2004-10-22, 01:01
Crusher of Skulls
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Personal Experience with Triple Rec.
Does anyone own a MESA BOOGIE Triple Rectifier. I'm am considering getting one
some day and you can only take so much from dumb advertisements.....and I want to know REAL opinions on them....all I have right now is a Randall Warhead and some other shit.
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
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2004-10-22, 02:10
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I tried a 2 channel triple recto and i got to say it was pretty good. Expensive as hell though. I havent tried the 3 channel recto though. Still i think its pretty damn expensive.

2004-10-22, 03:56
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amazing amps.... i like the cleans alot for a high gain amp...
my guitarist is selling his 5150 so he can get a triple recto... the recto just has a world of sounds to with, where as the 5150 and similar amps only have a few.
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2004-10-22, 03:59
New Blood
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I tried the single rectoverb combo (the rectoverb) and I thought it sounded thin as fuck.

2004-10-22, 12:41
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Originally Posted by UnholyOne
I tried the single rectoverb combo (the rectoverb) and I thought it sounded thin as fuck.
how loud were you playing it? you probably have to much presence and treble... mesa's depend greatly on the user's ability to eq them.
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2004-10-22, 21:09
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The mesa i tried was pretty cool because the one i tried was connected to a ashly PQX571 seven band parametric equalizer. But i think it didnt make a big difference because there was another guy on the other side of the store playing the same amp and it sounded just as good.

2004-10-22, 21:21
Master Killer
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tried a dual and triple this week, tested them through a whole load of different cabs. one tip, if you want the mesa sound, get the matching cab.
it's weird, but the mesa cabs have their own tone, most cabs do but their's just have a more distinctive sound.
As for mesa's, I think they're not worth their money, but ofcourse, if its exactly what you're looking for, go for it.
They have a high-gainy sound but can get bottomy if you use the eq right, they're pretty noisy with passive pickups, but ofcourse only at high volumes. the cleans on it are 'allright' but nothing to write home about IMO, a triamp, soldano SLO100 or rivera knucklehead sounds better clean. (played those next to it to compare..)
If you get a mesa triple or dual recto, you're getting it for the distortion channel, because thats what makes it rock. It's comparable to most high-gain amps but it has a more open sound, which some people hate, but most people love.
Ofcourse, they're all the rage nowadays, but they're good amps, but if you look at it price wise, I'de definetly get something else that sounds better for the same ammount of money.
if I had to choose, I'de prolly get the dual instead of the triple, I liked it a bit better, ofcourse the triple has a bit more headroom, but you just won't use 150 tube watts. Let alone 100 tube watts. I've played a bunch of gigs with 60 tube watts and I never had it past 70% of its volume and that was cutting through the mix like a chainsaw so I had to turn it down
I had a feeling my Engl Savage would sound great through a mesa cab, so I tried that too, (only with a savage 120) it did sound neat, but it lost the engl sound and traded that in for a mix with the mesa sound, sounded great, but I like the engl sound more, so I might get rid of my marshall 1960 and get a matching engl cab with v30's.

