2004-09-10, 23:57
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lab series
Im thinking of purchasing a L11 half stack at a local music gear distributer
what should i do its only 350$

2004-09-11, 01:52
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2004-09-11, 02:14
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if its 350$ new it probably sucks.
And if I have never heard of it it probably sucks.
Go used.

2004-09-11, 02:28
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its used
and just because youve never heard of it doesnt mean it sucks.
ignorance is not bliss when asking for help

2004-09-11, 02:39
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Well it is ignorent when you CAN GO FUCKING TRY IT OUT AT THE GODDAMN MUSIC STORE!! And if i have never heard of it how can I help you.  Oh wait. TRY IT OUT!! W e cant tell you what kind of tone you like. If you like it , you like it. That doesnt mean we have to like it. I'm so tired of seeing threads asking about how good an amp sounds. ITS A PERSONAL PREFERENCE!! I hope all the noobs see this so we wont have this fucking problem anymore.

2004-09-11, 02:42
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^^^I would have said pretty much the same thing.
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2004-09-11, 02:54
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I bet he'll crack like skcoffan or sicmetalcorpse

2004-09-11, 03:13
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Originally Posted by blackdimmu
Well it is ignorent when you CAN GO FUCKING TRY IT OUT AT THE GODDAMN MUSIC STORE!! And if i have never heard of it how can I help you.  Oh wait. TRY IT OUT!! W e cant tell you what kind of tone you like. If you like it , you like it. That doesnt mean we have to like it. I'm so tired of seeing threads asking about how good an amp sounds. ITS A PERSONAL PREFERENCE!!
it's not really "ignorant" of him... and he is right, just because YOU havent heard of it doesnt mean it sucks... nor does a $350 rule... most likey a $350 new head wouldnt make jaws drop, but it doesnt have to suck either...
but yes... i still always think trying an amp out is the only real way to find out your feelings on the amp for sure....
Originally Posted by blackdimmu
I hope all the noobs see this so we wont have this fucking problem anymore.
you havent exactly been around here for ages either... don't be so quick to put him down.
Originally Posted by blackdimmu
I bet he'll crack like skcoffan or sicmetalcorpse
they were just dumbasses.... and they did stupid shit... and we put them in their places for it... so they got pissed and ranted a bunch of retard spam...
this kid hasnt said anything stupid yet. ease up.
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2004-09-11, 03:18
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
you havent exactly been around here for ages either... don't be so quick to put him down.
Does that make me a noob?
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
and he is right, just because YOU havent heard of it doesnt mean it sucks... nor does a $350 rule... most likey a $350 new head wouldnt make jaws drop, but it doesnt have to suck either...
I didnt say it will suck, I said it probably would because I go on alot of forums,websites, music stores and have never once heard of it. Some very good brands arent very well known. Like RAN guitars. Its just an unpopular brand AND its cheap. I cant see it being very good.
Last edited by blackdimmu : 2004-09-11 at 03:47.

2004-09-11, 03:58
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Originally Posted by blackdimmu
Does that make me a noob?
not really, but with under 200 posts and only being a member here for a fairly short period of time.... i don't think it seems right to act superior to somebody because they have half as many posts as you. because that's what it looks like here.
hell, i've asked for peoples opinions on future gear purchases n' shit on here every now and then... just because i'm curious of what other people will think of it... every now and then people have thrown out suggestions that i've actually considered enough to want to change my planned purchases up.
really though, you can have hundreds, even thousands of posts and still be considered a noob.
Originally Posted by blackdimmu
I didnt say it will suck, I said it probably would because I go on alot of forums,websites, music stores and have never once heard of it. Some very good brands arent very well known. Like RAN guitars. Its just an unpopular brand AND its cheap. I cant see it being very good.
hey now, RAN guitars are actually pretty good. often just as good or even better than a lot of the guitars they look like...
i beleive, pat from cannibal corpse is getting custom shit from RAN... and c'mon, he's in cannibal corpse, one of the biggest death metal bands ever. he could afford to play anything he wanted...
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2004-09-11, 04:03
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
hey now, RAN guitars are actually pretty good. often just as good or even better than a lot of the guitars they look like...
i beleive, pat from cannibal corpse is getting custom shit from RAN... and c'mon, he's in cannibal corpse, one of the biggest death metal bands ever. he could afford to play anything he wanted...
I said RAN was good.
I was talking about the amp when I said unpopular and cheap.
Sorry for the confusion 

2004-09-11, 05:32
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try it first dude, if you like it then you like it, may i ask what brand it is though? ive never heard of lab.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-11, 06:05
Wasted Custom User title
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Originally Posted by blackdimmu
I bet he'll crack like skcoffan or sicmetalcorpse
hes been a member much longer than you have nov 03.. Longer than me. Although I still represent Minnesota
Jacksonman, really just go to the shop with your own guitar and mess around with the settings for a while and see if its worth the $350.
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2004-09-11, 07:06
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sorry for the totally off topic post, but I noticed blackdimmu's use of the word "noob" a few posts back.
Does this effect anything? Does it make you cooler when you have more posts? Do your friends (if you have any) look at you in awe? Do people on the street whisper to eachother "hey there is that guy with 1000 posts on metaltabs?"
noob is a totally out of context word for a forum. If you were playing guitar and you really sucked, you are a noob. If you are doing anything that remotely requires skill, there can be noobs. When posting on metaltabs, there is no such thing. Don't use it as a sad attempt at a comeback.

