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Old 2007-09-19, 06:47
xgrafcorex's Avatar
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i think i saw you on BA tonight mathias. it was in one of those threads about hop production trouble. i posted a link to one of them that it was in. i recognized the "free the hops" thing in your avatar then saw your name.

second metaltabber i know on there.

definitely let me know on that one. if you can, get an extra and i'll pay you shipping and for the beer, or just do a trade.
Old 2007-09-19, 14:40
i_hate_nu_metal's Avatar
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I drink Corona. That is my poison of choice. I don't really do hard liquor, and most other beer tastes absolutely horrible, especially fucking Budweiser. I can't stand the smell of that shit any more, let alone fucking taste it.
Originally Posted by Sigmund Freud:
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

Check out my band's, (or lack thereof), web site.
Old 2007-09-19, 15:26
BassBehemoth's Avatar
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Originally Posted by i_hate_nu_metal
I drink Corona. That is my poison of choice. I don't really do hard liquor, and most other beer tastes absolutely horrible, especially fucking Budweiser. I can't stand the smell of that shit any more, let alone fucking taste it.

Most mass-produced beers taste horrible you mean; there is no way you can compare Budweiser to practically any micro-brewed beer in the world.

My girlfriend and I are probably drinking a quart of Wild Turkey and some more beers this weekend. She actually suggested we drink the Wild Turkey. I love this girl.

I wish I could afford some good scotch. Oh well, my beer addiction is fine for now I guess.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-09-19, 15:46
i_hate_nu_metal's Avatar
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Most mass-produced beers taste horrible you mean; there is no way you can compare Budweiser to practically any micro-brewed beer in the world.

My girlfriend and I are probably drinking a quart of Wild Turkey and some more beers this weekend. She actually suggested we drink the Wild Turkey. I love this girl.

I wish I could afford some good scotch. Oh well, my beer addiction is fine for now I guess.

All except Corona. It is the only not horrible tasting beer in my experience. Then again, it's no like I go around experimenting and shit. I find something that works, and I stick with it. A nice hot steak, an ice cold Corona, and I am set! Throw in some wet pussy, and I am happy for life.
Originally Posted by Sigmund Freud:
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

Check out my band's, (or lack thereof), web site.
Old 2007-09-20, 17:03
timedragon's Avatar
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for "regular" beers i like corona most, too. we have an abundance of limes here, and they are the really sour, yellow kind. green limes are NOT the same. i dont mind milwaukees best. when i was about 15, all i would drink was vodka. hated beer. but when i'd get desperate, id swipe 3-4 milwaukees best out of my step dads 18 pack. it took a while to get used to, but it got me used to beer in general. and thats probably why i think its alright, now.

i was buying some cheddar crackers the other day and when i turned around, i saw a wine aisle. i'd never bought wine before, so i just had a look. a certain bottle caught my eye. Ravenwood-Vintners blend-Merlot. i kind of like it . will probably be a while before i buy more, because like most of you, im not big on wine. not bad though.
Old 2007-09-20, 17:15
Dyvim Tvar's Avatar
Dyvim Tvar
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Corona is really nice, just rather expensive here unfortunately.
I've been drinking Strongbow almost constantly for the past 5 days, just moved into a new house, we had the fridge and two 50 can capacity beer fridges full, we drank the lot in 3 days, it starts again this saturday hahaha!
Originally Posted by Def
Shadow dragon:

Take her from behind, then pretend like you're gonna cum, retract and spit on her back.
Then when she turns around blow your load in her face
Old 2007-09-20, 18:13
xgrafcorex's Avatar
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i don't know shit about wine..except that red has the highest ABV.

never was a fan of corona..more into bud, miller, etc. not too into any of the central or southern american beers. negro modelo is alright..xingu or whatever it's called is decent.

my favorite macros were heineken, guinness, yuengling, and stuff like that.

just bought some more beers..when i reuped on the liquor...i'll post on them later i guess..feeling kinda lazy.
Old 2007-09-20, 23:59
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Originally Posted by i_hate_nu_metal
All except Corona. It is the only not horrible tasting beer in my experience. Then again, it's no like I go around experimenting and shit. I find something that works, and I stick with it. A nice hot steak, an ice cold Corona, and I am set! Throw in some wet pussy, and I am happy for life.

well you should experiment because corona, while good, tastes like watered down precome of a slavic troll. you need to go out there and get a variety so you can be happy in life! no more corona!

suggestions if you like some of the lighter (not carb wise..pussy drinks) beers out there:

konnenburg 1664, warsteiner, drakos, and if you want to get trashed for cheap, steel reserve hahaha. seriously 6 bucks gets you a 12 pack and its 8.5% abv.

Originally posted by Darko
Baahahaha! There was a 75$ contest for who could come up with the best shirt idea. I submited "Hit it before the hair does" with a picture of a baby with its thumb up...they never replied. Bastards..
haha you sick bastard
Old 2007-09-21, 03:55
the siamese
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
i don't know shit about wine..except that red has the highest ABV.

ooh you miss something seriously, wine is really good, for your health and for the taste.

I can give you few good ones if you wanna try it one day!
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I'd cum in her even if it was my own daugther.

Originally Posted by Bassbehemoth
Sick. It's an overly sugared and overly carbonated vagina drink.
Old 2007-09-21, 07:11
xgrafcorex's Avatar
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i'll keep that in mind. i'm not crazy about wine really..have had a few good ones, don't really remember the names accept one. reisling. a german white wine. someone said it was a good one to try first since it is appealing to a broader segment of the market and doesn't have too bold of a flavor. that way, people that haven't developed a taste for the stuff won't be overpowered with flavor they aren't used to.

i've gotten drunk off wine a number of times..and even have had a glass with dinner a few times..just hasn't grabbed me yet.

drank a glass of lagunitas the censored rich copper ale earlier. pretty good sheeit. had a very nice smell thanks to plenty of hops, and also a nice hoppy bitterness. lagunitas really has some good beers..haven't tried them all, but hopefully i will one day. my favorite is their sirius cream ale. that shit is GREAT! by the way, the name is spanish..but they are from california.
Old 2007-09-21, 15:59
BassBehemoth's Avatar
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I'm hungover lolololol.

