2004-09-24, 01:50
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Need a real cheap stack!!!
I am in need of a good and cheap-ass half stack or full stack whatever! Any suggestions or any alternatives?

2004-09-24, 01:57
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Originally Posted by Cheese Co
I am in need of a good and cheap-ass half stack or full stack whatever! Any suggestions or any alternatives?
Price range?

2004-09-24, 01:59
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how big, how loud, what style, and how much you got?
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2004-09-24, 02:55
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Might as well just get a half stack if you want cheap, unless you need a full stack.
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2004-09-24, 08:01
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Ebay is always a good place to get an idea...
Click me

2004-09-24, 13:21
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if you want something good & cheap, you'll have to buy used...
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2004-09-24, 17:03
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My price range is from like 500-700$.

2004-09-24, 17:25
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i'd suggest a marshall valvestate 8100 head and a 1960 cab. Thats wat i got and it sounds real good and was cheap as fuck. Or you could go with wats usually mentioned on this board; a crate blue voodoo head and a marshall cab, which u can get for cheap seemin that u live in america.
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2004-09-24, 17:28
Master Killer
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you might want to look around the search function.
loads of cheapasses on this forum!

2004-09-24, 20:02
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I'll say it before xDx, the Crate BV head and Martshall 1960 cab.

2004-09-24, 20:10
Master Killer
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Mordor beat you too it dimmu 

2004-09-24, 20:11
The Mountie From Hell
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Peavey XL supreme, with a peavey cab, might be alittle more then you want to spend, but it does me well.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-09-24, 20:16
Master Killer
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for that kinda cash the kid could prolly get a used marshall 1960 cab with a jcm900. well, about 7-900, I guess over there in the states? or maybe a 5150?
if you want new, you wont be able to get a tube amp, I guess a H&K warp 7 would be ok, and if you have more to spend, the XL supreme which fearfrost suggested, it sounds good for a solid state. shame about that front plate though, hehe

2004-09-24, 21:03
The Mountie From Hell
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Originally Posted by Def
for that kinda cash the kid could prolly get a used marshall 1960 cab with a jcm900. well, about 7-900, I guess over there in the states? or maybe a 5150?
Fuck, I wish I could get that EVEN in US Money.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-09-24, 21:09
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Originally Posted by Def
Mordor beat you too it dimmu 
Damn. Well, I said it before xDx

2004-09-24, 22:27
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Check out the 5150
if you shop smart you can easily afford one
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2004-09-24, 22:44
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Youd have to shop VERY smart to get a 5150 and a decent cab(s). Its relativly easy to get a 5150 and a shitty cab for under $700.
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2004-09-24, 23:03
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5150 Head $300 - $500
I use a Peavey XXX cab, the sheffields arent bad at all. Think it cost me like $300
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-24, 23:18
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Peavey 5150 for $300? The cheapest I've seen them go for is about $500.
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2004-09-24, 23:51
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Ive seen em go for $300 before, all ripped up though.
Harmony Central classified's have alot of good delas too
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-25, 01:27
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Originally Posted by BLS
Ive seen em go for $300 before, all ripped up though.
Harmony Central classified's have alot of good delas too
rarely theylle go for that cheap. Usualy like 400-500$ for the more beaten up ones.
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2004-09-25, 01:40
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Originally Posted by blackdimmu
I'll say it before xDx, the Crate BV head and Martshall 1960 cab.
that head just doenst slay enough

2004-09-25, 01:51
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
rarely theylle go for that cheap. Usualy like 400-500$ for the more beaten up ones.
cause your ghey
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-25, 18:48
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Originally Posted by FearFrost
Fuck, I wish I could get that EVEN in US Money.
why can't you?
Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
that head just doenst slay enough
take it back! the bv can "slay" plenty
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2004-09-25, 18:59
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Originally Posted by BLS
cause your ghey
Yes, thats EXACTLY why.
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2004-09-25, 21:04
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
why can't you?
take it back! the bv can "slay" plenty
well i played it at a local music shop
the tone isnt concentrated enough, its all over the place
i didnt exactly get to crank it, but i had it pretty loud, id like abit more gain. this head sounded like a watered down dying fetus amp

2004-09-25, 21:44
The Mountie From Hell
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
why can't you?
1) Musicstop only carrys JCM 2000's (Valve's and MG's more then anything).
2) The Cab is $1,150 new.
3) I can't find deals like that when I have the money.
Hey Necro_butcher, do you go through musicstop on PEI or another place, and if it is musicstop why do you get WAY different gear then Halifax?
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-09-25, 22:16
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hahahah a music stop in pei, good one
im not exactly sure what you mean by different gear
but i tried out the crate BV 120 in a small small music store
whats the selection like where you are?

