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Old 2007-03-16, 18:43
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Dyvim Tvar
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Originally Posted by Transient
my brother visited the distillery and bought a square yard or acre or something (laphroiag)

The lucky sod, I've seen the inserts telling about that on the bottles! If it wouldn't kill me I'd drink laphroiag instead of water, I love it like a brother
Originally Posted by Def
Shadow dragon:

Take her from behind, then pretend like you're gonna cum, retract and spit on her back.
Then when she turns around blow your load in her face
Old 2007-03-16, 23:17
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Originally Posted by Dyvim Tvar
The lucky sod, I've seen the inserts telling about that on the bottles! If it wouldn't kill me I'd drink laphroiag instead of water, I love it like a brother

Old 2007-03-17, 06:35
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the last couple of days, i've been in a drunken stupor. i finally came home around 2 am this mornin'/evening. anyways, the debauchary entailed quite an eclectic mix of aclohol.

the boys and i started with:

3 shiner bock 24 oz bottles
12 pack of miller light

then came:

24 of keystone light
4 pack of heiniken tall boys.

since enjoying nice dark ales, lagers in general, especially heinkien, have lost their appeal. why pay 3 times over for an import when keystone light tastes the same as heinkien?

anyways, i slept for 3 hourse, woke up and drank weiser's whiskey. it aint bad as long as a chaser is avaliable. 20 dollars a handle, woot woot.

after that, it was

18 pack of coors light
a liter of sailor jenny's rum

i'm nice and wasted.

bass, i woulda totally met you down in mexico, but i didnt have a passport. did you ask for "boy's town?" if not, next time dude....say the magic words. mexico is a land of debauchary, cheep cunt and cheap beer. SOL is the best mexican beer, hands down.
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-03-18, 08:31
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Keystone Light tastes excellent.

The woman brought me a twelver of MGD a little while ago and I'm having a hard time figuring out why I ever drank it as religiously as I used to. This shit makes Steel Reserve taste like New Castle.
"I think we're already 'circling the drain' as a species, and I'd love to see the circles get a little faster and a little shorter."
Old 2007-03-19, 03:46
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timedragon - ha i actually wound up having a sam adams honey porter over the weekend. we bought mostly crappy beer to get the most quantity for our dollar..but my roommate also bought a 6 pack of sam adams that was a mix of 3 kinds of beer. black lager, honey porter, and brown ale. come to think of it..i think i've had the honey porter last year when they had the spring variety 12 packs. pretty good stuff. much better than the busch we drank for the most part.
Old 2007-03-19, 12:07
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Originally Posted by moe_blunts
bass, i woulda totally met you down in mexico, but i didnt have a passport. did you ask for "boy's town?" if not, next time dude....say the magic words. mexico is a land of debauchary, cheep cunt and cheap beer. SOL is the best mexican beer, hands down.

Boys Town? haha..I don't think I'd want to ask where that is...

Sol was utter crap. I only drank it at karaoke because I ordered five for myself and these underage kids..but then i forgot to leave and ended up drinking them myself. One of them tried to get in but was immediately kicked out.

They also had this "XX Lager" on tap, whatever the fuck that is, I'm not sure.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-19, 13:48
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xxl lager is dos equis i thought? not really up to speed on all the mexican beer though.

the beer store here is putting on some beer fest down at this indoor go kart track about 10 or 15 minutes away from my house...sounds like the shit, and they said you could sample 100 or over 100 beers. the only problem is..i'm not too thrilled about the idea of having to drive home from a beer fest. not too sure which one of my friends would like to drive back from one either. ha maybe i could split a cab with a person or two.
Old 2007-03-19, 15:12
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
xxl lager is dos equis i thought? not really up to speed on all the mexican beer though.

the beer store here is putting on some beer fest down at this indoor go kart track about 10 or 15 minutes away from my house...sounds like the shit, and they said you could sample 100 or over 100 beers. the only problem is..i'm not too thrilled about the idea of having to drive home from a beer fest. not too sure which one of my friends would like to drive back from one either. ha maybe i could split a cab with a person or two.

Definitely sounds like a cab event, your best best I'm sure.

Well, I remember asking what kind of beers my resort had on tap and getting the response, "Lager, Light and Dark"......haha, I didn't any more questions and usually stayed with a Jim Beam and coke.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-19, 18:13
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haha i'd have gone with dark once at least..maybe again had it been alright..other than that jim beam sounds like a safe option.

i was just gonna have one of the beers out of my fridge..but when i stopped by the store on the way home to grab something to eat, i noticed they were carrying a new brand of beer. they had full sail ipa and also their pale ale. i chose the ipa, but will be picking up the pale ale either today on the way home or sometime this week. they are priced pretty well considering they are in the section of ciders/micros/and imports (outside of the macro imports)..only 6.99 a 6 pack. the ipa is tasty stuff..decent hop flavor with a bit of maltyness too. personally i would prefer the scale to be a little more towards the hoppy side..or at least a hair less on the malty side..but all in all its a solid beer, especially for the price. at that price, this beer or the pale ale (which i am guessing will be just as good give or take a little) could become my new mainstay beer for when i'm not sure what to get or don't have much cash but want something good.

i can't say how happy i am to see our local grocery store expanding its microbrewery selection.