Me and three good friends went out 'pub' hopping. First we got an 18oz at the Granite Brewery, a brew up which also exists in Toronto. We ate at Rogue's Roost, a really good brew pub. They had two new beers since last time I went, a wiezen and a dunkel wiezen. I only had the dunkel wiezen and it was very delicious. Also had a Porter there. These were all 18oz. Then we went to the local beer bar and I got a pitcher of St. Ambroise OS for myself. Went to two more Irish pubs and a couple more pitchers later before walking home for 50 minutes.

I wish I could elaborate on my story, but my head really hurts. The two Irish pubs bought had live fiddlers and guitarists playing. I always enjoy that SO much more than terrible rap songs/pop rock which was playing everywhere else we went.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-09-22, 04:45
mathias krieg
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that sounds like a great day.
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.
Old 2007-09-22, 05:23
xgrafcorex's Avatar
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mmmmmmmmm pitcher of st. ambroise oatmeal stout.

today i just had a bottle of fuller's esb. i've had this stuff for a few weeks since whenever i get more rum, i pick up a few bottles to try out..or just ones i already know i like but haven't had in a while.
Old 2007-09-22, 18:41
the siamese
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last night i had some Tord-Vis and heineken. Tord-Vis, is a strong maple really tastes like maple wood...its weird, not that good, but not that bad. I dont think there are some other than here
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I'd cum in her even if it was my own daugther.

Originally Posted by Bassbehemoth
Sick. It's an overly sugared and overly carbonated vagina drink.
Old 2007-09-22, 21:14
mathias krieg
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i can't believe I only have 3 beers in the fridge... 2 flying dog IPAs and a 420 pale ale. We're under beer alert orange here... tomorrow could be code red, empty fridge eminent.
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.
Old 2007-09-22, 23:05
moe_blunts's Avatar
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pretty damn good. I made the mistake of drinking this beer straight from the bottle the other night. That really intensified the flavor. It tastes MUCH MUCH better when poured into a pint glass.


I'ma try a beer analysis.

The color is burnt the texas longhorns jerserys.

Smell is absolutely amazing. Smells of cinamon, subtle fruit and alcohol. This is one of the best aspects of the beer.

Mouth feel is quite nice as well. Good carbonation and tounge senstation (lolololol).

Drinkibility...I could most definately drink another one if I had one. And then another, and another.

Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-09-22, 23:18
mathias krieg
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thats one of the ones i wanna try before the autumn is over.. monday when i get to the beer store i might get some post road pumpkin ale if it's arrived here. Samuel adams octoberfest if not.. its not pumpkin-related but a pretty good autumn beer this year.

i'm drinking the third & final IPA now, definitely a red alert in the fridge. I know i informaly revirewd it before but i got to say, snake dog IPA is a good little hop bomb. All the beeradvocate reviews that trash it for being unbalanced and too hoppy are absolutely correct, but its up to the drinker whether this is good or bad. since we dont have any truly great hopped up beers here I think it's a good thing, when you need that hops fix.
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.
Old 2007-09-23, 01:08
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Originally Posted by moe_blunts

i was surprised how much i liked that one. having not cared for the only other pumpkin beer i've ever had, it was a nice surprise. i think part of it was that the pumpkin flavor is not very strong at all. the other beer (shipyard pumpkinhead) was all about the pumpkin and it was the dominant flavor. could barely even taste pumpkin in the dfh if i recall correctly.

i agree mathias, i like the snake dog...heh personally i think some of the trash that is talked on flying dog is because they are getting bigger as a brewery and suddenly isn't as underground/elite. that shit happens with everything that gets bigger. they aren't my favorite brewery or anything, but they make great session beers..and they aren't expensive as hell.

drinking the murphy's stout right now. not as good as i remembered..but it does have a creamyness to it that i remember. reminds me a lot of guinness really. i think it smells better, a bit like roasted malt, but tastes very similar.
Old 2007-09-23, 02:16
mathias krieg
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we got some Murphys in here recently... haven't tried it. I haven't gotten into irish style stouts yet... I've had a few guinness extra stouts (6%) but i don't remember if I really liked em or not.
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.
Old 2007-09-23, 02:44
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
i was surprised how much i liked that one. having not cared for the only other pumpkin beer i've ever had, it was a nice surprise. i think part of it was that the pumpkin flavor is not very strong at all. the other beer (shipyard pumpkinhead) was all about the pumpkin and it was the dominant flavor. could barely even taste pumpkin in the dfh if i recall correctly.

yeah totally i loved the punkin ale but there was hardly any pumpkin in there. it was all warm spices
Old 2007-09-24, 01:39
BassBehemoth's Avatar
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
mmmmmmmmm pitcher of st. ambroise oatmeal stout.

Yeah, it's great shit but it makes you fat. Not to mention I shit 5 times(no shit lololol) the next day.

I bought a quart of Wild Turkey last night for UFC. A little is left. I was a gobbling. I forgot how deceiving that drink goes very well with Canada Dry ginger ale, even at 50/50 mixed drinks.

Although I don't recommend 3 and a half hours of sleep and then working 8 and a half hours. lololol.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.

Last edited by BassBehemoth : 2007-09-24 at 13:40.
Old 2007-09-24, 03:49
xgrafcorex's Avatar
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
I bought a quart of Wild Turkey last night for UFC. A little is left. I was a gobbling. I forgot how deceiving that drink goes very well with Canada Dry ginger ale, even at 50/50 shots.

the only shots i mix are for car bombs...other than that, shots are for straight booze.

had that tennant's english ale...meh. was alright...sorta bitter, but not too much. had a nice head though..i took a pic..will post it later. seems all the canned beers with those nitrogen widgets have a similar feel to them.
Old 2007-09-24, 04:07
the siamese
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i want beer.....a real good beer dammit!!
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I'd cum in her even if it was my own daugther.

