2004-07-16, 11:52
New Blood
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B52 Stealth st-100a
yo dudes, has anyone got one of these things ive heard alot about them and they look totally metal. im thinking of selling my triple x for one.
Has anyone got any sound clips of this beast in action or even your comments.
thanks. Daken .

2004-07-16, 15:19
New Blood
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i really wanna know what this sounds like so can anyone help??????????????????????????????

2004-07-16, 18:15
New Blood
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any.... response would be noted 

2004-07-16, 18:31
Wasted Custom User title
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Is this the tube one? or the SS one?
I used to have the tube one.
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2004-07-16, 19:23
New Blood
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the tube one.
why did you sell it? what did it sound like?

2004-07-16, 20:14
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Like ass. It sounded like ass.
It had very little gain, so I was forced into using my Mt-2 for distortion which made it sound very muddy and it lacked quality. I dont know if you were planning on using a distortion pedal with this amp already but distortion pedals with tube amps is a bad way to go.
If I were you I would get a 5150 combo or something.
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2004-07-16, 23:26
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keep the triple x, no need to downgrade.... are you not content with the triple x? if so, why not?
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2004-07-16, 23:55
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Yeh, whats wrong with the Triple X??
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2004-07-17, 00:13
New Blood
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i dont nessasarily want to d-grade its just i heard about these tube stealth amps and they look mean. the triple x is excellent but it doesnt have the tone capabilities of the likes of messa, the triple rectifier rules.
so what would you say the stealth 100 tube head sounds like? a h&k warp 7?
i wish i could here it damn. if the gain wasnt to hot why didnt you use a boss ds-1 'canibalcorps' or a tube screamer like satch with his marshall header rig that way you would have increased your gain but still reatained tone instead of slamming all theat mt disortion fuzz on it which would make it go very muddy and messy.

2004-07-17, 00:51
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I used the mt-2 on the clean channel. I tried some tube screamers and stuff on it and it didn't help too much. Still not enough gain for what I like to play.
And trading in the XXX for a b-52 tube head is just about the dumbest thing you could do. Fuck I would have killed for a XXX when I had my b-52.
I would just stay with your XXX. If you dont like it then you can just send it to me and I'll keep it.
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2004-07-17, 03:17
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Originally Posted by daken
i dont nessasarily want to d-grade its just i heard about these tube stealth amps and they look mean. the triple x is excellent but it doesnt have the tone capabilities of the likes of messa, the triple rectifier rules.
looks can be deceiving..... if you want the tone capabilities of a recto, then buy a recto... despite what some would say, the triple x is not the poor mans recto, it's nothing like the rectos. completely different amps. i don't even think they look much alike...
hell, a 5150 looks more like a soldano than a triple x looks like a recto. and you don't see people saying the 5150 is a poor mans slo 100.... because they arent very much alike.
Originally Posted by daken
so what would you say the stealth 100 tube head sounds like? a h&k warp 7?
well, the warp 7 has loads more gain.... but it's s.s.
the b52 stealth is just lacking..... in alot of areas imo....
Originally Posted by daken
i wish i could here it damn. if the gain wasnt to hot why didnt you use a boss ds-1 'canibalcorps' or a tube screamer like satch with his marshall header rig that way you would have increased your gain but still reatained tone instead of slamming all theat mt disortion fuzz on it which would make it go very muddy and messy.
you shouldnt be using a dist/o.d. pedal on a high gain tube amp. it just makes it pointless.
but the stealth is no high gain amp, although they claim it to be pretty mean.
but it's no clean amp. so pedals will still sound like ass.
besides most o.d. over o.d. setups make lots of noise and undesired effects.
if you're going to drop alot of cash on an amp, drop it on an amp that's worth it.
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2004-07-17, 03:55
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Smart xDx!
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2004-07-17, 04:50
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Acually alot of people do call they 5150 the poor man's Soldano. Mainly Because eddie uses Soldano's before the 5150. 
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-07-17, 15:38
New Blood
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so when you said it didnt have enough gain ,you mean it lacked gain as in death metal distortion?
i aint selling my xxx i just sold my car so im in the money for some spending!!!
did you ever record with the st-100 tube?