they also had some sierra nevada wheat (unfilitered i think). i've had that one before so i went with the full sail. i just have to make sure to do my part and but some here and there so they decide to keep restocking the micro brews!
Old 2007-03-19, 23:04
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ok noob, question. what is the flavor of hops, and what is maltyness taste like? id like to be able to better describe beer
Old 2007-03-20, 00:54
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its actually hard for me to describe...i didn't know how to tell the difference until i had tried a lot of beer and read reviews about them all. hops have a kind of bitterness but seem to taste "lighter" than malt..hah i put that in quotes cause thats the first word that came into my head. try an american ipa and you will most likely be tasting a fairly hoppy beer. better an american ipa with a british one. i think theirs are generally less hoppy and so are more malty i guess. hops and malts are the major flavors in beer...some have a large yeasty taste to them too i guess..and some have fruity flavors that are very strong. i guess another thing is hops seem to be something i taste in the beginning and malt flavor is more of a lingering thing after all the beer has been swallowed. malts also make a beer darker, and from what i know, hops won't really make the beer much darker...i could be wrong, but that has been my experience..maltier beers are darker.

its tough to explain how things taste i me, the best way to find out is try a variety of beer styles and even a variety of beers within a style. i'll never cease to be amazed at the variety you can find within one single style. i buy beer i've never had before all the time, and after a while i just had some idea how certain ones compared to each other.

just like beer is an acquired is learning about what ingredients are making a beer taste a certain way. i'm sure there are many who can explain it better..but that is how i got to it.

Last edited by xgrafcorex : 2007-03-20 at 02:00. Reason: typo
Old 2007-03-20, 01:47
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thanks,im not expecting to be an expert after a few weeks. ill just keep trying!
Old 2007-03-20, 03:41
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The Malted Barely(or simply Malt) is where a beer usually gets it's predominant flavour as well as colour. The initial grapefruit notes of an IPA, a creamy chocolate from a fine porter, a fruity grape taste from a strong Belgian Ale. The flavour of hops, or noticing hops, becomes apparent in the bitterness of the beer, and also possible floral flavours.

I've drunk a quite a few beer, but I definitely still consider myself fairly new to the beer game. My best advice is scour the internet, and even read some books on brewing/history of beer.

I read that time to time when I am at my school's library. As well as a newer version of Micheal Jackson's The World Guide To Beer.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-20, 04:56
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i bought a 6 of that full sail pale ale while i bought some food for dinner and then some.

pretty good...not quite as hoppy as i thought it might be. i guess i had it set in my mind to compare it to sierra nevada. the pale ale from full sail is not as hoppy as the sn pa. not a really strong malt flavor though...balanced well...subtle overall. i guess that could mean balanced well in other words.
Old 2007-03-21, 02:12
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Old 2007-03-21, 02:17
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Originally Posted by Requiem

It would be a decent site if there was any information on it...
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-21, 02:23
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
It would be a decent site if there was any information on it...

there is a ton of information.. what are you talking about?
Old 2007-03-21, 02:36
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Originally Posted by Requiem
there is a ton of information.. what are you talking about?

Not really..even on some of the most popular brands(chimay, duvel, etc.) there is little or no information about the beers.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-21, 03:05
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Old 2007-03-21, 16:33
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Originally Posted by Requiem

I'd hate to ruin your day(LOL), but you'll probably have to go to Belgium for that one. And I advise not to really jump into some of the higher percent abv, because from my experience it made me shy away from some beers that I would eventually love. The 5% abv Hoegaarden white beer is widely available and a great start to better beer.

I may have my stray Duvel tonight. There is a benefit show for a few band's whom lost several thousands of dollars of music equipment in a fire, being held tomorrow night. $2 drinks(including bottles) so I'm definitely's a shame it's at a metal bar though, and they definitely don't serve micros, or even Guinness.

$2 Crown and canada dry it is...

Hmm...or does anyone have any shots I could try? Or mixed drinks?
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-21, 19:03
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i agree with bass. some of the beers i had tried i didn't care for..then a year or two later i really liked them. start off with some more popular ones (popular because they appeal to the most people) then once you are sure of certain styles you like, try new more obscure ones.

an example for me is when i first tried guinness. this was a number of years ago..but i hated the stuff and never wanted to drink it again. i thought it was too thick and too dark. then later i had some irish car bombs and i loved those...a few days or weeks later i suddenly felt like having a guinness...then i loved it and thought it was one of the best. upon getting into micro/craft beers, i realized its not quite as good as i thought, or as thick. its still pretty dark though.

i guess i'm basically trying to say that beer in itself is an acquired taste, and within beer there are certain beers and even certain styles that are also an acquired taste.

as for mixed car bombs haha. haven't had one in a while, but they are always a nice treat. now that i think of would be pretty cool to try it with a different stout instead of guinness..but i guess it would lose its original flavor as guinness is kinda creamy.. maybe a milk stout or something.
Old 2007-03-21, 19:31
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
as for mixed car bombs haha. haven't had one in a while, but they are always a nice treat. now that i think of would be pretty cool to try it with a different stout instead of guinness..but i guess it would lose its original flavor as guinness is kinda creamy.. maybe a milk stout or something.