Originally Posted by Bassbehemoth
Sick. It's an overly sugared and overly carbonated vagina drink.
Old 2007-09-24, 13:39
BassBehemoth's Avatar
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
the only shots i mix are for car bombs...other than that, shots are for straight booze.

Whoops, I didn't mean 50/50 shots at all. I meant half and half mixed drinks.

What am I, some kind of pussy? lol.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-09-24, 16:35
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haha was wondering.

i know a guy back where i used to live that did that shit when we were taking shots of whiskey. he never heard the end of it.

gonna hit up total today as i was much lower on rum last night than i thought. will probably grab a couple beers since i can never resist going down the beer isle. then once i'm there..i can't help myself from grabbing a few. we need a barney (not the dinosaur) icon.

someone i know lives in the two next to this one, and he told me there is a brewery around here called the dunedin brewing co. i've had their piper's pale ale, but none of their other stuff. it was alright..nothing to write home about. regardless, it will be fun to hang out, visit the brewery, and of course, kick back a few of their beers (hopefully on tap). he also told me about a place nearby that has ~100 beers on tap. they have to have at least SOME good beer...i don't know that there are 100 macro lagers in existence hah.
Old 2007-09-24, 19:05
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100 beers on tap? Awesome. I think the most here is 60 beers on tap, with like 100 bottled beer. But a lot of it you can get in bottles and on draught, and it's still clogged with a lot of domestic and imported garbage. Mmmmhmm, India's finest 'pilsner' thanks.

I still haven't been over to Garrison to pick up their "Harvest Wheat" weizen, but apparently a few guys on BA are enjoying it. The brewery is about a 10 minute walk from where I work on weekends.

Bah, I'm still somewhat in a beer depression though. It only seems me and my craft beer friends have tried practically everything except a couple of rotating releases that some brew pubs have on.

Graf, what rum are you drinking? Craft rum I hope. haha. Have you ever seen any Rogue spirits in stores?
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-09-24, 20:54
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Mmmmhmm, India's finest 'pilsner' thanks.

hahah yea, i know what you mean. i actually grabbed a few pilsners today randomly since one was the only beer i haven't had (that's available here) from lagunitas brewing co. and the other was the same situation but clipper city brewing co. the second one is new to the store too, so i grabbed that.

Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Bah, I'm still somewhat in a beer depression though. It only seems me and my craft beer friends have tried practically everything except a couple of rotating releases that some brew pubs have on.

Graf, what rum are you drinking? Craft rum I hope. haha. Have you ever seen any Rogue spirits in stores?

that sucks about the beer..take a trip to maine i guess one day. shitty deal on the beer distribution there. gotta get the petition going!

or maybe it's time to try that indian pilsner. i'd give it a go..but i'm pretty sure we both would be expecting about the same out of it haha. craft rum. i'm on a budget. just been going through handles of clear bacardi rum. i think it's 16.99 a handle. i know there are some cheaper ones..but i guess i just didn't feel like going THAT cheap. maybe i should though. having no income sucks. i did just get my security deposit back from the house we were renting though.

the other two bottles i got today were great divide hercules double ipa, which i haven't had in a while..but gd makes awesome beers (they made that yeti i sent you), and i like their IPAs. and the other is a cider...woodchuck rasberry cider. haha yea yea... almost felt funny buying it, but woodchuck makes some kickass ciders, and i've never seen this one. so i pretty much had to get it.
Old 2007-09-24, 22:26
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex craft rum. i'm on a budget. just been going through handles of clear bacardi rum. i think it's 16.99 a handle. i know there are some cheaper ones..but i guess i just didn't feel like going THAT cheap. maybe i should though. having no income sucks. i did just get my security deposit back from the house we were renting though.

For a money-saving drink, you can't beat cheap Vodka

The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
The Truth of The Truth

Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven
Old 2007-09-25, 00:10
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i was drinking vodka..but i'm not fan of that stuff. was mixing it with juice and all that sugar isn't good for me if i'm trying to lose weight..i think there are a lot of carbs in that stuff too.
Old 2007-09-25, 03:02
mathias krieg
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the first alcohol I ever drank was whiskey, neat (Early Times). I got pissed drunk off that stuff a number of times... now when I try to take bourbon neat or even on ice I can't choke it down. I try to drink it like beer, I guess, instead of sipping or shooting it, it may be a technique issue.
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.
Old 2007-09-25, 16:22
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first i ever had was beer..just sips from my dad. the first shit i drank on my own, that i can recall, were 40s of malt liquor.

i think today i'm finally gonna smoke my cigar and have a glass of sam adams cream stout...also thinking the samiclaus (forget the spelling) could go well with the cigar, just kinda want to taste that one on its own. not sure i'll like it...guess time will tell.
Old 2007-09-25, 22:14
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enjoying this:

rather hoppy...still delicious. highly recommended.
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-09-25, 22:17
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stone doesn't get distributed in florida, so i've never had the pleasure of drinking any of their beers.
Old 2007-09-25, 22:31
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Have you ever tried Arrogant Bastard?
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-09-26, 00:36
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nope, nor have i had the oaked bastard..i think that's what it's called. just an oak aged version. once i move, hopefully i'll be able to get my hands on some or all of the stone beers.
Old 2007-09-26, 03:46
mathias krieg
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I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.
Old 2007-09-26, 18:13
ahumansdystopia's Avatar
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were so lucky in vegas to have a spot called the freakin frog they have over 200 beers on tap and over 750 diffrent type of bottles and they get metal bands to play there but yeah I need a new ipa to try since I havent gotten to try enough any recomendations?
Old 2007-09-26, 20:06
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Dogfish Head: the best
Stone IPA is delicious

Ask graf....lololololol
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-09-26, 20:27
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Originally Posted by ahumansdystopia
were so lucky in vegas to have a spot called the freakin frog they have over 200 beers on tap and over 750 diffrent type of bottles and they get metal bands to play there but yeah I need a new ipa to try since I havent gotten to try enough any recomendations?

