2004-10-17, 00:34
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Im gettin a E570!
I got hired at my local grocerie store! I calculated my paychecks and should have enough cash flow in 2 months to get a Engl 570 preamp, which i played and i cant give it enough praise... any recommendations for a power section or other effects/eqs/filters i should get?
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-17, 00:55
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a matching Engl poweramp if you want to get really heavy
ofcourse that's gonna take some more paychecks, lol.
depends on how big you want your rack to be, in my engl/peavey rack I don't need extra stuff, its just poweramp and preamp and thats it. Engl poweramps are great too though, but expensive... but hell, if you're going for a decent setup you might go all the way anyways
for effects, hell, I'm not an fx guy, never feel like I need anything more then an allmighty powerfull distortion and some warm cleans!
Engl makes lower wattage poweramps too, they sound awesome... anyways how many watts do you need and how much have you got to spend?
If you want loud but cheap, Peavey is the way to go, hell I even saw a 120/120 dual mono poweramp of them around, thats insane! (not as insane as the engl hp poweramp though  )
Mesa has ok poweramps too, I like the 20/20 for at home stuff, the 50/50 sounds so/so to me.. 2:90's and up all sound neat, but they're incredibly expensive for what you get over here.
if you have an Engl preamp, don't even think about getting a marshall poweramp, god it would ruine the bright and open tone of the engl with that muddy ass-end marshall tone they got in those heavy bastards. I've tried them all, from el34's to the solid state poweramps, fuck em, I'de never get any. But thats because I don't like the marshall tone of their poweramps, they colour the sound way too much and thats not what you want now do you?? nothing against marshall tops though. (ok except for the odd avt/mg's  )

2004-10-17, 01:07
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ok, i probably wont need more than 50 watts, seeing as i wont be playing HUGE shows that require like 6 slaved powerballs going into 30 Avatar cabs all miced to the pa. If im getting anything engl, i have to order it from rocksolid because he has the best prices for engls in the us. I could also go with a VHT 2/50/2 or what ever its called, but yeah, thanks def.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-17, 01:27
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I've used the Savage 60 I've got live too and it cuts through the mix fine without having to crank it to the max. it goes over halfway though, but we play pretty loud.
the VHT stuff is great, its more expensive then Engl here, but thats probably because its from the US? I'de probably go with a nice 20/20 type poweramp if you're gonna use it for band rehearsal and shit, maybe a 50/50, but you probably won't need it, but who knows what the future might bring.

2004-10-17, 01:36
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yeah mesa stuff is cheaper here too. any way, ill probably get a 50/50 just because itll have more head room, but i could get a 20/20 for rehearsal or practice?
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-17, 01:40
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20/20's have plenty of headroom. the whole headroom thing is overrated, I've played 150w mesa's and 120w Engl's, I'de only get a tube amp with more then 100 watts if I started playing bigger then medium gigs (more then 400ppl)
It's nice, but I wouldn't use it now, like my rack, its 100 watts but it never goes out loud, now the savage top is something else, I can crank it a bit and that makes it sound even better, powertube saturnation baby.
ofcourse you could get a power attenuator but oh well....
40w's of tube power is enough for most practise, unless you play in a super loud band, but hell I've seen death metal bands play live shows with engl screamer combo's (!) those are 50 watts and they where just mic'd up like normally, still sounded great...