2004-07-17, 19:03
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Originally Posted by BLS
Acually alot of people do call they 5150 the poor man's Soldano. Mainly Because eddie uses Soldano's before the 5150. 
i've never heard that before, and didn't eddie use marshall? i don't think the 5150 is anything like the soldano..... but then again the 5150 is 1/3 of the price....
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2004-07-17, 19:05
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Hes used marshal and soldano's.. i dont think the amps are anythign alike. But idiots at harmony-central like to belive so.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-07-17, 19:12
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Originally Posted by daken
so when you said it didnt have enough gain ,you mean it lacked gain as in death metal distortion?
i aint selling my xxx i just sold my car so im in the money for some spending!!!
did you ever record with the st-100 tube?
i'm no death metal guy, but it lacked gain for just about anything "heavy" especially with those horrid b52 cabs....
i'd suggest looking into the rectos if you gots money, if need be you can sell your xxx if your short on cash.....
but no, i don't think the b52 would be a wise choice....
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2004-07-17, 20:41
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I might have recorded with the b-52, but I was using a Mt-2 with it so youre only going to hear what the amp sounds like with a Mt-2.
Overall, theres better amps out there that you can get.
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2004-07-24, 18:31
New Blood
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2004-07-24, 21:09
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it's not..... they make it look like that so nu metal kids & people new to the amp market will be like "that looks mean as fuck... i bet it's so metal, besides, it's tube and tubes are best i heard... and i can afford it... so i'll take it without playing it. because i'm stupid and my mom beats me with her vibrator."
i swear.....
the fallen angel is a serious amp though... not to cheap, but very mesa-ish ballsy high gain... although you'd get more versitility out of a recto imo.
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2004-07-24, 21:18
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Originally Posted by daken
Yes, it looks cool. But too bad it sounds like ass.
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2004-07-24, 21:51
New Blood
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i dont get it wtf does ass sound like? lol
how the hell on earth can they sell and advertise it as being a high gain valve amp if it aint? is it a weak gain or does it sound like plugging into your hi fi, now that sounds like ass..
reviews say iits mega hot!! what amp on the market could you compare it to? or a song `that has this 'ass' sound on it, and do the valves glow?
i emailed an st100 owner and he said the gain isnt every1s taste but with his ts9 for kick it throws out a satch / nuno sound, what dya reckon?

2004-07-24, 22:37
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Ass = Very low gain
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2004-07-24, 23:28
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don't be another ignorant metal kid....low gain can sound good.. it depends on your style.... to some classic rock/smooth jazz guy, ASS= high gain...
ass= muddy,thin, weak, cold, winded, ect... imo
that b52 doesnt have lots of gain...i'm sure if you dimed it out and had some hot pu's.... maybe even throw in some jj's, and set it up for el34's....... then i guess you could call it "high gain".... but there is much more to tone than gain... and whatever it is, the b52 is lacking it...
trust me, the triple x has better tone, more gain, and a better clean.... go ahead and look into it... but i wouldnt reccomend it, especially for a blind buy.
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2004-07-25, 03:19
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i bought a b52 cab... but just because it was dirt cheap.... i got it for $250 bucks
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2004-07-25, 06:03
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I paid that same price for my Peavey XXX cab, and ive also seen Peavey 5150 cabs go that cheap.
Im gonna cry for you now 
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-25, 06:47
Wasted Custom User title
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For some one who wants to play Death Metal, a low gain amp is gonna sound like ass.
This amp might be Ok for black metal because black metal seems to have less gain and thinner sounding tone.
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2004-07-25, 10:26
New Blood
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Thats my point, you may not like this amp because it doesnt produce warp 7 levals of grunt for cradle of filth and alike but for somebody whos playing virtuoso shred it could be excellent value for money. so do the valves glow?
to be honest i think the marshall dsl series heads suck but slash wouldnt be without them.
perhaps if you had been fortunate to have had 2 or even 4 speaker cabinets with the head you could have altered the sound to sound wider. thats what i did with the crate blue voodoo i didnt like the botttom end of that amp coming straight to me so i hooked it up to 4 cabs and it sounded impressive other wise i would have shitted all over the damn thing.

