2004-09-16, 04:06
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 109
I need help deciding what to get!
I'm a beginner, and don't know much about guitars. I just bought a BOSS Metal Zone distortion pedal, and some new cables and I want to eventually by Christmas upgrade all my stuff. Next on my list is a new guitar. I have been playing for a few months on this pos Squier Strat, and don't know what to get. My friend is a big ESP fan and said any ESP will be kickass. I was going to get the ESP EX-260, but I read about the pickups on some forums here and everyone said they were shit. My other friend told me about the Schector Omen 6 which I have read about a little and asked a few people at guitar center and they said it's pretty kickass for a beginner guitar and for the price, but of course they could be just trying to sell me something. I was wondering if I should get either of those or something different. Any suggestions would be great. My price range is about $400, maybe $500. Thanks.

2004-09-16, 07:25
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well if you want a new axe i suggest tried and true gibson. i play an SG as my main axe and its been my tried and true for many years, though if you get an SG i'd put some better pickups in (if you get the SG special). I play a schecter c1 classic as well, i think they have a better sound then the omen so you may wanna look into the classics, you should be able to get a used classic in good shape for a good price (mine, literally like new was 450)... ok sorry just read ur price range scrap the gibson go test play a c1 classic, its an excellent piece of guitar, oh and not to bash but try some other distortion petals the metal zone has a really poor sound overall, i just got rid of mine in fact, its gets very thin and brittle and far too "synthetic" of a sound
I'm Proud not to be PC
Liberals, the other terrorists
Originally Posted by Righteous_Death
Black Sabbath are so good, so I wouldnt say anything to disrespect them.
Cunt face.
Rest in Peace Dime, thank you for changing my world on vulgar display of power, thank you for being my next step after sabbath, and thank you for inspiring me to pick up that guitar and learn some heavy fucking metal \m/ your memory will live on forever 

2004-09-16, 13:04
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i'd suggest playing a bunch of guitars that are slightly out of your price range... and then when you find the one you like most... try and find one used online or at a local shop... some good online places are: ebay of course... www.instrumentexchange.com , www.harmony-central.com's classified adds, and www.musicgoround.com
i prefer the feel of used / "broken in" guitars sometimes... they just feel real. but you don't have to get one to used, you can easily find mint-ish condish guitars that rock, but it's been pre owned and has some belt buckle scratches on the back(which you'd probably end up putting on anyways) so it's quite a bit cheaper.
my guitarist bought his gibson sg special for $350 used but in mint-ish condish... normally they go for like $650 new...
with the money he saved he made a couple upgrades like new pu's & new tuners( all n' all probably costed him less than $200).
it really is a good axe... and with the new upgrades is sounds wonderful, plays great, and stays in tune better.
so he actually got a better guitar for a better price.
i'd suggest you do something similar.
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2004-09-16, 21:24
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i wouldnt really go with a esp ltd, the majority look good but feel and play like shit. Far to fat a neck for the ones i played. The other guitar u mentioned (the schecter) i ve heard is pretty good but unfortunately i've never had the chance to play one.
On the other hand u could always buy a second hand guitar, i own an old aria pro ii magna series guitar, and it rocks. Real nice feel and thin neck. But i need some new springs for my trem as there all rustin and gone all shit. Anyways look second hand. I much regret not doin that wen i was a beginner 
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
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2004-09-16, 22:12
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get an ibanez rg 570 and change out the pu's...
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-16, 22:35
Join Date: Jul 2003
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If you buy and LTD make sure its atleast a 300+ model... ie EX-350
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-17, 03:01
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
get an ibanez rg 570 and change out the pu's...
why didn't i think of that?
Originally Posted by BLS
If you buy and LTD make sure its atleast a 300+ model... ie EX-350
some ltds are really nice....
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2004-09-17, 03:59
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yeah, i particularly like the dv8r and one of those strat shaped ones with 81s in it... i think it was an m something.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-17, 16:44
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Denton, Texas
Posts: 109
Okay, well I have been looking the past few days at prices and stuff and pretty much all of those guitars are out of my price range. I talked to my friend a little more and read some more threads and saw that Alexi Laiho who is my favorite guitarist) uses a single EMG-HZ H4 in his ESP, and people said that they wern't as horrible as the other versions of the HZ's.... so I was thinking about getting the ESP EX-260 for my birthday, and then about 2 months later for Christmas getting some new EMG's. I would guess an 81 at the neck and an 85 at the bridge. Would that work out? I don't really like the idea of buying a used guitar, just the feeling about getting used things makes me cringe. Maybe it's a mental problem, but anyways, should I get the EX-260, or get something else and put new EMG's in it for Christmas? And what type of EMG's should I get?
Riggs with Twiggs owns Niggs with Siggs
"Choices always were a problem for you.
What you need is someone strong to guide you.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow,
what you need is someone strong to use you...
like me..." ~Maynard

2004-09-17, 18:11
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Riggs
And what type of EMG's should I get?
How about not EMGs. Save up and get a ESP LTD H-400. It has a Seymour Duncan JB/59 set in it already. Dont be afraid to spend some extra money. In the long run, its worth it for a good tone.