2004-10-17, 01:58
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sick then, i have to spend less...
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-17, 04:51
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damn you... the e580(almost identical to the e570) is my favorite preamp ever.
for a poweramp you don't want to cheap out.. in rack gear your sound is only as good as your weakest link. i used to have a bunch of cheap shit hosa cable holding my shit together.... sucked out my highs drastically, and the noise is caused in my rig was unbarable... $50 for a set of custom cutable george L's and everything just got better...
with a head everything is alltogether and well, which is why some people prefer the sound of a head to a preamp+poweramp rack.
i find for me it's better to have more wattage than less.... my band plays loud... i have to dime my 50/50 pushing two 4x12's.... that kind of loud. but it sounds fantasticly heavy because it gives me even more drive and the cleans from the jmp-1 really spank. but i'm selling it so i can get a mesa 2:95. i like the simul class stuff because the tone is soo sweet. in each side it has two el34's running in class A for a total of 30 class A watts(per side) and then two 6l6's running in class A/B for a total of 65 watts(per side)... and class A is alot louder than A/B for some reason...
the 2:90 is different because it doesnt have the el34's running class A, but 6l6's instead... so it just doesnt sound the same...
2x95 simul class watts is plenty of reserves for me.
but anyways... mesa poweramps rock.
i also really like the vht 2/90/2..... something about it's tonal color fasinates me...
do you want or need fx?
you might want to look into a graphic eq, maybe some kind of aural exciter or sonic maximizer.... but the first things you need are a good preamp and a good poweramp... then shoot from there with toys and extra stuff you don't "Really" need.
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2004-10-17, 05:48
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yeah, i was thinking that. Just get the essentials and then toy around with other stuff if you still want to improve your tone. Although the 570 sounds really good to my ears so im not sure if ill have to.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-17, 07:13
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im also thinking of getting a gsp21 legend just because. Hey XDX, what effects does the gmajor have?
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-17, 13:39
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what happened to the amp that suffo uses

2004-10-17, 14:26
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A 570!? fuckin rad...
btw can anyone tell me how the 530 is?
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2004-10-17, 17:18
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i dunno necro, i really like the VH140, and i like the closed and really focused tone of it. But the E570 is midi, and has 4 channels. but still, im not sure if it would be a wise decision to pay 1600$ for an amp when im not even gigging yet.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-17, 19:56
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
im also thinking of getting a gsp21 legend just because. Hey XDX, what effects does the gmajor have?
the g major does alot of shit.... you can look up all the exact specs and shit on the internet...
it's got a noise gate(suprisingly good), a parametric eq.... standard modulation fx like chorus, flange, phase, ect.... plus reverbs and delays. tons of goodies, it's soo easy to use. and the sound quality is pretty effin good too.. better than most floor based multi fx units. even better than alot of individual effect pedals imo.
the line 6 mod pro is a pretty good fx unit, but it only allows one fx at a time which may or may not be fine for you.
i'm really into rocktron rack fx stuff these days... the xpression is incredible, better than the g major imo... it's cheaper than the g major and sounds as good if not better. pretty much the same options too.
the intellifex is better sounding than the xpression for what it does, but it doesnt have nearly as many features or fx...
the replifex is almost identical to the xpression(the xpression is primarily based off of it.).
lexicon also makes really great souding units.
but i hear alot of shit about them not being ideal for live applications, some sort of lag in between preset cahnges... not to mention they are much harder to work and tweak than the gmajor or rocktron units. but if you're truely nerdy you'll master it and the many things they're capable of.
if i had the money i'd get an eventide or a tc g force personally... but those cost alot of money... $500 for a new g major, or $1,400 for a new g force... 
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2004-10-17, 19:59
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
A 570!? fuckin rad...
btw can anyone tell me how the 530 is?
the e570 and e580 are the bomb, but the 530 is a totally differen preamp... good yet much different in sound and options.
it has a pretty poweball-like sound imo... but still different.
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2004-10-17, 20:10
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i posted on the necrophagist forums and muhhamed said that the E530 couldnt go brutal.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-17, 22:40
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who ever the fuck muhhamed is, he's right, it doesn't sound as brutal as a powerball/fireball or savage, much like my 620 preamp...
the cheaper preamps come really close, but no dice.. if you know what I mean. my savage top sounds way more agressive then my rack somehow... it really kicks you in the nuts with its distortion.
don't get me wrong, a 530 can sound pretty brutal, but not as brutal as the tops, IMO, even if you combine it with the gazillion dollar engl poweramps.
But eh, why do you want to get a rack exactly, you're not even giggin? 