2004-10-22, 21:38
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Originally Posted by Def
tried a dual and triple this week, tested them through a whole load of different cabs. one tip, if you want the mesa sound, get the matching cab.
i think v30's sound really good with recto's because they're so midrangey and recto's are a bit scoopy... so it helps balance..
Originally Posted by Def
it's weird, but the mesa cabs have their own tone, most cabs do but their's just have a more distinctive sound.
i think they're built with solid peices of wood... and they're oversized.... and of course they're heavy as shit(in more ways than one)...
Originally Posted by Def
As for mesa's, I think they're not worth their money, but ofcourse, if its exactly what you're looking for, go for it.
that's what i think... i love the tone, but only some are actually worth the money they go for, my old vtwin rack preamp was a dream of mesa tone... and it was only like $300 used... i'd say it's pretty worth it... i can't say as much for recto's or the triaxis....
Originally Posted by Def
If you get a mesa triple or dual recto, you're getting it for the distortion channel, because thats what makes it rock. It's comparable to most high-gain amps but it has a more open sound, which some people hate, but most people love.
Ofcourse, they're all the rage nowadays, but they're good amps, but if you look at it price wise, I'de definetly get something else that sounds better for the same ammount of money.
i think they have pretty good cleans for high gain amps....(better than most marshall's and way better then 5150's)
Originally Posted by Def
if I had to choose, I'de prolly get the dual instead of the triple, I liked it a bit better, ofcourse the triple has a bit more headroom, but you just won't use 150 tube watts. Let alone 100 tube watts. I've played a bunch of gigs with 60 tube watts and I never had it past 70% of its volume and that was cutting through the mix like a chainsaw so I had to turn it down
my guitarist has a 120w tube 5150, and i have the 100w(2x50w) peavey classic 50/50 or sometimes i play my buddy's 100w jcm 900... we quite literally play with our amps dimed... he's going for a triple recto(as opposed to the dual he first fell in love with) and i'm going for a mesa 2:95... we need more headroom and volume reserves...
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2004-10-23, 04:07
Crusher of Skulls
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Well, I've been stuck in the army for the past two years and I have a Randall Warhead at home that has definitely got some balls but I have only only played it through a cab like once (a randall cab also)....but I know now I definitely want a fucking ballsy ass tube tone....because solid state only goes so far.
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-23, 05:08
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Originally Posted by philkilla666
I have a Randall Warhead at home that has definitely got some balls

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2004-10-23, 17:51
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i think they have pretty good cleans for high gain amps....(better than most marshall's and way better then 5150's)
my guitarist has a 120w tube 5150, and i have the 100w(2x50w) peavey classic 50/50 or sometimes i play my buddy's 100w jcm 900... we quite literally play with our amps dimed... he's going for a triple recto(as opposed to the dual he first fell in love with) and i'm going for a mesa 2:95... we need more headroom and volume reserves...
Well, that's true, they do sound a lot better then marshalls and peaveys, but hell they're in a different league with high-end tops. Even though Mesa is the most well known name, it should be better, though I've heard way better cleans from other boutique amps, I'de say if you get a mesa you're getting it for the distortion, there is where it stands out, you know?
That is a lot of damn volume you actively use there. I've played a whole range of gigs with my 60w tube amp and it never seemed to run out of volume/tone. Anyways, it's a matter of how loud you play, I allways thought we play pretty loud, but you guys must make ears bleed, haha!
compared to my top, the rack didn't sound as loud for some weird ass reason. the top just sounds better. thats why my rack is my backup now. I'm thinking of getting a savage 120 or special edition in about a year and getting the 60w as backup and selling the rack, since I know a guy who wants to buy it off me, as does he want to buy my RG too. (can only sell it once I get my Ran in) but I don't want to get rid of it, I love that RG.
and for the cabs, even if you try an engl v30 cab, it still sounds waaay different, mesa cabs have more mids and highs, whilst engls have more balls, though the mesa cabs are great in combination with the mesa tops. Engl amps with mesa cabs sound delicious too, I'de highly recommend trying a setup like that. I tried both the powerball and savage on the mesa cab, I don't know, I stil like the savage better, has two kt88's though. IMO, one of the most versatile tube tops with great clear -hard punching- distortion. But hey, before I go off in another pro-engl rant, I'll shut up 

2004-10-23, 19:11
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Originally Posted by Def
That is a lot of damn volume you actively use there. I've played a whole range of gigs with my 60w tube amp and it never seemed to run out of volume/tone. Anyways, it's a matter of how loud you play, I allways thought we play pretty loud, but you guys must make ears bleed, haha!
compared to my top, the rack didn't sound as loud for some weird ass reason. the top just sounds better.
that's what i was thinking, we practice in about a master bedroom sized room which padding and dampening blakets on the walls.... each through two 4x12's... our dummer plays fucking loud and his kit is made out of harder wood so it projects, not to mention the 18" & 19" crashes and tones of double bass(we mic the kick and make him play it alot to help make up for not having a bass player)....
in one way i'm delighted to be able to crank that shit because it sounds the best like that, but then my cleans grit up(sometimes i want it, sometimes i don't)... i think alot of it has to do with the output of the preamp going into the poweramp(though i have it dimed too.)
we don't really notice much difference in volume on his head btween 6 and 10 but we just dime it anyways.
i'm a volume freak.
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2004-10-24, 22:18
Senior Metalhead
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I have a tripple rectifier and it is probably the best amp ive played through. the good thing about them is that they are really versitle and loud. I really suggest you to get one.
Hell Awaits

