2004-08-29, 08:36
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For all the amp specialists
I recorded a small sample,I used my Jackson.
WHat's the amp you're hearing? The signal is pure,no effects whatsoever,no EQ's,etc...
Rectifier,5150,VHT,JCM2000,xXx,Uberschall... ?
Have fun!
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We pray for his soul to be stripped and tormented
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2004-08-29, 11:53
Master Killer
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theres no way to tell what amp you're playing, if we don't know a bit more..
I've heard a lot of amps but all through my own guitar. (ibanez RG 750 /w dimarzio's and back in the day a Dinky with emg 81's)
and what jackson where you using here? on with EMG's?
my first impression would be something non-tube because the distortion sounds awfully dry... if its a tube amp it sounds awfully compressed too.
and is it one of the amps mentioned above?
it sounds kinda 'small' to me, not cranked eh? but its probably the recording, did you use a line out or a mic in front of a cab? (and if so, what cab?)
sure as hell doesn't sound like a VHT or Uberschall from this sample to me. if its one of the above its prolly the XXX? (just a guess since that one sounds really dry and kinda sterile, it just has a certain sound that I seem to recognize)
it's hard to tell by a small sample because you're not hitting any high notes, thats where most 'boutique' amps stand out, above the 12th fret
though I have no idea what guitar you're using and what eq setting/gain settings, please tell us more!
interesting topic though, I can post a sound clip of a random amp too and see what you guys think it is 

2004-08-29, 13:17
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I say it's the XXX. 

2004-08-29, 18:36
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Sounds horrible.
If you manage to pull a shitty sound like that out of a XXX then.. wow
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2004-08-29, 18:43
Master Killer
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yeah, but out of the one's he mentioned its the shittiest amp
if it is one of the amps he mentioned that is.

2004-08-29, 19:24
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out of what he listed....
i say 5150 or triple X
it doesnt sound very marshall-ish... so rule out the jcm 2000
it doesnt sound very boogie-ish... so i rule out the recto.
i doubt he has a bogner or vht at his disposal, plus it sounds to shitty.... so i ruled them out...
then i think it's more likely to be the xxx because the 5150 isnt as "buzzy sounding although if you plugged straight from a line out or something that could be why it sounds so "buzzy".
personally i think it sounds like you plugged a metalzone or similar pedal into a mixing board or your computer. so that would actually be my main answer....
all n all it's a shitty recording and what ever amp you did use you did a good job of making it sound like ass.
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2004-08-29, 21:00
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Yeah,I was kinda bored,lazy sunday i guess.
Jackson neck through with Seymour duncans though.
I don't have pedals...
The recording was done with a simple pc mic,I don't know a lot about recording.
Here's another one,I noticed the volume was less,that's cause the mic was on a different spot i guess.
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2004-08-29, 21:10
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still to shitty man.
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2004-08-29, 23:17
Wasted Custom User title
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I'd have to say XXX or 5150. Leanin more towards the 5150.
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2004-08-29, 23:26
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Thier's no way thats a 5150.. just dosent sound like it.
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2004-08-29, 23:30
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i say its a Marshall MG10CD 

2004-08-29, 23:32
Master Killer
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^lol, could well be
is it one of the amps mentioned above disciple? if so, what eq settings did you use?
it might be the mic or something but damn, it sounds crap
I'll post up a clip tomorrow to let you hear what a cranked tube amp sounds like 

2004-08-29, 23:57
Wasted Custom User title
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You probably plugged your guitar straight into your computer.
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2004-08-30, 02:23
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its probably a shity amp and hes trying to see if anyone can tell its not a tube...
.../.............................._ _..\

2004-08-30, 02:46
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it sounds to much like ass to be even distinguished as an amp  .
i'm co producing a friend's bands' CD.... when they put mp3's up or something i'll give a link, i'll see if you guys can name the amps & or guitars  .
it's sounding pretty proffessional so far. it's a real studio but the guy who runs isnt used to rock bands.... so i'm helping him out alot. they're kinda "screamo"-ish stuff, but i set em' up to sound as heav' as possible.
this is fun though.
i'll also try and record back to back stuff tommarrow or something of my jmp-1 vs. my guitarist's 5150, we'll see how well bls does
Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
You probably plugged your guitar straight into your computer.
he already said he just used his computer mic...
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2004-08-30, 03:09
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Next weekend ill try and record something... i really need a mic. The line in dosent cut it 
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-08-30, 06:44
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I'll try to make other,better recordings but I'm a very busy man,don't have that much time to play.
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2004-08-30, 09:41
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You must have like 10-15 minutes of spare time because those samples don't take that long to record. Not trying to dis you but really you could record a little sample in no time.