2004-09-25, 22:52
The Mountie From Hell
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Well In halifax there is a few, but the 2 I go to are:
Dartmouth, On Main Street (20 min walk, or 5 min drive away)
1 Jackson DX
1 Ibanez (sg? not RG but the series starts with an "S")
8 Fenders
5 BC Rich's (1 plat warlock with licenced floyd and a pint job like a gibson gothic, ironbird body art crap, Bronze warlock, S.O.Beast thing, and the KK warlock (red tribal)
a few gibsons (one flying V)
and 3 Epi.
Peavey XL supreme
JCM 2000
MG's 15watt-100watt
a few fenders
line 6 sipder (50 watt)
Peavey XXL
Thats really it
The big one in Halifax:
A crap load of low end BC Rich's
2 Jackson DX's
1 jackson Kelly
No Ibanez's (was there today with BassB. thats how I know)
25 fenders
2 or 3 Les Pauls
an unholy pile of Epiphones
thats all i can remember
JCM 2000 lead
some amp head i cant remember the name, and didn't want to try it out
Peavey XXL
Peavey XXX
Marshall valvestate (100watt)
Mg's 15-100 watt
Line 6 spider 2 (100 watt)
I thimk theres one more but thats really it.
There is a store on quinnpool raod that has a few gems in there (ask BassB. he found his dream bass hahaha)
Randall RG's 50, 75, and 100 (combos)
Randall Titian and RS? 100 (its not a RG) (heads)
Schecter guitars
Nothing too brag about but they treat you like a human being in there, unlike musicstop.
P.S. Now you know why I always say there is NEVER anything good around here, and evey one has the same Rigg. 
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-09-26, 01:47
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Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
well i played it at a local music shop
the tone isnt concentrated enough, its all over the place
i didnt exactly get to crank it, but i had it pretty loud, id like abit more gain. this head sounded like a watered down dying fetus amp
if you didn't get to turn it past like 3 then you might as well not even played it....
my guitarist used to own a bv120h, he sold it to a friend who i've barrowed it from on several occasions... very nice amp... it's not very noisey, loads of gain, good tight sound and a suprisingly effective mid control....
definately capable of being brutal... hell jack from canibal corpse used a bv300. and now jeremy uses it.
as for the watered down dying fetus comment... dying fetus has a really bad guitar sound... no tone....muddy, shrill, buzzy, sound. definatly s.s.
i'm thinking randall and or older peavey s.s. stuff. but if i'm wrong about that put me in my place.
but i've gotten tones from a bv that dying fetus could only dream of having...
Originally Posted by FearFrost
1) Musicstop only carrys JCM 2000's (Valve's and MG's more then anything).
2) The Cab is $1,150 new.
3) I can't find deals like that when I have the money. 
holy shit you're getting fucked over... even on new stuff...
it's called the used market.... a jcm 900 half stack setup can easily be had for under $1,000 u.s. $$$ my friend bought his for about that much from a local store...
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2004-09-26, 01:58
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
as for the watered down dying fetus comment... dying fetus has a really bad guitar sound... no tone....muddy, shrill, buzzy, sound. definatly s.s.
i'm thinking randall and or older peavey s.s. stuff. but if i'm wrong about that put me in my place.
but i've gotten tones from a bv that dying fetus could only dream of having...
Peavey 5150's with Randall cabs.
the BV's aren't bad. for their money, though far from my favorite amp, they aren't bad. shame I can't get my hands on a bv300 over here, I played a 120 in Ibbenburen (germany) though I reckon its allmost impossible to get decent tube saturnation with 300 watts. the 120 sounds better then the other models I tried before. but I don't know about the 300 yet.

2004-09-26, 02:46
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
holy shit you're getting fucked over... even on new stuff...
it's called the used market.... a jcm 900 half stack setup can easily be had for under $1,000 u.s. $$$ my friend bought his for about that much from a local store...
Your forgetting that hes canadian and his money sucks compared to ours.
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2004-09-26, 02:54
The Mountie From Hell
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not really, in ontario its a little less, not by much but it is less.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-09-26, 04:34
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Originally Posted by Def
Peavey 5150's with Randall cabs.
the BV's aren't bad. for their money, though far from my favorite amp, they aren't bad. shame I can't get my hands on a bv300 over here, I played a 120 in Ibbenburen (germany) though I reckon its allmost impossible to get decent tube saturnation with 300 watts. the 120 sounds better then the other models I tried before. but I don't know about the 300 yet.
maybe on some of the more recent shit, but they certainly so not have 5150 tone, that's for sure...
the bv50 short chasis head is the shit... i want to hunt one down and buy it so i can rack mount it(being short chais so it's the perfect 19" size) the 50w is better for a warmer sound and i could just team it up with another poweramp if i needed more than 50 tube watts.
that would be my neato backup rig.
but the bv300 is very cold, dry, and sterile even at gigging volumes(at like 3)... but suprisingly it's not a bad kind of sterile/dry/cold... it atually makes it a very interesting sounding amp... though i still prefer the older models.
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2004-09-26, 10:48
Master Killer
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I've seen them play ages ago and they played 5150's. seen some recent livephotos and they played the same.
I agree they have fucked them up pretty well. heh.