2004-10-24, 22:26
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Originally Posted by SixfeetUnder420
I have a tripple rectifier and it is probably the best amp ive played through. the good thing about them is that they are really versitle and loud. I really suggest you to get one.
you're 15 kid. how the fuck did you ever get that kinda money.

2004-10-24, 23:03
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Its America...
Every kid is a fucking millionare besides me, when he turns 16 im sure his parents will buy him a car with fucking heated seats too.
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08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-24, 23:10
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fuck me, I'm moving over there!

2004-10-24, 23:38
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he might be bullshitting...
but yes, i see it all the time... "mommy, i'll never ask you for anything ever again if you buy me the most expensivist amp in guitar center."
so of course for his birthday, he gets his rectifier, it's only a dual so he sobs a bit because they sold his roadking two weeks earlier to another brat.
two weeks later, "daddy, i really wish i had a prs..."
so for christmas he gets his custom 22.
occassionally they actually earn it...
my first amp i stole/was given to me... crate gfx30 30w s.s. 1x12 combo... it was at my friend's house... a friend of his left it there and he hadnt seen the dude for like a year... i asked him if i could have it... so i took it.
the fx didnt work, and the distortion channel was kinda busted...
bad amp.
ironically the way i lost this amp was i let a friend barrow it... he left it at a friends house, that kid pawned it... i wasnt too heart broken.
my first half stack(2nd amp) was a crate g1600xl... pretty good amp.
my parents helped me out a bit...
$300 used from a friend, i paid half and the rest was my bday present from my parents.... that's all i got for my 14th birthday....
i always busted ass to get my gear... before i was old enough to get a real job it was mowing lawns in the summer, shoveling driveways in the winter, paper boy, whatever...
i'm glad i earned it though, playing mediocre gear at first helps you appreciate the little things... i can actually make shitty peices of gear sound pretty good now because of the experience...
you can make something as shitty as a dod grunge pedal through a gfx30 sound good then think of the possibilities you have with nicer amps.... 
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2004-10-24, 23:41
Master Killer
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my first amp was a laney, a small combo and I worked my ass of to get it, got a peavey bandit after that, owned a jcm900 for a short while and some other stuff, then I got onto the rack gear and the engl head, but its probably not gonna stop here.
I had to work for everything I bought, I never got shit from my parents. But at least I get a fair ammount of cash for my weekend job that I got next to my study, it's enough to save up a bit every month and get new shit.

2004-10-24, 23:45
The Stings of Conscience
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im rather in between on the subject. my parents will buy me stuff like that, but its only when warranted. like, they bought me my first guitar (about $200) because it was something i wanted to do and they supported it. however, i bought my second one. they bought me my first amp, i bought the second. so its like, they support what i want to do, but they dont spoil me.
onto the triple recto.
i dont own one, but i have played it.
tone = amazing. quite a beauty to play, i loved every second
value = eh, not quite so amazing. DAMN expensive. ill take a 5150 any day

2004-10-24, 23:49
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as for support from your parents, yeah, I'de be the cool thing to do as a parent. I don't know, when I was a kid my parents didn't care much about it, but if I'de ever get kids I would support them at the start, as in first amp, first guitar.
As for value, it's whatever turns your clock, if the triple recto is the amp for you, then it's worth the money.
I mean, I'm up for buying another top next year, and its gonna be around 2000 bucks for sure, it's worth it for me, if you look at it in a sensitive way, it's not. but if I think it's worth it, fuck it, I'll get it anyways. it's just a matter of how far you can push it, I can't afford it right now partially because I've got my custom guitar on the way and all..