Jesus Lord.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-09-26, 22:27
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Jesus Lord.

well put. that's a fuckload of beer! looks like i've been praying in the wrong direction.

haha yea, stone ipa is delicious. at least that's what i've heard several times.

some other ones to try are avery ipa, bell's two hearted ale, harpoon ipa, lagunitas ipa, any of the ipas from great divide (titan ipa, and hercules double ipa (had one last night)), snake dog ipa from flying dog, sierra nevada makes an ipa that i've only seen on sale for a short period of time..but to be honest, i think i like the regular pale ale a little more. plenty more out there for sure.
Old 2007-09-27, 01:23
Dyvim Tvar's Avatar
Dyvim Tvar
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My Grandad and I just finished with;
4X Marston's Old Empire
1X Marston's Double Drop
1X Isle of Arran Blonde
1X Fursty Ferret
1X Bateman's XXXB

All fantastic beers, well recommended!
Originally Posted by Def
Shadow dragon:

Take her from behind, then pretend like you're gonna cum, retract and spit on her back.
Then when she turns around blow your load in her face
Old 2007-09-27, 03:59
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can't say i've heard of any of those. would give them a go, just not sure if they sell them here.

a little bit ago i had a dark cigar with sam adams cream stout. man..that beer just couldn't stand up to the cigar. stopped drinking the beer since i wanted to actually taste it. not sure that i had ever had it before. was alright, but i think the cigar taste was still kinda interfering with getting a good taste.
Old 2007-09-27, 15:00
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graf when do your glory days of beer and laziness end (going to the navy right?)
Old 2007-09-27, 16:30
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haha at this rate, it seems like never. i've been slacking somewhat.. weight has gone mainly down, but has gone up a little here and there, also i haven't been working as hard as i should on push ups. still can't do 50ish in 2 minutes.

i think the problem is two fold. one is me being lazy, two is this damn liquor. if i stay up till 3 or 4 drinking, i don't wake up early, and when i do, i feel either still drunk or just out of it. haven't really had a real hangover, just don't feel like i should go running in the sun or whatever.

something has to change..and i think, sadly, that this might be the last handle i buy. living at my grandmas house is sorta getting to me now. gotta get out of here.
Old 2007-09-27, 16:41
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Anyone ever heard of Lang Brothers Ltd, Dumgoyne and Glasgow, 8 year old blend whisky? I found an old empty crate in my garage and I might clean it up and use it. I haven't found too much on the net about it, but I think the business was under that name in the mid 1900's. I'm just curious about the age of the crate. Thanks!
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-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!
Old 2007-09-27, 17:24
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
haha at this rate, it seems like never. i've been slacking somewhat.. weight has gone mainly down, but has gone up a little here and there, also i haven't been working as hard as i should on push ups. still can't do 50ish in 2 minutes.

i think the problem is two fold. one is me being lazy, two is this damn liquor. if i stay up till 3 or 4 drinking, i don't wake up early, and when i do, i feel either still drunk or just out of it. haven't really had a real hangover, just don't feel like i should go running in the sun or whatever.

something has to change..and i think, sadly, that this might be the last handle i buy. living at my grandmas house is sorta getting to me now. gotta get out of here.

i gotta say man you drink pretty heavily. you enjoy the beer and all that , but still, seems like youre well over 3 beers a day and the fact that youve switched to liquor just so you can continue getting that feeling is a little troubling

dont want to get into your business, though

as for exercise you just gotta make it part of your routine, the same as showering (hopefully haha), going to work, etc. make it so that it feels like somethings amiss if you dont exercise that day, as opposed to feeling the opposite
Old 2007-09-28, 04:14
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well, i used to drink a lot more than i do now..i'm down to 1 beer a day, except sometimes like this weekend when i go to my friends house for the weekend. though i do drink the rum instead. sometimes it gets a bit out of hand.. but i was worse off a year ago.

yea, gotta start getting strict on myself and try to make a scheduled time and just get to it. it's annoying going from years of lack of activity and drinking and smoking, to not smoking, drinking less, and running/working out.
Old 2007-09-28, 08:16
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clipper city - small craft warning. "uber pils" aka pilsner. this is fucking incredible for a lager. perhaps the best lager i've EVER had. smells fairly hoppy but in a fruity way. can't pinpoint the fruit..but it smells great...very similar to ales i've had. sort of piney smelling actually..just in a sweet way.

taste is very much the same. medium body, sorta hoppy..not very bitter though..a little. piney, sweet, delicious. this is bottle conditioned. (first time i've had a bottle conditioned lager.) all of the beers i've had from this brewer are bottle conditioned. this stuff easily shames many an ale. very good stuff. would buy again, and would drink it for free in a heartbeat. well unless there was other superior drinks available. i would still get around to it though. still seems a tiny bit lacking in flavor as all lagers do, but just BARELY. i think i would say this is the best lager i've ever had.

edit..forgot to mention, this stuff is 7% ..could be the strongest lager i've ever had too.

Last edited by xgrafcorex : 2007-09-28 at 08:19.
Old 2007-09-28, 14:41
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hardly sounds like a pils at all!
Old 2007-09-28, 22:10
mathias krieg
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Dogtoberfest is good this year... I've got some others to try this weekend.
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.
Old 2007-09-28, 23:40
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going to be trying darvocet for pain management now... taking a test run tonight so that means no alcohol for me! (its mixed with acetaminophen, a liver no-no)
Old 2007-09-30, 01:40
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mom brought home two cans of beer from china, and a cool beer glass too!!
asahi which i believe you can find in stores here, and REEB which is a brand of beer pretty much only found in shanghai
Old 2007-09-30, 01:57
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Originally Posted by Transient
mom brought home two cans of beer from china, and a cool beer glass too!!
asahi which i believe you can find in stores here, and REEB which is a brand of beer pretty much only found in shanghai

Speaking of Asahi...
Old 2007-09-30, 02:26
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lolcatz ftw
Old 2007-09-30, 05:26
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That's really one of my favorites.
Old 2007-09-30, 06:37
mathias krieg
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i had some white russians at my friend's house, he lives with his mom but she's a bartender.. makes a good drink.