Oh man, I had my first Irish car bomb on St. Patty's was 20z of guinness and a shot of Wiser's canadian whiskey. I downed all of it, and that's when I went for a piss and threw up in the urinal. haha.

Like I said though, this is a metal bar...with a very minimal drink list. I asked if they had micros there before and the guy started naming off brands that are supposed to appeal to the micro drinker but are owned by by Labatt, Molson, Moosehead, etc. Kind of like Blue Moon or Michelob for you.

For example:

I'd take a good mixed drink or a shot over bad beer any day. Ya can't settle for less!
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-21, 19:55
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i don't know those beers you posted. yea i didn't realize blue moon was made by a macro company for a little while...i forget who though.

michelob has some "good" beers..a porter, ipa, and some other stuff i forgot. they are alright..but mediocre in comparison with a LOT of beers.

i hope you didn't puke after your first car bomb? that sounds more like a candian car bomb though hah. its supposed to be half a shot of jameson irish whisky and half a shot of baileys irish cream dropped into half a pint glass of guinness..then you chug it all. i guess you could make larger ones..but i'd try to keep the same ratio overall.

i only have one blanch de chambly left in my fridge at home..then its on to the left over busch cans from the weekend.
Old 2007-03-21, 21:23
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I'm drinking whiskey and listening to Zappa. Some buddies are gonna come over in about an hour and we are gonna get nice and trashed. I'm not sure what we'll get, but I know Miller High Life is gonna be part of the package.
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-03-21, 22:06
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
i don't know those beers you posted. yea i didn't realize blue moon was made by a macro company for a little while...i forget who though.

michelob has some "good" beers..a porter, ipa, and some other stuff i forgot. they are alright..but mediocre in comparison with a LOT of beers.

i hope you didn't puke after your first car bomb? that sounds more like a candian car bomb though hah. its supposed to be half a shot of jameson irish whisky and half a shot of baileys irish cream dropped into half a pint glass of guinness..then you chug it all. i guess you could make larger ones..but i'd try to keep the same ratio overall.

i only have one blanch de chambly left in my fridge at home..then its on to the left over busch cans from the weekend.

Well, in my defense..I had an onslaught of beer and had already been drinking about twelve-thirteen hours prior. lol.

Oh right, I forgot about the Baileys...well whatever, a "canadian car bomb" was much more potent. lol. I tried for Jameson's but this lame bar I was at didn't have it.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-22, 00:10
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
I'd hate to ruin your day(LOL), but you'll probably have to go to Belgium for that one. And I advise not to really jump into some of the higher percent abv, because from my experience it made me shy away from some beers that I would eventually love. The 5% abv Hoegaarden white beer is widely available and a great start to better beer.

I may have my stray Duvel tonight. There is a benefit show for a few band's whom lost several thousands of dollars of music equipment in a fire, being held tomorrow night. $2 drinks(including bottles) so I'm definitely's a shame it's at a metal bar though, and they definitely don't serve micros, or even Guinness.

$2 Crown and canada dry it is...

Hmm...or does anyone have any shots I could try? Or mixed drinks?

hoegaarden and karhu is what peeked my interest in beer, even though karhu isnt a fancy brew by any means
Old 2007-03-22, 00:17
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Koskenkorva is the best finnish product ever! haha!
Halola päähän lyöty!

Hevvy gråows!
Old 2007-03-22, 00:31
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mmm, salmiakki! sisu was the best kind i had
Old 2007-03-22, 01:02
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Are you guys talking about hard liquor?
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-22, 03:31
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however salmiakki is just the finnish word for licorice, and i was talking about one of the brands of licorice called Sisu (kind of untranslatable, means something like fortitude or guts, strength..). sisu is like the finnish adjective, how theyd describe themselves. like the german "fleissig"
Old 2007-03-22, 12:57
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Originally Posted by Transient
however salmiakki is just the finnish word for licorice, and i was talking about one of the brands of licorice called Sisu (kind of untranslatable, means something like fortitude or guts, strength..). sisu is like the finnish adjective, how theyd describe themselves. like the german "fleissig"

Halola päähän lyöty!

Hevvy gråows!
Old 2007-03-22, 13:44
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Old 2007-03-22, 13:53
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sounds gross to me..then again i'm not the biggest fan of vodka..or licorice. if it really is based loosely on..or inspired by the flaming moe/homer..i'd say thats pretty funny.
Old 2007-03-22, 15:47
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
sounds gross to me..then again i'm not the biggest fan of vodka..or licorice. either. It sounds like that Sambuca shit.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-22, 17:45
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
sounds gross to me..then again i'm not the biggest fan of vodka..or licorice.

I love licorice! and vodka haha!
Halola päähän lyöty!

Hevvy gråows!
Old 2007-03-22, 18:06
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i love licorice so i was down. it tastes like liquid twizzler haha, its not as strong as the salmiakki you buy solid. jetblack mail me a case of karhu!
Old 2007-03-22, 18:26
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Originally Posted by Transient
i love licorice so i was down. it tastes like liquid twizzler haha, its not as strong as the salmiakki you buy solid. jetblack mail me a case of karhu!

haha sure!

but i drank the beer, you just asked for the case haha!