2004-10-25, 00:27
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my dad plays guitar so he bought my first setup, most of which im still using.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-25, 00:30
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
my dad plays guitar so he bought my first setup, most of which im still using.
that's cool. so how old are you?

2004-10-25, 02:34
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I got my first electric guitar at a pawn shop. Ibanez gio series Gax70. it was 90$. I had to work my ass off for that guitar because my mom supports the family (dad's in jail) and its really hard for my mom. My first amp was a 10 watt Diplomat... Now im in this school program thats pretty cool. I have to go to these classes and they pay me money if i attend those classes. But they're fucking boring as hell though. I give my mom half of my money and save the rest. And i work at exxon as a stock boy 

2004-10-25, 03:40
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My respect for you just went up ALOT Younguitarist..

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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-10-25, 03:46
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Originally Posted by Andrew1331
value = eh, not quite so amazing. DAMN expensive. ill take a 5150 any day
they're built really well, quality components and partially handbuilt(everything touches a machine at somepoint these days)... but i don't see the justice in a $1,700 price tag on a triple recto. it's almost like a botique price for a non botique amp.
personally i like the recto tone better than the 5150... it just does more, and imo it does it all better, but they're totally different amps so it's completely subjective.
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2004-10-25, 04:01
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im 16 def, and i still use my crate MX65 for home practice... and i have a peavey XL supreme but no band, so no point in using it since it doesnt sound too good. Fuck california and its lack of brutal metallers.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-25, 22:06
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
Fuck california and its lack of brutal metallers.
haha, orange county bands are so stuck up.... i'm sure there are plenty of metal bands around there....
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2004-10-25, 22:13
Master Killer
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Not bad though for a 16 year old, I think I got my first stack when I was 16 or allmost 17, that's like 6 years ago. Went on a grear frenzy after that I guess.
California, don't they have those mexicans over there? I heard they're more brutal then taco's when it comes to metal!

2004-10-25, 22:28
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California is Mexio Jr.
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-25, 22:30
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Originally Posted by BLS
My respect for you just went up ALOT Younguitarist..

Why thank you BLS.
Originally Posted by Def
California, don't they have those mexicans over there? I heard they're more brutal then taco's when it comes to metal!
Ha! im 1/3 mexican. Theres A LOT of mexicans here in San Antonio. Everywhere you turn you'll see a brown person 

2004-10-25, 23:43
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Yeah, i live in the bay area unfortunately, and in the east bay at that... Everyone here likes synthetical pop lame stuff, and were chock full of shitty guitar punkers who claim to be grind, when you know you cant be grind unless youre from austrailia.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-26, 02:53
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haha, mexicans.... if i ever got in some deep shit like i knocked up some slut or killed somebody(they go hand in hand i suppose) i'd move to cannada instead of mexico... there are less mexicans there... and free health care.
not all mexicans are bad though, just the ones that act like it.
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2004-10-26, 02:58
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Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-26, 03:13
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
oh joy oh joy, a dream come true...
only some parts of canada allow it...... if i ever sell out and decide to drink then canada wouldnt be so bad.
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2004-10-26, 03:24
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Yeah, i was joking, im clean too, mainly because i hate intoxicated people and wouldnt want to become what i hate.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-26, 04:03
Crusher of Skulls
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the weed that comes out of canada is crazy...clean rooms and all.
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-26, 04:18
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
oh joy oh joy, a dream come true...
only some parts of canada allow it...... if i ever sell out and decide to drink then canada wouldnt be so bad.
Its not even legal to smoke weed in Canada, just legal to posses VERY small amounts of it.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-26, 19:52
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in wisconsin theres only a 5 dollar fine for possesion, so its bassically legal as long as you dont smoke it in public.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-26, 20:09
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I got me first stack this year.
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2004-10-26, 20:40
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cool, i plan to get one soon, aside from lack of a band.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-27, 22:12
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my first stuff was my dads.he had/has a 1978 fender bassman 70 head,an acoustic(company name) 4x12 cab(bought it from a guy who somehow we now live next too)and a yamaha guitar.all of it not bad.i bough a dod death metal distortion pedal and it was pretty cool.nothin great.so my parents put in 100$ for guitar and 100$for an amp.right now i have a schecter c-1 classic(very nice)and a marshall avt-275(pawn sho0 280$)all the sacond shit i bought on my own mowing lawns movin haybales,acctaully digging ditches(hard work)im only 15 so no one will hire me.but im gettin there.wow now that i look at this post it looks really stupid im posting anyways