2004-07-25, 15:24
New Blood
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seing as you owned it 'canibal' what are those features on the back is there 2 speaker jacks for 2 individual 4x12s? whats else is there?

2004-07-25, 21:21
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I'm not sure, I didnt have it very long.
Im sure with a tube screamer, some hot pickups, some better tubes, and someother modifications I have no idea how to do, this amp COULD sound somewhat decent. But theres only so much potential a amp has. This amp had very little of it.
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2004-07-25, 22:55
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fucking christ!!!! try the damn thing out!, hell do a blind buy if you really want a mean looking amp... but if you don't like it then don't cry around here about it.
i personally didn't think it was very good for any style that requires decent amounts of gain.
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2004-07-26, 06:06
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Originally Posted by BLS
I paid that same price for my Peavey XXX cab, and ive also seen Peavey 5150 cabs go that cheap.
Im gonna cry for you now 
i think you under estimate the LG-412. its pretty kick ass and up there in quality with big name companys. also with its 5 year speaker and life time cab warrenty it can take a beating, and if i breaks... ill pick up another one.
(and were those peavey cabs new? because mine was.)
oh yeah and it has an interchangable gold and chrome logo! can your mesa/boogie cab do that? i didnt think so!
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2004-07-26, 07:04
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Originally Posted by Angel-Of-Death
i think you under estimate the LG-412. its pretty kick ass and up there in quality with big name companys. also with its 5 year speaker and life time cab warrenty it can take a beating, and if i breaks... ill pick up another one.
(and were those peavey cabs new? because mine was.)
oh yeah and it has an interchangable gold and chrome logo! can your mesa/boogie cab do that? i didnt think so!
It can take a beating as all cabs can... but does yours sound good??
My cab was bought used, but wasent even a year old.
I dont have a mesa cab........
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-07-26, 07:25
Wasted Custom User title
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Yeah.. that b-52 cab sucked... For the price its ok, but you can get a much better used cab for the same price. Who cares if its used? As long as its not going to stop working.
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2004-07-26, 07:31
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
Yeah.. that b-52 cab sucked... For the price its ok, but you can get a much better used cab for the same price. Who cares if its used? As long as its not going to stop working.
exactly, mine was "Used" but was never gigged. I just think hey i bought a new cab that has had its speakers broken in, less work for me  when i went to open to back i could tell i was the first to open the cab.
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-26, 14:47
New Blood
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but the stealth cabs have celestion 30 greenbacks exactly what peavey and marshall use so how can it of sucked? unless you mean the lg-solid state cab with own speakers.
and to that person who said to quit talking about this! why dont you nob off you ignorant fuck, this forums for music and gear talking not people like you with nothing better to say.
so canibal did the valves glow like the engl fireball?
i seriously think that a ts9 will make it sound more ballsy!!!!
any1 got any pictures of it?????????????????????????????????????????
all relevent replies welcome!