Originally Posted by Transient
however salmiakki is just the finnish word for licorice, and i was talking about one of the brands of licorice called Sisu (kind of untranslatable, means something like fortitude or guts, strength..). sisu is like the finnish adjective, how theyd describe themselves. like the german "fleissig"

and btw "salmiakki" is not the finnish word for licorice! its "lakritsi" and "laku"
Halola päähän lyöty!

Hevvy gråows!
Old 2007-03-22, 19:14
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closest thing to that, that i can think of is jagermeister...not a fan of that stuff though. i'll stick with beer, whisky and rum.
Old 2007-03-22, 20:06
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Originally Posted by jetblack
haha sure!

but i drank the beer, you just asked for the case haha!

and btw "salmiakki" is not the finnish word for licorice! its "lakritsi" and "laku"

oh! then what does salmiakki actually mean
Old 2007-03-22, 21:35
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Originally Posted by Transient
oh! then what does salmiakki actually mean

well its more like the name of the flavour. Salmiakki is a "strong" kind of licourice or something like that..
Halola päähän lyöty!

Hevvy gråows!
Old 2007-03-22, 22:41
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I'm drinking some Anchor Porter, and I just realized i lost my ID.....fuck.

Has anyone tried the Sierra Nevada Porter? It looked delicious...
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-03-22, 23:04
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Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I'm drinking some Anchor Porter, and I just realized i lost my ID.....fuck.

Has anyone tried the Sierra Nevada Porter? It looked delicious...


I can't wait to start drinking some real beer in the next couple of days. I downed two Molson Coldshots(6% lager horse piss) last night while walking to the bus stop with my friend. Blah, thinking about the taste of those makes me want to puke again.

I asked my friend, "Why do you buy this garbage"? He says, "Because it's cheap; it's $10 an eight-pack." The thing is there are much smaller cans, so it equates to probably a six-pack. He is in university(pre-med school), and him and his friends would not pick up good beer that is one dollar more for a six pack. CRAZINESS.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-22, 23:07
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Have a good one dude, mucho ale drinketh!

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Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven
Old 2007-03-22, 23:19
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,
Old 2007-03-23, 02:09
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Originally Posted by jetblack
well its more like the name of the flavour. Salmiakki is a "strong" kind of licourice or something like that..

kiitos, it makes sense.
Old 2007-03-23, 03:20
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bought some shit to make a stir fry for dinner and figured what the hell and checked out the beer since it was a grocery store i normally don't go to. it was the same chain as one i go to all the time though. they had this black dog ale from spanish peaks brewing company

my label is different and says its an english style amber ale..not an american pale ale. fairly dark amber color with ok to small head that didn't stick around for long. smells a little malty and a tiny bit sweet. tastes a lot hoppier than it smells..but you can still taste the malt and i wouldn't say either one is more powerful than the other. its alright...good, not great. i'd give their other beers a shot for sure though.
Old 2007-03-23, 05:33
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I tried a Real Ale Brown Ale yesterday which comes from Blanco, Texas. Beeradvocate came up negative on the search results. Anyways, this was a very unique beer. It left a dry taste in your mouth, even though it was a liquid. Very delicious and I would most definatley buy it again, if not only for that peculiar (PECULIAR?? PECULIAR??? ) feeling.

I acutally got kicked out of a bar tonight because I didnt have a driver's license and was consuming a plethora of alcohol. It didnt help that I sang drunk karaoke and chugged a beer on stage before I sang. YAY BEER.
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-03-23, 06:19
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Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I acutally got kicked out of a bar tonight because I didnt have a driver's license and was consuming a plethora of alcohol. It didnt help that I sang drunk karaoke and chugged a beer on stage before I sang. YAY BEER.

haha, what did you sing? Ever since I first tried karaoke in Mexico I'd definitely do it again.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-23, 14:45
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well, when i got on stage, i chugged my beer and then sang "i wish it would rain" by the temptations. when it got to the instrumental breakdown, i would scream "WONT IT JUST FUCKING RAIN??!!" and shit like that, and the crowd went bezerk. it was awesome.......the only problem was i wasn't supposed to be drinking.
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-03-23, 15:00
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Originally Posted by moe_blunts
well, when i got on stage, i chugged my beer and then sang "i wish it would rain" by the temptations. when it got to the instrumental breakdown, i would scream "WONT IT JUST FUCKING RAIN??!!" and shit like that, and the crowd went bezerk. it was awesome.......the only problem was i wasn't supposed to be drinking.

Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-23, 15:45
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
haha, what did you sing? Ever since I first tried karaoke in Mexico I'd definitely do it again.

Whenever i'm at my parents house we end up migrating from the bar down the street to another persons house to sing karaoke. Phew... everybody has been stuck there at least once by themselves with them leaving at like 530 or 6 haha. These are like 35+ year olds haha. They try to party hearty.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...
Old 2007-03-23, 16:48
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Originally Posted by tmfreak
They try to party hearty.

Meanwhile, you are scoping the place for your next lay. haha.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-25, 19:01
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got a six pack of leffe blonde today. yay
Old 2007-03-25, 19:29
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we got a free bottle of vodka yesterday. definately not my preference, but its not like i enjoy rum either, and plus this was free. my friends mom is really depressed, and she just told us to take it away from her. it was full, minus a couple of shots.
Old 2007-03-25, 19:58
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Originally Posted by Transient
got a six pack of leffe blonde today. yay


I've spent roughly $60 on beer alone in the past two days. A huge portion has been drunk.