2004-09-17, 20:13
Supreme Metalhead
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If I were you, I'd get a Jackson KE-3 and change the pickups for a pair of EMGs (81 in the bridge, 85 in the neck).
The used market is your friend. As long as you practice common sense, you should be okay. I've purchased 3 items on eBay without any hassle whatsoever, and buying used locally is even less risky.
Oh, btw, I'd be pleased if you'd stop writing with that font. It's more difficult to read than the default font, IMO.
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia
Last edited by G_urr_A : 2004-09-17 at 20:20.
Reason: One more thing

2004-09-17, 21:22
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Mordor/England
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Fuck EMG's , you want good pickups like what 'black dimmu' said or even better a dimarzio X2N, or a unusual seymour duncan custom/custom, which is the key to my sound.
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-09-17, 22:00
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Originally Posted by Riggs
Okay, well I have been looking the past few days at prices and stuff and pretty much all of those guitars are out of my price range. I talked to my friend a little more and read some more threads and saw that Alexi Laiho who is my favorite guitarist) uses a single EMG-HZ H4 in his ESP, and people said that they wern't as horrible as the other versions of the HZ's.... so I was thinking about getting the ESP EX-260 for my birthday, and then about 2 months later for Christmas getting some new EMG's. I would guess an 81 at the neck and an 85 at the bridge. Would that work out? I don't really like the idea of buying a used guitar, just the feeling about getting used things makes me cringe. Maybe it's a mental problem, but anyways, should I get the EX-260, or get something else and put new EMG's in it for Christmas? And what type of EMG's should I get?
you said your price range is $400 -500 right?? you can get something good for that much, even new...
but for the uncomfortable thought of buying used.... find a local store that sells used stuff and hang around there for a while... seriously, i thought everything i wanted i would get new during my first year or two of playing... now i rarely buy anything new...
i can look at my rig now...
everything in my rig except my power condishioner, rack case, rack screws(some), cables(some), tubes(some), strings, and picks are used....
and i think it's all great. saved me loads of money...
oh, btw i have an ibanez pgm30 i'll sell ya... $450 bones + shipping
in new-ish condish, with a hardshell case...
i paid over $650 for it... then like $100 for the case.
discontinued, paul gilbert style guitar, pretty much stock(i made it stock again).
just let me know if you're interested... i'm just selling it because it's alot like my rg570 but it's in much better condish(like new, almost mint even, like a demo guitar at a store) so i can get more $$$ for it... and i don't want two guitars that are so much alike because i always just end up playing one while the other sits in it's case....
so i'm buying a tele. 
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2004-09-17, 22:07
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Check out the LTD EC-400
nice guitar, come stock with the 81/85 combo
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-18, 19:53
Wasted Custom User title
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For used guitars, I would go to a music go round if theres one around you. Try out as many guitars as you can. Or. Go to a Guitar center and find more expensive guitars that you like and see if you can find it cheaper on ebay if your cool with that.
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2004-09-18, 20:27
Join Date: Aug 2004
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i like 81s, x2ns, customs, just find the one that suits you most.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-20, 22:15
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 109
Regular font. Alright I finally decided on getting the ESP LTD H-400. I also have another question though and instead of making another thread I figured I would keep using this one. I also want to get a new amp. I don't need a big ass full stack or anything for gigs or anything, just something nice that I can use when jamming with friends. I was thinking either a 65 or 100 watt combo amp (I think thats what they are called). Since the guitar costed a little more than expected my price range for the amp is probably like $300 or $400. I was looking around and found this. It looks like a good deal, but of course I don't know much: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7...ase_pid/487143/ If that is shitty, some suggestions would be nice. Thanks.
Riggs with Twiggs owns Niggs with Siggs
"Choices always were a problem for you.
What you need is someone strong to guide you.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow,
what you need is someone strong to use you...
like me..." ~Maynard

2004-09-20, 22:38
Wasted Custom User title
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If you can save up $100 or so then you could get a 5150 combo used on ebay.
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2004-09-20, 22:41
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Riggs
Regular font. Alright I finally decided on getting the ESP LTD H-400. I also have another question though and instead of making another thread I figured I would keep using this one. I also want to get a new amp. I don't need a big ass full stack or anything for gigs or anything, just something nice that I can use when jamming with friends. I was thinking either a 65 or 100 watt combo amp (I think thats what they are called). Since the guitar costed a little more than expected my price range for the amp is probably like $300 or $400. I was looking around and found this. It looks like a good deal, but of course I don't know much: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7...ase_pid/487143/ If that is shitty, some suggestions would be nice. Thanks.
Shitty amp. But with the guitar get it in amber sunburst, it comes with seymour duncans, not EMGs. Try to win this amp http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...3749896782&rd=1. Its ok if you pay alittle extra though

2004-09-21, 03:16
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omfg!!! if there is any brand i will puke on, it's rouge... unuable, unless you want to sound like that shitty lo fi 70-80's punk....
for like $300-400 bucks on a combo, i'd have to go with black dimmu on that blue voodoo setup, not many amps sound as good as the blue voodoo's for the price. that setup is a 60w tube 1x12 combo which can get loud as hell, but it also has an extension cab for when 1 isnt enough.
or the 5150's are always a good bet for the price....
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