2004-10-27, 22:15
Master Killer
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thats cool, at least you worked for it and shit, that would make you more proud of owning it I guess, if you get everything, it's no fun.
nice choice on the schecter btw!

2004-10-27, 22:25
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yeah, i dunno, ive been really down on my playing lately. Its like it seems that everyone is better, everywhere i look. I practice alot, but never go anywhere.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-27, 22:25
Master Killer
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got a teacher? or friends to play with?

2004-10-28, 00:39
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no to both, my friends are mostly nerdy metal heads whod rather play videogames and listen to dissection than play guitar, or have a band for that matter.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-28, 01:33
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i've been playing since i was like 12-13-ish... started doing the band thing when i was like 14-15-ish.... back then everybody was just scooped mids and drop D so it wasnt really a challenge for me.... the last couple years i've actually been jamming with real musicians and stuff... i've gotten so much better than i was before. best way to progress is to jam with people at or above your skill level.
as funny as it sounds, me stuggling to play one of my guitarist's riffs just makes me better.
it's a thing of time... but some things help it out... in jr. high and high school i took a bunch of music classes(general music, percussion ensemble, guitar, AP theory, ect)... i've been taking private guitar lessons from day one(still am). i've been taking private drum lessons for about 3 years now.. and in the end it all helps my guitar playing.
it's always going to seem like there are more people out there that are better than you because they're doing things you don't and doing things you can't, it's something for you to strive for... there will always be better, but eventually you'll become more comfortable with your abilities when you stop and think, "well, i'm no steve vai but i can play better than half these fucks on my radio."...
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2004-10-28, 01:39
Crusher of Skulls
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
... there will always be better, but eventually you'll become more comfortable with your abilities when you stop and think, "well, i'm no steve vai but i can play better than half these fucks on my radio."...
Already there
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-28, 04:05
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for the most part i can play alot better than those fucks on the radio. The thing im learning right now is Decrepit Births Prelude to the Apocalypse, i really like the song, and im stuck on the alternate picking section, but i got out the metronome tonight and practiced my multi string alternate picking till i got to about 115 at sixteenth notes.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-28, 07:25
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
no to both, my friends are mostly nerdy metal heads whod rather play videogames and listen to dissection than play guitar, or have a band for that matter.
that makes it harder, like xdx said, playing with guys who're better then you helps out to strife for new skills, same does a teacher and ofcourse a band because you want to get your kickass riffs in.
Hell I started like you too I guess, I'm in a signed band now!!  do remember that guitar is not only about technique, its about having fun too, I mean, it's nice to know some chops, but it's not the place to start off, I like to mix some more melodical technical stuff with brutal riffs and hardcore which I played a lot in my yought, I'm happy I got all these influences down, and its mainly because I had a lot of fun as a kid playing my favorite songs on guitar.
Grab your guitar, print some tabs and play along, uppen the difficulty level every time and see if you can still play everything tight!

2004-10-28, 10:12
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Everyone in my neighbourhood listens to crappy pop music and the only bassist doesnt like metal at all, i do play with my friends punk band but its not directly hard and i never get to play metal because the other guitarist cant play it. The drummer is cool though, we jam a little every rehearsal. And i have phoned a music school so i can take lessons but ill have to wait till next year.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-10-28, 10:25
Master Killer
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thats cool you'll learn loads if it is a good school, I work at one, teach bass. But I still take guitar lessons there myself.

