerball next year... somewhere after the holidays when I earned enough money that is, so that'll be august or october. It depends how my Savage 60 handles bigger shows, if it does bigger shows well, then I don't think I will get anything else, I still love it.

2004-10-29, 21:51
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
that's nice.... two ibanez axes with two engl's..... aww... how cute.
My thoughts exactly 
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