2004-10-23, 05:17
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 20
Indepth chord root and partials question!
I was playing my guitar and i noticed that the A string vibrates slower than the others, this leads me to belive it is thicker that it needs to be so in order to obtain the corect pitch, it must have a lower tension. Therefor it vibrates slower, holding the note longer than all the other strings.
This now under stood I got to thinking about partials, and tuning to the root of a chord. "A" being the ultimate root, it wold make sence for it to hold longer than all the other notes, creating wonderfull chord and and partial sounds when tuned corectly.
Please tell me if I am corect, or just looking at the strings to long.
P.S. strum your guitar, watch, "A" moves slower.
So i had this awsome picture, but i cant figure out how to get it on!
Last edited by trumpetjoetechie : 2004-10-23 at 05:26.