2004-09-28, 22:01
Master Killer
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Jackson SL3 Soloist?
anyone played one of these? I can get a used one on the net but haven't had to time to check it out, its quite a drive... about 3 hours, so maybe you guys can help, I can get it for 400 bucks with the jackson case. its in perfect condition according to the guy but I'm stil waiting for the pic.
I played a usa select soloist and I loved that, but ofcourse its kind of a different world eh.
the SL3 is a jap made neckthrough guitar with sd's.
this is what the jackson website says:
BRIDGE PICKUP Seymour Duncan® JB™ TB4 Humbucker
MIDDLE PICKUP Seymour Duncan® SHR101 Humbucker
NECK PICKUP Seymour Duncan® SHR101 Humbucker
CONTROLS Master Volume,
Master Tone
BRIDGE JT580 LP Double Locking 2-Point Tremolo
Hm. the TB4 was in the usa select soloist I played, sounded great actually, not over the top heavy or anything but great tone. don't know about those other pu's and I sure as hell don't trust the bridge on it... but ofcourse I'm used to an edge floyd... buit maybe I can slap a kahler or floyd in there, though I think thats gonna be some work to the trem cavity.
all in all, I don't know if its worth going for, I might be better off saving a bit up for an SL1/SL1t with floyd and better build quality.
I've owned a jackson DKMG and I allways wanted a jackson back in my guitar stand, never got one back though. not that the dkmg was that great, but with 81/85 setup it wasn't bad.
I'm pretty sure the SL3 is better then the DKMG/MG series and all, but I don't know how it compares to a usa select. I was wondering if any of you guys tried soloist in general and want to know what you thought about them.
Overall, Jackson is good shit, even the cheap stuff is great for value. the usa stuff is top knotch, right up there with high-end ibanez and esp stuff if you ask me. they cost a fucking fortune over here though.
you american bastards can get them for cheap. and theres heaps of customs for sale on ebay too. only custom I ever saw here was an ugly as fuck dinky with a lame ass tigerprint.
edit: I've seen the harmony central stuff, its all one sided an positive and then there's the obvious:
I have been playing for 7 years,i'm 14 and i have owned 5 guitars all in the 1000 to 2000 dollar mark and this is the best yet.I own a esp jh-3 a bcrich usa v and a les pual standard.The last one was a ibanez 7 string and i traded that off for the rich.If it was stolen i would find the man and beat his head in then take the guitar and keep hitting him with it.I then would buy a new one because he touched it.hehe.

Last edited by Def : 2004-09-28 at 22:12.

2004-09-28, 22:29
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for $400 buskcs its a steal
Plus it already has the JB installed
And the JT580 isent that bad of a trem.
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2004-09-28, 22:32
Master Killer
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Hm, what's it like exactly? less range then a floyd, but how sturdy? (compared to a floyd)
for how much do they go in the US? new and used?
I hope I can find one in a store here closeby so I can compare it to a usa select, if the difference is evident I'll probably save up or try and find a used SL1
I kinda need a second decent guitar. I've got two, but one's a crappy backup, I'de like to have at least two decent guitars, it allways comes in handy and jacksons have their own sound which I enjoy.

2004-09-28, 22:38
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Trems are more for fun and not actuall playing IMO. I dont use a trem much but they can be useful. If I get a trem it has to be Floyd or Kahler.
EDIT: I forgot to actually help you. I would save up for a SL1/SL1t or SL2. They are both american made and much better.
Last edited by blackdimmu : 2004-09-28 at 22:42.