2004-10-17, 22:54
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i dunno, i like gear and having different tones and options, but i guess since im not gigging i should probably compile a cheaper rack, like a gsp 21 legend and peavey 50/50 or something similar. Anyway, yeah, my friend and i are close to gigging, but we need a drummer, and most around here cant keep up with the stuff we write, and we're really sick of making compromises.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-17, 22:58
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so you got your whole band together except for a drummer? well find a decent one and get going, but you don't need a 14392035293402 dollar stack for gigging, expecially when you don't have any experience with gigs.
the first couple of gigs your gear will sounds shit anyways because you won't know how to set it up and handle it with the sound dude... trust me, its how it goes if you play your first big shows.
ofcourse you could get the engl and a 50/50 just for now and upgrade on the poweramp later on, but if I where you I'de probably buy a decent head/cabinet since you don't need much more at the moment.

2004-10-17, 23:06
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530 not able to get brutal my ass... it might not be as insane as the savage or something... but it certainly can get pretty mean... super fuzzy distortion isnt required for brutality... with most amps more gain can lead to more mud.
but whether you gig or not, i think you should get an amp that will handle anything you want it to. the e570 can go from country to grindcore if you know what you're doing. and it will do it well. even if i wasnt in a band i'd still want a huge rig... more options.
beside come one day you get a band together with a drummer, "let me go pawn my cheap rack and buy a half stack"... you don't want that.
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2004-10-17, 23:16
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
i dunno necro, i really like the VH140, and i like the closed and really focused tone of it. But the E570 is midi, and has 4 channels. but still, im not sure if it would be a wise decision to pay 1600$ for an amp when im not even gigging yet.
do you actually own the ampeg
if you do ill buy it from you....

2004-10-17, 23:18
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I agree, but it's more then fuzzy distortion, the powerball/savage's stay tight as fuck, and thats what the rack things don't seem to do with the wrong poweramps..
an e570 is versatile as fuck, but.. you have to know what you're doing. I don't know what amp you have now, but some people just suck at getting their tone right. seriously, if you're an amp noob you might be better off getting something else. as in simpler to control and less expensive. hell you dont' want to spend your year's earning on amps alone now do you? (leave some space for booze, going out with chicks and all that shit. )

2004-10-18, 01:51
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well, right now i still have my shitty peavey XL and my crate combo. Peices of shit if you ask me. But yeah, im probably just going to go with the ampeg, like before because it provides my holy grail of tone, the one from peirced from within. Sludgy, tight, and extremely focused, almost like the bands namesake, suffocating. Anyway, i might upgrade to a rack sooner or later, or if my band really takes off.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-18, 04:00
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i was jamming with a foreign exchange student from germany and he had an Engl head, it was fuckin amazing. he let me play a little on it, once again - it was fucking amazing. i cant say enough... i want one

2004-10-18, 04:20
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i hear engl is german for angel... if so, their amps tone is true to the name.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-18, 04:22
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
i hear engl is german for angel... if so, their amps tone is true to the name.
haha, true. i dunno bout the translation, but if thats correct, it is very suiting.

2004-10-18, 10:05
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
i hear engl is german for angel... if so, their amps tone is true to the name.
that's correct.
I don't own two of those amps without a reason you know 

2004-10-18, 13:34
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Meh i have the money and if i could buy a good preamp of some sorts i could slave my amp which is a Musicman RD-100 that i use a BOSS MD-2 in front of. I can get pretty good sounds but with just a simple preamp like a Peavey Rockmaster or a Boogie Studio Preamp i could get even better sounds and the signal would be all tube, thus not sounding like ass like it does when i crank my amp.
Id connect the preamp to my poweramp section and woila!....
PS: My amp is an old school hybrid with tubes in the poweramp instead of the preamp.
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2004-10-18, 17:47
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
PS: My amp is an old school hybrid with tubes in the poweramp instead of the preamp.
the way it should be imo.
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2004-10-18, 19:51
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so true... although tube preamp dist is pretty good, alot of solid state stuff tends to sag less than tube stuff, like the recto for instance.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-18, 20:42
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i don't mind s.s. at all as long as it's quality...
i'm getting a sansamp psa-1 s.s. preamp and it owns in tone, because it's quality analog(not digital) s.s. that isnt trying to mimic anything.
i have a peavey cs800 s.s. poweramp that i used(still do occasionally) in my guitar rig before i got my 50/50, it sounds great, 400w per side which is such clean headroom(something you want with s.s.) and more than enough volume for anybody..
s.s. isnt so bad really, it's just normally found in cheap/shitty amps because s.s. is easier and cheaper to produce.
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2004-10-18, 22:15
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exactly, Terrance from Suffo uses SS, in fact the amp i reconsidered getting, and probably will, now that theres no reason for an e570, at least until i get enough into music that i will actually use it. But anyway, SS stuff can be quality as long as its made with quality.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-18, 22:23
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are these ampeg guitar heads rare or something?