I'm having the Dry Hopped St. Rogue Red Ale now and it's splendid... definitely one you should pick up. It looks and smells incredible, and thats before you even get it in your mouth... i think im too drunk to really sort out the boquet but it's good beer, Rogue kicks ass and takes names.
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.
Old 2007-10-01, 05:27
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haven't had that rogue before. i did come across some one of your favorites it seems. found some of that 420 extra pale ale while i was visiting my friends in northern florida. grabbed a 6 pack since you have mentioned it several times. good stuff. great hop bitterness. gonna have the last one tomorrow and i'll get a pic and try to sit down and write a review.
Old 2007-10-01, 06:35
mathias krieg
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I had 2 of them tonight... it's not the best pale ale i've had but it's good and cheap and local, so it gets my seal of approval as an everyday beer. If you see their IPA it's a must-buy though.

I was so drunk I dont remember drinking that Rogue really... i just took a whiff from the empty bottle and it smells like a hop vine is growing inside it. It's worth revisiting.

oh, looks like i am finally going to Georgia this week to get some good beer. I'll probably get 4 six-packs worth total (budget, transportation, and storage concerns), I need to figure out what I'm looking for. There's so many... I've got to get a Belgian or two, maybe Duvel or a Chimay or something Belgian-style and cheaper like La Fin Du Monde. I need imperial stouts and IPAs and double IPAs and barleywines, god damn there's too much beer in the world (fortunately).
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.

Last edited by mathias krieg : 2007-10-01 at 07:11.
Old 2007-10-01, 14:53
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Old 2007-10-02, 03:02
xgrafcorex's Avatar
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haven't had any in a while. tonight is day two of my attempt to become a weekend warrior. (again) didn't even have a single beer or any liquor yesterday..right now i'm drinking my first and only beer for today/tonight.

sweet water brewing co. 420 extra pale ale

poured it pretty slow..had much nicer looking head the other beers i drank. first thing you smell are the hops. made me smile though, i love hoppy beers. slightly piney smelling too. picking up a faint background of yeast i think.

tastes good. pretty bitter, not overly bitter. medium-light body. taste is overall hoppy, with a bit of malt in the background to balance it out. finishes with the sort of yeast/bread flavor that i could smell. very easy to drink..would get more down the road. only thing is i've only seen it on sale at a grocery store a few hours from here.

mathias you said they have an IPA too? i'd definitely like to get my hands on that. i think next time i go to my friends, i'll probably try the other offering they had. unfortunately i don't remember which one it was.
Old 2007-10-02, 14:36
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I just had a growler of Garrison Imperial Pale Ale(6.9%) over the weekend and some Wiser's Special Reserve Canadian Whiskey. The new Garrison is very good, definitely will trade it to anyone that wants to try a damn good 'western american' styled canadian IPA. Unfiltered. From the brewmaster:

Stat are now:
OG 1.069
FG 1.015
IBU's 70
ABV ~ 6.9%

I guess he even plans to making it even bigger. I tried their new unfiltered Weizen but brushed my teeth right before hand so that was a mistake.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-10-02, 22:06
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Currently enjoying a

It deserves a way higher rating. What are some other beers that ya'll think are over/under rated?
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-10-02, 22:43
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in my opinion, all the flying dog beers are underrated. i think part of it is backlash for them being a very successful small brewery that seems on the verge of being a much larger brewery. not that i think they'll ever become as popular as shit like budweiser and all that, but they are definitely getting more popular.

Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
The new Garrison is very good, definitely will trade it to anyone that wants to try a damn good 'western american' styled canadian IPA. Unfiltered. From the brewmaster:

Stat are now:
OG 1.069
FG 1.015
IBU's 70
ABV ~ 6.9%

I guess he even plans to making it even bigger. I tried their new unfiltered Weizen but brushed my teeth right before hand so that was a mistake.

what's FG? i guess OG is original gangsta..or maybe original gravity? i don't know how that works either hah.

ouch! yea, never brush your teeth right before a beer. haha i misread it and thought at first you brushed your teeth after because it was unfiltered.

i'd be down for another trade. i don't have much for packing material, but i can get stuff. doesn't have to be for a large amount of beer either..not sure how much more shipping would go up, and i don't have much money to work with.

Last edited by xgrafcorex : 2007-10-02 at 22:47.
Old 2007-10-03, 05:07
mathias krieg
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hey motherfuckers... I just got home... I have a HAUL. It was a great day.

First stop: greens beverages, ponce de leon location.

4 pack of old rasputin
6 pack of lagunitas IPA
4 pack of la fin du monde
a 22 oz highland scotch ale
a 22 oz rogue chocolate stout
a 22 oz great divide yeti stout
one lonely Rochefort 10

then we headed over to the Brick Store Pub which was just great... they have outdoor seating, indoor restarant seating, the bar, and a separate bar for Belgian beers... lots of stuff on tap and bottles and proper glassware and serving for everything (except temps, everything has to come out cold the way it's set up). I had a medium-cooked cheddar burger and some thick wedge fries (chips) that was great, and started with a rogue imperial baltic porter that is a limited release, never bottled. It was amazing... if you can find a beer bar that has it, go. Someone forgot to mark the tap handle for it to be a 16 oz poured beer so we got full imperial pints of it accidentally, the extra 4oz on the house. We got free samples of lagunitas imperial red just because we noticed they had it on tap and mentioned it. Then I had a glass of water, which tasted bad (come on now), and a sweetwater ipa from the tap... it doesn't get better.

then, onwards to Greens Beverage, the second and smaller store location. Here I bought 2 nonic pint glasses and beer:
22oz young's oatmeal stout
4 pack of samuel smith's imperial stout
6 pack of DFH 60 minute IPA
4 pack of DFH punkin ale
4 pack of DUVEL
22 oz great divide old ruffian
1 LITER of Sweetwater donkey punch

for my friend who likes weissbier and samuel adams, I picked up bombers of weihenstephaner dunkelweizen and kristallweizen as well as a bottle of sam adams hefe which strangely i've never seen here.

fuck.... i'm going to just sit and think about it for awhile.