2004-09-28, 22:48
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http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...ssPageName=WDVW if that tells ya anything
The trem is pretty solid, of course over time the knife edges will wear down like most floyd copies, but this one stays in tune well.
Id replace it with Schaller or Origanal Floyd eventually, but for a backup guitar the bridge should suite you fine.
Really its a steal man, just replace the neck pickup.
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-09-28, 22:52
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^ dumbass post... Have you heard of Kerry King? Rick Rozz? Jeff Hanneman? they all use shitloads of whammy and vibrato in their solos, i would consider a trem bar FAR FROM USELESS! Anyway, Def, id say go with an sl-1 or just any usa guitar, they are great.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-28, 22:52
Master Killer
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you can use your trem consistently, it just depends on how you use them... I think I use my trem in most of my band's songs, sometimes for weird squeals and shit, some for divebomb type stuff. and for at home, the solo shit.
I know the SL1 is better. but I wouldn't say 'much' better, the only real difference is the floyd trem and the materials/quality. it has the same bridge pu as its jap friend.
Ofcourse its better as in quality, but is it worth the (huge) price difference?
correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the Dkmg's made in korea or something? the pro series are from japan? we all know Japan makes better guitars, allmost everything from korea rolls of the same damn samick factory, biggest guitar factory in the world too... I remember someone telling me the jackson dkmg's and mg's are from there too. but I'm not sure if I remember correctly. if thats so, the pro's must have an definete edge over the dkmg's and mg's.
the difference between a dkmg and a usa select dinky is huge. I've compared them and the only thing that is the same and feels the same is the body. thats all. the rest is all different and the sound... well the dkmg's are pretty shit compared to usa's. lets leave it at that.

2004-09-28, 22:56
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by BLS
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...ssPageName=WDVW if that tells ya anything
The trem is pretty solid, of course over time the knife edges will wear down like most floyd copies, but this one stays in tune well.
Id replace it with Schaller or Origanal Floyd eventually, but for a backup guitar the bridge should suite you fine.
Really its a steal man, just replace the neck pickup.
Thanks, not a bad price then, I guess. shame the one I'm beeing offered is burgundy or something. I hope to get pics soon and see how that looks. lol.
does someone know if those trems have the same (depth) cavity as a floyd?
It's 2 years old, and has basically no wear on the frets according to the guy. it prolly has some standard buckle rash and all but I don't care, all my guitars are for playing, not just for good looks, so fuck the color too as long as its not fucking pink or paint splatters like those gay ass ibanez uv's.
ty, Innards Decay, heh, I was just writing up that huge ass post there 

2004-09-28, 22:57
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^ i agree... but yeah, the sl-1 is really nice, i dunno, i really like ibanezs, try it out and see if you like, if you dont, well, have a fun 300 miles back.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-28, 22:59
Master Killer
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I'm gonna try and find one in shops in my area, maybe if I'm lucky they've got some around. if not I'm just going to drive over. Hell I drove to germany for both my amps.

2004-09-28, 23:18
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You should be able to replace that trem with a Schaller or Floyd Rose II no problem.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-28, 23:31
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i don't think i've ever played that specific guitar... but most good guitars(that arent special custom works) are built in either japan or the u.s.
and from the specs of that guitar $400 sounds like a steal.
Originally Posted by blackdimmu
Trems are more for fun and not actuall playing IMO. I dont use a trem much but they can be useful. If I get a trem it has to be Floyd or Kahler.
that's just stupid. listen to slayer... or a good chunk of thrashy/metal style guitarists... even loads of virtuoso guitarist use them alot.
i personally do not like to use them or feel like i need one. and many people are the same way about it.
my ability(or lack of) to use one isnt a big factor, but i just don't use trems much....
just because you can't incorporate one in your everyday playing and songwriting doesnt mean that they're only for goofing around with.
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2004-09-28, 23:31
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My JX10 has three Seymour Duncan SHR101 (mini) Humbuckers. They're supposedly like hot rails.
You can't replace the neck pickup with a proper humbuck, unless you perform body-surgery to make a wider cavity.