2004-10-18, 23:54
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very much so, they were discontinued in 99 or 96 i believe, and one pops up on ebay about every 3 months.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-18, 23:56
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they're around here.
don't like them, ampeg should stick to CVT's/SVT's

2004-10-19, 04:03
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SVTs are for bass, though. These are guitar heads.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-19, 11:45
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Yeh i know SS can be good but Musicman isnt really for metal which is why i thought about bying a preamp that can handle it, and we all know pedals arent really that good...
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2004-10-19, 14:17
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
and we all know pedals arent really that good...
omg... so the other day i was jamming on my buddy's jcm 900... and my drummer(who also plays a little guitar in his spare time)'s boss metalzone(just for shits and giggles) and i actually got some tones out of it that didn't completely suck, though buy using the pedal it sucked out the signal alittle when it was bypassed and there is a huge volume drop when it's on so it's not usable in a band environment. but it really amazed me for a second... that's how much medium gain marshall type amps like pedals.
though i still preffered my methods of "dime every knob except reverb and crunch that shit.".
not alll pedals completely suck, i just don't see why soe people use them the way they do... "i'm going to buy a mesa because it's a mesa but i'm going to use a $70 distortion pedal.", i mean, what is that?
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2004-10-19, 14:50
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Yeh, that of course, i do use my pedal because my amp doesnt have the distortion that i would like, but still, there is something about it that i dont like....
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2004-10-19, 15:43
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
SVTs are for bass, though. These are guitar heads.
duh. cvt's are too.
what I was saying, ampeg should stick to bass amps 

2004-10-20, 00:21
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meh, i think they should re release the Vh140C head, so all the death metal guys can once again have a cheaper solution to destroying peoples asses with solid state equipment.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-20, 19:17
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there is a VH140C combo on ebay, no one has bidded yet
is the combo any good?
Last edited by Necro_Butcher : 2004-10-20 at 19:23.

2004-10-20, 20:11
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im not sure, but i do know its the exact same circuitry as the head, just in combo form, so if you dont like the speakers, just plug it into a cab with the speaker out.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-20, 21:36
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2004-10-20, 22:16
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cool, but meh, XDX got me obsessed with rack gear, alot more options.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-20, 22:25
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
cool, but meh, XDX got me obsessed with rack gear, alot more options.
If only i had the money for a rack setup
But right now im in love with my little Peavey xxx combo
That amp beats the shit out of my 80 watt bandit.

2004-10-20, 22:42
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good rack setups dont have to cost shitloads of money. Check this out for instance:
Decrepit Births Guitarist Matt's setup:
Digitech GSP21 legend
Alesis RA power amp
Alesis M-EQ 230
BBE 482 Sonic maximizer
That could be around 300/500 dollars depending upon how much you shop, and it sounds mean as fuck.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-20, 23:58
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man id love to bid on that ampeg combo, but the timing just isnt right now
if i only had the money that now that i will have in 3 weeks

2004-10-21, 00:08
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necro, the combos come up rather frequently. The heads are very rare though.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-21, 00:25
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nice mang, i already have a cab so thats not a problem
i think id rather have a combo as long as it sounds as brutal as the head
so when im practicing with people i dont have to lug my 4x12 all the time, and when i play live i can take my cab

2004-10-21, 00:34
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sounds like a plan if you like the tones of suffocation, assuck and dying fetus.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-21, 01:30
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suffocation are easily becoming one of my favorite bands ever now
see its weird because i always listented to thier clone bands (ala dying fetus) before them, but suffocation own them all

