2004-08-10, 05:19
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Anyone put an active and passive pickup in their...
guitar and were you able to use the same tone and volume knobs for both of them?
I am thinking that with the 9volts running through it may not work out well with that passive pickup being powered.
Has anyone been successful with this?

2004-08-10, 09:33
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It would be a pain to make it work 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
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2004-08-10, 15:01
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as far as i know you cant do that
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2004-08-10, 18:00
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you can do that, but requires a bunch of extra shit, which may or may not be worth it....
but just putting in a passive pickup and an active pickup in a guitar... it just wont work.... physics or something.... 
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2004-08-10, 18:00
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You can definetly do it.
"Can I mix EMG's with passive pickups?
It is possible to mix EMG's with passive pickups. There are three possible wiring configurations; one is better than the other two.
Use the high impedance (250K-500K) volume and tone controls. The problem is that the high impedance controls act more like a switch to the EMG's. The passive pickups, however, will work fine. If you have a guitar with two pickups and two volume pots, with a three-way switch, there is another alternative. Use the 25K pots for the EMG, and the 250K pots for the passive pickup. This way you can use one or the other with no adverse affects, but with the switch in the middle position the passive pickup will have reduced gain and response.
Use the low-impedance (25K) volume and tone controls provided with the EMG's. The problem here is that the passive pickups will suffer a reduction in gain and loss of high-frequency response.
This is the best alternative. Install an EMG-PA-2 on the passive pickups. There are two benefits to doing this. With the trimpot on the PA-2, you can adjust the gain of the passive pickups to match the EMG's. The PA-2 acts as an impedance matching device so you can use the low-impedance EMG controls (25K) without affecting the tone of the passive pickups. You will also be able to use other EMG accessory circuits such as the SPC, RPC, EXB, EXG, etc. For this application, we recommend ordering the PA-2 without the switch for easy installation on the inside of a guitar."
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2004-08-11, 05:39
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thanks for the replys guys
It looks like it will be a bigger hassle than its worth. The pickup is a seymour duncan livewire - which may require something different than the EMG.

2004-08-11, 13:39
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Livewires are active...
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2004-08-11, 17:33
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Originally Posted by BLS
Livewires are active...
i think he was saying his active pu is the livewire and the he has a passive pu as well.... then was wondering if the livewire needed anything different from an emg.
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2005-10-23, 21:30
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Originally Posted by BLS
Use the 25K pots for the EMG, and the 250K pots for the passive pickup. This way you can use one or the other with no adverse affects, but with the switch in the middle position the passive pickup will have reduced gain and response.
I plan on doing this. All I need to do is change the pots?
Originally Posted by Amadeus
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2005-10-23, 22:58
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I plan on doing this. All I need to do is change the pots?
And probably add that PA-2 thingy or something so it works right. You can probably get anyone with decent knowledge of electronics to do it for you if you give him all the documentation and specs(like how many k for each pot, ohms, or some shit) he'll need. I doubt a regular guitar techie would know how to do that.
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2005-10-23, 23:25
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it IS possible, im getting a active 81 @ bridge and passive sd fullshred @ neck in my custom axe. the builder says its possible with a little bit more trouble to install.
i believe u need something that pervents the passive from getting energie from thwe batterie, im not exactly sure how.
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-10-24, 00:41
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Why would you want to mix a active with a passive?

2005-10-24, 02:00
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physics i guess.
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2005-10-24, 04:02
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To get some cool grind on your bridge PU for rythm, but some lively non-sterile lead and clean tones on your neck PU? I'd like to try it some day on my 2nd or 3rd axe.
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2005-10-24, 19:26
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Originally Posted by Soeru
To get some cool grind on your bridge PU for rythm, but some lively non-sterile lead and clean tones on your neck PU?
Emg's are just fucking noisy.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-10-24, 19:42
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In my Ibanez RG I have an EMG 81 (or an 85.. can't remember, but it has a gold EMG logo) in the bridge and the standard ibanez single coil in the middle and humbucker in the neck, they all work fine. I had a guitar electrician guy do mine for me, and all it cost was £10, not expensive at all.
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2005-10-24, 19:43
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now im confused, mixing a emg and a passive will make the emg noisy??
ive had emg's before, and they were silent as silence
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-10-24, 20:24
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Originally Posted by k13m
ive had emg's before, and they were silent as silence
me too MTM must have had something wired wrong if his shit was noisey. my rg570 has an 81/85 set and it's quieter than it was with the tonezone in the bridge.
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2005-10-25, 00:05
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yeah mine are quiet... but they feedback so fuckin hardcore.... sometimes even through my noisegate.
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2005-10-25, 02:13
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Originally Posted by the_bleeding
yeah mine are quiet... but they feedback so fuckin hardcore.... sometimes even through my noisegate.
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2005-10-25, 02:26
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Originally Posted by the_bleeding
yeah mine are quiet... but they feedback so fuckin hardcore.... sometimes even through my noisegate.
EMG active pickups feedback even through a noisegate?
Seeing as how I own a set, this is a new one on me. I have a hard enough time making them squeal at high volumes without a noisegate.

2005-10-25, 03:52
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i just don't see how you can say your emg's are quiet, yet, they feedback... enough to go through a noisegate...
and what kind of weak ass noisegate is it??
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2005-10-25, 05:02
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i just don't see how you can say your emg's are quiet, yet, they feedback... enough to go through a noisegate...
and what kind of weak ass noisegate is it??
My EMG is totally quiet, i forget sometimes that the volume is turned up on my guitar. I think is has alot to do with your setup. EMG is like the Porsche slogan, there is no substitute.

2005-10-26, 20:26
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
me too MTM must have had something wired wrong if his shit was noisey. my rg570 has an 81/85 set and it's quieter than it was with the tonezone in the bridge.
Well, they are significantly noisier than the Seymour Duncans I have. Wired wrong, maybe. They aren't stock, so I guess it's a possibility.
Also what I should have elaborated on more is that the tone on the emg's are kinda, I dunno, too loose and cluttered sounding for me. Playing technical riffs just sound plain crappier when compared to the passives I have.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-10-27, 21:31
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Could i just buy a set of EMG 81's and put them in my axe, and take out my passive neck pickup, and leave the neck cavity empty? Would i have to do any special wiring?

2005-10-28, 03:52
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my emgs started to make quite a bit of noise so i opened up my guitar and i immediately saw the problem, the ground wire from the 89 had come loose from the side of the pot. so i resoldered it, this time i soldered it much better, and the noise went away completely, if i aint playing, it sounds like it aint plugged in
Originally Posted by Shreddist
Could i just buy a set of EMG 81's and put them in my axe, and take out my passive neck pickup, and leave the neck cavity empty? Would i have to do any special wiring?
what pickup combo have you got? like h-h or h-s-s or h-s-h?
im not sure if im understanding you correctly, but if i am, theres no special wiring needed.
Last edited by User01 : 2005-10-28 at 03:54.

2005-10-28, 16:41
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Here man, that was a really bad explination of what i want to do. Okay my set up is H-H, and i want to take out the neck pickup(which is passive) and just leave that cavity empty. And put an EMG 81 in the bridge position. So this way i only have a pickup in the bridge position. Then later on when i get the money ill toss an 85 in the neck.

2005-10-28, 20:11
Join Date: Jan 2005
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hey im wondering sumtin.
if i would have a emg 81 @ bridge, and SD fullshred (passive) @ neck, could i switch em on both at the same time?? (mid position) or can i only use them seperate????
< no wonder hes mad!!
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