2004-09-11, 10:44
Join Date: Apr 2004
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I tried a LAB Series here in Sweden at a music shop, i thought it had pretty good clean but the distortion was kinda thin but that was a combo, the stack may be different.
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2004-09-11, 14:23
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Originally Posted by ShredIsNotDead
sorry for the totally off topic post, but I noticed blackdimmu's use of the word "noob" a few posts back.
Does this effect anything? Does it make you cooler when you have more posts? Do your friends (if you have any) look at you in awe? Do people on the street whisper to eachother "hey there is that guy with 1000 posts on metaltabs?"
noob is a totally out of context word for a forum. If you were playing guitar and you really sucked, you are a noob. If you are doing anything that remotely requires skill, there can be noobs. When posting on metaltabs, there is no such thing. Don't use it as a sad attempt at a comeback.
I wasnt calling Jacksonman a noob. I said I hate it when noobs post shit like this. AND DOES IT FUCKING MATTER IF HES BEEN HERE LONGER THAN ME. If noobs see the shit thell get asking questions like this than there wont be a problem anymore. Harmony Central got to noobish for me to help get rid of them. Thats why I joined here. To help.
EDIT: Sorry, Missed some of your post. I probably should have said idiots instead of noobs.
Last edited by blackdimmu : 2004-09-11 at 14:26.

2004-09-12, 03:22
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i rarely use the term noob... because i don't feel very superior to alot of people... i'm a fairly young guy, i've been playing for over several years and i'm totally obsessed with gear... of all sorts. guitar, drums, bass, PA stuff, recording, ect... i eat that shit up like candy. but the term noob can mean to many things...
some forty year old dude that has been playing guitar longer than i've been alive and could school me any day of the week, could call me a noob in that sense. but say he doesnt know jack shit about gear, to him a halfstack is a big box that makes noise. then i can call him a noob in the sense i know more.
but being new to these forums kinda does make you a noob around here... i have over a thousand posts... but compared to some people on here even that isnt much.
i just don't feel the need to always bash somebody with the term noob and make myself look like a moron... because i see the term used by some pretty noobish people sometimes.
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2004-09-12, 03:31
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i am really beginning to wonder if you are my some type of doppleganger to me XDX.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-12, 03:40
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
hey now, RAN guitars are actually pretty good. often just as good or even better than a lot of the guitars they look like...
i beleive, pat from cannibal corpse is getting custom shit from RAN... and c'mon, he's in cannibal corpse, one of the biggest death metal bands ever. he could afford to play anything he wanted...
Where did you hear that???
I know Vader, and Decapitated both play Ran's... makes sense since their both from Poland.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
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2004-09-12, 03:53
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Originally Posted by BLS
Where did you hear that???
I know Vader, and Decapitated both play Ran's... makes sense since their both from Poland.
well, my drummer is obsessed with them... so i think i over heard him saying something.
and if i remember correctly last time they were here i saw pat playing a bc style guitar with red lining n' shit... and i think it was a RAN, but i could be mistaken... the R style thing on the headstock was what stuck in my mind.
either way, they are good guitars.
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2004-09-12, 04:36
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Thats a bc rich. American made bc rich's have "R" on the headstock.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-12, 16:01
Wasted Custom User title
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Yes it is a bc rich. A beautiful bc rich..
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2004-09-12, 20:19
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well, it didn't look like any BC i've seen before.... but i'm not exactly huge on bc rich stuff so i don't really know. i just remember having a good reason to beleive it might have been a ran... regardless.. ran guitars ARE nice.
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2004-09-12, 20:27
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Tr00 Dat!
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-13, 02:12
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All right here goes.
The Name of the company is lab series. It is a subsidiary of Gibson Musical Instruments. The head in question is the L11. It has 2 solid state cannels. This is the best clean channel amp IMO. The gain channel is very dry unless using an external form of distortion. When running pedals you have to tweak and tweak to find a tone suitable to your ears. After about fifteen minutes i found IMO the best sound ive ever had. Its kind of a cross between Early emperor and whoracle era In-flames. The kicker is I ended up only paying $125 for the head.
If you would have paid attention black I never fucking asked what you thought of the amp. I asked If it was a good deal and I implied that i wanted to know if any one has heard of Lab Series.
No thanks to you and your inseccent rantings about me being a noob, I have purchased the amp and as by my above statement you MIGHT grasp the fact that I love My New Lab Series L11.
Black You can suck my monolithic cock.

2004-09-13, 03:52
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Originally Posted by JacksonMan007
All right here goes.
The Name of the company is lab series. It is a subsidiary of Gibson Musical Instruments. The head in question is the L11. It has 2 solid state cannels. This is the best clean channel amp IMO. The gain channel is very dry unless using an external form of distortion. When running pedals you have to tweak and tweak to find a tone suitable to your ears. After about fifteen minutes i found IMO the best sound ive ever had. Its kind of a cross between Early emperor and whoracle era In-flames. The kicker is I ended up only paying $125 for the head.
If you would have paid attention black I never fucking asked what you thought of the amp. I asked If it was a good deal and I implied that i wanted to know if any one has heard of Lab Series.
No thanks to you and your inseccent rantings about me being a noob, I have purchased the amp and as by my above statement you MIGHT grasp the fact that I love My New Lab Series L11.
Black You can suck my monolithic cock.
Am I Black?
And still no.
Dude, I have seen a Crate BV60 Half-Stack go for that much. Dont get it unless you really like it. But there are better deals.

2004-09-13, 19:38
Join Date: Jun 2003
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BV's are brutal enough for me
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