2004-10-28, 10:58
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Yeah but its not long lessons theyre like 20-30 minutes and you get homework. A friend of mine who just started there said it was nice and you could choose what you wanted to learn. I want to learn some theory like notes, scales and all that. And maybe some playing styles.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-10-28, 11:08
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Well, my teacher allways lets me play what I want but I learned jazz/blues, classic rock and even spanish music too, because I wanted to learn a bit of that.
theory can come in handy too, if you're stuck with it your teacher can help you a lot, but there's a lot of theory sites on the internet too which you could use to get a headstart.
My lessons are the same length, but I don't ever do my homework anymore, its just jamming with my teacher and trying to outplay him, it's good fun and sometimes I pick up new tricks, that guy really rules. hell if he didn't I wouldn't be taking lessons from him for such a long time. there's allways room for progress though!

2004-10-28, 13:01
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me and trans have tried a king v on a triple rec, trans's 5150 pees all over it. Mesa's are way overpriced, they are real nice, but definately not worth the money.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-10-28, 13:41
Master Killer
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a 5150 pisses over a triple rectifier?
did you have your ears shut or did you forgot to tweak the amp?

2004-10-28, 15:22
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i personally prefer the rectos, but you can't honestly say one is better than the other... they're two different amps... apples and oranges....
the recto just has more options so you can do more with it... and imo i like everything it can do more than the 5150...
don't get me wrong, i love 5150's. but there is a reason my guitarist is selling his for a triple recto.
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2004-10-28, 15:38
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
Yeah but its not long lessons theyre like 20-30 minutes and you get homework. A friend of mine who just started there said it was nice and you could choose what you wanted to learn. I want to learn some theory like notes, scales and all that. And maybe some playing styles.
my lessons are about 30 minutes each. the thing with the homework is that you actually have to practice and work on the stuff in your spare time, if you just do it all in that 30 minute lesson good luck increasing your skills.
i'm comfortable with how good i am, but i can only get better, i can just find something i want to do, say for example classical/jazz(i have a love for chromatics and weird melodies and a theory that alot of death/grind/black metal is extremely based off of classic and jazz/blues)... my teacher can give me some stuff to look into, chords, techniques, the theory behind it, ect... it makes me better.
may drum lessons make me a better drummer, but they help me all around in the rythem/time keeping category... which imo is just as important as playing the notes.
then say when i've had my fill on that i want to look into some tapping stuff, he'll show me some cool warm ups and practice exercises... then it's up to me to make it go far...
this is my third teacher. the first one was some middle age lady who played only acoustics... after about 2 years it got to the point she wasnt really teaching me anything new, so i changed to a different teacher, who was determined to make me a mad man at blues shit... it was going well for a little while, but then he moved... now i'm with this hippie dude who is in a beatles coverband... he's kinda weird, but very talented.
next teacher i'm looking into is a dude that plays two guitars at once... he's a local dude, and he's absolutely amazing. he'll have one guitar with thick strings and lower tuning that he plays the bass lines/rythem stuff with one hand(tapping of course), then the other is for the melodies... incredible. i can only imagine what he could teach me.
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2004-10-28, 16:37
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Originally Posted by Def
a 5150 pisses over a triple rectifier?
did you have your ears shut or did you forgot to tweak the amp?
We tried screwing with it but it didn't seem to have that much crunch.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-10-28, 16:43
Master Killer
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use the 'gain' button
my teacher is like Vai, really fast and a tapping freak, he's pretty good with melodic stuff but he can play anything you give him, his idols are malmsteen and batio. he loves those neo-classical soloshit too. He's great to learn from, he's been a professional musician too so he gives good tips for leads and stuff. I don't personally know anyone who's better them him when it comes to technique and pure skill