I cant say enough about the Brick Store Pub.. if you happen to be in the greater atlanta area, thats where you should be drinking. "no televisions, no neon, no obnoxious music and no major domestic beers"
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.

Last edited by mathias krieg : 2007-10-03 at 06:01.
Old 2007-10-03, 14:59
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hahaha jesus thats a lot of beer!!
Old 2007-10-03, 16:00
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have you had all those beers? or giving some a go for the first time? you certainly picked out some good ones. i haven't had a few of them, but i love many of them, and really like most of the rest. how much did all that run you? i've never made a beer run of that magnitude before, but i've spent near $100 before in one stop..though i think i might've had a big bottle of scotch in there as well.

whatever you do, i'd supplement all that beer with something cheaper so you don't kill a huge chunk of it in one night hah. that would suck to consume your whole haul in a few days since you'd have to make another road trip.
Old 2007-10-03, 16:55
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sweetwater donkey punch? lololololol what a lovely name!!!
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-10-03, 18:09
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
what's FG? i guess OG is original gangsta..or maybe original gravity? i don't know how that works either hah.

ouch! yea, never brush your teeth right before a beer. haha i misread it and thought at first you brushed your teeth after because it was unfiltered.

i'd be down for another trade. i don't have much for packing material, but i can get stuff. doesn't have to be for a large amount of beer either..not sure how much more shipping would go up, and i don't have much money to work with.

Original Gravity and Final Gravity.

haha, I brushed my teeth because I didn't know my friend would show up and give me beer. The Mill Street Belgian Wit was very delicious too..I hope to see that coming up here sometime that's for sure.

I don't have a lot of money right now either, perhaps we should wait a bit before we trade? The Garrison IPA is damn good, Propeller is practically piss compared to it. I hate to say that but it's true. lol.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-10-03, 18:26
mathias krieg
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i think it cost me about around $90 altogether... I'm definitely not drinking it all in one place. Most of the stuff would be best kept around for a few months to age anyway. It would take me a few hours to drink a 10% apv bomber, and I definitely need someone to help me with the donkey punch. Although it's one of the swing top corked bottles, maybe i could drink it over a weekend.

I haven't tried any of those before, that was the whole point of the trip really. None of them are legal here

very hard to sit in the same room with them, with a clean glass sitting in front of me, and not start drinking.
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.

Last edited by mathias krieg : 2007-10-03 at 18:38.
Old 2007-10-03, 20:09
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only 90? good god....
Old 2007-10-03, 20:32
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Original Gravity and Final Gravity.

I don't have a lot of money right now either, perhaps we should wait a bit before we trade? The Garrison IPA is damn good, Propeller is practically piss compared to it. I hate to say that but it's true. lol.

hmm i'll have to read up on the gravity bit. i assume it has to do with alcohol content since shit like steel reserve says high gravity and it is stronger than most other malt liquors. who knows..

edit..actually just took a shit and did a bit of reading from my beer book and came across the definition of original gravity. the amount of sugar in the wort before i'm guessing the final is how much is left which would make it more sweet? i would guess the yeast would consume it all, though i really can't say for sure..i could also see how there could bee too much for the amount of yeast used.

hah well the thing with me, is that i will have less money the more i least until i start my next job.

mathias you are in for a treat then, a lot of those beers are really good. my favorites of the bunch are the la fin du monde, yeti stout, ss is, and the old rasputin..though i will definitely be buying more of a lot of the others.

haven't had the highland scotch ale, or the donkey punch. the only one i didn't care for out of the whole bunch was the old ruffian. it is a favorite for many people..i'm just not into the whole barleywine thing.

Last edited by xgrafcorex : 2007-10-03 at 21:19.
Old 2007-10-04, 04:13
mathias krieg
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the guy who drove the van recommended the Highland stuff, it looks interesting. And the donkey punch is going to be a rare item fast, I hear it's much more of a double IPA than a barleywine, style-wise. Thats what the BA reviews say, and people I actually talked to about it.

Tonight i got to have Lazy Magnolia Southern Pecan brown ale. It was very enjoyable. I think Lazy Mag is working on a bottling line, but for now it's only available on taps in the southeast (brewed in Mississippi, a state with beer laws as bad as Alabama). It was a very good nut brown ale, and at 4% alcohol even I could have a pitcher of it. Too bad the place sucked (they tried to serve me a plastic cup, and when I asked for a glass the only one they could find was in the freezer. What kind of bar, even a shoddy restaurant bar, only has one fucking glass? and I was accosted by some drunk who wanted me to help him break into his car) but the beer was enjoyable and I wasnt paying
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.
Old 2007-10-04, 14:19
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all this talk of old rasputin reminds me. i bought a four pack of that in the summer and only drank two. it was way too hot, it was uncomfortable to drink such a drink. so ive got two in my dark cellar! waiting til about xmas time

i dont know that ill be able to tell the difference...
Old 2007-10-05, 05:17
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Originally Posted by Transient
all this talk of old rasputin reminds me. i bought a four pack of that in the summer and only drank two. it was way too hot, it was uncomfortable to drink such a drink. so ive got two in my dark cellar! waiting til about xmas time

i dont know that ill be able to tell the difference...

what temp is it in your cellar? if you look on BA, they have the ideal temps listed for cellaring each beer. you may notice a difference..i'd say you should shoot for about a year at least. or even have one at a year, then the next half a year or a full year later to see how it changes.
Old 2007-10-05, 14:44
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
what temp is it in your cellar? if you look on BA, they have the ideal temps listed for cellaring each beer. you may notice a difference..i'd say you should shoot for about a year at least. or even have one at a year, then the next half a year or a full year later to see how it changes.

no idea ... id guess a damp 60s. a year? can do, i guess. im in no hurry

whats the difference in taste anyway?
Old 2007-10-05, 14:51
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well i've never had a well aged one..mine were kept in unideal conditions and didn't turn out good. something i was worried about from the get go.