I bought a 750ml of Chimay blue the other night and I may buy a few more to horde..then went down in price too; they are slightly under $10.

I finally tried Guinness Extra Stout and it was pretty bad. No creamy thickness, no signature head..almost tasted like a bland lager with black dye and old coffee grinds added. Well, the shit is made throughout Canada by maybe that explains some of it's shitty qualities.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-25, 20:51
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I took xanex and drank a 40 of mickeys. I didn't drive, but went party hoppin. Twas an awesome time.
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.

Last edited by moe_blunts : 2007-03-25 at 21:06.
Old 2007-03-25, 21:20
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth

I've spent roughly $60 on beer alone in the past two days. A huge portion has been drunk.

I bought a 750ml of Chimay blue the other night and I may buy a few more to horde..then went down in price too; they are slightly under $10.

I finally tried Guinness Extra Stout and it was pretty bad. No creamy thickness, no signature head..almost tasted like a bland lager with black dye and old coffee grinds added. Well, the shit is made throughout Canada by maybe that explains some of it's shitty qualities.

why ew?
Old 2007-03-25, 22:53
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Originally Posted by Transient
why ew?

I'll have to give it another go...I've only had it once when I was relatively new to beer drinking and didn't like it.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-26, 01:22
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i liked it a lot. had a really great warm aftertaste. plus, it has an aftertaste of bananas! (i read that on BA and its totally true)
Old 2007-03-26, 01:46
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Its not a good beer
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,
Old 2007-03-26, 02:56
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never had it before myself.

heres some beers i had over the weekend and a few last week or weekend, i just forgot to upload pictures to photobucket.
full sail ipa

i wrote a little about this before i think. pretty decent..was good enough to get me to try their pale ale and their amber ale. all three of them are good. not spectacular though.. they aren't expensive either compared to other beers from smaller companies so that is another good thing. i see they have a number of other beers available, just haven't seen them at the stores here. i'd try whatever i found though...except maybe light or something ha.
steelhead extra stout from mad river brewing co.

a great stout! dark, roasted malty flavor, not much head.. i will buy this beer again, but maybe after i try some of their other offerings that look tempting. kinda expensive though..
old ruffian barley wine style ale from great divide

had heard a lot of hype about this beer and was pleased to be able to obtain some finally. unfortunately, i'm not too into this style of beer. it doesn't help that my experience with barley wine ales is very limited. i think i've only had 3 or 4 beers of this style. it wasn't that i hated it, was alright..but i'd trade that bottle for some of their yeti stout in a heartbeat! i would try this stuff for sure if you like this style..and maybe even if you aren't sure if you like it or not. great divide makes some kick ass beers, and i'd try all of their offerings at least once.
corsendonk christmas ale

yep..a bit late..but it was the last bottle they had, and there won't be any more of this stuff around till the end of the year. good shit for sure. i'd place it between their brown ale and the pale ale...though it might be the darkest. i mean between those two in the amount i enjoyed them. i love the brown ale. the xmas ale was pretty good, and i don't regret spending 9 bucks to try it. i kinda wish they had another one so i could age it. honestly don't remember the details of the flavor...i guess similar yeast as other corsendonk beer...a little maltier perhaps than the brown ale? i had it amongst a night of drinking and just the one bottle which worked out to about two glasses.
sierra nevada bigfoot barley wine style ale

ha for someone who isn't a big fan of this style of beer...i drank enough of it this weekend... i've never even seen this stuff before and my roommate bought some so i traded him a bottle of some avery redpoint ale i had (good stuff!) again..not a big fan of this style. when they say barley wine style? is it not really barley wine? kinda like original floyd rose and licensed floyd rose?
anyway, this stuff got a pretty good rating on ba, so i'd try it if you can find it.
full sail amber ale

nice amber color, not much head..and what is there doesn't last too long. sos so smell...smells a bit more alcoholic than it is i think... predominately malty flavor, balanced somewhat with light hops. of the three full sail beers i can buy that i know of, i would say this ranks below the pale ale and the ipa (ipa being my favorite one.) still a good beer, just nothing unique or special about it.

also had a bomber of some reverend from avery brewing co. a belgian style quadrupel. i already wrote something about that a while back..but its a solid beer..was kinda expecting there to be some yeast at the bottom of the bottle..but i guess not.
Old 2007-03-26, 04:40
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Damn those look tasty
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Old 2007-03-26, 04:46
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Awesome post graf, ya definitely got me wanting to drink some beer at twenty minutes to 2am.

I noticed my friend's roommate bought a canned sixer of Wittekerke white beer. He wasn't home so I didn't bother trading him a beer for a beer.

Eh, somewhat decent reviews I guess, hopefully he'll still have some when I go back next time. I got him into drinking good beer, and now I reap the bonus of him buying shit that I haven't yet tried. haha

Godamn, I love Propeller ESB...we don't get a huge micro selection here, but godamn that is probably the best session beer to drink locally.

