2004-09-13, 23:34
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Some where in canada....
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I want to get a new amp
K, i want to get a new amp with something close to the distortion on the 5150's....but i don't know what...i was wondering what u guys would have to say about it....i mean i already thought about getting the 5150...but the only peavey distributer is 13 miles from here (lack of a car)...they don't have a 5150 there...and i'm not an idiot...i ain't buying an amp if i can't test it out first...and so is my delema....help could be nice 

2004-09-13, 23:38
Master Killer
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you want something like the 5150?
try it somewhere else and if you like it order it?
drive the fucking 13 miles or let someone else drive you, jezus that doesn't cost anything over there, over here gas is twice as expensive and I drove to germany for my amp. just remember what the hell you are spending. *pissed off mode*
just find a place that packs a lot of amps, try out anything with tubes, I'de recommend trying out other stuff in your price range.... you can't make any choice if you haven't played other stuff to compare first.
how do you know you like the 5150's, you tried them anywhere? I mean, theres someplace you got your reference from, right?

2004-09-13, 23:50
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Some where in canada....
Posts: 15
well, i had a friend who's cousin has one, and when he came down a few months ago....he had it with him (only the head)....but he lives in florida (US) and he wouldn't let me even touch it....though the thing is quite expensive, so i don't blame him...and that is the only distributer that is within a hundred miles from me...and now one is gonna drive that far for me....and the one i could get to will only order it if i put a few hundred dollars as a down payment....so what then...if when it comes in and i try it at the shop and i don't think i'm gonna buy it...then i'm down a few hundred bucks for nothin... 

2004-09-13, 23:50
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13 miles is like a 20 min drive i doubt your parents would be that upset about it that they wouldnt take you
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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2004-09-13, 23:54
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Some where in canada....
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
13 miles is like a 20 min drive i doubt your parents would be that upset about it that they wouldnt take you
tried that ..... they said they ain't gonna drive me anywhere

2004-09-13, 23:59
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Originally Posted by Nemesis 12-19
tried that ..... they said they ain't gonna drive me anywhere
get a gun and make them drive you...
or you could get a friend
Too grim to function

2004-09-14, 01:09
Wasted Custom User title
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2004-09-14, 03:14
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13 miles??? jeeezz, lame ass. get the fuck up and ride the bus... a new amp is a very serious and very expensive decision... and hour or two of public transportation will be well spent.
seriosly, if you know you like it... be smart and buy a used on online. it's like %50 off... then you can spend the leftover cash on a nicer cab or new tubes & mods for it to make it better than new.
5150's just sound like 5150's... i guess a marshall jcm 2000 running 6l6's might sound similar... but it'll cost more and no garauntees you'll like it as much...
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2004-09-14, 10:40
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Nemesis 12-19
tried that ..... they said they ain't gonna drive me anywhere
Well your parents suck if they wont drive you such a short distance.

2004-09-14, 13:29
Supreme Metalhead
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If I was in your situation I would consider going as far as to arranging with your friend's cousin (or whoever it was) to stay a night or two at his place, and then get on the bus to wherever he lives and try out as many amps as you can (if they've got peaveys they may have other things too). And then buy used over the net.
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2004-09-15, 01:44
Wasted Custom User title
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Yeah just use the bus and test it out. If you like it buy one on ebay. Or you can just take a gamble and buy one without trying it on ebay. If you decide you dont like it, then you can sell it on ebay again! 
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