2004-10-28, 16:50
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Tapping is usually for people who cant shred (Hammett) but in Vai's case, his tapping fucking rules. And Frank Blackfire's i like. But Blackfire and Vai are a world apart.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-10-28, 17:08
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Yeah, but you see its the homework im after. I want to have something to do, something to strive for, know what i mean?
When i practice things i take out from the net, i practice them but i think id practice more if it was a homework that would have to done until next lesson. I like to work "with the knife against my throat", i get more fired up then.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-10-28, 17:10
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Tapping is usually for people who cant shred (Hammett) but in Vai's case, his tapping fucking rules. And Frank Blackfire's i like. But Blackfire and Vai are a world apart.
like I said, he's like Vai... fucking incredible. and really fast too, I mean ofcourse Shred is a big portion of showing off, but this guy can do just about everything I ask him to play. Actually I never seen him not beeing able to play along with any cd I brought, he jams along with iron maiden solo's like it's no thang... and those aren't all too easy.

2004-10-28, 17:50
Crusher of Skulls
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Do you guys know anything about Berklee school of music....besides that vai went there.....that is the reason I joined (army) in the first place......50 K for college....let me know
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-28, 18:11
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Originally Posted by philkilla666
Do you guys know anything about Berklee school of music....besides that vai went there.....that is the reason I joined (army) in the first place......50 K for college....let me know
berklee is probably only the biggest college based around music and music related stuff... i'm doing fine with the community college thing, but if i had the money and ambition i'd totally consider berklee, something to brag about.
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2004-10-28, 18:30
Crusher of Skulls
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I definitely have the ambition and with the 50 K I should be alright. I just consider like, if I come out of there am I'm just phenominal at guitar would I be able to make good money with that? I'm sure I could just work as a professional musician....I don't know how to go about that quite yet though.
Also, I know how Vai and Petrucci and all them are nuts at the guitar.....but what I wonder is if I got that much schooling would it deter me from playing Death Metal....? Maybe Berklee could change my whole perception of music through knowledge.....I don't know if that is worth all that talent, because I love Metal. Maybe I am analyzing that a little too much, but opinions would be appreciated about everything.
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-28, 18:39
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Originally Posted by philkilla666
I definitely have the ambition and with the 50 K I should be alright. I just consider like, if I come out of there am I'm just phenominal at guitar would I be able to make good money with that? I'm sure I could just work as a professional musician....I don't know how to go about that quite yet though.
Also, I know how Vai and Petrucci and all them are nuts at the guitar.....but what I wonder is if I got that much schooling would it deter me from playing Death Metal....? Maybe Berklee could change my whole perception of music through knowledge.....I don't know if that is worth all that talent, because I love Metal. Maybe I am analyzing that a little too much, but opinions would be appreciated about everything.
just do what you want man, if education from berklee is worth 50k... do it..
my college is like only several grand for a two year degree from a junior community college... then i'll probably go finish my bachelors at a different one when i'm done.
it's crediblity and knowlegde... $5,000 can be made up easier than $50,000 methinks.. and in the end how much more knowlegde and skill does berklee have to offer? $45,000 more?
every body looks at it in a different way.
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2004-10-28, 18:50
Crusher of Skulls
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See that the part I don't know or understand. I know kowledge is what we all make of it...especially with musicians. What I don't know is if it would be worth a pricetag like Berklee may be asking. Maybe I should just rob a bank.
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-28, 19:51
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well, i'm happy with education i have and will have, so it sure as hell isnt worth 50k to me... maybe if i had that kind of dough to throw around... i'm barely getting by as is, my grandma left me a couple grand when she died, so i have to put it to good use.
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2004-10-28, 21:15
Crusher of Skulls
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Well its either be a Musician or go Special Forces. I think I would rather just play music all the time though.
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-28, 21:29
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what band are you in def? What label are you on?
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-28, 21:34
Master Killer
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At A Glance, we're on 'The Shield' recordings.

2004-10-28, 22:27
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Originally Posted by philkilla666
Well its either be a Musician or go Special Forces. I think I would rather just play music all the time though.
i'd take music, but i hate just about everything about the army(and similar) and this bullshit war right now so that might have something to do with it.
but if you got what it takes to be special forces and enjoy the shit you'd do, go for it.
personally i'd rather rock clubs and teach music than snipe out a bunch of towel heads and sand niggers. 
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2004-10-28, 23:08
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uh, but can just ANYONE get into berkly?

