2004-08-22, 01:18
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: The West.
Posts: 4,433
Originally Posted by guitar_demon
i was just reading through some of the old threads on heads and stuff and alot of you guys keep mentioning getting mods and stuff like the bias mod, noise mod ect. what are they and what do they do exactly?
a noise mod is usually just a mod where parts are replaced or added to make a unit less noisey, likae a cranked up amp with the gain up high has that always present hiss..... a bias mod is a mod to run, say, your powertubes warmer or colder to your preference.....
in the ada they have the 3tm mod which adds a 3rd tube for more gain and all around warmer tone..
ect... "mod" is just short for modifiaction.
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