2004-09-26, 17:50
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Originally Posted by Def
I've seen them play ages ago and they played 5150's. seen some recent livephotos and they played the same.
I agree they have fucked them up pretty well. heh.
that's sad... i could swear in my drummer's "killing on adrenline" booklet they have a bunch of s.s. peavey and randall stuff in the background. which isalso what most of their recordings sound like...
but if they can get that bad of tone from a 5150 i feel bad for them...
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2004-09-26, 17:57
Master Killer
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I agree, its pretty bad.
if you look on their website, theres some pics of them, like this one:
and theres other pics with JCM2000's in the picture too, I think I saw them on more of their pics from last year, they used 5150's when I saw them ages ago... but apperently they can rape jcm 2000's too.

2004-09-26, 18:05
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Originally Posted by Def
I agree, its pretty bad.
if you look on their website, theres some pics of them, like this one:
and theres other pics with JCM2000's in the picture too, I think I saw them on more of their pics from last year, they used 5150's when I saw them ages ago... but apperently they can rape jcm 2000's too.

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2004-09-26, 20:21
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pff, dying fetus's tone isnt that bad.
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2004-09-26, 20:50
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
that's sad... i could swear in my drummer's "killing on adrenline" booklet they have a bunch of s.s. peavey and randall stuff in the background. which isalso what most of their recordings sound like...
but if they can get that bad of tone from a 5150 i feel bad for them...
dude dont bother with killing on adrelaline, great album, bad tone
check out there new albums tone ,its awesome

2004-09-26, 20:58
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what? Stop at nothing has a horrible tone IMO.Its very dry and just  .
All the other albums before stop at nothing are a lot better.

2004-09-26, 21:13
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it rules
fetus rules
f off

2004-09-26, 21:21
Master Killer
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haha what a great argumentated reply 

2004-09-26, 21:23
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Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
it rules
fetus rules
f off
hahahaha.... horrible.... i've never heard a dying fetus cd that had good tone... they're pretty good musicians n' all... but the overall sound of the band is just lacking.
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2004-09-26, 21:29
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Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
f off
whatever penis face 

2004-09-26, 22:31
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Their tone is definetly dry but not in a horrible way. I still think they have decent tone. Good music too.
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2004-09-26, 22:54
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ummm.... you guys are crazy except necro butcher, stop at nothings tone is part SS, part tube, and all badass. John Gallahager uses a Ampeg Vh-140CH and mike kimball uses a RGT-100 (RGT meaning Randall Guitar Tube)
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-27, 00:29
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
ummm.... you guys are crazy except necro butcher, stop at nothings tone is part SS, part tube, and all badass. John Gallahager uses a Ampeg Vh-140CH and mike kimball uses a RGT-100 (RGT meaning Randall Guitar Tube)
yeah i know what the fuck is up
plus i dont listen to Queercore like XXXXXXdXXXXXXX
ohhhhhh you got Pwwwwwwwwwned

2004-09-27, 00:51
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
ummm.... you guys are crazy except necro butcher, stop at nothings tone is part SS, part tube, and all badass. John Gallahager uses a Ampeg Vh-140CH and mike kimball uses a RGT-100 (RGT meaning Randall Guitar Tube)
since when? when I saw them live John Gallagher played a peavey 5150 with randall cab and Sparky Voyles played a marshall jcm900.
that was back in the day though, voyles has been out for a while
anyways, I have no idea what they use now but like you see, the recent tourpic I posted had a 5150 in it too... I don't like their tone, but thats just my own taste, I know a lot of people that don't like Obituary's tone. but I love it.