So easy to drink and so full of great flavour.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-27, 18:21
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never heard of that witterkerke if i spelled that right. witbier in a can huh? sounds suspicious. on the other hand, those propellor beers sound pretty damn good. i'm not sure if its a good or bad sign that the boys in sunnyvale drink that stuff.

for all you red-coated bastards: go to these pubs and drink and vote!
Old 2007-03-27, 22:12
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
never heard of that witterkerke if i spelled that right. witbier in a can huh? sounds suspicious. on the other hand, those propellor beers sound pretty damn good. i'm not sure if its a good or bad sign that the boys in sunnyvale drink that stuff.

for all you red-coated bastards: go to these pubs and drink and vote!

haha, if Ricky and the boys drink must be good.

Man, I have to go beer drinking in Britain.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-28, 18:15
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Here is a good article about founders, the Alstrom brothers.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-28, 18:21
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weak! "registration required to view this free article." i guess i'll have to.

i'm assuming you saw that little clip they have on their front page? was pretty short, but alright.

i'm getting worried that i might have to seriously cut back on good beer. i think drinking it pretty much negates the exercise i'm currently doing. maybe i'll search around ba for any threads on that subject..or else start one and see what they all have to say.
Old 2007-03-28, 19:53
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I'm actually seeing how long I can go without a drink of alcohol. So far, it has been 2 days. Since my birthday, I have almost been in a constant drunken stupor and I need to give my internal organs a little rest.

However, one of my best friend's 21st b-day is right around the corner. Temptation will be a bitch.
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-03-28, 20:34
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
weak! "registration required to view this free article." i guess i'll have to.

i'm assuming you saw that little clip they have on their front page? was pretty short, but alright.

i'm getting worried that i might have to seriously cut back on good beer. i think drinking it pretty much negates the exercise i'm currently doing. maybe i'll search around ba for any threads on that subject..or else start one and see what they all have to say.

username - redred8
password - redred

It was posted on the BA forum.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-28, 20:54
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haha oh well...too late. i just registered anyway..i have an email i use for that type of thing. was a good read..thanks for posting it. i honestly never really thought that far into the whole "respect beer" thing...i guess they did. they're right though! i've been to a few restaurants with a 4 panel menu and one full panel is mention of beer. you have to ask them and they recite them as fast as they can and usually there are no great choices. a lot of times the result is picking the least offensive one.
Old 2007-03-28, 21:19
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
haha oh well...too late. i just registered anyway..i have an email i use for that type of thing. was a good read..thanks for posting it. i honestly never really thought that far into the whole "respect beer" thing...i guess they did. they're right though! i've been to a few restaurants with a 4 panel menu and one full panel is mention of beer. you have to ask them and they recite them as fast as they can and usually there are no great choices. a lot of times the result is picking the least offensive one.

Oh god...don't I know how you feel. I hate how wine how so much respect as opposed to beer...

It's grapes people.......fucking sour grapes.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-28, 22:03
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hay you guys can at least get beer with dinner! stop bitching!

i hear you on that though. scotch and wine are considered really classy but a deep knowledge of beer probably isnt respected nearly as much as it should be
Old 2007-03-29, 00:26
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Originally Posted by Transient
hay you guys can at least get beer with dinner! stop bitching!

i hear you on that though. scotch and wine are considered really classy but a deep knowledge of beer probably isnt respected nearly as much as it should be

Man, 98% of the time I pass on beer with dinner...unless I'm at a decent pub of course that actually serves real beer.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-29, 01:08
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for me it depends on if i'm thirsty or low on cash. if thats the case, i get water. sometimes i'll get water and beer though. i will order beer if they only have shitty beers..i just pick the one thats the least terrible.

drinking some weihenstephan heifeweissbier dunkel. pretty good shit, and only 2.99 for a bottle thats just a hair over a pint.
Old 2007-03-29, 14:00
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graf where do you get those glasses? i cant find a place like penneys or anywhere that sells tulip or other cool beer ware
Old 2007-03-29, 14:06
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i get most of them with gift boxes companies sell. i got that duvel glass in a box with 4 bottles of duvel for 16.99 or something. the only glasses i didn't get by buying some glass + beer set..are the 4 guinness pint glasses i have. technically i did buy glass + beer though. they were part of a promotion at some local bar. each week for four weeks they had a limited amount of each glass. you had to order a pint of guinness and then they'd rinse it out and let you take it home when you were finished with your beer.

you can order them online though...i was looking at the unibroue page and they sell a glass for each style of beer they make pretty much. look around at brewery websites ..maybe even ebay, i haven't checked there.
Old 2007-03-29, 14:39
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Old 2007-03-29, 14:55
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Got myself a bottle of Jagermeister... found some in Sainsburys

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Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven
Old 2007-03-29, 15:56
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Ebay has a fair selection of glasses..some auctions can get pretty pricey though because everyone wants beer glasses.