2004-07-26, 19:26
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Why dont you just try it out for yourself? See how you like it.
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2004-07-26, 19:59
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Originally Posted by daken
but the stealth cabs have celestion 30 greenbacks exactly what peavey and marshall use so how can it of sucked? unless you mean the lg-solid state cab with own speakers.
celestion 30 greenbacks???? haha..... i think you mean either g12 30's or greenbacks.....
either way you're full of shit.
peavey cabs use sheffeilds, not celestions.
mesa's usually have vintage 30's...
and standard 1960 cabs have g12t-75's...(some versions come with other types of celestions).
theres no such thing as a s.s. cab.. but yes, i'm pretty sure they're talking about the lg cab for the s.s. head... and what are own speakers?
Originally Posted by daken
and to that person who said to quit talking about this! why dont you nob off you ignorant fuck, this forums for music and gear talking not people like you with nothing better to say.
that's not ignorance dumbass.... learn what a word means before you use it the wrong way and you yourself become the ignorant one.
anyways, you came here asking about the b52 tube head... we told you it was no good in our opinions. it lacks clarity, gain, punch, ect.... so we told you to keep your triple X or look into a better amp than it....
rather than taking our advice you kept talking about how mean it looks and how you bet you it'll be mean as hell.... so i said to try the damn thing out or do a blind buy... because you've been warned... if you like it, great, if not, we told you so.
Originally Posted by daken
so canibal did the valves glow like the engl fireball?
tubes glow.....
Originally Posted by daken
i seriously think that a ts9 will make it sound more ballsy!!!!
what makes you think that? have you ever used a tube screamer? it might, but why would you bet on something like that?.... if you want more balls and clarity out of an amp, you can get it modded, or buy some sort of aural enhancer like a sonic maximizer or aural exciter.. to put in you fx loop.
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2004-07-26, 20:04
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Originally Posted by Angel-Of-Death
i think you under estimate the LG-412. its pretty kick ass and up there in quality with big name companys. also with its 5 year speaker and life time cab warrenty it can take a beating, and if i breaks... ill pick up another one.
no it's not, it doesnt have as good of speakers at top notch cabs nor does it have the same quality construction... thats probably why it has such good warranty... a quality cab should never need warranty.
Originally Posted by Angel-Of-Death
(and were those peavey cabs new? because mine was.)
i'd rather buy a good used cab than a shitty new cab for the same price...
Originally Posted by Angel-Of-Death
oh yeah and it has an interchangable gold and chrome logo! can your mesa/boogie cab do that? i didnt think so!
well, no a mesa cab can't do that.... but the mesa cab can at least sound good...
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2004-07-27, 10:59
New Blood
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2004-07-27, 20:27
New Blood
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and the answer is....

2004-07-27, 20:58
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you guys have to admit alot of what your paying for with mesa and other popular brands is the name. i realy dont think the mesa is 3 times better then the b-52 (it costs that much more.)
list the differnces...
1. v30 speakers(big deal, they can be changed)
2. higher quality construction, as in it doesnt fall apart as easy... i doubt a b52 will fall apart.
3. mesa logo (that doesnt have an option of being gold or chrome whahaha)
4. circetry and electronics, ok mabe you got me here, but i dont know much about this stuff...
If im wrong please tell me... im always looking for advice on things i dont know much about...
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2004-07-27, 21:15
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Originally Posted by daken
and the answer is....
Blind buy. Thats why YOU shouldnt get it.
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2004-07-27, 22:10
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Originally Posted by Angel-Of-Death
you guys have to admit alot of what your paying for with mesa and other popular brands is the name. i realy dont think the mesa is 3 times better then the b-52 (it costs that much more.)
list the differnces...
i think the mesa is alot better than the b52... hands down..... of course mesa is overpriced... but they still rock.
Originally Posted by Angel-Of-Death
1. v30 speakers(big deal, they can be changed)
huge deal... besides, a b52 cab + the money for four v30's= about the same price as the mesa cab... and wont sound as good.
speakers are the most important part of the cab.
Originally Posted by Angel-Of-Death
2. higher quality construction, as in it doesnt fall apart as easy... i doubt a b52 will fall apart.
it has more to it than being tuff. it plays a big role in sound... mesa recto cabs are huge... and they sound like it too....
Originally Posted by Angel-Of-Death
3. mesa logo (that doesnt have an option of being gold or chrome whahaha)
who cares about the logo? i'd rather have a bright pink mesa logo on my cab than any b52 logo.... at least then i could see i was playing quality shit... besides mesa has all sorts of custom options for their amps n' cabs....
Originally Posted by Angel-Of-Death
4. circetry and electronics, ok mabe you got me here, but i dont know much about this stuff...
higer quality wires are a big part. your setup is only as strong as your weakest link.
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2004-07-28, 19:39
New Blood
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so why did you buy it canibal if you hated it??

