View Poll Results: Favorite brand of amp?
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4.76% |
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14.29% |
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3 |
14.29% |

2004-09-21, 21:30
Senior Metalhead
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Amp poll
What is your favorite brand of amp? Post the model of amp, too.

2004-09-21, 21:49
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im gonna have to go with marshall cause thats what i got (jcm2000 tsl100) but if i ever got to try and H&K that would probably own my marshall
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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2004-09-21, 21:53
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peavey 5150 combo but i havent played many.

2004-09-21, 22:07
Wasted Custom User title
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I use a crate. GT3500H is teh model.
Ill post a clip of it later.
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2004-09-21, 22:20
Senior Metalhead
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Lemme explain this again. It is your favorite brand and model of amp, NOT the amp you own.

2004-09-21, 22:31
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Well most people tend to buy amps they like..
makes sense eh??
Im not voting, all amps are different and all have their strength's and weaknesses.
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2004-09-21, 22:33
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h&k triamp, duotone, and the access preamp... imo the best...
in 2nd would probably be a 4 way tie between the framus cobra, engl savage, engl 580 preamp, and bogner uberschall...
deizel and vht after that...
then i guess the more mainstream stuff like mesa, marshall and peavey....
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2004-09-21, 22:53
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by BLS
Well most people tend to buy amps they like..
makes sense eh??
Im not voting, all amps are different and all have their strength's and weaknesses.
I wasnt asking about the best amp, just your favorite. C'mon BLS, you have to have a favorite.

2004-09-21, 23:39
Lo, they do call to me...
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marshall jcm900 dual reverb
Too grim to function

2004-09-22, 04:05
Wasted Custom User title
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Im not sure what my favorite amp is. Probably some really expensive, awesome amp.
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2004-09-22, 07:41
Master Killer
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favorite brand... definetly Engl for me.
favorite amp, well for versatility and allround kick-assy-ness, the H&K Triamp (MK 1.)
My favorite amp for metal and the likes is definetly the Engl Savage though. the powerball is close second but doesn't quite match up to the savage. I love my savage too 

2004-09-22, 08:28
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not only is it what i own but there is a reason i chose it too.

2004-09-22, 13:18
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damn, i'm suprised marshall,mesa and peavey have more votes than vht framus, orange, bogner, ect....
maybe people need to play more amps 
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2004-09-22, 14:49
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I haven't had the chance to try many of the more boutiqueish brands but of the ones ive tried the 5150, TSL100 and Triple Rectifier are the nicest.
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2004-09-22, 18:05
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my fave amp company is probly engl, cos there aint been an amp by them which i ve hated and the tone is pretty much supreme to everything else i ve tryed but i also very much like old marshall's eg jcm800/900 and the amp which i own at the moment, a valvestate 8100. Its cheap and sounds killer 
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2004-09-24, 17:29
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
damn, i'm suprised marshall,mesa and peavey have more votes than vht framus, orange, bogner, ect....
maybe people need to play more amps 
its no surprise at all.
those are the working class amps, everyone knows them and everybody uses them. its kinda like mac donalds in america, but you can have an even better burger just around the corner for the same price 

2004-09-24, 19:28
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yeh, i guess when you put it that way... i play a marshall preamp with a peavey poweramp, and love it... but of all the amps i've played... i'd ditch my jmp-1+classic 50/50 rig in a heartbeat for something like a h&k triamp, framus cobra, ect... just because it's that much more kick ass... though the way things have been lately(no job, and the money i do have is mostly for college and maintaining my van.) it'll be awhile before that happens...
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2004-09-24, 22:28
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Originally Posted by Def
its no surprise at all.
those are the working class amps, everyone knows them and everybody uses them. its kinda like mac donalds in america, but you can have an even better burger just around the corner for the same price 
except Bonger and Engl's arent around the corner... and they definetly arent the same price 
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2004-09-25, 03:08
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by BLS
except Bonger and Engl's arent around the corner... and they definetly arent the same price 
minor technicality

2004-09-25, 03:09
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you've never heard of BONGER amps??
all the cool kids use them!
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-25, 12:10
Master Killer
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is that with or withouth the included BONG-qualizer?

2004-09-25, 18:52
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haha, bongner.... for the real stoner metal bands! 
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2004-09-25, 19:05
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Im pretty sure Cephalic Carnage uses BONGER amps
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04
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