2004-09-28, 23:39
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by BLS
You should be able to replace that trem with a Schaller or Floyd Rose II no problem.
thats what I needed to be sure of. sweet
xdx, the usa select series are supposably build in america in their shop, in eh, san something? antonio? I don't recall. but most of it is probably prefabricated. got any idea about those dkmg's coming from korea? I think the dkmg I had was from there and not from japan and its build quality was pretty fucking poor, lousy fretjob, even worse paintjob then ibanez's, crap tuners.. I could go on for a while  but it sounded and played great non the less. thats why I want a jackson again.
Overmind, how are those shr101's? if they are like hotrails, I probably will like them. the ones in the usa select soloist are different though. but I'm probably not going to use this guitar for clean stuff anyway. so theres no real need to replace them, the JB in the bridge pos is fine, thats my main priority.
Another guy I know is thinking about ordering a jackson RR custom, lefty.. if he orders one, I could order a custom too and we'de get a reduce and cheaper shipping. but I don't have the cash for a custom. that would be damn sweet though. *thinks about selling car.. haha*
thanks for making another wonderfull educational thread you guys!

2004-09-28, 23:41
The Mountie From Hell
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Looks good to me man, if I could buy it I would.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-09-28, 23:59
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
that's just stupid. listen to slayer... or a good chunk of thrashy/metal style guitarists... even loads of virtuoso guitarist use them alot.
i personally do not like to use them or feel like i need one. and many people are the same way about it.
my ability(or lack of) to use one isnt a big factor, but i just don't use trems much....
just because you can't incorporate one in your everyday playing and songwriting doesnt mean that they're only for goofing around with
I like them most for fun stuff but do use it occasionally. I like thrash, in fact, I am in a thrash/death metal band. We play mostly stuff like Morbid Angel, Lamb of God, Slayer, ect. and I dont use much trem in it.

2004-09-29, 00:07
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2004-09-29, 01:41
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Originally Posted by Def
thats what I needed to be sure of. sweet 
Overmind, how are those shr101's? if they are like hotrails, I probably will like them. the ones in the usa select soloist are different though. but I'm probably not going to use this guitar for clean stuff anyway. so theres no real need to replace them, the JB in the bridge pos is fine, thats my main priority.
I'm no expert, and I haven't tried too many guitars. But even with my untrained ears, I could easily tell the difference in sound quality between these pickups and the pickups in similarly priced mid-range (rrp AUD$699) guitars. They work well for extreme distortion, giving a nice clear crunchy sound. They're high gain pickups. I have trouble getting a nice steady tone with lighter distortion, but that may be due to other factors, such as my inexperience with the GNX3. I'm sure you won't be disappointed, since that guitar already costs less than mine did, and is way better quality.

2004-09-29, 02:38
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[QUOTE=Def]thats what I needed to be sure of. sweet
xdx, the usa select series are supposably build in america in their shop, in eh, san something? antonio? [QUOTE]
san antonio california, but since fender bought them I dont know if their still located in california or not.
If i got a custom jackson it would be the DEATH ANGEL!!!
Its the sig guitar of the dude from death angel (Back when grover owned jackson) and it looks sick
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-29, 03:01
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the death warrior is even cooler bls...
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-29, 03:02
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2004-09-29, 03:59
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Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-29, 04:37
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
kinda, i dont remember it being ugly..
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-29, 23:07
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
Damn, that guitar is HHOT!
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2004-09-29, 23:09
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yeah, i saved all the pics, im gonna get one from ran or jackson with a floyd when i get the money...
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-30, 01:40
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
yeah, i saved all the pics, im gonna get one from ran or jackson with a floyd when i get the money...
Awesome man. If I were you I would just have it be the same colors. Looks awesome in that color.
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2004-09-30, 03:06
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your damn right... the shape rules, but the color is the icing on the already uber death metal cake.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-30, 05:01
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Mmmmmm Death Metal Cake ahhhhhgghhh (drooling) 
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2004-09-30, 22:29
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just donut...
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-03, 19:37
New Blood
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what about sl1 or sl2h.... im kinda stuck... i wanna get one or the other... im thinking sl2h cause i like hums but i dont know... can anyone help?

2004-10-03, 20:17
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you should go to a local music store and try them both out (if they have them). www.jacksoncharvel.com you compare specs on the two models aswell.
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