2004-08-30, 21:43
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Originally Posted by younguitarist
i say its a Marshall MG10CD 
I totally agree

2004-08-31, 11:47
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A Marshall MG10CD sounds totally different,sorry and doesn't have that kinda gain.
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of all that is proper, to burn his sins,
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2004-08-31, 13:04
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Originally Posted by Disciple
A Marshall MG10CD sounds totally different,sorry and doesn't have that kinda gain.
totally different from what??? because the recording you have sounds like it could be any amp or pedal with a decent amount of gain. it's that bad.
i played through a friend little mg10cd yesterday actually... push in the boost and dime the other two knobs, then adjust the volume... such a simple amp and it didn't sound half bad actually... and it did have the amount of gain to be compared to your recording.
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2004-08-31, 17:56
Senior Metalhead
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Cool,record it so we can compare
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We pray for his soul to be stripped and tormented
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In the witness of the Father, the Son and the Holy
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2004-08-31, 19:10
Master Killer
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so you're gonna tell us which settings you used and if its one of the amps mentioned above?
I'm still edging to the XXX, but it could be the jcm too, but not withouth extremely high gain setting or something, you could make any amp sound like ass if you do your best...

2004-08-31, 19:22
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Originally Posted by Disciple
Cool,record it so we can compare
it's not mine.... i don't have it at my disposal, i was just at a buddies house and he had it laying around....
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2004-08-31, 20:18
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Record it on his pc.
Another try:
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2004-09-01, 17:53
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Originally Posted by Disciple
Record it on his pc.
Another try:
i'm not even going to bother....
but yeh, that recording still sounds shitty enough to be alot of amps.
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2004-09-01, 21:54
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by Def
so you're gonna tell us which settings you used and if its one of the amps mentioned above?


2004-09-02, 02:14
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we've all pretty much guessed the best we can for those horrible recordings.... so you gonna tell us or what?
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2004-09-12, 11:17
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Talk is cheap
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2004-09-12, 13:04
Master Killer
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so? we've all gave our opinions, we still don't know if its one of the amps you mentioned or what settings you used.

2004-09-12, 14:28
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tell us now.
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2004-09-12, 15:29
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Yeah, I wanna see if you can really turn one of those nice amps into a piece of shit sound.

2004-09-12, 20:15
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Originally Posted by Disciple
Talk is cheap
i don't see the point in this thread.... you give us several shitty recordings telling us to guess from several amps... we all put in our guesses.... and now we want to know what it is.... i'm not going to feel stupid about my answer because i could get similar sounds from a distortion pedal plugged directly into a pc. or a $3,000 amp with shitty settings to a crappy computer mic.
a decent DI box or decent mic setup to an amp & or pedal setup with good sounding settings would be more ideal for this.... then it would narrow it down. because these shitty recordings you're giving us could be a number of things...
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2004-09-13, 19:41
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Post the answer before I hire a hitman. Please. 
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2004-09-13, 20:55
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2004-09-16, 09:16
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Just fucking shut up.
Close down this thread,I have no more interest in it.
The purpose of this thread? I had hoped people would be positive,giving me tips or maybe recording stuff from their own so we could compare sounds.
All I'm getting is bashings and negativity.I even posted a fake sample to see if it would get bashed. Sure it did. Oh well... So far so good.
As we place this wretched waste of a man into his final rotting place.
We pray for his soul to be stripped and tormented
of all that is proper, to burn his sins,
In the witness of the Father, the Son and the Holy
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2004-09-16, 09:23
Dog farts
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Originally Posted by blackdimmu
Yeah, I wanna see if you can really turn one of those nice amps into a piece of shit sound.
You're helpful. Idiot.

2004-09-16, 13:27
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Originally Posted by Disciple
Just fucking shut up.
Close down this thread,I have no more interest in it.
The purpose of this thread? I had hoped people would be positive,giving me tips or maybe recording stuff from their own so we could compare sounds.
All I'm getting is bashings and negativity.I even posted a fake sample to see if it would get bashed. Sure it did. Oh well... So far so good.
omg omg omg omg.....
the bashing and negativity? it's not our fault your recordings arent even decent.... if you wanted tips ask for tips... decent mic or direct box... decent mic placemet... quality mic cable, some kind of mixer or mic preamp.... then outs from the mixer, or preamp into the computer and record...
2 minute to 2 hours of testing it all out to find a decent sound...
so are you going to even tell us?
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2004-09-16, 17:26
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
omg omg omg omg.....
the bashing and negativity? it's not our fault your recordings arent even decent.... if you wanted tips ask for tips... decent mic or direct box... decent mic placemet... quality mic cable, some kind of mixer or mic preamp.... then outs from the mixer, or preamp into the computer and record...
2 minute to 2 hours of testing it all out to find a decent sound...
so are you going to even tell us?
it was a fake sample.
but hell pretty much everyone agreed it sounded bad, even when I record a little movie with my digital camera, it sounds better... if he wants tips he cant just ask for it.
if you're interested disciple, PM me and I'll send you some samples.
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