I got all my glasses in beer promotions as well. Actually, I may even buy two sixpacks of a eastern canadian microbrew(pump house) just to get their glass.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-29, 23:24
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i had a nice wychwood glass..but someone stole it or walked off with it without realizing when we had people over here for the super bowl.

next year i'm telling all those fruits to get the fuck out. they put a hurting on our wings as well.

i picked up a 4 pack of sam smith pure brewed lager the other day. have one left in the fridge for either tonight or tomorrow.

was hesitant since it was a lager..but there are some pretty good lagers out there and i like other ss beer, so i said fuck it. pretty decent..i guess about as good as i expected. didn't blow me away, didn't not like it. decent light shade of amber. not much head...what head is there disappears after a minute or less. i'd give it a try if you haven't had it..but if you decide to pass, you aren't missing a whole hell of a lot in my opinion. i can't really remember the specifics of the flavor. maybe ill try to take some mental notes when i drink the last one.

going to the store in a bit here..gonna buy some food and also probably grab some beer. i actually thought that weihenstephan hefeweissen dunkel was pretty tasty..probably grab a bottle of that and something else.

Old 2007-03-30, 01:23
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hot damn! went to this whole foods market that i haven't been to in a few years and i'm glad it did... they had so much more beer than they used to. i got a little more than i had intended..but i won't be drinking too many of them tonight for sure.

dogfish head aprihop

another strange offering from dfh. pretty decent though. honestly dfh doesn't make my favorite ipas (a bit malty) but i like them all. this has a nice balance though between the hops and malts..though still a little on the malty end for me. medium bodied...small head..a little sticks around..not much lacing at all. you can taste the sweetness from the apricots but its more present in the smell, however the malt is the dominant aroma. now that i taste it again, i'd say the apricot flavor is strongest right after you swallow a gulp, then it moves into a more malty flavor with little bit of hops in there.

i wouldn't even have thought of putting apricots in an ipa. better than i'd have guessed. the only reason i gave it a shot was because i really like ipas. they are challenging my favorite beer style for the throne! stouts beware!

normally i wouldn't have bought two fruit beers at the same time..but they also had the unibroue Éphemère that i had kicked myself for not trying when i was at the store on base with my brother. they don't sell this stuff at my usual beer store.

i haven't tried it yet, so thats it.

last but not least..something i didn't even know existed until tonight.. rogue dads little helper malt liquor. rogue malt liquor!? since i was a huge drinker of malt liquor before developing a taste for better beer..i had to get this shit.

haven't had it yet either..still working on the first aprihop. but i can guarantee this will be the best malt liquor i've ever had. its not too hard to be OE800, schlitz bull ice, mickey's, and natty ice.
Old 2007-03-30, 14:46
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haha, nice post graf. Rogue's Malt Liquor looks hilarious.

Well, I opted out of buying two sixers of Pump house and instead bought two 750ml of Chimay Blue and a bottle of Orval. I drank a 750ml chimay last night(I'm going to celler two) and I must say, the cork fucking blasted out of the bottle! Practically the second I i took off the cage and jammed a corkscrew in there it fucking blow off and smashed into my oven light...good thing the light has a wire cage. lol.

And so after my glasses upon refilling, I had my father's rubber cork to save some of the carbonation. Godamn, all the times with the rubber cork it blew off too. Fucking vicious.

Very good on the other hand...although I don't think it compares to a Rochefort 10. Both have a very similar flavour, but the Rochefort is just so much more of everything.. flavour, alcohol, appearance, aroma. They are not the same style either, so it's like comparing a porter to an imperial stout.

I also finished off the four Guinness Extra Stout(5%) which I will never buy again. I found out last night that they are easy to chug(mainly because it tastes like a black lager) because we almost missed the movie do to drinking beer. Anyways, I definitely don't recommend this beer; it is utter shit.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-30, 15:43
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I got sloshed on shitty beer last night. Sorry, but a nice IPA was just not in my budget last night.

I started on average beer. Shiner -blonde. 10 bucks a 12 pack and pretty tastey.

Then it got vile:

Mickey's 40 oz
6 pack of Icehouse (official slogan: each one tastes a little different)
12 of keystone light.

I need this hangover like a fish needs a bicycle.
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-03-30, 15:46
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Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I got sloshed on shitty beer last night. Sorry, but a nice IPA was just not in my budget last night.

I started on average beer. Shiner -blonde. 10 bucks a 12 pack and pretty tastey.

Then it got vile:

Mickey's 40 oz
6 pack of Icehouse (official slogan: each one tastes a little different)
12 of keystone light.

I need this hangover like a fish needs a bicycle.

haha, imagining a fish riding a bicycle is rather amusing.

$10 for a 12 pack?? Godamn, I hope you guys never buy beer at a store in Canada. Try paying $19 for a cheap, macro 12 pack...$23 if I buy two local micro 12 packs..

Edit - fish riding a bicycle.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.

Last edited by BassBehemoth : 2007-03-30 at 15:50.
Old 2007-03-30, 15:51
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
$10 for a 12 pack?? Godamn, I hope you guys never buy beer at a store in Canada. Try paying $19 for a cheap, macro 12 pack...$23 if I buy two local micro 12 packs..

Shiner is that cheap because it is brewed in a small town in Texas (appropriatley named Shiner, TX), where the whole city revolves around this one brewery. So, it's domestic, but actually quite delish and really fresh.