2004-07-28, 19:52
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
Blind buy. Thats why YOU shouldnt get it.
I already told you dipshit.
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2004-07-28, 21:13
New Blood
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fuck you ya wierd goth, your the dipshit you INBRED have you heard your quote ' cut out the vagina' yu fucked up trailer trash piece of shit.
all i was asking was for GEAR ADVICE HENCE THE FORUM!!! YOU cunt!

2004-07-28, 21:19
Wasted Custom User title
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Fuck you.
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2004-07-29, 02:46
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stop trying the help these retards, if their so hell bent on buying the b-52 let them. Honestly stop giving a shit... you told them the facts yet they just wanna rgue and say how the amp is better than a peavey or mesa boogie.
Fuck em
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-29, 02:56
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Originally Posted by BLS
stop trying the help these retards, if their so hell bent on buying the b-52 let them. Honestly stop giving a shit... you told them the facts yet they just wanna rgue and say how the amp is better than a peavey or mesa boogie.
Fuck em
just for the record i never said b-52's were better then mesa or peavey, i was just sayng i didnt think they were complete crap like most of you seem to think...
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2004-07-29, 03:01
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Some one should close this...
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2004-07-29, 05:22
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Originally Posted by daken
fuck you ya wierd goth, your the dipshit you INBRED have you heard your quote ' cut out the vagina' yu fucked up trailer trash piece of shit.
all i was asking was for GEAR ADVICE HENCE THE FORUM!!! YOU cunt!
i've seen people die for saying less retarded shit...
def or atifman would one of you pretty please close this thread?...
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2004-07-29, 06:58
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that would damn skippy
like the peanut butter
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-29, 08:26
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Mmmm peanut butter....
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2004-08-14, 02:55
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i thought you guys might get a kick out of this picture.... its my friend (i blocked out his face to protect his identity  ) playing his signature George Lynch ESP, through a mesa recto (i think). and yes that is a b-52 cab (notice the gold B-52 button at the bottom). kind of strange i will admit... ill have to ask him about it next time i see him...
.../.............................._ _..\

2004-08-14, 03:12
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That a Peavey XXX not a Mesa Recto
And where the hell is he??? At some nuclear waste dump in the middle of no where?? He seems kinda.. alone.
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-08-14, 06:09
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Originally Posted by BLS
That a Peavey XXX not a Mesa Recto
And where the hell is he??? At some nuclear waste dump in the middle of no where?? He seems kinda.. alone.
i was just about to say all of that.^
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2004-08-14, 06:14
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Originally Posted by BLS
That a Peavey XXX not a Mesa Recto
And where the hell is he??? At some nuclear waste dump in the middle of no where?? He seems kinda.. alone.
eh what ever it looks kind of like a recto...
but hes at a paintball place were a bunch a local bands got together.... the first band was late so he went up to fill in the gap.... hes pretty good, only 13 years old.... but anywayz.... my point is what the hell was he thinking? because hes got lots of nice equipment...
.../.............................._ _..\
Last edited by Angel-Of-Death : 2004-08-14 at 06:26.

2004-08-14, 17:18
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The XXX kinda looks like a recto, and the 5150 kinda looks like a soldano sl-100
Yet the XXX doesent sound like a Recto, and the 5150 dosent sound exactly like a sl-100 but it has a few similarities.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-08-18, 17:17
New Blood
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Posts: 39
i am yet to play one of these b-52 st-100a's.
I was told they are very similar in sound to the crate bv120 head because of the 6L6' power tubes.
can anyone find any cool pics of them? it says guitar center stocks them but their website doesnt have any pictures.
help would be greatful.

2004-08-18, 18:37
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Originally Posted by daken
i am yet to play one of these b-52 st-100a's.
I was told they are very similar in sound to the crate bv120 head because of the 6L6' power tubes.
can anyone find any cool pics of them? it says guitar center stocks them but their website doesnt have any pictures.
help would be greatful.
do you have any idea how many amps run 6l6 powertubes???
the blue voodoo owns the b52 any day of the week for any style of music.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-08-18, 18:54
New Blood
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 39
so you say.
but what style do you play what are your influences?