overall it should have a smoother taste..instead of being able to pick out different distinct flavors, they should all sort of mesh together into one nice flavor. beers with lots of hoppy flavor (i don't think old rasputin counts there) tend to lose their hoppy edge for a more mellow flavor..i guess more balanced by the other ingredients.
Old 2007-10-06, 03:50
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,
Old 2007-10-06, 03:52
mathias krieg
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i've got a few of my beers put up in here in the den, just in a compartmentalized wine box with a blanket thrown over them to block out the light. The beers are all strong (the yeti and olds ruffian and rasputin and the highland stuff) and everything but Old rasputin is in bombers. Its unseasonably fuckin warm here (high 80s) but I think its all going to hold up fine for a few weeks. It will be colder by then and my house will be basically cellar temp during the night and not much warmer during the day. I just dont have room in the fridges for everything. I also don't have a basement or anything.

what kind of unideal conditions are you talking about?

oh, la fin du monde = yes.

edit: i'm not drunk on lfdm anymore... the DFH 60 minute IPA is excellent, i was really surprised that its got a bitter coffee/roasted malt finish, not what I was expecting from an IPA at all. I had the Punkin Ale earlier today, the Dogfish Head guys dont fuck around man. well except for the Liquor de Malt, thats qualified as fucking around.
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.

Last edited by mathias krieg : 2007-10-06 at 06:32.
Old 2007-10-06, 16:11
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i had some beers in my closet.. (which was always open since i had my snake cages set up in there) i had them covered so they were in the dark..but it was just room temp..somewhere around the mid to upper 70s, besides when our ac died.
Old 2007-10-07, 00:53
mathias krieg
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i;'m having Old Raspy now... this is what i've been looking for in a beer. Balls to the wall man... reminds me of Rogue's Mocha Porter, but more like 3 of those concentrated in a 12 oz stubby. It almost gushed over the top of my 16 oz nonic when i poured it (I said "noooo!" luckily the head stayed together just barely over the rim) and then it became some freaky mountain of foam that was higher in the center than around the edges. I poured the last bit of beer in the center and turned it into a donut.

It looks like I had a milkshake in the glass now. I've finally figured out how to clean my glasses and get satisfactory head retention and lacing. I rinse the glass out, then i pour some salt around the inside and scrub with a paper towel (pushed by a slender object like a flashlight or whatever's handy if I can't get my hand deep enough), then rinse fuckin thouroughly with hot water and then cold water. No salty beer yet. I sample some water or take a big whiff to make sure it doesn't smell like the beach before I rinse a final time and let it dry prior to beer insertion. I hear baking soda is good too, and there's that commercial Beer Clean stuff too that would be good if you wanted to clean a full load of glasses in the sink or something. Liquid dish soap isn't the answer though...
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.

Last edited by mathias krieg : 2007-10-07 at 00:56.
Old 2007-10-07, 01:37
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had some sam adams october fest, by far the BEST of any sam adams variety. absolutely DELICIOUS went really well with my stir fry
Old 2007-10-07, 03:01
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Originally Posted by Transient
had some sam adams october fest, by far the BEST of any sam adams variety. absolutely DELICIOUS went really well with my stir fry

my friend went to pick some up the other day, and the store was sold out. thats probably not uncommon at the start of this month

he got dark Heineken, instead. im having the last one now.
Old 2007-10-08, 17:03
the siamese
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All the week end I drank Griffon extra blonde. A beer from MacAulsan, brewed here.

And I had Sapporo. Both was quite good.

2 12 pack Griffon extra blonde
1 6 pack Sapporo
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I'd cum in her even if it was my own daugther.

Originally Posted by Bassbehemoth
Sick. It's an overly sugared and overly carbonated vagina drink.
Old 2007-10-08, 17:20
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last night i had a woodchuck raspberry cider. had basically no head at all. the little that appeared, disappeared just as fast. it was ok though..a bit sweet for my taste. i normally wouldn't buy that stuff..but i've had all the other ciders from woodchuck, and they do make some damn good ciders. also killed the last of my rum for the weekend. tonight i'm gonna have another beer..not sure which one yet. i have a samichlaus in the fridge ..some copper ale (forget the brewer..otter creek i think), and another beer that i can't remember. i have some others..but to keep from clogging up the fridge, i just have a few in there that i replace as i drink.
Old 2007-10-08, 22:59
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currently enjoying this:

Fantastic beer. Reminds me of a slightly less alcoholic Duvel...which it pretty much is. They are both Belgium style ales...this one is 7.7% abv and the Duvel is 9% abv. Very tastey brew. I'll be pickin this one up more often.
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-10-09, 00:52
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i agree, that hennepin kicks ass! try all the beers from ommegang. i liked all their beers that i've been able to buy. they aren't too expensive either compared to other beers of similar styles.

had some of this the other day.

pretty good..not one of my favorite beers, but was more than pleased with it. will definitely pick up some more soon. (i don't think they make it anymore..was just a limited run.)

smells fruity, and a floral hoppy aroma, even a tad bit of citrus. light sweet/malty smell.

the taste is the opposite. sweet maltyness dominates, while a background flavor of hops and citrus follow.

having some of this now.

samichlaus..14% doppelbock.

the bottle says "brewed only once a year on december 6. samichlaus is aged for 10 months before bottling. this beer is perhaps the rarest in the world. Samichlaus may be aged for many years to come. older vintages become more complex with a creamy warming finish." it also says that this one was bottled in it has had some time to age.

wasn't much of a head at all..none in the pic, but i didn't take it right away.

it smells strong and kinda strange. definitely can pick up a bit of the alcohol in the scent. the smell makes me think of barley wine style other words, the smell doesn't win any points from me. not sure if i'm gonna like this one. it also kinda smells sour..another kind of beer i don't care for. smells of dark malt also, but i think the alcohol covers up some of the subtleties. there is a faint dark fruit smell to it as well..this stuff is pretty complex.

well the alcohol doesn't come through in the taste really. for being 14% ABV, this stuff is very smooth. there isn't as much of a sour flavor as i was expecting. it's actually a pretty tasty beer. different though..i guess i'm not too experienced with doppelbocks maybe that has a bit to do with it as well.

it is sweet, in a dark fruit sort of plums. the bottle says it's a malt liquor, and i can say i don't taste any hops. it is malty though, very sweet overall..and as with the smell, the taste is pretty complex. i am enjoying this beer much more than i thought i would based on smell alone.

worth trying if you want to go for something a bit different.
Old 2007-10-09, 04:28
mathias krieg
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tonight I will have Duvel...