2004-09-27, 01:37
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ummm... go to their website and there should be some pics of them in the studio... theres a pic of johns ampeg, and mikes RGT.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-27, 02:44
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Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
yeah i know what the fuck is up
plus i dont listen to Queercore like XXXXXXdXXXXXXX
ohhhhhh you got Pwwwwwwwwwned
i judge music on talent and how GOOD it sounds... not on how fast the drums are and how deep the vocals are...
ever read any dying fetus lyrics? i heard better talk of polotics from shitty 80's punk bands. not impressive at all, actually very childish and corny imo.
as far as talent. they're alright... john can shred fast n' shit, they don't have talley on the drums anymore which makes them suck more than before... all in all not a very good sound... give me a good "Queercore" band(is that what the kids call it these days?) over fetus anyday.
and i don't think the person attemting to "pwn" somebody is the one who should say
"ohhhhhh you got Pwwwwwwwwwned"
it makes you look..... well... retarded... but whatever helps you sleep at night.
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2004-09-27, 04:13
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Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-27, 17:11
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I like Dying Fetus, I reallt couldnt care less for what amps they use...
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2004-09-27, 18:43
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Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
yeah i know what the fuck is up
plus i dont listen to Queercore like XXXXXXdXXXXXXX
ohhhhhh you got Pwwwwwwwwwned
pff xdx knows more about amps then youll ever know.
Dying Fetus still kicks major ass.
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2004-09-27, 21:21
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i judge music on talent and how GOOD it sounds... not on how fast the drums are and how deep the vocals are...
ever read any dying fetus lyrics? i heard better talk of polotics from shitty 80's punk bands. not impressive at all, actually very childish and corny imo.
as far as talent. they're alright... john can shred fast n' shit, they don't have talley on the drums anymore which makes them suck more than before... all in all not a very good sound... give me a good "Queercore" band(is that what the kids call it these days?) over fetus anyday.
and i don't think the person attemting to "pwn" somebody is the one who should say
"ohhhhhh you got Pwwwwwwwwwned"
it makes you look..... well... retarded... but whatever helps you sleep at night.
i was joking mang
take er easy
as for dying fetus and lyrics, im not a vocal guy, i dont care how stupid the vocals are im all abou the riffs
yeah and i made up Queercore, sorry just most hXc annoys the shit out of me
and CC i know he knows more about amps then me, i dont really care who knows more
also its dumb how many yes men xDx has on here
edited for Men*
Last edited by Necro_Butcher : 2004-09-27 at 23:14.

2004-09-27, 21:49
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Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
also its dumb how many yes man xDx has on here
"how many yes man"?
i have no idea what the hell this means....
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2004-09-27, 21:54
Master Killer
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I think he means butt-buddies.

2004-09-27, 21:57
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butt buddies? as in gay friends? i can't say i have many of them...
but there are quit a few ass kissers on here *cough*dimmudude*cough* and i'm suprised it's my ass being kissed to... bls is way better looking.
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2004-09-27, 22:17
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Indeed, I am sexy ass hell.
Im gonna go jerk off to a picture of myself.
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-27, 22:53
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what he means is thats theres alot of people in gear talk who just copy you and say what you say... i dont agree all the time with your veiwpoints on gear but some of your ideas are pretty decent.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-27, 23:01
Wasted Custom User title
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Wow, were really off topic.
We were talking about Dying Fetus's tone... geez

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2004-09-28, 03:03
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
what he means is thats theres alot of people in gear talk who just copy you and say what you say... i dont agree all the time with your veiwpoints on gear but some of your ideas are pretty decent.
yeh, totally, i don't think you should always agree with me... it's funner to argue over things so based around personal taste... but some things are just science and or facts and you gotta roll with it.
i debate my jmp-1's tone with def all the time.... i love em' and he hates em'... or active emg tone vs. passive duncan/dimarzio tone with bls, ect.
but it's one of those things... just play what sounds good.
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2004-09-28, 03:24
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-28, 03:40
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Originally Posted by BLS
you can't cheat on def's mom like that... it's just not right... i mean, at least dump her first.
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2004-09-28, 03:53
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i couldnt agree more XDX one of my friends has one of the worst tones ive ever heard, but he loves it... pm me for what he uses... its truly horrible.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-28, 10:50
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I know a guy in a wicked band who all you underground deathmetal heads are gonna start hearing about soon! who has a tone that SUUUUUUUCKS at high volumes, its his shitty Amp head though, he needs a new one

2004-09-28, 14:12
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my friend has the stupidest tone ever, a boss mt-2 into an older peavey transtube supreme 100w s.s. head....
he has to dime it to be heard and it sounds so shrill and lifeless because the clean channel blows and so does the mt-2... but for some reason he like it alot.
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2004-09-28, 14:59
Master Killer
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Posts: 11,372
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
yeh, totally, i don't think you should always agree with me... it's funner to argue over things so based around personal taste... but some things are just science and or facts and you gotta roll with it.
i debate my jmp-1's tone with def all the time.... i love em' and he hates em'... or active emg tone vs. passive duncan/dimarzio tone with bls, ect.
but it's one of those things... just play what sounds good.
just play what sounds good to you
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