2004-08-18, 19:09
Wasted Custom User title
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Just give up with the b-52.
This is my signature.

2004-08-18, 20:00
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Originally Posted by daken
so you say.
but what style do you play what are your influences?
listen to the mp3 in the sig.......
the b5-2 doesnt have good cleans period..... and it doesnt have very good distortion, not for nu metal, not for classic rock, not for metalcore, not for death metal, not for hxc, maybe decent for punk, but punks arent picky, not for blues, not for jazz, not for pop, not for thrash.... ect.
try it out and if you love it buy it... if you don't, we told you so.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-08-20, 19:15
New Blood
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 39
finally! i dont know what you punks are on about or your intelligence with gear. ive heard the st 100 through the net, and it sounded great.
the guy was playing it through a tc electronic g-force but that only added colouration and it was brilliant

2004-08-20, 19:31
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 8,705
Your right, were all idiots!!!

"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-08-20, 19:40
New Blood
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 39
well it sounded great.
not death metal at all, but that tone is shit anyway.
it sounded like posion/def leppard, phil collen.

2004-08-20, 20:05
Alumni Staff
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Originally Posted by daken
well it sounded great.
not death metal at all, but that tone is shit anyway.
it sounded like posion/def leppard, phil collen.
omg.... for the last time.... if you like it buy it.... i'm not really sure where you are going with this.... we think it sucks, but if you want it buy it.... but then if you end up not liking it we don't want to hear about it.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-08-20, 20:16
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
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"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-08-20, 22:49
Wasted Custom User title
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Location: Minneapolis.
Posts: 5,002
Yeah this should have been closed a long time ago.
This is my signature.

2004-12-30, 00:04
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 4
There is no real problem with the B52 ST100A tube amp, change the preamp tubes to 12au7 or 12at7's from the 12ax7 and the sorry output tubes (Sovetek's 5881's) to some SED's flying "C" 6L6GC and you will get more a clean bluesy sound....the name is new and thats the problem....and yes, its Californian made... 

2004-12-30, 15:33
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
Posts: 2,395
Originally Posted by BLS
Acually alot of people do call they 5150 the poor man's Soldano. Mainly Because eddie uses Soldano's before the 5150. 
Yeah, and he started using the 5150 because he's poor ... 

2004-12-30, 15:56
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
Posts: 2,395
Okay, I've just read through the entire thread ... and this must be closed.
* puts on psychiatrist's glasses and smokes pipe, assuming a perfectly Freudian posture and aesthetic *
It seems as if you want us to share your excitement regarding a purchase of the B-52, and to echoe your approval. You want to hear your own thoughts voiced by others.
*removes glasses and pipe *
But that's just not going to happen, because we all hate this amplifier. Why would they advertise it as a high-gain amplifier when it is'nt? When the equipment you're selling looks that good, it does'nt matter what it sounds like. The same kids playing B.C. Rich Bronze Warlocks are going to salivate over it.

2004-12-30, 20:56
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 4
Still an OK amp, may not be what you want, but it will do the job...

2004-12-30, 20:57
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 4
BTW: I think the ST-100A head looks butt ugly !!

2004-12-30, 22:17
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by JaySi
BTW: I think the ST-100A head looks butt ugly !!
Since when did aesthetics play such a big role in choosing an amp? 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-12-30, 23:28
Supreme Metalhead
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How come newbs are more often resurrecting threads than older members?
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2004-12-31, 07:33
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
Posts: 2,395
Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
Since when did aesthetics play such a big role in choosing an amp? 
Exactly ... if it looks like a cardboard box but sounds great, I'll play it.

2004-12-31, 07:39
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Or if it comes without a wood box around it for that matter...
I just paid 300$ for A Kramer Vanguard Pro with a 2 inch chip taken out of the wing and I love it.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,
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