2004-08-05, 14:44
Join Date: May 2003
Location: South-East England
Posts: 60
Morbid Angel, Hate Eternal, Mithras....
Ok, sorry for the huge number of requests but these songs are just screaming at me to be learnt, unfortunately i cant work any of them out...
if anyone could have a go at ANY of these...even if it's just rough, can you please post it or send it to me...
Morbid Angel-Beneath the Hollow
Hate Eternal-King of all Kings
Hate Eternal-Powers That Be
Mithras-Lords and Masters
Mithras-Sloping Altars
Divine Empire-Aggrevated Battery
mithras mp3s at... http://mithras.org.uk/Main.html
it's in the media section...funnily enough
Rise of Brutality