I found this amusing
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-03-30, 15:59
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haha somebody gave keystone light a 4.05 out of 5. i wonder if he smoked crack before drinking it or before writing the review... its not the worst beer...but its not even a 3 in my book. light beer in general is pretty crappy.

i've got a decent amount of beer in the fridge..but i'll probably hit up the beer store and see if theres anything new or tempting to try. also, i need something other than fruit infused beer...not that they are bad, just not my one of my favorites.

thanks to my boss being work monday or tuesday!! i fear for the exercise i have done as i am sure to be consuming a fair amount of alcohol.
Old 2007-03-30, 21:23
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Woo, my favorite local micro brewery is expanding their brewery and increasing production! Great news! Hopefully someday soon it will be in America.

edit - Oh yeah...graf, this is for you. haha.

"The company’s product has attracted significant attention over the last few months after it was featured prominently in The Trailer Park Boys movie as well as in Les Invincibles in Quebec.

"We’ve been lucky in both cases," said John Allen. "We were approached by the producers because the cast just happened to think that we make great beer." "
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.

Last edited by BassBehemoth : 2007-03-30 at 21:27.
Old 2007-03-30, 21:58
xgrafcorex's Avatar
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hell yea!! those must be some damn good beers..consecutive gold metals huh? i hope they get that whole thing going soon, i'd love to try their beer. ha i actually just watched an episode of tpb at lunch today since for some reason i wasn't getting a connection in my room.

change of pace i guess...hit up the liquor store after work today. just got a handle of j & b, defs favorite. first i plan on drinking that rogue malt liquor once i put some food in my stomach.
Old 2007-03-30, 23:18
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we have the full line of rogue beers at my store.
Old 2007-03-31, 00:55
xgrafcorex's Avatar
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nice! you should try them if you haven't. the shakespeare stout is really good. probably my favorite rogue beer. they are all good though. i didn't really care for the malt liquor..but as far as malt liquor goes it was sublime..but as far as rogue goes..its my least favorite one. tastes very malty...bit of alcohol taste in there..thats about all i can recall.
Old 2007-03-31, 01:11
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i dont like dark beers. i think im going to try a (?) hefeweisner next
Old 2007-03-31, 04:26
BassBehemoth's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Transient
i dont like dark beers.

....what the hell does that even mean?? Stouts? Irish Dry Stout? London Style Porter? Oatmeal Stout? British Stout? American Stout? Scottish Stout? Russian Imperial Stout? Experiment my dear friend!! That is such a broad statement it is ridiculous.

Not to mention the endless amount of styles that still could be considered "dark".
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-31, 04:50
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fo' real son!

even leinenkugel creamy dark lager. that shit is great. one of my favorite lagers ever. you would probably like it..its smooth..easy to drink..dark, but not with a heavy body. like i said, easy to drink. not sure what kind of distribution range it has though. my dad usually gets it in the mail from his close friends in wisconsin and he sometimes gives me a 6 pack when i visit.

long story short..there are a ton of amazing dark beers.

just when you think you know a beer style..theres something you've never even thought of. i try beers from quite a few styles even if i'm not always a fan of the just never know.
Old 2007-03-31, 15:24
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well im not that experienced,but if its bitter i dont enjoy it. ive had a london porter i dont like, i had a doppelbock i didnt like that...
Old 2007-03-31, 15:30
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Last night was rather debaucherous. I aced a 750 ml bottle of Jager and drink Schlitz out of cans. My brain is hating me right now.
Originally Posted by Zionist
you don't belong here. You belong on a Paul Wall message board.
Old 2007-03-31, 15:39
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Originally Posted by Transient
well im not that experienced,but if its bitter i dont enjoy it.

Well, you might as well give up now TEH HOPZ MAKE TEH BITT3RZ.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-31, 15:53
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why give up when theres a world of lagers,ales and pilsners im yet to try! more to beer than dark beer my friend
Old 2007-03-31, 19:02
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Originally Posted by Transient
why give up when theres a world of lagers,ales and pilsners im yet to try! more to beer than dark beer my friend

More than Dark Beer? HMMMMM> LOL. What do you consider dark beer? I drank my usual sixer of Propeller ESB last night, and sure it's really dark rust/copper colour. What about the Belgian strong Dark Ales? A deliciously complex Quadrupel? ECT, ECT.

I don't recommend giving up any beer you enjoy, I'm saying ruling out "dark beer" is ridiculous. It's just too broad of a statement. Like listening to a Motley Crue song and saying "Man, metal is fucking terrible"..
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.
Old 2007-03-31, 21:09
xgrafcorex's Avatar
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you mean theres better metal than motley crue? maybe i'll give it another shot...

also might grow to like dark beers. i didn't like them for a while then one day i felt like having a guinness. after that i was trying dark beers whenever i could.

i got really wasted last night. now i remember why i don't normally drink liquor. drank a number of beers before consuming half a handle of scotch on a not very full stomach. today i picked up some food and bought a 6 pack of mojo ipa from boulder beer co. its pretty good stuff. its pretty bitter from lots of hops. a little malty as well. my only complaint is the mouth feel. it leaves my mouth sort of dry and i can feel it mostly on my teeth. makes me want to take another sip which just does it again. i'll be keeping my eyes out for mojo risin' an american double ipa.
Old 2007-03-31, 23:57
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
you mean theres better metal than motley crue? maybe i'll give it another shot...


Jeesus graf, you drink a lot!
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.

Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.

RIP moe.

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