2004-08-15, 05:29
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: The West.
Posts: 4,433
i have one....
ibanez msp(multi signal proccessor) 1000.... i bought it for bout $50(u.s.)..... i love mine... it has three stages, first is a compressor, a good one at that..... and the next stage is a 15 band graphic eq, it's great... and the third is a notch filter, it's a cool little tool that doesnt do to much......
all n' all i love it... it's like 3 units in one rack space.... one totally vintage peice of gear though... very rare, you'll could only be so lucky to find one.. good anolog sound and it's totally passive.... as in, i could turn it off and hear what my rig sounds like without it.... you can even turn on and off each individual stages.
i mainly use it for simple fine tuning and light compression, like compensating my mids because the sonic maximizer kinda scoops my sound a bit.
for $50 i love the damn thing......
only "problems" are that the three stages arent footswitchable.... no biggy, it's a very subtle unit the way i use it anyways.... and it isnt stereo.... but the part of my signal it affects hasnt been split yet anyways....
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