I'm thinking about having the 1 liter donkey punch on my own, friday or saturday. I think I could make a day of it.
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.
Old 2007-10-09, 05:51
xgrafcorex's Avatar
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sounds like a plan. i've had my beer for the day.. it actually turned out to be a pretty damn good beer. from the smell and review i first read, i was worried that i wasn't gonna like it at all. i could definitely go for another one right now.
Old 2007-10-09, 05:58
mathias krieg
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Duvel is amazing... gets better with every drink. Some beers i tend to get tired of, and start picking up off-flavors i'm not into towards the bottom, but this is pretty incredible stuff. I wasn't as on fire for La Fin Du Monde the first time I tried it, but I look forward to revisiting it soon.

I'm hoping to travel to the Gulf Coast later this month, during which time I will make the hop to Pensacola and get a few decent beers. I understand there's a trio of stores that have a fair selection (surely beats anything we have here) including Belgians, Great Divide, Dogfish Head, and Rogue. I hope to get some local trades out of the trip too for Stone beers.
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.

Last edited by mathias krieg : 2007-10-09 at 06:02.
Old 2007-10-09, 12:18
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Old 2007-10-09, 15:04
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But why is the rum gone ?
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wats happening cunts..long time no see

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely

Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist

Join The Forum CUNT
Old 2007-10-09, 17:51
mathias krieg
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guinness has little skydiving dudes in it... i dont need that shit
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweet beer.
Old 2007-10-09, 17:54
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The Doctor
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hmm, i really dislike Duvel, guess i got too drunk of it once

Now im really into Weizen-beers (wheat), like Schneiders, Grolsch and Franziskaner. And if you want to drink a nice blonde one, get Lucifer (beer of the year 2004)
Old 2007-10-09, 21:41
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Originally Posted by mathias krieg
guinness has little skydiving dudes in it... i dont need that shit

thats an awesome ad!
Old 2007-10-10, 00:25
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having a glass of terrapin all american imperial pilsner.

excellent head retention...most of that head in the pic is still there. 8.1% according to the bottle..BA says 8.0..not much of a difference really ha.

smell is interesting..malty first and foremost, smells very citrusy with a decent aroma of hops as well. can barely detect the alcohol if i give it a bit of a swirl and take a good strong sniff.

tastes not quite as good as it smells. seems to have the hops and citrus flavor up front which shifts towards a malty sweetness and finishes kinda dry. medium to medium light is a pilsner..but then again it's a double/imperial pilsner. a certain degree of hop bitterness remains throughout the whole tasting. i guess that is where the dry finish is coming from.

good beer, especially considering it's a pilsner, but like other beers i've had from isn't amazing by any means. i'll still continue to try their other beers, as all of their beers are good, drinkable, and unique in one way or another. maybe my opinion of it will change as it warms up or i just drink more of it...that samichlaus last night sure changed my mind by the end. i might even get another one of those next time i go to the store.
Old 2007-10-10, 15:56
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I bought a $28 6 pack last week..yes, that's right. This is what I got:

Gulden Draak - Very Good, but nothing too outstanding about it.
Piraat - Haven't yet tried it.
Bornem Dubbel - Above average.
Bornem Triple - See above.
Augustijn Ale(Triple) - Haven't tried it, though they've sold it in singles for awhile.
Bruegel Amber Ale - Haven't tried it.

Mainly I picked this up(finally) for the Gulden Draak, the Piraat and collect the bottles. I drank a growler and 3/4 of another growler(my gf didn't finish) of 6.9% Garrison IPA on Sunday night..unfortunately I chugged the majority of my glasses(one after the other..) causing me to vomit my Thanksgiving dinner. I wasn't even that drunk at all, just the amount of beer I took in so fast upset the turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, salad, asparagus and apple crisp.

haha, it was kinda funny..I walked into my bathroom and you could hear puke hit the ceramic floor before I could turn the light on.

I also had a 18oz 6.5%-7% dry hopped, unfiltered IPA at lunch on Sunday at a local brew pub. I can't wait until their RIS is released, I've never tried it. I ordered their 'Everything Pizza" which is extremely delicious. I made sure to take off my Salvation Army shirt while drinking, and then went back to work.

Cheers to beers!
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-10-10, 20:31
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heh finally broke down huh?

of the group, i've only had the first two. i liked the gulden draak, in my opinion the piraat is a bit overrated...still a fine belgian ale though.

haha that sucks about puking. especially after eating all that food.

today i had a bottle of adnams broadside original ale. i had their SSB (suffolk special bitter), which was decent..good enough to try their other offering. i also chose to try this because the beer book i'm reading recommended it as a good english strong ale..6% isn't really all that strong. was ok, but i really didn't care for it. i would still give their other offerings (none available to me) a try, but i won't be buying anymore of this one for sure.
Old 2007-10-10, 22:20
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6%abv is strong for British beer.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-10-10, 23:18
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
6%abv is strong for British beer.

Fuck off

Recently had: Brakespear Triple... it's brewed by the Wychwood brewery, so I had high hopes, and it didn't disappoint, proper scrumptious

The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
The Truth of The Truth

Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven
Old 2007-10-11, 01:37
BassBehemoth's Avatar
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Originally Posted by sqol
Fuck off

Recently had: Brakespear Triple... it's brewed by the Wychwood brewery, so I had high hopes, and it didn't disappoint, proper scrumptious

Strange, I couldn't find it on BeerAdvocate. Wychwood brewing a Triple? BLOODY 'ELL, AINT 'AT SUMFING.

What percentage is it? We don't get too much from Wychwood in my parts, but the Bah Humbug Winter Warmer should be arriving within the next few weeks I'll assume.

Not sure why the reviews are so low, I quite enjoyed these last year. After a year of more experience(lolololo), I can't wait to pick it up again.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.

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