2005-06-06, 05:57
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
Posts: 2,395
You'd be better off with a Randall Cyclone, a Randall Titan, or a Randall Vmax. It won't cost that much more, but you'll have a world of difference. Or the old RG's --- and I mean the old ones, the ones that were made in the 80's. They sell for 2-300$ on E-bay frequently, and Dimebag used an old ( old, not new ! ) RG-100 on many of Pantera's recordings. If you're willing to spend money on a great solid-state Randall, then avoid anything made recently that is'nt a Cyclone, Titan, or Vmax. One of those will cost you anywhere from 3-600$. If your budget only allows for an RH head, then get one of the old RG's that I mentioned earlier in this post.