2004-10-20, 13:31
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what is esp ltd?
What is the difference between a normal esp and a ltd series one? I have noticed that you guys have mentiopned esp/ltd as if there was a difference... can someone please explain this to me? cheers.

2004-10-20, 14:05
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it's like comparing squire to fender or epiphone to gibson.... ltd's are just the cheaper/ "crappier" versions of esp... but some ltd's are still pretty nice.
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2004-10-20, 14:20
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The LTDs are put together in third world countries and the ESP standards are made in the USA. Its more like a comparison between Fender Standard and Fender USA I guess. ESP > Fender btw 

2004-10-20, 14:39
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Well, the esp customs these days aren't made in the USA
the american custom shops where moved to Japan at a certain date, I think '98 or '99? (I'm pretty sure I've seen american customs from 98. for sale.)
LTD's have shitty build quality, but some sound rather nice, like the deluxe EC's, though they still don't have a great feel in the fretboard, they do sound allright, because they come with decent pickups and hardware.

2004-10-20, 15:15
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I own a Viper 301 and it's one of my favorite guitars that I have played. I also have a Gibson Sg which is better, but for the price Ltd works great. I think that some are just constructed better than others. even the exact same models. That's why USA models are more reliable because they receive more attention than foreign models. That's why you play a guitar before you buy it.

2004-10-20, 18:31
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ltd's are mass produced in factories situated in korea. From the ones i ve played its hit or miss whether you get a good quality ltd or not
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2004-10-20, 20:07
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My LTD M155 plays great, has a fucking great neck. Esp/LTD necks rule.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
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2004-10-20, 20:34
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2004-10-21, 19:21
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Esp/LTD necks rule.
not all their necks are good, i ve played ltd v's , explorers, mh and m series guitars and their necks all suck in comparison to ibanez wizards. Well too fat and cheap ass fret work
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
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2004-10-21, 19:27
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Yeah, but some people like a thicker neck. I know I do. I dont like the wizard necks.
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2004-10-21, 19:35
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"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
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2004-10-21, 20:26
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wizard necks feel amazing, if only more brands used them.
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2004-10-21, 20:50
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ive played lots of different guitars, and the best neck i have ever played is the PRS custom 24 necks
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2004-10-21, 21:58
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
Yeah, but some people like a thicker neck. I know I do. I dont like the wizard necks.
I like my guitar to have a NECK..
not a plank with rounded edges
A Wizard (Yeh I not II) neck on a 7 string is ncie as hell though, prefect thickness and width for ym hands.
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2004-10-25, 19:05
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I have a goddamn Ltd KH-202, and I seriously wonder how can you find such a fucking great neck on a 600€ bolt-on guitar. I like thicker necks.
Originally Posted by BLS
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Last edited by Laareppi : 2004-10-25 at 19:08.

2004-10-25, 19:32
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Originally Posted by BLS
I like my guitar to have a NECK..
not a plank with rounded edges
A Wizard (Yeh I not II) neck on a 7 string is ncie as hell though, prefect thickness and width for ym hands.
yes, but the wizzard I necks are thicker then the Wizzard II's, to that makes sense. I enjoy the I's more too then the II's, they're a bit too thin which doesnt necesarrely (sp?) make them faster.

2004-10-25, 21:34
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I dont like Wizard I necks on a 6 string though.. i have big hands and they start to hurt with such a small neck. But the width of a 7 string neck makes up for that. Perfect fit for me.
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I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-25, 22:07
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I've got huge hands, though thats not really a good thing, sure you can do far stretches like 5 till 12th fret, but it's no use. you don't use stretches like that anyways.
I'de rather have smaller hands or shorter fingers, short fingered dudes allways play like lightning, I mean, I'm fast but not lightning. though, the guys with the short fingers probably have a small penis.
I like wizzard I necks just fine, but it's because I'm used to them. also like Jackson necks a lot, they've got a bit of a thicker profile but they're neat too.

2004-10-26, 11:08
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i love wizard necks, i played the kh-202 and the neck was tres thick, not so much a bad thing, was a bit strange for me tho, ive been playing me ibanez for a year or so now and the only other guitars ive bin playing have shit thin necks

2004-10-26, 12:03
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Yeh i like large fretboards like BCR have, fits my hand like a glove.
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2004-10-26, 21:37
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I just got an ESP ltd m200fm two weeks ago and i personally love the neck.

2004-10-27, 22:24
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i like a thinnner neck.acctually very thin.i dont know seems faster to me.a thinner neck doesnt neccesarily mean faster.but it is much faster for me
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