2004-10-21, 01:55
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yeah, I picked up suffocation directly after i got Pyaemias cerebral cereal, now they are my second favorite band of all time, Coming close with the almighty DEATH.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-21, 05:51
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i just saw vaux tonight(retardedly talented band btw) on of the three guitarist had an ampeg vh140c combo with an orange 4x12.... pretty neato, but i was more obseeseed with the other guitarist's hitwatt custom 100..
Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
cool, but meh, XDX got me obsessed with rack gear, alot more options.
it's because i have such a nice rack
Originally Posted by younguitarist
If only i had the money for a rack setup 
who said it has to be uber expensive?
ada mp-1 = $150 used
50/50 style poweramp(peavey mesa, marshall) = bout $300
that right there is the basics of a rack, a preamp and a poweramp... plus it's tube(for the snobbier guys that need little glowing bottles in everything).
you can go cheaper than that woo if you go with a s.s. poweramp. i have an art sla-1 260w s.s. poweramp that i bought awhile back(when i had the mesa vtwin rack pre) for like $120 used... now it's pushin PA speakers.
i just like the flexibility and coolness of racks.
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2004-10-21, 19:07
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
yeah, I picked up suffocation directly after i got Pyaemias cerebral cereal, now they are my second favorite band of all time, Coming close with the almighty DEATH.
man death are my favorite band too!
we are like sisters

2004-10-21, 21:25
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
who said it has to be uber expensive?
ada mp-1 = $150 used
50/50 style poweramp(peavey mesa, marshall) = bout $300
that right there is the basics of a rack, a preamp and a poweramp... plus it's tube(for the snobbier guys that need little glowing bottles in everything).
you can go cheaper than that woo if you go with a s.s. poweramp. i have an art sla-1 260w s.s. poweramp that i bought awhile back(when i had the mesa vtwin rack pre) for like $120 used... now it's pushin PA speakers.
i just like the flexibility and coolness of racks.
Its pretty tough finding rack gear around here (new or used) because theres not that many stores close by and if im lucky enough to find something they're pretty $$. I wanted to buy an amp or preamp off ebay but i just got a new amp (Used 60 watt peavey xxx combo for 340$). . Im still learning how to play some scales and i dont want to buy rack gear till i get better. But for now the xxx will do.

2004-10-21, 23:20
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brothers you mean? Yeh though, Chuck=God. I wish more people were inclined to believe this, because its so true.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-23, 02:47
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2004-10-23, 02:54
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wanted yes... Im probably still going to build a moderately priced rack though. Heh, more like cheaply priced.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-30, 14:01
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you got the Engl E570 yet?
it rules. the E580 should be even better. would look BAD as fuck with one of those chrome carvin poweramps, thats like a full chrome rack. and one of those chrome rocktron Xpresions in the rack and damn! thats hot!

2004-10-30, 15:50
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Originally Posted by Def
you got the Engl E570 yet?
it rules. the E580 should be even better. would look BAD as fuck with one of those chrome carvin poweramps, thats like a full chrome rack. and one of those chrome rocktron Xpresions in the rack and damn! thats hot!
what are you NELLY or something? 
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2004-10-30, 17:16
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admit it, that would be one sharp looking rack... but no Def, a e570 is a little overkill for someone who doenst even gig, plus i can get good enough tone from what i have now, even though im still going to get the USRG at the guitar shop near me.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-30, 17:38
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
what are you NELLY or something? 

2004-10-30, 18:06
Alumni Staff
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Location: The West.
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all you would need is a chrome power condishioner and a chrome case... on some 24" rims.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-10-30, 18:14
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
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Tru Dat!!!
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-30, 19:10
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Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-30, 19:33
Alumni Staff
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Posts: 4,433
this thread just got so gay...
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-10-30, 23:14
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Concord, CA
Posts: 1,665
and its probably my fault... anyway, yeah, have you heard of the bogner caveman or mojo? i hear they are kinda more hard rock amps, but still sound really good.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-31, 04:18
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
and its probably my fault... anyway, yeah, have you heard of the bogner caveman or mojo? i hear they are kinda more hard rock amps, but still sound really good.
never seen either of them.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-10-31, 18:48
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Concord, CA
Posts: 1,665
the guys on HCAF cream over bogners, but with good reason, i think theres even some deizel owners over there, but most of em are too busy with making political threads.
Originally Posted by Transient
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