2004-10-28, 23:27
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true necro, in fact, you have to have a 4.00 or higher and not be white to get in unless you have alot of money.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-29, 01:31
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
true necro, in fact, you have to have a 4.00 or higher and not be white to get in unless you have alot of money.
not be white? ha.... that made me laugh...
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2004-10-29, 01:40
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yeah, stupid affirmative action, everyone here in CA is like on a warpath against bush... Im not saying i like him, I think hes kinda fucked us teenagers over with this no child left behind bullshit, but every kid here just spouts what their parents say in a dumbed down version. I agree with what my dad says alot, but most of its sensible, and i still use alot of big words because i like to be an asshole and confuse the weak minded.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-29, 01:59
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
personally i'd rather rock clubs and teach music than snipe out a bunch of towel heads and sand niggers. 
The correct and polite term is Dune Coons 

2004-10-29, 02:07
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just wondering, but i thought there was a "no racism" policy in effect around here?
Mr. Soul, change the letters for each letter in the logo, itll look better.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-29, 02:27
Crusher of Skulls
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As far as dune coons go....thats fair game for me. I'm already a bad ass fucking shot. As far as the war goes...hey....bush is retarded...what can I say? He likes guns though so I voted for him. And for Berklee, I imagina it is difficult to get in there...I'll get my Edu-ma-cation one way or another though....cus thats how we do it. LOL
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-29, 02:32
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
just wondering, but i thought there was a "no racism" policy in effect around here?
Mr. Soul, change the letters for each letter in the logo, itll look better.
The racist comment only applies to known terrorist and enemies. I'm sorry if I pissed anyone else off.
Good ideal about the logo. I'll work on it.
Last edited by Soulinsane : 2004-10-29 at 02:43.

2004-10-29, 02:39
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oh, like you cant say the N-word? Meh, im not racist so i dont really care. But those terrorists over in iraq who are abducting innocents and beheading them are fucking animals.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-29, 02:45
Pirate Lawd
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Yes they are and they don't deserve to be free or even alive. One day someone is going to make sure they meet their fate.
Last edited by Soulinsane : 2004-10-29 at 03:04.

2004-10-29, 03:03
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exactly, its called PAY THE RUSSIANS! 1 billion, maybe 2, and we can annihilate the whole muslim religion. Im not sure if its the ethical thing to do, but it would be damn effective. Hell, russias probably already up chechnias ass trying to avenge those 300 children killed by those beasts.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-29, 04:26
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please don't get this started into another politcal conversation because i just watched that farenheit(spelling?) 9/11 movie.... i'm full of all sorts of anti bush stuff.....
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2004-10-29, 08:16
Senior Metalhead
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Micheal Moore can suck my flop. He presents his arguments in a piss poor Strawman fallicy, no respect for that.
And no, it is not legal to smoke bud in Canada, and no they will not give you just a fine. If your caught smoking a J your going downtown. They tried to decriminalize pot but it failed as our prime mister's term came to a close so the bill was tossed. Paul Martain is trying to get it through the house right now. Keep your fingers crossed.....

2004-10-29, 15:51
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Originally Posted by Black_Star
Micheal Moore can suck my flop. He presents his arguments in a piss poor Strawman fallicy, no respect for that.
it's got to be one sided and making the U.S. look bad because that shit is really happening. and if it showed two sides of it then it wouldnt be as interesting and every body would just get bored of it and think, so what's the point?. so of course he's going to do some shady shit and exclude everything from the otherside of the arguement, unless it shows their ignorance... that's the point of the movie, to show his veiw of it... many people like myself agree with alot of it.
george bush IS a greedy, idiot, son of and asshole.
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2004-10-29, 21:49
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
please don't get this started into another politcal conversation
Learn to read BlackStar..
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I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-29, 21:56
Master Killer
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Ok, so anyone personal experience with triple recto's?
apperently not too much 
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